I'm far from being content with Congress, the Executive branch, the SCOTUS and our MIC/surveilance state, and the massive apathy almost zombie indifferance I see in my surround. Malcontent I be and malcontentment has the potential, the itch, to change what's causing the malcontentment.

We need a leader that believes in people's rights, planet rights, and peaceful coexistance; who believe in rainbows.

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Sep 23Liked by Bill Astore

Those solidly in the "F-you" vote camp and the "Happy-clappy" vote camp are thrilled with November's options. Sad for anyone (a majority if properly analyzed I suspect) not buying either's hypocrisy and vapidness. I never want to vote for selfish reasons. My vote should count towards the common good of all—in my nation and beyond it. Anything less is an abomination towards the welfare of children and future generations everywhere.

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The F-you versus the Happy-clappy: that's well put, Tom. Thanks for that.

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I am voting against the joyful one that never mentions the joy of the “rules and norms” in context of nuclear war.

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Sep 23Liked by Bill Astore

There’s enough to be discontented about that malcontents should win. But malcontents might not bother voting, in which case the contented will win. It won’t matter at all to most people because POTUS isn’t running things anyway.

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Does any critical thinker believe that Harris as President will be directing the affairs of this country? First we must abandon the Dem./GOP duopoly, i.e. the corporate, rich, elite stranglehold on our electoral process by annuling the Citizen United decision. Secondly, we must abandon fon the state-electoral winner take all voting method. Thirdly, we must remove the corrupt super delegate voting. Fourth, we must have a national plebiscite todetermune who becomes president.

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Does any critical thinker believe that Trump as President will be directing the affairs of this country any more than he did when he was POTUS Maxximmuss XLV?

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Trump got impeached for trying to slow a tiny fraction of the arming of Kiev. He spoke the word nuclear three times in a ABC debate question on proxy war. The joyful one said her master’s vague “rules and norms” with no limits and no regard for Russia’s thousands of nukes.

Good thing Biden slowed down on V-1ing Russia!

Would Harris go by the few sane voices in the pentagon? Would the few sane survive a Harris inauguration?

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When, exactly, did Trump try to slow "a tiny fraction of the arming of Kyiv"? And when was that listed as a charge leading to impeachment; and by whom?

And will there even BE an inauguration in January, regardless of who "wins" or who "loses" in November?

Which assumes, of course, that there will BE an election in November? What would it take to cancel it? Another 9/11? Another Pandemic, but one that kills young, healthy people instead of old, sick ones?

In any event: Always remember and never, ever forget the immortal words of Papa Joe Stalin: "“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."

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When, exactly, did Trump try to slow "a tiny fraction of the arming of Kyiv"? And when was that listed as a charge leading to impeachment; and by whom?" You still have not figured out how to use Goggle eh, Jeff.

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Trust me, Dennis: i know how to use Google.

Perhaps You can demonstrate Your expertise by telling us:

1. How much money, equipment, weaponry, etc, did the US give to Ukraine while Trump was President?

2. How many Eastern Ukrainians were killed by the Kyiv government while Trump was President?

And recall what the original question was: "Does any critical thinker believe that Trump as President will be directing the affairs of this country any more than he did when he was POTUS Maxximmuss XLV?"

Or are all three of these questions what You like to hide behind as "Gotcha Questions"?

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Trump was actually impeached for withholding aid to the Zelensky government.

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Think Lt Col for life A Vindman and a lot of quoting revolving door Fiona, and whistleblower ink, at a billion hold by phone call corruption, et Alia.


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Sep 23Liked by Bill Astore

In politics flattery does seem to get you somewhere. What a beautiful desk!

BTW, in my current reading I find that Warren G. Harding didn't say anything significant and he won. He didn't even leave his front porch. It was considered undignified to go on a campaign trip.

Personal note - we visited Harding's home in Marian OH. We were the only visitors and my young son who was taking piano lessons was allowed to sit down and play Harding's piano.

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He stayed on the porch. He didn't start any wars. That makes him a great President.

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It certainly looks that way now, and he followed Wilson who pledged to keep us out of WW1 only to dive in and the harshly come down on any dissent. Harding touted a return to normalcy. It is hard to know what is normal now, unless it is continual involvement in fighting in one place or another.

