Biden and Trump as Captains of the U.S. Ship of State
The Titanic After the Iceberg Comes to Mind
Back in June of 2022, I wrote a short piece imploring Joe Biden to put aside his dreams of a second term in office, based in part on a sputtering appearance he made on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Recently, Biden mixed up Gaza with Ukraine, not once but twice, in another “senior moment,” despite his reliance on note cards to keep him on track.
Have our expectations of the presidency sunk so low as to accept men like Biden and Trump, men characterized by mental debility and moral depravity, to use a felicitous phrase by John Whitbeck (who generously gave me permission to borrow it)?
Biden and Trump. Again. Say it ain’t so, Joe.
Please, Joe Biden, Don’t Run in 2024 (Posted June 14, 2022)
I watched Joe Biden as he tried to answer simple questions from Jimmy Kimmel and it just made me sad. Comedian Jimmy Dore skewers sputtering Joe here:
And I use the word “sputtering” because Biden apologists still like to suggest that Biden’s problems are attributable to a stutter, which Biden overcame decades ago. Watch Biden speeches from the 1980s to when he was Obama’s Vice President and you hear a person who can speak fluidly, if often not honestly. Joe’s ability to speak clearly and to remain focused had obviously declined by 2020 when he campaigned. It’s likely, given the demands of the job, that his acuity will continue to trend downwards, as Ronald Reagan’s did in his second term in office.
What’s to be said here? First, it’s hard to believe Biden’s handlers thought it was a good idea for him to go on TV in a somewhat unstructured environment, but I guess they did. Second, Jimmy Kimmel showed a lot of class in not exploiting Biden’s incoherence. Third, to state what’s obvious, at least to me, Joe Biden shouldn’t run in 2024. He’s not currently up to the rigors of the duties of the office he occupies, and only Benjamin Button ages in reverse. If the DNC and Joe’s wife and family allow him to run again, it will truly be shameful.
The scary thing for true-blue Democrats is the apparent alternatives, Kamala “Giggles” Harris and “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg. They hit certain diversity targets, but neither is inspiring. Both in their own way are political lightweights. Both, however, are beloved by party operatives because they’re willing to take orders from the owners and donors. Harris is a Clintonite and Mayor Pete is the ultimate square-checking apple polisher. Here’s hoping both fade away and quickly.
Perhaps Michelle Obama will enter the fray as the great Democratic savior. At the very least, she could save Joe Biden from a possible second term that would likely be even more disappointing if not disastrous than his first term is proving to be.
Disclaimer: Sorry, this isn’t about Trump. If Trump runs again, I won’t vote for him. Why? Because Trump is a man who serves only himself. So please don’t spin my worries about Joe Biden as some kind of weird endorsement of Con Man Donald. It isn’t.
In the last campaign, you had Buttigieg, who had written a paper in praise of Bernie Sanders, turn on him in the debates like a rabid dog. Then, of course, he became a great apologist for Biden. If he had any moral core worth its salt, he would resign now over Gaza. He should have resigned when Biden used federal power against railroad workers. November 2024 is lookin' mighty bleak!
Year of the Third Party Voter 🫡