Strange days as we head into the July 4th holiday.
I saw this headline at CNN this morning: Pressure mounts on Biden as Democrats question reelection chances.
So, Democrats are questioning Biden because his chances of reelection are evaporating. But there’s obviously a much larger issue here. Is Joe Biden capable of serving as president through January of next year? After last week’s disastrous debate performance, it doesn’t appear that he is. Biden recently gave a short statement on the latest Supreme Court decision; he read from a teleprompter for a few minutes and took no questions. Is that how low the bar is set for the presidency now? Well, Joe can still read (somewhat haltingly) prepared statements, so he’s still good to go.
When I was in the military, I once served as an escort officer to Lieutenant General Devol “Rock” Brett. General Brett addressed cadets at the Air Force Academy, during which he talked about the chain of command. He quipped to the cadets if the commanding officer gets killed in war, it’s tough, for sure, but everyone moves up in rank. Death is an opportunity! He was making light of something that’s deeply serious and that cadets needed to know: you have to be ready to assume higher responsibility because you never know when you’ll be called on, especially in wartime.
It’s time to exercise the chain of command in Washington. Joe Biden needs to step down, and Vice President Kamala Harris needs to take his place. If for some reason she can’t, the duty then falls to Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House.
Kamala Harris may be unpopular, but that doesn’t matter. It’s her time to step up and serve. That’s her Constitutional duty, and should this happen, as I believe it should, I wish her success.
A president in Biden’s condition is not only a national security threat, it’s embarrassing, and we will end up in a constitutional crisis if he continues much longer. I don’t care what the Biden family thinks about this. It’s not their call.
Indeed the chain of command is there for a reason, however one must also realize what you could be getting while you follow the chain. Just because you are next in the chain, doesn't necessarily mean you are any more qualified than who you are replacing. Linking your view as usual @