Agree to disagree. Especially because there's reasons other than morality or intelligence or argumentative prowess to avoid the topic. I appreciate that your conscience is good and you seek to do good in your life.
Another term for SOME “rabbit holes,” Bill, is “a Gateway and Portal to TRUTH.”
And isn’t it interesting that we live in a time when “Truther” is a term of blunt disparagement and open dismissal?
The ONLY way those “crimes after 9/11” could have been perpetrated and perpetuated was, still is, and ever will be if 9/11 had happened the way the American People and our “Allies” in the resultant "Forever War" were told and sold by this government and its media that it happened: ie, that some Raghead living in a cave in Afghanistan had pulled the whole thing together and off all by himself.
Without the LIE that is the “Official” conspiracy theory about WHAT actually happened that day, HOW and WHY it happened, WHO actually made it happen, and, above all, WHO Let it happen, NONE of those “after 9/11 crimes” You cited could or would have happened. Unless the Ruling Political Class came up a suitable alternative "End of the World as We know it" disaster.
And unless and until those individuals, organizations, and institutions ARE held accountable for 9/11 ~ the biggest law enforcement, intelligence, national defense and security failure in history ~ absolutely Nothing is going to change. Except to get worse.
When those who benefitted most from the first 9/11 determine that even more political, economic, and above all, psychological profit is to be gained by a second 9/11, who and/or what is going to stop them?
That's not a rabbit hole I choose to go down, Rachel, though I've had long conversations with 9/11 "truthers" who believe it was an inside job.
I believe the crimes of 9/11 began after the attack, not before. Crimes like torture, Gitmo, the Afghan and Iraq wars, Libya, etc.
It's bad enough no one is held accountable for the crimes and blunders that we all know of and which are disputed by few if any even in the MSM.
Agree to disagree. Especially because there's reasons other than morality or intelligence or argumentative prowess to avoid the topic. I appreciate that your conscience is good and you seek to do good in your life.
Another term for SOME “rabbit holes,” Bill, is “a Gateway and Portal to TRUTH.”
And isn’t it interesting that we live in a time when “Truther” is a term of blunt disparagement and open dismissal?
The ONLY way those “crimes after 9/11” could have been perpetrated and perpetuated was, still is, and ever will be if 9/11 had happened the way the American People and our “Allies” in the resultant "Forever War" were told and sold by this government and its media that it happened: ie, that some Raghead living in a cave in Afghanistan had pulled the whole thing together and off all by himself.
Without the LIE that is the “Official” conspiracy theory about WHAT actually happened that day, HOW and WHY it happened, WHO actually made it happen, and, above all, WHO Let it happen, NONE of those “after 9/11 crimes” You cited could or would have happened. Unless the Ruling Political Class came up a suitable alternative "End of the World as We know it" disaster.
And unless and until those individuals, organizations, and institutions ARE held accountable for 9/11 ~ the biggest law enforcement, intelligence, national defense and security failure in history ~ absolutely Nothing is going to change. Except to get worse.
When those who benefitted most from the first 9/11 determine that even more political, economic, and above all, psychological profit is to be gained by a second 9/11, who and/or what is going to stop them?