A reader asked me about supporting progressive democrats to challenge Biden in 2024, a topic I didn't cover. Here's my response:

I agree. But I don’t see a progressive challenger to Biden in 2024. Unless Biden has a serious lapse in health before then, he’ll almost certainly be the candidate.

As you know, we had a progressive choice in 2020. Sanders and Biden were running neck-and-neck, then Obama and the pros intervened, tipping the primary to Biden. (Recall that “Mayor Pete” and Amy K. were basically told to drop out, tipping their votes to Biden, but Warren was encouraged to stay in so that she’d draw votes from Bernie.)

So, we may wish for a progressive to run in 2024, but the fix is already in. It’s Biden unless he croaks, and even then the DNC might try a “Weekend at Bernie’s” ruse with him.

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I agree with you entirely, but the system runs on its own regardless of who is in office, keeping profit well before people. Trump caused occasional disruptions, tossing out people left and right, but even he was managed. Biden seems, due to his age, very docile.

I'm cynical about the American people in the voting booth, confirmed by the 1% vote that Jill Stein received, a woman who offered a distinct alternative to The System and called it out. She was on the ballot nationwide. We are sitting in what is essentially a self-driving car with it deciding where we go. So absent minded geriatrics are no problem.

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I'm in solid agreement with both of your main points, and have said as much in those occasional conversations that touch on the subject. In fact, such a conversation just took place while my 60-ish in-laws were visiting. I think the consensus of everyone but me was that age itself (over 60?) is a serious disqualifier. I pointed out how many people I know who approaching or at 80 are mentally sharper then most people generally. Sanders was, during his Presidential runs, certainly in that category. When cognitive decline is observed, however, such as appears the case with Biden, those around the candidate should dissuade them.

Yet, while the President COULD have a significant role in guiding / 'managing' the Executive, the importance of your statement about who really runs thing can't be overstated. This has been at times apparent at other times- Cheney & Rumsfeld certainly seemed to lead Bush, for example. But it's now ever so clearly seen as Biden seems no more than a mere marionette, mouthing the words of the security-state establishment and the corporate oligarchs whose interests they, too represent.

So I agree. Let's encourage the electorate to evaluate candidates on ability and strength, yes; but even more importantly, on whether they have both the principles and spine to stand up for the broadly public interests of the people, as envisioned in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address:

"...that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.

We've certainly never reached that state and it sometimes seems even more remote, with both electoral and policy politics all but completely under the control of the oligarchy, but it's a vision worth keeping and fighting for.

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Personally I believe like one of my fave. Comedians & Actors Denis Leary a great Firefighter supporter too who opins. : "60 is the new Go Fuck Yourself!!!" Seriously in a perfect World I'd like a President like in his early 40's. quick-witted & fast enough to stay ahead of the M.I.C., C.I.A., N.S.A., C.E.O.'s., Chairman and the like. For this Old Geezer that'll do about right...!

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WHAT BETTER TIME for a NEW PROGRESSIVE POLITICAL PARTY; with the peoples interests genuinely in their mind, to make their debut. The BAR has been LOWERED. Puleezee take advantage of it - NOW!

Kinda' tired of voting: LESSER of EVILS

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biden is just right; a rubber stamp for the blob.

trump is too old he could not beat the blob even in 2017!

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One alternative ~ to Trump, Biden, and any and everybody else that America’s Ruling Political Elites may jam down our throats as candidates for President [or any other federal office] in Election2024 ~ was offered here on Bracing Views last April at https://bracingviews.substack.com/p/reforming-americas-elections-the-notc-way , “Reforming America's Elections the NOTC Way.”

And at this stage of the game, the assumption that there will even Be an election in 2024 may or may not be a valid one.

Who knows? By then, Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s call for a “National Divorce” may have kicked in as a prime driving force in American politics, rendering a national election irrelevant. [ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/marjorie-taylor-greene-calls-national-divorce-liberal-conservative-sta-rcna71464 ]

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We've had some real "Duds" as Presidents think Millard Fillmore, or more recently Richard Nixon-that said I like a 70 mandatory Retirement age due to the Physical as well as the Intellectual rigors of the Presidential office. In my Line its mandatory for Firefighters @ 65 due to obvious reasons being Firefighting is a young mans job, and the vim and vigor that the occupation requires...

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Perhaps sixty is the new forty and eighty is the new sixty but by one hundred most everybody is still dead. They don't get there all at once as Joe Biden illustrates. I really think there should be an age limit on legislators and the President. But they won't ever enact it willingly. They cling to power. And while we're at it why is George Soros (age 92) still trying to run the world?

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Oligarchs by their very nature 'try to run the world'- Soros has plenty of company. And an oligarch will likely not slip quietly into the night.

I'm curious to know at what age you think the ceiling should be placed on running for office or for an elected one's forced retirement.

I was 12 when JFK was assassinated. So I'm, indeed 'old'; but will gladly joust mentally with anyone of any age; and while I understand the occasional necessity of 'compromise' (in terms of how goals are achieved), I'm not one to compromise on principles and have the spine / strength that I think are necessary.

No, I'm not interested in running for ANY office....been there, done that, thank you. Yet I'm fairly certain that among a population of 332 million there must be plenty of others my age or over who are fit for such service now and would likely remain so for their term in office. There is some value in accumulated wisdom and experience, after all. By no means does this mean it is evenly distributed, however, any more than any other attribute.

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I don't know. Seventy? A nice round number. If we can't find reasonable people under the age of 70 then we're in real trouble. Which, actually, I think we are.

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Well you're right about the last 2 sentences... certainly there should be no dearth of 'reasonable people under the age of 70.

Yet you see the dilemma, don't you, with setting a ceiling? It strikes me as so arbitrary- i.e. a sweeping dismissal of the abilities of people who may be exceptional in intellect, psychological development, accumulated wisdom, physical vigor, etc. and thus far better suited for the job than the vast majority of others who qualify by age. Those more-fit individuals would be denied as a class without any reason. Meanwhile, plenty of 35 to 65 year old ones, qualified only by age (and practically speaking, of course, the amount of $$ they can attract) could / have run and hold office; regardless of psychological stunting, narcissism or worse, outright pathological tendencies.

Perhaps what is needed is some standardized cognitive testing of would-be public officials. (Perhaps accompanied with psychological development / ethics testing to ensure that sociopaths and those stuck at age 2 emotional development are weeded out?)

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Feb 20, 2023
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Yes, I expected more people there. Yet, I suppose it isn't that surprising. Code Pink and Veterans for Peace dropped out. But the bigger issue is the lack of one compelling cause, or, should I say, the lack of understanding about the clear and present dangers of a possible nuclear war and/or war with China.

As I've written about, as you know, is the manipulation of Americans. We're kept divided, distracted, and downtrodden. We're kept isolated from war and its true costs. We're thoroughly propagandized. And so it's very difficult indeed to lead any kind of peace or antiwar movement.

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