I’m already drowning in mainstream media coverage of Trump’s trial for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels and hiding it under the cover of legal fees. The gavel-to-gavel coverage is mindlessly extreme, designed as it is both to tarnish Trump’s image (as if that’s possible) and to capture eyeballs and ratings.
Meanwhile, Biden’s enabling of genocide in Gaza proceeds apace, and indeed Congress is acting to accelerate it by sending even more weaponry to Israel. Crimes against humanity—what? Where? I don’t see any.
The message: enabling genocide is OK, killing or displacing millions of Palestinians from Gaza isn’t a crime, but don’t you dare pay a woman you had a consensual fling with to keep quiet and then try to hide it. Some crimes can’t be forgiven!
The other big story this week, besides the trial of the millennium against Trump, is the upcoming NFL Draft. I cannot count the number of “mock” drafts I’ve seen, the amount of ink spilled, predicting what will happen in the draft, which players will be chosen in which order, what trades will be made, and so on. The coverage is both endless and exhaustive. And all of it is unnecessary. If you want to know about the draft and which players “your” team selects, why not just wait until the draft is over?
I just wish the mainstream media devoted one-tenth of the resources it commits to the NFL Draft to more serious issues like Gaza or Ukraine or homeless people in America.
Speaking of Ukraine, did you see Members of Congress waving little Ukrainian flags when the House approved over $60 billion in aid to prolong the Russia-Ukraine War? At least now we know whose side they’re on. I had no idea we elected representatives to serve Ukraine, but I’m learning.
If you’re a Trump aficionado, an NFL fanatic, and a Ukraine flag waver, this is your week, America.
Standard Disclaimer: Nope, I’m not a Trump fan. See this article I wrote in March of 2016 about how Trump is constitutionally unsuited for the presidency.
One doesn't have to be a Trump fan to know a political persecution when one sees one, just like one doesn't have to be an Arab to know a genocide when one sees one.
We should drown our ruling class in the wave of revulsion they so richly deserve.
Bill, you are too observant and critical thinking. You need to passively acknowledge what the media tells you and buy the next generation phone after the next spectacular release. ;-)