He may feel that he has been chosen, but by what god. The God that I believe in is not a warmonger and Mike Johnson has already vowed to support Israel which means he is fully behind a war with Iran and who knows who else as well. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Watchman, I saw this quote:

"When one party comes armed with their Bible and a 2,000-year-old promise from their IMAGINARY GOD, there is nothing to be discussed.

The issue will only be settled on the field of battle with iron and rivers of blood.

Thousands slaughtered in the name of imaginary GODs.

As it has been done since man invented GOD's.

There will be no winners."

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no one could have said it more accurately, more eloquently, or w/ more clarity than you, dennis... not even 'their imaginary god'!

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Thanks my dear. Hope you are well today.

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To what promise are you referring, exactly?

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I think this is a reference to God promising land from the Nile to the Tigris/Euphrates rivers to His Chosen People, i.e. the Jews.

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It's generally agreed that the provenance of that particular alleged promise/turf claim is much older than 2000 years.

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His speech was truly scary especially when coupled with Netanyahoooooooo's speech about Israel being the light while Palestinians are on the dark side. So like you said: "What could go wrong!"

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Bill, I’ve said it before: you’re at your best when you’re most sarcastic.

The trouble is we don’t want to live in a world that gives you so much material to display your gifts.

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Don't encourage me! :-)

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Religion and Politics are impervious to facts, knowledge and history. A good story can prevent all critical thinking. Americans seem particularly vulnerable to "good stories", and it shows.

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The only "good news" I need is the Gospel, boy. :-)

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"Members of the House of Representatives were chosen by God"? That's a real insult to God.

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the spectacle of the US political landscape is repulsive... And I am Italian so I know all it is to know about repulsive political lanscapes

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Bill my friend - brilliant blog! You are finally seeing the light I see!

"Religion poisons everything"-Christopher Hitchens

Did you see Pepe Escobar's piece today?


Ending with:

"So let’s turn to Dr Mahathir Mohamad: 98 years old (no, not Kissinger); spent his entire adult life in politics, most of it as the Prime Minister of a very important nation (Malaysia); knows every world leader very well, including the current ones in U.S. and Israel; and at this late stage in life, fears nothing and has nothing to lose.

Dr Mahathir cuts to the chase:

” …The crux of the matter is that all these atrocities committed by Israel on the Palestinians stems from the American support for Tel Aviv. If the American Government withdraws its support for Israel and stop all military aid to the regime, Israel would not have carried out the genocide and mass murders of Palestinians with impunity. The United States Government needs to come clean and tell the truth. Israel and its IDF are the terrorists. The United States is blatantly supporting terrorists. So what is the United States?”

"No point asking those currently driving U.S. foreign policy. They would barely be able to contain the foaming in their mouths."

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Oh, sure. Now you like my stuff!

Seriously, I have nothing against personal beliefs in god, gods, or no gods. But when you (Mister Speaker) conflate your own personal belief as the one way and truth for all, and see it as justification for your position and your deeds, I've got some serious problems with you.

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The eschatology of Evangelical Christians is complex with different groups within the movement having different beliefs - but from what I've read a common theme seems to be related to Israel. The "regathering of Jews" beginning with Israel's formation marks a key sign for them toward the End Times and the return of Jesus, and the Rapture.

That the new Speaker of the House is open about his faith is his business - his beliefs are his own. And those beliefs may inform his vote on specific issues - that's true for everyone.

However, he is also known to be a Christian Nationalist - also an Evangelical movement Chris Hedges has called the most dangerous as it may be leading to Christian Fascism, pointing out the movement is extremely well organized and intent on seeing its faith-based form of government implemented.

I hope with Mike Johnson we are not seeing the first open steps in that direction. How he runs the House will inform the answer to that question.

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Dang! I made the mistake of reading this right after lunch. I feel a little vomit trying to come forth from below ... I can't speak for God, but when you are doing the opposite of the Sermon on the Mount and perpetuating every evil deed every Old Testament prophet railed about, I hardly think one can purport to be doing the Lord's work--let alone be chosen by God. I'm glad to be living outside my native land these days, but still long for the hubris to end and kindness and humility be given some life in the republic.

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well said. Yes, that hubris, and those obvious violations of perhaps everything the author of the Sermon on the Mount ever preached are especially irritating given how loudly the misnamed "Christians" claim to represent the man.

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Most of the time I figure these charlatans are playing to their crowd, but this one seems like a true believer ... which makes him even more dangerous. Excellent article.

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Whether or not Johnson (along with like others) honestly believes what he professes, I wouldn't pretend to know, and probably only he knows. But at a minimum, he wants his coterie, and that subset of voters to whom he appeals, to believe that he does; thereby projecting some kind of (in their eyes) moral ascendancy...i.e. 'holier than thou'. And while I'm fine with anyone honestly stating their principles and perspectives related thereto, with such ambitious politicos their religious pretensions and projections are ultimately about performance, aren't they?

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And to all those who thought we couldn't do worse than Kevin McCarthy.....HAH!!!!!

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Can it get any crazier?


*where are the peace makers*

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Good piece, but I must criticize your lack of scare quotes around the word godly in the title.😏

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I've always held "friendship" is a two-way street. What has our good friend Israel done for the US other than spy on us and regularly approach Congress with, as Uncle Jed Clampett would say, "a hand full of 'gimme' and a mouth full of 'much obliged'"?

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ask me 'tomorrow', dennis; after i finish all the toilet flushes from my emesis bouts induced by ev-angelic-als' [hah!] logorrhea [verbal diarrhea].

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