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Sep 23Liked by Bill Astore

I admire your masterful deconstruction of the candidates' contrasting variants of bullshit, Bill.

But it's not brilliant analysis that will determine the outcome of the election and save your country and our world. I'm terribly afraid that nothing will, but what do I know? Perhaps sheer good luck will rescue humanity, just as it has so far, from the natural stupidity of our brutal species.

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Sep 23Liked by Bill Astore

And we are who we are. And who we are is good. So feel good about yourself. And each other. And vote for me. Because I feel good about myself. And I feel good about who you are. And once in power I can whatever the hell I want to. Oh wait. I shouldn't have said that. Walk it back. And I feel good about this country. And good about you. And myself. Because that is what is important. Thank you.

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It's also an old adage, "The People get the government they deserve!"

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Or worse. It's the "worse" part that bothers me.

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Grant us brave and sanguine hearts. We're gonna need it...! :/ :o)

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For NOW we have Faith, Hope and Love, but the GREATEST of these is LOVE


You may like these videos Fireman1110? They put out the fires raging within too many people these Days.



Thus says the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that you build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

My very old book says the LORD said the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that you build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? But we have no evidence that the LORD even exists.

As far as religious scripture goes, no-one would believe these fantastical stories if they hadn't been born into a world full of people who already believed the same thing. If a Christian or Muslim woke up tomorrow and found himself in a world where there were no other believers, how soon would it be before they became too embarrassed to admit to believing in such things as people raising from the dead, flying horses and talking snakes? They'd rightly be thought insane.

For me, the bottom line is always the truth.

The question must always be..... is it true?

That is the only way to make the best choices for ourselves as well as our society.

Even the most inoffensive religious belief systems are rife with unprovable claims and take us away from the path of truth, robbing us of the ability to make the best decisions in our lives.

The Bible is very cryptic. It is difficult to understand, and as such is open to many different interpretations and misinterpretations. Not even people with PhDs in theology can agree on what The Book of Revelations means.

If we destroyed all the science books today, in a 1,000 years time they would all be back because they are all based on facts. But if we destroyed all the religious books, they may come back in 1,000 years but they’d all be completely different because they’re all based on fantasy.

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I've always been into our Indigenous American Indian beliefs Dennis of a "Great Spirit" and the metaphysical mind of their Shaman, or Medicine Man Chiefs w/ the meditations, smoking their peace pipes etc. I still meditate to their music very relaxing & serene for me... I still consider myself primarily Saganist tho...

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It doesn't take a PhD to understand this explicit language in the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

We are WITNESS to the Israeli genocide in Gaza and the militant illegal Jewish settlers acting like Hitler's Brown Shirts terrorizing Palestinians in the OCCUPIED West Bank, with all their lying WAR Propaganda our unquestioning MSM magnifies over here or doesn't report at all.

[9] I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 2

{9] Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.

Revelation 3

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ is bunkum.

Synonyms for bunkum: nonsense, garbage, balderdash, stupidity, hokum, hogwash, claptrap, poppycock.

Ray, enough preaching here today my man!

Go join a comment section to a religious blog with folks that share the same delusions.

Bills blog today is about the failures of our presidential Candidates.

Nothing about imaginary men in the sky and what's in old books.

Take care. I hope your TURPS is resolved now my friend.

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Seems as smart as you think you are you expressed in another comment, you refuse to look at the plain English language in Revelations 2 & 3:9 as I apply to the Israeli genocide Today. What's your problem?

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Are you using the Imperious "WE" Dennis? You may not have evidence God exists because God replies only to those who call on God in these Turbulent uncertain Times. I call on God and I have had enough proofs God Lives since that 1st Day, February 1, 1975 when God chose me, revealing the Spirit to me. That was 49 years ago, and I have seen God working within making my Life better, free from Stress and Worry.

However, I long to see the Day come that is recorded in the Bible, 'In that Day, NO ONE will have to TALK about God, because EVERYONE would KNOW God'

There would be no more Religion and that would finally make you happy!

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Christians believe that when they get to heaven, they will know why and agree with God about all the people sent to hell. Thus, they will be either happy or indifferent about all their friends and family that get sent to hell. Just another dehumanizing aspect of religion.

