Jul 3Liked by Bill Astore

A president in Biden’s condition is not only a national security threat, it’s embarrassing, and we will end up in a constitutional crisis if he continues much longer. I don’t care what the Biden family thinks about this. It’s not their call.

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nicely said, and right on, Mary Ann!

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End up?

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It does rather feel as though we're in one right now, especially the longer this goes on.

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Indeed the chain of command is there for a reason, however one must also realize what you could be getting while you follow the chain. Just because you are next in the chain, doesn't necessarily mean you are any more qualified than who you are replacing. Linking your view as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Yes, that's true, but surely the Democrats picked Kamala because they were confident in her leadership, her character, and her intelligence? :-)

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Surely? You sure about that, Bill?

Or was it because she was a Female African/Asian-American from California?

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Stop calling me Shirley, Jeff. :-)

And my previous comment was tongue-in-cheek.

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Heh. i thought "t-i-c" was a possibility, Bill. But i wanted to be shure.

In any event, do You think anything of any significance whatsoever as regards foreign or domestic policy and action would ~ or could ~ change if Biden stepped ~ or was pushed ~ aside, and Harris became POTUS Maxximmuss XLVII?

The same people who own, operate, command, and control Biden do exactly the same with Harris. That's how she got to be VP in the first place, isn't it?

And ~ assuming there is an election on November 5 ~ the same people will own, operate, command, and control whoever POTUS Maxximmuss XLVIII is; be it Trump, Biden, Harris, or anybody else.

It is but 124 days until that day, and i am drawn back again and again to how how it was put in V FOR VENDETTA:

“Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot; for there is a reason why gunpowder and treason should ne'er be forgot... .”

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm8I8X_jQIE ] .

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Jeff, In part Harris was picked because she was pliable and predictable, kowtowing to the powerful.

She will not change the (war)path we are on.

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That's how and why anybody gets picked for anything in Washington, isn't it Bill?

And would ~ could ~ anybody change it? Including Trump?

Would or could Kennedy change anything?

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The fact Biden has not resigned is troubling.

He is not running the government!

Who is?

The republic was lost?

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Who is running the government?

The same people that ran the government when Trump was President.

Who were the same people who ran the government when Obama was President.

Who were the same people who ran the government when Cheney/Bush II was President.

Who were the same people who ran the government when Clinton was President.

Who were the same people who ran the government when Bush I/Reagan was President.

Who were the same people who ran the government when Carter was President....

And so forth, all the way back thru Eisenhower, Roosevelt, and Wilson,

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Government agencies have apparently been given free reign. Subject to SCOTUS oversight after about a year or so.

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As long as someone is masking money.

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As others have pointed out, the short answer is, the Chief of Staff in the White House, Jeff Zients. However, he's a political appointee and is thus not answerable to the electorate for his stupid decisions or dumb interpretations of whatever Joe mumbled at him.

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Bill, as you said, and as those of us who served in the military understood, a clearly defined chain of command is vital to a unit's ability to operate What I see now is terrifying (and I'm running out of adjectives to describe my fears).

I saw Jeff's post from yesterday concerning a House resolution related to the 25th Amendment. I would like to believe it's more than just a political exercise.

It looks to me that Harris and the rest of the Cabinet in hiding behind political consideration, are failing to do their Constitutional duty, which is a 'dereliction of duty'. Too bad there's not an Article 92 for them.

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Even Vice President Harris, who clearly lucked into the position and has virtually no constituency in the larger sense, would be a better caretaker at this point in time than President Biden, and that's saying something.

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A very scary thought. I don't know which is worse, a demented Biden or an undemented Kamala Harris. The depths to which the US has sunk. The Blues are going to shove Harris in before the election, so we will find out how bad a very brief Harris administration can be (she would lose the election even if she were "president").

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Kamala Harris is a very dangerous person. Very dangerous. It scares the shit out of me to think she could be president.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Apparently Biden is (was) just a transition President anyway. Kamala Harris is the future of the Democratic Party, even though no one seems to like her. In the future (or perhaps now), "Democracy" will not be defined as the choice of the people. It will be something more like the Soviet Union had.

Curiously, Russia, formerly of the Soviet Union, seems to have a leader who is genuinely popular with the citizenry, even though Western media refers to him as a dictator.

Of course this is the same Western media that has been assuring us that Biden is "as sharp as a tack".


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The whole World has been laughing over Joe Biden for well over a Yr. now! Its shameful... Even he admits it "Folks, I know I'm not a young man anymore." We can't have a part timer as President. We can't have a man in his condition sitting in the White House! He needs to be terminated as of now..!

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All I know is we'll, or I anyway will never serve a King... That's what July 4th. is all about!!! Happy 4th.

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A puppet replaced by another puppet? What’s the difference? Who is making the real decisions? Who is writing the teleprompter speeches?

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I guess a lucid puppet is better than a non-lucid one.

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We could just have an AI president. (sarc)

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And with that we continue to go down THE BIG MUDDY.

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The Big Fool says to push on ....

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So, instead of a president getting a blowjob in the Oral Office, they'll be giving one.

Kamala, the Cackler in Chief is polishing her knee pads. Bill Clinton is chuckling!

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You are right. This is the constitutional way forward and should happen now.

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It's not his dicission it's ours. This guy is to senile to make his own. Please put him our to pasture

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Who make s the decision to give Biden the hook. Congress....the DNC....the white house physician.

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Ultimately I think it's Biden's decision one way or another.

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Out of the frying pan .....

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