The main problem with recognizing one's limitations is to first be able to acknowledge that you have limitations. Biden feels that there is nothing wrong with him and he states that constantly when questioned about his abilities.

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That brief video clip says a lot Anyone who sees the blank, puzzled and uneasy look on Biden's face, as well as his statement making clear that his handlers are in charge, will surely let go of any remaining thought that he's still capable of 'leading'.

Yes, he should step down, and/or his handlers should force that; but as others ask, 'Then what?". No one the Party's controllers would be willing to substitute would represent the interests of citizens- that would be too revolutionary. And so, if we're going to have a stuffed suit, vacuous figurehead/ puppet in the White House, perhaps the only reason one might hope the Party would ditch Biden is that the (presumably younger) substitute might actually have a fighting chance against Trump.

Here, I'll just say what I've said for the previous 2 Presidential elections: I can't be disappointed at ANY outcome because, short of a miraculous win by Stein (for whom I'll likely vote), I'm sure to be unhappy in either case as the war machine will continue to eat everyone's lunch and supper, as they 'kill ... Kill ...KILL !''

(with thx to Arlo Guthrie's, 'Alice's Restaurant'.

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I have no sympathy for genocide Joe. Like LBJ he should not seek a second term....an open Convention is what the Dems need. Open to all so see...no behind close door sausage making. We should be part of the process not subjects to it.

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The Rise of The “UNCOMMITTED”: A First step toward making “None Of These Candidates” an option on every ballot for every federal election in 2024?

In Democratic primaries on Super Tuesday, voters in eight States had the option of either directly voting for ~ or writing in ~ “Uncommitted or “No Preference” as their way of loudly protesting the “choices” that the Democratic Party had given them as to who the next President of the United States should be.

Here is how “Uncommitted” [Unc] and “No Preference” [NP] did in those eight States:


North Carolina

NP 88,021 12.7%


NP 8,817 9.3%


Unc Delegate 50,134 8.8%


Unc 45,914 18.9%


Unc 11,213 6.0%


Unc 10,461 7.8%


Unc 480 3.9%


Unc 0 0.0%

This followed the Democratic primary in Michigan last month when more than 100,000 voters cast their ballot for “Uncommitted,” primarily in protest of the Biden administration’s support of Israel in its War against Palestine.

[ For details, see https://www.axios.com/2024/03/06/biden-uncommitted-vote-protests-states-map. ]

The important ~ in fact critical ~ point here is not how many votes "Unc" or "NP" received, but the fact that the people who cast their vote that way sent a much, much louder, clearer, stronger, and more vital and vibrant message to the “powers-that-be” than they possibly could have by staying home, and not voting at all,

Conclusion: If Voters are getting fed up enough to vote Against all the candidates that their Party is offering them for “choices” in primaries by being and voting “Uncommitted,” how soon will they be fed up enough with America’s whole system of politics, government, and governance ~ and the people running it ~ to vote “None Of These Candidates” in every federal election in 2024?

There is only one way to find out.

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If the definition of insanity is "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" , does that mean that the voters are "insane"?

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The country is so screwed up now, and we need somebody to straighten it out...! Is the answer Jesus? Mans got to know his limitations. Dr. Jill will never say step down. I heard she loves the power & prestige too much. As I said before as long as he has a palpable pulse they're putting him out there. But.., truthfully & brutally honest here I wouldn't even consider to let him in his current state watch over my daughter's, let alone the Countries state of affairs, and thankfully they are grown.

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There is no way that Genocide Joe will be on the ticket. Get ready for a brokered Democratic convention in August. Biden will be "stepping aside" due to "health concerns." The problem for the Dems: No Plan B. The shadow campaign wheels have already started turning: Newsome? Whitmer? Booker? Klobuchar? Come on, give me a break.

I even heard a CBS analyst on the radio last night say, when asked for a November prediction, that Michelle Obama will be the Dems likely pick. We are so screwed.

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The DNC should get Biden to step aside. But they won't because winning is all that matters to them even if Biden goes full into dementia. This to them is "saving democracy". These are the people who rule us. It's just sickening.

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Keep hoping for the moment when they push him out.

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Lisa Savage's Substack post today ~ "State Of The False Dichotomy Address Is A New Low, Even For Biden" ~ lists some of the mis-, dis-, and mal-information contained in Biden's State of The Union speech, with links that show just exactly how much Bullshit Comatose/Genocide Joe was trying to pass off as Information. [ https://went2thebridge.substack.com/p/state-of-the-false-dichotomy-address ]

As i noted here on BV earlier: It is hard to tell who is least qualified to be the next President of the United States: Biden or Trump. When it comes to being Purveyors of The Lie, they are running neck and neck.

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Having read and re-read Biden’s State of The Union address [while keeping a barf bag close at hand], one can only ask: Which of the two is less qualified to be the next President of the United States, Biden or Trump?

And after reading Alabama Senator Katie Britt’s official Republican response to Biden’s logorrhea [with a different barf bag standing by]: If there actually is an election in November, anybody who votes for either Trump or Biden to be that next President will get exactly what they deserve.

Note: Transcript of Biden’s blather is at https://apnews.com/article/state-of-union-transcript-biden-2024-e84f5134e5201987eb441629aef5240c . Britt’s rant is at https://www.voanews.com/a/transcript-of-the-republican-response-to-the-state-of-the-union-address/7518938.html .

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We Americans are a curious people.

As such, we demand, we need, we hunger and thirst for, we live and die by Answers. And not Questions.

We depend ~for our livelihood and wellbeing, for our sanity and security, for our sense of our Self and the Real ~ we depend on the expert, the anchorman, the spokesperson, talk show host, blog spot influencer, reliable source, and, ultimately, The Leader [or Hero, Savior, or Guru] who provides us with All the Answers.

That way, we can make an immediate determination as to whether or not his or her Answers agree with ours. And, if they don't, then, without having to bother with the process of thinking, we can dismiss her or his Answers out of hand and continue our search for The Answers that agree with Ours.

A curious people indeed....

A gnome, a pitiable creature of sorts, stopped looking for the right Answers to The Terror Event of September 11 when he realized exactly how ready and able the government and its media were lo provide exactly those Answers.

So instead, he chose to focus on finding the right Questions. That happened on the morning of September 12. And that happened again with Saddam's WMDs in 2003, the 2008 financial "¢risi$," The COVID Event, January 6, Ukraine, and most recently, Palestine.

Because, he reasoned, if You can ask the right Questions, you will ultimately get to The Truth. Because out of the right Questions The Truth must inevitably emerge.

If, on the other hand, Your focus is on finding the right Answers, all you can get are the Answers You were looking for in the first place.

And what You will get are the Answers that the AnswerMan on the White Horse intends for You to embrace.

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If the consensus is that Biden in over his head, suffering from the effects of his advanced age, and - most importantly in this comment - merely mouthing and following the directives of shadowy, behind-the-scenes handlers and shot-callers, is it licit to label him "Genocide Joe"?

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It’s either Biden or Trump. Plug your nose and do the right thing. We need to focus on 2028.

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Here's Trump boasting if he was President, the US WAR with Russia over Ukraine wouldn't have happened, and October 7 would not have happened.


So delusional and egocentric!

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Pathetic! When will the child watching the emperor showing off his new clothes made of gold cry "Look he is naked"

Thanks Peace, Buzz

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