
A colleague had this as a bumper sticker, circa 2005: "Our national health care plan: don't get sick"

Nothing has changed in 20 years.

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Sep 15Liked by Bill Astore

There is plenty of money to build lavish (for profit) facilities and to pay their doctors and administrators seven-figure salaries. Yet the elephant in the room is chronic disease which makes this whole thing a house of cards. Even with Medicare for All, which I fully endorse, it cannot be self sustaining until we stop the pill for every problem (and potential problem) that treats rather than prevents. How unsurprised I am that Biden's solution is to be sure the broke can go deeper in debt. Geniuses abound.

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The big problem with US healthcare is that it is about money, not health. You are absolutely correct that the goal of medical practice now is about reducing symptoms with expensive and often dangerous drugs. That is the opposite of healthcare. Healthcare would be about how you eat, exercise and take care of yourself, not about what expensive drugs they want you to take. Actual healthcare also includes reducing stress, whereas our current system generates massive stress (they have plenty of pills for managing stress, don't they?).

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Bill Astore

I have been living in a country (windswept Holland) in which the Supreme Healthcare Evil (fully comprehensive, socialized medicine) is guaranteed for all. In the past five years, I've undergone two surgeries, two hospital stays, and a battery of scans and tests at a cost of $240 per month, with free prescriptions and an all-inclusive yearly premium of $360. Happy Sunday ...

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Sep 15Liked by Bill Astore

A paltry $220 billion? Why that's nothing!

How about the $1.5 trillion for student loan debt? Money that those lazy, criminal, selfish narcissistic students refuse to pay.

Of course it isn't mentioned that the constitutional right to bankruptcy was taken away, their social security withheld, co-signers held accountable, State and federal tax refunds confiscated, obscene fine,fees and interest rates attached at a whim and on and on.

All the above facilitated by the federal government allowing corporations to mfg goods offshore via nafta and China leaving the US service jobs for minimum wage. Computer tech jobs have been filled by cheap labor from overseas by new immigration laws replacing Americans.

Usuary? What's that? 23% is a bargain! And the government even made it far more difficult to file bankruptcy for us all.

So let's go back to the student loan borrowers and reapply it-

" .........those lazy, criminal, selfish narcissistic PEOPLE refuse to pay.

Of course it isn't mentioned that the.........."

Welcome to the club! Your initiation fee is your life!

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Health care along with other things that a functioning Democracy should be dealing with is a major problem that a proper medicare for all could more or less fix, but the problem here is that if you are a voter and you want change from what you now have, you need to vote for the person who offers change - Kamala does not offer any change at all. Vote for Kamala and nothing will change, not in health care not in international affairs , not in prison affairs, or educational affairs or any other major problem. My whole liberal family plans to vote for her; none of the articles I send them pointing out what the result will be if they vote for her has any effect. They are determined that Trump is not elected, so no matter how bad things will be if Kamala is elected, they will vote for her as an anti-Trump vote. My family is well educated and they all have good jobs and they are intelligent and caring people who donate freely to organizations like Dr.s without borders etc. BUT they don't seem to be able to grasp the simple concept that if you want change then you must vote for someone who genuinely offers change. Jill Stein does, certainly Kamala and Trump do not.. Is it possible for the public to finally comprehend this simple idea? The fact that my family and friends plan to vote for someone who will continue the slaughter of babies and other humans in Palestine, continue the war in Ukraine, and do nothing about fracking and other things in the environment , fight for health care and public education et. etc. makes me think that perhaps humanity is unsalvageable.

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Ranney, I trust that you know you aren't alone in this: "they [family] will vote for her as an anti-Trump vote." We all are likely experiencing this and reminded of it just about every other day. And we all find it impossible to break through with the fundamental truth and logic that argues against perpetuating a cruel and dysfunctional status quo in order to prevent a feared worsening.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15



Ralph Nadar, with his huge respect and great name recognition, only got 2.7% of the vote in 2000 running as a Green.

Dr Jill Stein only got 0.36% of the vote in 2012. And 1.07% in 2016.

In 2020 Howie Hawkins taking over the Green Party baton got a pathetic 0.3%.

The Green Party has never got any traction in the US. Hopeless.

And Stein has messed in her own nest with voters this election by initially promoting the Cornell West as the Green Party 2024 POTUS candidate - until he flaked out!

And the sad fact anyway is that with the US's first-past-the-post & winner-take-all voting, and the anachronistic Electoral College with its Superdelegates, there is NOT EVEN A THEORETICAL CHANCE a Third-Party candidate can be elected POTUS.