When I realized Hell wasn’t true it was the biggest relief of my life. I couldn’t get my head around having friends and family burning in hell while I enjoyed paradise. Also, I now don’t worry that people are in danger of hell if they don’t believe in the Bible. I’ve slept much better since.


"Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man"- Thomas Jefferson

"Lighthouses are more useful than churches."- Ben Franklin

"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason."- Ben Franklin

"There is not one redeeming feature in our superstition of Christianity. It has made one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites."- Thomas Jefferson

"This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it"- John Adams

"Take away from Genesis the belief that Moses was the author, on which only the strange belief that it is the word of God has stood, and there remains nothing of Genesis but an anonymous book of stories, fables, and traditionary or invented absurdities, or of downright lies."- Thomas Paine

"I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own mind is my own Church. Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all."- Thomas Paine

"The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my profession."- Abraham Lincoln

"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise."- James Madison

“Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.” - Bertrand Russell

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First of all Dennis, you're too arrogantly presumptuous to know what Christians think. I think differently than many other Christians just as others think differently about Trump or Harris.

Know the Truth and the Truth will make you free!

John 8

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I think most people who have been around a while understand that nothing a politician says during a campaign matters at all with respect to upcoming policies (the policies of the last administration rarely change at all). They are just fishing for votes, and say whatever their handlers think might garner some. Both Trump and Harris are terrible public speakers. Trump gets away with it because all he has to do is badmouth a Blue Team politician and he gets roars of exuberance. That is enough talk for many of his followers. Harris also gets a big pass from the Blue Team voters because they are voting Blue no matter who. It really boils down to a game with two teams for most voters.

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Kamala gets away with it because all she has to do is badmouth a Red Team politician and she gets roars of exuberance. That is enough talk for many of her followers.

There, fixed it for you John. You had a few typos.

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Kamala is a tool for the deep state, but that doesn't make Trump the answer. If you actually stick to your [professed principles Dennis, you would be just as worried about Trump as you are about Harris. Trump sounds like an angry idiot when he talks, Harris sounds like a complete air head. Not sure how you can think that Trump, who didn't fix one damn thing when he was president, is going to fix things now. I hate both candidates, because both are far right wing war mongers. Trump talks about finishing off Gaza as quickly as possible. Trump says his answer to the Ukraine war is to threaten Russia, as though that hasn't been Biden's policy all along. You don't seem to be sticking to your professed principles Dennis. If you want peace, you don't want either candidate. You would vote for the only peace candidate, Jill Stein. Voting for Trump is a vote for more of the same. Voting for Harris is voting for more of the same. They are both members of the war party.

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AIPAC will continue to rule whether it's Trump or Harris.

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Yup, it’s all about money.

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That piece of paper that says IN GOD WE TRUST on the front, with the Israeli Star of David in the stars on TOP of the US Eagle on the backside of EVERY US DOLLAR.

Those are the FACTS of the US POWER and Dollar System we all work to maintain with no objections!.

The following is ADVICE from various parts of the Book ESTABLISHMENT Religion IGNORES.

The LOVE of MONEY IS the ROOT of ALL EVIL, and NO MAN can serve TWO masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and MONEY.

Go to now, you rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that SHALL COME upon you.

Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten.

Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. You have heaped treasure together FOR THE LAST DAYS (these Days).

Behold, the HIRE OF THE LABOURERS who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by FRAUD, cries: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord ALMIGHTY.

So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.

Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and don't know that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness do not appear; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.

So many similar thoughts and visions are THROUGHOUT the Book concerning THIS Material World we can see. Too many People complain they can't believe what they can't see at work behind the scenes.

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You cannot serve God and MONEY.

Of course not. God does not exist.


"Oh, but there's evidence for Gods existence! There are so many things!"

“There's...... uh......eerm.....I saw God’s face and he talks to me!”

Every fucking time.



The late Clive James said religion is just a marketing tool for a product that does not exist. Never truer words spoken.

“Science adjusts its views based on what’s observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved” — Tim Minchin

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We are children of the Stars not God...! Their enriched Guts went unstable in their later years like Betelguese is now in Orion, they collapsed and then exploded scattering these enriched guts across the galaxy-- guts made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself...! We are not only in the Universe, but we are the Universe itself. Your atoms are born of Stars!!! Rejoice.

