Nothing about it makes sense unless you understand that top politicians, think Biden in this case, no matter how dire the intelligence reports they get, still do not want to have the label of "Loser" emblazoned on them. They must win at all costs, to the last Ukrainian, if necessary. The same thing happened with LBJ and Nixon during the …
Nothing about it makes sense unless you understand that top politicians, think Biden in this case, no matter how dire the intelligence reports they get, still do not want to have the label of "Loser" emblazoned on them. They must win at all costs, to the last Ukrainian, if necessary. The same thing happened with LBJ and Nixon during the Vietnam war. A loss would have been catastrophic politically, so despite copious amounts of intelligence and analysis that said the war was unwinnable, they wanted to stave off defeat as long as possible, for political reasons. That is what is happening now.
It is quite bizarre what the US and NATO are doing now, truly unhinged. Their final phase of the insanity seems to be that they want to test F-16s and Abrams against the Russian army, now that the rest of the NATO arsenal has failed the test. Russia understands that they are being tested by the west, and therefore has even more incentive to pass with flying colors. But Biden is certain about one thing, he does not want to lose before the upcoming election, just like LBJ and Nixon. Maybe we will get lucky again, and Biden will be forced from office for his corrupt business dealings with Hunter like Nixon did for the Watergate coverup.
Yes, presidents love to pose as tough. Remember "W" Bush with "mission accomplished" and the flight suit poses. Remember his father talking about kicking the "Vietnam Syndrome." Remember LBJ in Vietnam telling the troops "to nail that coonskin to the wall." Obama supported the Afghan surge and was fond of donning AF flight jackets. They all want to look like warriors instead of what they should be, civilian commanders-in-chief who should be working for democracy and peace.
We may blow up the world so that Trump or Biden or DeSantis or Harris can look "tough."
Right on John. Domestic politics, including the fear of being call weak, is the most important aspect driving their decisions. All the death and the suffering over the decades because men and women in the White House are afraid of what names their political opponents might call them.
It all makes sense when you follow the yellow brick (money) road. War is the most profitable venture there is, and cold war is even more profitable as there is no risk.
Nothing about it makes sense unless you understand that top politicians, think Biden in this case, no matter how dire the intelligence reports they get, still do not want to have the label of "Loser" emblazoned on them. They must win at all costs, to the last Ukrainian, if necessary. The same thing happened with LBJ and Nixon during the Vietnam war. A loss would have been catastrophic politically, so despite copious amounts of intelligence and analysis that said the war was unwinnable, they wanted to stave off defeat as long as possible, for political reasons. That is what is happening now.
It is quite bizarre what the US and NATO are doing now, truly unhinged. Their final phase of the insanity seems to be that they want to test F-16s and Abrams against the Russian army, now that the rest of the NATO arsenal has failed the test. Russia understands that they are being tested by the west, and therefore has even more incentive to pass with flying colors. But Biden is certain about one thing, he does not want to lose before the upcoming election, just like LBJ and Nixon. Maybe we will get lucky again, and Biden will be forced from office for his corrupt business dealings with Hunter like Nixon did for the Watergate coverup.
Yes, presidents love to pose as tough. Remember "W" Bush with "mission accomplished" and the flight suit poses. Remember his father talking about kicking the "Vietnam Syndrome." Remember LBJ in Vietnam telling the troops "to nail that coonskin to the wall." Obama supported the Afghan surge and was fond of donning AF flight jackets. They all want to look like warriors instead of what they should be, civilian commanders-in-chief who should be working for democracy and peace.
We may blow up the world so that Trump or Biden or DeSantis or Harris can look "tough."
Right on John. Domestic politics, including the fear of being call weak, is the most important aspect driving their decisions. All the death and the suffering over the decades because men and women in the White House are afraid of what names their political opponents might call them.
It all makes sense when you follow the yellow brick (money) road. War is the most profitable venture there is, and cold war is even more profitable as there is no risk.