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Dennis, You wrote: “That the planes were not intercepted and shot down, or better yet, the plot discovered and foiled before it happened, is a very sad reflection on US capabilities to even protect its own homeland. Too "busy" phucking with people in faraway lands. Looking for the enemy in all the wrong places.”

That those planes were not intercepted and, if necessary, shot down had absolutely nothing to do with the US Air Force being too busy fucking with people in faraway lands. NORAD was at full operational strength and capability on 9/11, as it always has been since its creation.

“It is standard operating procedure (SOP) to scramble jet fighters whenever a jetliner goes off course or radio contact with it is lost. Between September 2000 and June 2001, interceptors were scrambled 67 times. In the year 2000 jets were scrambled 129 times.

“There are several elements involved in domestic air defense. The air traffic control system continuously monitors air traffic and notifies NORAD of any deviations of any aircraft from their flight-paths or loss of radio contact. NORAD monitors air and space traffic continuously and is prepared to react immediately to threats and emergencies. It has the authority to order units from the Air National Guard, the Air Force, or other armed services to scramble fighters in pursuit of jetliners in trouble.


Source: “NORAD Stand-Down: The Prevention of Interceptions of the Commandeered Planes” at https://www.911research.wtc7.net/planes/analysis/norad/index.html .

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As I said the Air National Guard, the Air Force and NORAD phucked up big time!

Didn't these F-16's take of when it was too late in any case? Too late, even if they had received authority?

And if they had taken off in time, and intercepted and got no instructions and authority, are you are telling me these expert fighter pilots just shadowed these off-course airliners obviously heading to WA DC - and stood by and let them do what was becoming obvious anyway?

Excuse my French Jeff - but a major cock up by EVERYBODY!

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So do You think that those jets stayed on the ground because the pilots didn't want to fly, or that their commanders didn't want them fly?

Or were those commanders and their jets and pilots ORDERED to stay on the ground by some Higher Headquarter?

And how high of a Higher Headquarter did it need to be to order their subordinate commanders to violate those "routine interception procedures"?

In short, Who was NORAD getting, taking, and following its orders from to stay on the ground?

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You tell me!

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Like i said: The answer to that question, Dennis, will begin to unlock the Whole, Real, Actual TRUTH about 9/11.

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We aren't sure who created the Universe - therefore it must be the TRUTH that "God" did it!

We aren't sure about how the 9/11 buildings collapsed - therefore it has to be the TRUTH that it was the "gubmint" who done it!


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As a very Wise Woman once put it: "If it looks like a Duck, walks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, and shits like a Duck, the chances are very good that it is, in fact, a Duck."

Substitute "Planned Demolition" for "Duck," Dennis, and see where that leads You.


If it came down at free fall speed, like WTC 7 did, it is a Planned Demolition.

It if fell completely symmetrically, like WTC 7 did, it is a Planned Demolition.

If it ended up neatly piled up on its own footprint, like WTC did, it is a Planned Demolition.

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And as a wiser Woman once put it: "If people say it looks like a Liar, walks like a Liar, quacks like a Liar, and shits like a Liar, there are also chances that they are, in fact, not a Liar."

Nelson Mandela, John Paul Vann, Mordechai Vanunu, Frank Snepp, Karen Kwiatkowski, Frederic Whitehurst, Samuel Provance, George Galloway, Chelsea Maning, John Kiriakou, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange sitting in a UK dungeon are testament to that Jeff

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Sorry, Dennis: What is Your point?

That all those people were and are liars? Or that governments and the politicians that operate them are liars?

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Now THAT is some fine reasoning, Dennis. T-HGF.

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And that "failure to follow routine interception procedures" had absolutely NOTHING to do with America's foreign policy in foreign lands. Particularly that policy in Arab/Muslim lands.

From the 9/11 Research article cited above:

"The air defense network had, on September 11th, predictable and effective procedures for dealing with just such an attack. Yet it failed to respond in a timely manner until after the attack was over, more than an hour and a half after it had started. The official timeline describes a series of events and mode of response in which the delays are spread out into a number of areas. There are failures upon failures, in what might be described as A STRATEGY OF LAYERED FAILURES, OR FAILURE IN DEPTH. The failures can be divided into four types. [EMPHASIS added.]

"~ 1. Failures to report: Based on the official timeline, the FAA response times for reporting the deviating aircraft were many times longer than the prescribed times.

"~ 2; Failures to scramble: NORAD, once notified of the off-course aircraft, failed to scramble jets from the nearest bases.

"~ 3. Failures to intercept: Once airborne, interceptors failed to reach their targets because they flew at small fractions of their top speeds and/or in the wrong directions.

"~ 4. Failures to redeploy: Fighters that were airborne and within interception range of the deviating aircraft were not redeployed to pursue them.

"Had not there been multiple failures of each type, one or more parts of the attack could have been thwarted. NORAD had time to protect the World Trade Center even given the unbelievably late time, 8:40, when it claims to have first been notified. It had time to protect the South Tower and Washington even given its bizarre choice of bases from which to scramble planes. And it still had ample opportunity to protect both New York City and Washington even if it insisted that all interceptors fly subsonic, simply by redeploying airborne fighters."

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See my comment above. If you are telling me that FAA, NORAD, and the fighter pilots were instructed to not follow standard procedures in a timely manner - by whom?

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The answer to that question, Dennis, will begin to unlock the Whole, Real, Actual TRUTH about 9/11.

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Multiple people told the pilots to fly in the wrong direction, making them late. There is testimony of the pilots. I'm pretty sure of people in flight control also.

But then I think, a few years later, they (the empire) changed the story and said no jets were scrambled. Probably because it was harder to sell the lie that the jets weren't scrambled in time, when they were indeed very much on time and military people knew that!

If this is the one hook that gets you, look it up! Not to say there's not a million more questions after this one, just saying it's a pretty exciting mystery.

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