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Christian Leadership never expounds on this insight in their Bibles, because if they did, they'd be talking themselves out of their Profession.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

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Christians are the worst kind of folks.

They keep it all polite and respectful on the surface.

But there's always this condescending arrogance underneath.

Waiting to boil over when someone calls them out on their bullshit.

Ministers and Priests are the worst. Completely disingenuous with their approach.

They present themselves as curious, or trying to understand your point of view, yet it’s clear they have zero interest in genuinely listening to what you are saying.

Instead, their only desire is to speak to you to attempt convert you.

It’s say’s a lot about their true character.

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Voting for Stein. Again. Voted for her in 2016. It’s the only way my vote counts three times because I am assured that a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump by the Democrats. Meanwhile, a vote for Stein is a vote for Harris according to MAGAs. Go ahead and vote for Jill Stein, where your vote counts three times.

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As one who has voted in the past for both Jill Stein and Ralph Nader, I have no use for either the Corporate Democrat or Corporate Republican factions of the Global Corporate Oligarchy. I will say, however, that the Republican faction does amuse me somewhat , because their MAGA slogan indicates that they cannot properly spell the world "Grate," as in the sound of fingernails scraping down a blackboard. The Democrats, for their part since Bill Clinton, have tried so hard to become Republicans that they actually succeeded in giving the working class two mortal right-wing enemies instead of just one.

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Huh? Want to try that again Heather? LOL

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Here we go, slower for you. Democrats say that if I vote for Stein, I’m really voting for Trump. Republicans say if I vote for Stein I’m really voting for Harris. And all the while I’m just voting for Stein.

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A vote for Stein is a vote for Stein, or

A vote for Stein is a vote for Harris, or

A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump.

Take your pick.

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New political slogan for both candidates. „Vote for me to be commander in chief of stupid.“ We are all proud to be stupid. Let me have my Bratwurst, my six pack, a couple or several bags of chips and let me watch my favorite team. What else do I need? If you can’t afford that „you are a lazy good for nothing son of a …

Welcome to modern AMERICA. I think this is not really new for the exceptional nation. I read some years ago that there was once a Know Nothing party making some political waves in the 1850s. I hope you can stomach my political cynicism.

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Interestingly, Karl, the Know Nothings weren't proud because they were ignorant or dumb. They "knew nothing" when people asked them about their nativism, their anti-immigrant stance.

Know Nothing nativism has made a comeback of sorts with MAGA.

Of course, nativism had nothing to do with Native Americans, who were "savages" in need of reeducation or extermination.

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Know Nothing nativism was in full display at the Democratic Part Convention.

In spades.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 24

Not MAGA, Bill. I hear the Know Nothings were really big in Massachusetts. Kamala Harris is the leader of the Admit Nothings, also popular in Massachusetts. Some things never change. LOL

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Bill, thanks for the clarification. I never studied the movement. I just thought, after your thoughts on Harris and Trump, that the the reference to this temporary political phenomenon would be apropos and resonate with some readers. They still claimed some ignorance on some issues as you say. We have certainly moved way beyond. The political ignorance across the whole electorate is mind boggling. Just look how THE NATION has evolved since the death of Stephen Cohen.

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Yes. The Nation just endorsed Kamala for President. Nuff said.

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I wrote to Stephen Cohen often over the years reading about his views and opinions in print or on TV, offering some of my own.

It made sense I should contact him because of this Historical Newspaper record in the Kansas City Times September 13, 1976: “He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November TO DO GOD'S BIDDING: To tell the World, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered [...] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of BABYLON,” he said.” [...] He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a War with Russia.”

That 1976 FUTURE is NOW with the Revelation of the details GENERALLY unfolding in the spirit of the letter.

The World is waking up to see Americans may hasten “its days are numbered” part of the 1976 Vision, and waits with bated breath.

Stephen Cohen was such a gentleman, he replied every time without fail with just a few words of acknowledgement, not really a dialogue. But still!

