President Biden had his big post-debate interview with ABC News during which he vowed to stay in the race unless he was sent a message from God.
“If the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I’d get out of the race, but the Lord Almighty’s not coming down.”
Well, that settles that, America.
Like me, Biden is a Roman Catholic, though I must admit my faith in the church has lapsed. Still, I know something of theology, having studied the history of science and religion, and having done my share of research on Christianity. It’s strange indeed for a believer like Biden to suggest the Lord Almighty is not coming down to speak to him. Does Biden now know the will of God? Or perhaps he thinks the Lord Almighty isn’t “coming down” because he doesn’t truly believe in Him?
The Lord works in mysterious ways, and (assuming you’re a believer) no one truly knows His will. Biden, however, seems to think he does know His will, which is apparently to stand by His man, Joe Biden.
Of course, Biden was perhaps just being hyperbolic here with his claim about the Lord Almighty. Still, it’s such a strange thing for him to have said.
My wife put it best this AM: The real Lord Almighty, meaning Democratic mega-donors, may indeed come down from high places to tell Joe to get out of the race, and then Almighty Mammon will have spoken to Biden in a voice he can’t ignore.
What an interview! "I have a cognitive test every single day. Every day I have that test. Everything I do. You know, not only am I campaigning, but I’m running the world. Not– and that’s not hi– sounds like hyperbole..."
Trump's ego has nothing on Biden, self-proclaimed ruler of the world.
Liberals will often say you are privileged if you don’t care who wins the US election.
Actually, you’re privileged if you DO care. You think people in Gaza give a fuck whether Biden or Trump is genociding them? You think the US empire will be any less murderous and tyrannical with a (D) or an (R) over it?
Saying democracy is in jeopardy in America is like saying beach front properties are in jeopardy in Wyoming. Your country is run by a few billionaires and government agencies. You don’t get a real vote, and even if you did you’re all propagandized anyway. It’s not a real thing.
It’s actually pretty obnoxious to live in the imperial core and yet spend most of your political energy fixating on a presidential race whose outcome will have no effect on the murderousness and tyranny of the imperial war machine abroad. Focus on opposing the empire itself.
“Foreign policy” gets treated as just one of many issues in the politics of the imperial core, but it’s actually almost all of the issues. The overwhelming majority of the empire’s abusiveness happens outside the borders of the US and its pale-complexioned allies.
The main arguments for supporting Democrats these days all revolve around pretending really really hard that the capitalist warmongering ecocidal tyranny of mainstream liberalism is significantly different from the capitalist warmongering ecocidal tyranny of Trumpism.
To be a Democrat in 2024 is to spend half your time praying November gets here before Israel starts a full scale war with Lebanon and the other half praying November gets here before your president’s brains start visibly leaking out his ears.
The central political argument of the mainstream so-called “moderate” is that we can solve our problems by working collaboratively with the giant corporations, banks and imperialist interests who are causing all our problems.
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