I think that the Dems hating Republicans, and vice versa, is all fake. There are plenty of photos of the Clintons partying with the Trumps (and Jeffrey Epstein), and all the elite class hanging out together. The angry talk is just to get the voters believing that our votes matter, as though there are actually two sides. It is a big show …
I think that the Dems hating Republicans, and vice versa, is all fake. There are plenty of photos of the Clintons partying with the Trumps (and Jeffrey Epstein), and all the elite class hanging out together. The angry talk is just to get the voters believing that our votes matter, as though there are actually two sides. It is a big show to make us believe that the Democratic process still exists, and to keep us fighting amongst ourselves rather than identifying our true enemies -- the oligarchs.
That's why carefully chosen cultural and social issues are the only things allowed to be discussed in the MSM. They hit emotional hot buttons that leave people wanting to scratch each other's eyes out - while the owners go the same Met galas and summers on the Vineyard. Who says the CIA has no purpose - this feels like an ongoing psy-war op.
I think that the Dems hating Republicans, and vice versa, is all fake. There are plenty of photos of the Clintons partying with the Trumps (and Jeffrey Epstein), and all the elite class hanging out together. The angry talk is just to get the voters believing that our votes matter, as though there are actually two sides. It is a big show to make us believe that the Democratic process still exists, and to keep us fighting amongst ourselves rather than identifying our true enemies -- the oligarchs.
That's why carefully chosen cultural and social issues are the only things allowed to be discussed in the MSM. They hit emotional hot buttons that leave people wanting to scratch each other's eyes out - while the owners go the same Met galas and summers on the Vineyard. Who says the CIA has no purpose - this feels like an ongoing psy-war op.