The MSM gave him exposure. They will not give the likes of a Stephen Cohen any TV exposure these Days, as the US, with the MSM as it's Propagandist, is LEADING this World on the Path to Destruction. It's EVIL Americans leading the charge, not Evil Putin.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

"Religion poisons everything! - Christopher Hitchens.

Never truer words spoken. RIP Christopher.

We need you back more than ever my friend.

EVIL religious folk are leading the charge. LEADING this World on the Path to Destruction.

LORD, please protect us from your followers.

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As Trump will do anything to keep the support of the US Christian Nationalists.

Yes, Lord, protect us from them.

And Dennis, calling on the Lord just in this 1 instance, will not cause his ear to bend to you.

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No, I can't stomach your political cynicism.

You realize how condescending this comes across don't you Karl?

The assumption that jumps out is that you are superior and are on a pedestal whereby you can judge ALL of your fellow Americans as being stupid.

Matthew 7:1-3 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Take care

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Dennis, for someone who hates the Bible, you cite it often enough!

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Who said I hate the Bible! It's just a book.

With some good stuff and a whole lot of nonsense!

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It Kamala wins it will be because she did not have to face primaries where the Biden/Harris policies would be challenged by more progressive candidates. The joy of generalities given more time and scrutiny would have worn thinner than they already are now. It is already sickening, but if Biden had announced that he was not running for reelection months earlier the corporate democrats would not have so easily crowned her. She would have been called out on what I call "Kamalot"- A superficial syrupy musical.

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"As a speaker, Trump lacks core principles. He further lacks humility and wit."

Thats your opinion Bill, but not mine! He is funny and cares about people.

And as far as I can tell Kamala Harris has no core principles.

Perhaps you can fill us in on what they are!

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I agree with Bill!

And it's still come down to choosing the Lessor of TWO Evils

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

I too agree with Bill!

I still come down to choosing the Lessor of TWO Evils.

And in my book Trump is the least evil by a country mile.

He will not get us into WW3. The dingbat Kamala surely will.

Kamala has no clue what she is doing! As the Commander in Chief of the military she will be a danger to the World. Truely evil. A crapshoot at best! Trump never started a war in his first term.

And the Donalds economic plan will reduce the number of homeless on city streets that the socialism of the Democratic Party Administration has exasperated in 4-years.

Just look at California and you will see the evil of voting blue. San Fransisco City has been reduced to third World living standards. Meantime in Silicon Valley just minutes away people are living like royalty. A product of the income inequality that has also been exasperated by woke lefty policies.

TRUMP/VANCE/RFK Jr/GABBARD 2024. The thinking person's vote!

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OMG. Dennis and Ray agree with me! I didn't believe in miracles, but I do now.

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Obviously Dennis, your "book" is as myth as you say the Bible is, except when you cite something you think backs you up.

You have been fooled into having BLIND FAITH in what Trump says and he's a PROVEN egocentric SERIAL LIAR. He promised a Health Care System better than Obamacare in his 1st term and in this election he's still thinking about concepts. He had 4 years to develop those concepts and all he did was cry woe is me!

His signature accomplishment apart from restructuring the Supreme Court with his Conservative appointments, was a tax break for the very rich who didn't need it, getting 83% of the tax break pie, increasing the US deficit greatly.

He lies when he says the exporting Nation will pay the tariffs on everything entering the US. The US Consumer will pay all those tariffs in inflated prices. It will probably put more homeless people on the streets. What an asinine policy someone as smart as you can't see through.

Talk about believing in myths. Trump himself boasts so often if he's elected, all the World's problems will be solved before he's sworn in.

That's much worse than having Faith in the God mentioned in the Bible for sights unseen

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Yes, I'm a fool Ray. A very foolish Construction Company Vice President with two daughters I put through medical school. And rode my motorcycle on all the Worlds continents. Flew my Cessna all over America.

I must be a gullible dumb ass who makes bad decisions and is a poor judge of people's character.

There truly is no hate quite like Christians Love! Religious folk prove every day that arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand.

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There's no hate in my comment, Dennis, just the Truth you can't or refuse to see!

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

You don't know the whole truth Ray!

Do you know the truth of how an MRI machine words?

Or the truth of how a 747 navigates across the Pacific?

You think you know the truth of a lot of things that are bullshit!

