The U.S. military is having a major problem recruiting new troops, notes Nan Levinson in an informative piece at As usual, the military has tried most everything. Lowering standards, especially on the ASVAB test. Boosting bonuses and benefits. Infiltrating high school (even grade schools!) with military programs tied to recruitment like Junior ROTC. More money for ad campaigns, using celebrities and catchy slogans. Hoopla at sports stadiums. Nothing’s worked.
But, being an out-of-the-Pentagon-box thinker, I have the solution: Downsize the military!
Why does America need a large standing Army given all the force-multipliers we’re buying for hundreds of billions of dollars each year? What large-scale war is America currently fighting? We pulled out of Afghanistan, out of Iraq (mostly), and should be downsizing our imperial footprint (or bootprint, if you prefer).
I know: Russia! China! We must be prepared!
Those seeking a conventional war with either of those two land powers in their spheres of influence should surely have their sanity checked. Land war in Asia? With nuclear powers? No thank you!
Come on, America. If fewer young Americans want to join the U.S. military, take this as a sign of the wisdom of youth. Wisdom of youth — a phrase not commonly seen, but possibly of great relevance to us all, as Levinson notes in her conclusion.
Want a better military with higher-quality recruits? Simply recruit fewer of them by being more selective and by downsizing inflated recruitment numbers. In other words, change the metrics to show a recruiting victory. The U.S. military, after all, has plenty of experience doctoring metrics (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.).
Lower the quotas* and declare victory! Hooah!
*Warning: lowering the quotas may result in decreased funding from Congress and increased chances of avoiding wasteful wars. May also result in fewer command billets for generals. Warrior discretion is advised.*
To properly “downsize the military,” the mission, function, and purpose of that military must be changed FROM protecting corporate and financial institution returns on investment and global access to resources and markets for the accumulation of economic wealth and thus political power, control, and domination.
From that TO protecting the individual American’s Human Rights of life, liberty, property, privacy, and the pursuit of happiness, and the core American values and principles of freedom of speech and press, freedom of assembly and dissent, and freedom of [and from] religion.
But for that to happen, the "Congressional" wing of the MIC must be at least neutralized, if not eliminated altogether. Which ~ given the choices America's Ruling Political Class will give in Election2024 ~ ain't gonna happen.
And separately: Young Americans' reluctance to join the military is perfectly understandable. After all, who wants to die or be maimed in a "Forever War" that has already long been lost even before they were born?
i am reminded of those troops in Vietnam in the 70s who did not want to be the last American killed in that war.
Downsize to zero imho.
Make peace with your neighbors not war.
Peace brother and sistets