And it's interesting that there is nothing online anywhere that has Mr Robertson expressing his feeling about the movie. Maybe Your friends and colleagues can cite any specific statements that he made about it.
And it's interesting that there is nothing online anywhere that has Mr Robertson expressing his feeling about the movie. Maybe Your friends and colleagues can cite any specific statements that he made about it.
Jeff, Leslie Roberston, an astute professional of some standing in his field, was not in the habit of flippantly expressing his feelings about a movie to outsiders of his profession. Especially such a hot potatoe as this. And especially on the internet, which even in his time was already a bit of a minefield. Discussing it with his equals over a few drinks at the presentation dinner maybe eh.
All i asked was when You left Seattle, Dennis.
And it's interesting that there is nothing online anywhere that has Mr Robertson expressing his feeling about the movie. Maybe Your friends and colleagues can cite any specific statements that he made about it.
But i doubt it.
Jeff, Leslie Roberston, an astute professional of some standing in his field, was not in the habit of flippantly expressing his feelings about a movie to outsiders of his profession. Especially such a hot potatoe as this. And especially on the internet, which even in his time was already a bit of a minefield. Discussing it with his equals over a few drinks at the presentation dinner maybe eh.
Take care.
Roger that, Dennis. Out.