Most Christians have devoted most of their life to their religion and are very susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy. They hold on to this belief for so long that even if they see the flaws in it, they feel that they just wasted part of their life, so they hold onto it to feel better.

"I believe this Christian theology simply because I was randomly born into this culture and was told to believe it as a child. I have no shred of verifiable data or empirical science-based evidence for any supernatural events or Gods. I just believe it." If Christians could just state this fact ~ these discussions would be much shorter.

"Faith is the deliberate refusal to think critically and the glorification of willful ignorance that follows."

The difference between you and me Ray is I am willing to change my mind upon new evidence. You are not. I never refuse to research for the truth. You are not. An atheist reads many books and knows he could be wrong, and he must learn more. While a Christian partly reads one very old book written by unknown authors and has been edited hundreds of times, and there are many versions of, and thinks he knows the truth about everything.

Take care my friend.

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'US sending MORE Troops to the Middle East'

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Another quote of conflicting origin (the Bible, Franklin, Twain) applies to both major candidates - "better to be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt."

The good thing about Harris's babbling is the MSM can extract a sentence or two that make her sound cogent and appear Presidential. At the same time, both Trump and Vance utter nonsensical statements that make them look like hysterical fools. (Walz is not expected to say anything but smile as the kindly 'coach' he's presented to be).

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"At the same time, both Trump and Vance utter nonsensical statements that make them look like hysterical fools."

Opinions are like assholes ~everyone has one!

That you think Kamala does not utter nonsensical statements that make her look like a hysterical fool maybe tells us more about you than them my friend.

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Dennis, I expected such a response from you - you're true to form. That you're clearly implying something more than an opinion on my part takes me dangerously close to responding in kind - something this forum doesn't need.

If you would have read what I said as opposed to how you seem to respond anytime Trump's name is taken in vain, you would observe I was commenting about how the candidates speeches and responses allow anything said to be taken out of context by the MSM. And for your benefit, Trump's debate tirade about cats and dogs being consumed by Haitians makes him look hysterical - irrespective of any other valid points made that evening.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

I apologize for doing that Tom.

It is not my intention to put words into your mouth ~ like some folks try to put words in my mouth here. I'm sorry for doing that. You are right ~ this forum does not need that. I apologize.

BTW, millions of cats are consumed by humans each year in parts of Africa and Asia. And most people are aware that dog meat is on the menu in Asian countries. The reason that the truth that Haitian migrants are kidnapping and eating pet cats is unsubstantiated in Springfield, Ohio: Because the city fathers, Mayor and police would NEVER want that to be printed in the MSM ~ discrediting and shaming their lovely American City.

But where there is smoke there is fire. These folks are desperately hungry. What goes on in the underground stays in the underground. Somebody inadvertently leaked it. But nobody wanted to investigate it and press charges in a Public Court. No one should be surprised if that was happening.

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You can take my cats when you pry them from my cold dead hands.

"The right to keep and bear cats shall not be infringed."

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Come on Bill!

But we do need a bit of levity eh!

Sorry for being a gadfly* today - I'm in that kind of mood.

And out of grappa.

*a person who stimulates or annoys other people especially by persistent criticism

BTW, when are you putting your application in to be Trumps Ambassador to New Zealand?

BLOG idea: Which polls to believe? It's hard for me believe that when you Google it the first 20-hits are that Kamala is in the lead! NO WAY!

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Dennis, thanks - apology accepted.

Your comments on worldwide dietary choices are certainly true - and may be true with your comments on what's happening on the ground. I don't know what's happening except to further inflame an already inflamed electorate.

Whatever is the reality in Ohio seems to be subject to the reporting - and anymore all reporting should be held up for a stink test. I've seen some events happen locally - then reported in local news that bear no resemblance to what actually happened.

We are to the point the fact checkers need to be fact checked. With even more regression on the way - fact checkers checking the fact checkers who check the fact checkers, who... More and more, I come to the conclusion we are really living in The Matrix. Pass the blue pill, please.

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My Gut test & instincts have always served me well even when my mind & body fail me. My Gut Instinct is what I live by...

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Everyone knows for whom they will vote; there are no ‘undecideds’ in this day and age unless they have not watched nor read, nor listened…..and those few will not vote anyway.

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