Honestly I think the thesis that Al Qaeda masterminded it and alone pulled it off is so much weaker than the thesis that some part of the American government was involved in the attacks. Sometimes I think how the people involved with it must occasionally shake in their britches, "Oh boy, how can we still keep this cover story after THAT …
Honestly I think the thesis that Al Qaeda masterminded it and alone pulled it off is so much weaker than the thesis that some part of the American government was involved in the attacks. Sometimes I think how the people involved with it must occasionally shake in their britches, "Oh boy, how can we still keep this cover story after THAT came out?!" But, just as much as the media's influence is the psychological aspect. It is really terrifying to read the arguments. Even if you think our government does bad things, reading about 9/11 is worldview-destroying.
It's a rabbit hole, all right, and one that really shakes you. Besides that, the culture rejects the alternate thesis. Academia has managed to silence and marginalize people who doubt the government's line. It's taboo! People are mocked for THINKING it! Writers "just can't go there" in public. I am positive that many of them believe our side in private.
Honestly I think the thesis that Al Qaeda masterminded it and alone pulled it off is so much weaker than the thesis that some part of the American government was involved in the attacks. Sometimes I think how the people involved with it must occasionally shake in their britches, "Oh boy, how can we still keep this cover story after THAT came out?!" But, just as much as the media's influence is the psychological aspect. It is really terrifying to read the arguments. Even if you think our government does bad things, reading about 9/11 is worldview-destroying.
It's a rabbit hole, all right, and one that really shakes you. Besides that, the culture rejects the alternate thesis. Academia has managed to silence and marginalize people who doubt the government's line. It's taboo! People are mocked for THINKING it! Writers "just can't go there" in public. I am positive that many of them believe our side in private.