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not just at this nexus, clif; the world has always been 'upside down'. we dildos and donnards weren't paying attention in earlier generations b/c most were struggling to put provender on the family salver, maintain jobs in precarious circumstances, educate their children, keep from falling asleep at their mind-benumbing factory jobs, preparing for yet another war... even hunters and gatherers were perpetually battling against their neighbouring tribes. w/ telephones, telegraphs, TVs, global communication networks, the internet, and notional cyberspace, we have moved well beyond smoke signals and the pony express. now we are overwhelmed w/ info 'bombardments' that benumb us.... to the degree that the violent sports spectacles which you so argutely describe are necessary distractions we greedily devour to relieve our benumbments... not so different from the roman gladiator spectacles or bullfights, the latter of which are now proscribed in several spanish cities, but remain extant in several latino countries. blood and visceral gore... our distractions of choice.... tho' no longer a requisite for survival in most countries. war is not just a racket [thank you, smedley], it is another distraction, like sports spectacles, TV, and other electronic drugs.

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