Read this link and weep:


It's a systemic problem. Proven in 1992 when Ross Perot challenged Bush and Clinton on a populist platform of slashing the budget deficit.

HE GOT 19.0% OF THE VOTE! 20-times what Stein has ever got!!!!!!!!

But didn’t receive a plurality of voters in any state, giving him ZERO ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES.

Exactly what will happen to Stein in 2024!

Until America changes its method of voting in its President, its stuck with its Two-Party duopoly.

Voting for Dr Jill Stein, running for the third time now and never getting to the 5% required to get Federal Funding, is the definition of wasting your vote.

There is no way she is going to get 20 times (!) the number of votes she has got before.

And even if she does - she cannot become the 47th POTUS. As Ross Perot proved!

A third-Party Candidate has never won in 160-years

If you want even a remote infinitesimal chance of America crawling out of the huge abyss that Biden administration has got the US into ~ you need to vote TRUMP/VANCE.

Any other vote is irrational and a vote for more of the same. More homeless. More war.

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Even the Vaticans Pope Francis has weighed in urging all American Catholics to choose the "Lesser of Two Evils" "Who is the lesser of two evils? The lady or that gentleman? I don't know?"

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You have your choice between Satan or Lucifer. I heard Lucifer is going trans to Lucy if that's any help.

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That is indeed curious... just who would he consider more evil?

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Indeed Roger-- ridiculous! We certainly could say they are both decidedly not Pro-Life...!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Like everything else in the USA, the health care system is a for-profit system. Same with the food industry, the energy industry, the insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry, etc. Capitalism means that profits are all that matters. None of them---Trump or Harris or Biden---are anti-capitalist. If you want to fix the health care system in this country or any other system in this country (food, pharmaceuticals, etc.), the system must transition from a for-profit system to a for-people system. That, my friend, is called socialism. And that ain't on the ballot in November. The solution to this country's ills is not on the ballot in November. It is pointless to try and get blood from a stone.

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Sep 15Liked by Bill Astore

It only makes sense to me that every hospital and care facility should be not-for-profit. I also think pharmaceutical advertising to the public should be illegal. Prescribers should be required to read the entire list of side effects to their patients and discuss interactions with already prescribe meds. Of course, a more socialist, health-centered option is on the ballot--Jill Stein. Will blind capitalism prevail in November? No doubt.

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"Of course, a more socialist, health-centered option is on the ballot--Jill Stein.

And like all the other times she has ran ~ she will get a pathetic 2.0% of the votes if she is lucky!

Wasting your vote. You might as well stay home!

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Neoliberalism is a term that means deregulation-taking away limits on corporate growth, ignoring anti-trust laws, not establishing regulations on new industries and privatization of public domain.

Thatcher was the first to apply it in Britain and Reagen ran with it... Bill Clinton and his chief influencer actually implemented far more neoliberal policies than Reagen. Obama picked up where Bush left off. Many on Obama's team when he had the Senate, and the House wanted Obama to take the risk of trying for Univeral health care. But Obama worried more about being re-elected about doing "the smart thing" and not the "right thing" as Bernie said in response. Obama was bought by private corporations. Bernie won the first three primaries in 2020. But the Corporate Democrats shut him down. But Bernie had leverage and made Biden sign an agreement before he would throw his support/supporters Biden's way. So, we saw Biden move away (however slightly) from neoliberalism and start enforcing anti-trust laws more than ever in the last 45 years since neoliberalism began.

Sadly, what the Democrats do is put a nice face on unregulated corporatism leaving so many Americans resentful alienated left out of the American dream looking for a strong man to save them.

Bernie's progressive movement-the democratic socialist movement has dissipated today.

It has to gain momentum-voice. Otherwise, Kamala will just be another pretty face on what I call corporate totalitarianism. It's not total, but its more than creeping plutocracy.

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My five cents for what it is worth. Medicare for all is not the solution as too many people think it is. I have been on it for fourteen years. I have fortunately some additional healthcare retirement assistance through my former employer which compensates most of the money that SS deducts monthly. In addition my wife and I have to pay for additional coverage to Mutual of Omaha and Ameritas. It all adds up to several thousand dollars a year. Medicare is still no protection from potential bankruptcy. Yes, most European countries are far better or were far better than the USA in that respect. I experienced it for the first quarter of my life and was shocked by the U.S. system when I encountered it in the sixties. Then it was less costly than today. It has been getting worse since about 1980 when Reagan promised „morning in America“ which actually inaugurated descent into economic hell for the overwhelming majority of Americans. Biden, Clinton, Obama in company with most Democrats played a major part in the developing change. Coming back to Europe. America‘s Wall Street companies have been getting their „profit“ grasping claws into the system which has caused a decline in services and thus a decline in quality. I still have contacts in Germany who bitterly complain about the changes that have occurred since my departure to the U.S. On a personal note of what it was like. I was involved in a car accident in central Sweden at Christmas in 1964. I was taken to a hospital and had minor surgery on the face and top of my head. When the hospital released with necessary pain medication, was charged the princely sum of four Dollars and I wasn’t a Swedish citizen. My elderly grandparents nor my parents and brothers had any fear of getting ill. America‘s neoliberal economic policies have made inroads which resulted in a two tier healthcare practice - a golden one for the rich and a lesser valued one for the average worker. Don’t be fooled by a Medicare for All solution; it is not what some people think it is.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Nonsense Karl. Some version of MEDICARE4ALL is the ONLY solution.


New Zealander's pay half the cost for its UNIVERSAL Government Single Payer Scheme!

With better health outcomes! And EVERYBODY is covered.

America's biggest problem is ~ the "it's not invented here" syndrome!

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Dennis, the nonsense is on your part. I experienced real universal healthcare before I arrived in this country. Medicare for all is a fraud that certain progressives are advocating to avoid offending their supporters from the financial establishment and to make themselves look good in the eyes of some uninformed Americans. I know what Medicare does and how much I still have to pay out of my pocket.

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I agree, Karl, that Medicare is not the answer. Whether it's the original version or the bastardized Advantage plans, people still have large deductibles, and the plans only cover a percentage of costs, leaving plenty of room for hospitals and doctors to take every dime patients have, and send them into bankruptcy.

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We have the regular Medicare and even with financial assistance from my former employer I still need supplementary privat insurance as I said in my initial post. A lot of people just don’t understand how this system really works. Some older people who are on Medicare have gone bankrupt because of out of pocket expenses. My wife has an incurable lung problem for which there is an experimental drug. It costs hundreds of thousands a year and won’t be covered by Medicare or our supplementary insurance. We are relatively well of since we both were well paid professionals during our working life, but we can’t afford this kind of expense. We have no debts. America‘s healthcare system is a profit driven enterprise.

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My anecdote: I recently went to the ER. There, a tech took my vital signs, then parked me in a room for two hours while I waited for the hospital pharmacy to send over the contents of three injections. A PRN spent less than five minutes explaining possible side effects. The hospital billed Medicare over $13,000 for that visit, of which my share comes to more than $900. This type of obscene over-charging is why Big Med and Big Pharma have fought single-payer so hard. And when politicians are in the pockets of those entities.....

M4A is another issue in which Harris has reversed her original (2019) position.

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The healthcare industry is facing collapse due to greed. Yet in spite of all the monies being spent, patient outcomes are not improving, even with the over prescription of pharmaceutical drugs and 'advanced' treatments.

The 'healthcare system' crisis is the endpoint of the overall health crisis in the U.S. Medicare for All and other reforms are needed, but they will do little to stop the increasing demands on the system.

That crisis begins with the food systems that people have available to them and the indoctrination into the foods to be consumed that begins with children - remember Ronald McDonald?

Even going to one's 'medical provider' gets little more than lip service to "eat better" (I read something less than 10% of medical schools even have one course on nutrition).

The US is facing something over 50% of the populace becoming diabetic and obese. How did we get to that point? Sixty years of Big Macs, Big Gulps, HFCS, and all the other manufactured food poisons.

As in everything else, no one is coming to save us. We need to take ownership of our own health - and hope we still have time to make the changes needed after many years at feeding at the trough.

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How right you are on all points, Tom!

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Denise, thank you.

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The US has made many things that should be provided for free by the government into massive revenue streams for the wealthy. I just checked, and US student load debt now totals over 1.7 trillion dollars.


In the 1970s when I was in college, a decent private college might charge $3000 per year, whereas state and community colleges were free for people living in that state. College educations were better back then (I have been at universities my whole career, so I have witnessed it). Now it is just about milking students for money and giving them a piece of paper in return.

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23% interest rates on most cards and you would be surprised as to how many people don't even realize this. And then they have the gall to say grocery stores are price gouging. Give me a break!!! Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Also at 23% maybe the "Big Guy" can get his 5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RFK is a member of the Trump team now, so we may get some relief in this regard, if he's allowed to do what he knows is right.

It can be fixed like all the other glitches that need fixing. When there is a will there's a way.

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Good luck with that!

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