Getting folks to realize that this country is far better described as a plutocracy than a democracy will require a lot of unlearning. But it is definitely a prerequisite. Real, fundamental change is pretty much impossible as long as the myth of democracy persists. It's time to wake up and shed the mythology! We live in a country of, by and for the rich--that's the definition of a plutocracy. As for the danger of an imperium in decline, that certainly applies. As the walls continue to close in on US global control, as the power of new power blocs (BRICS, etc.) continues to increase, the National Security State and the neocon cabal get increasingly desperate. Being the zealots that they are, they just might decide that giving up global control is simply not an acceptable option. Heaven help us all!

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Charlie you are exactly right and the evidence is right before our eyes everywhere. For example the headline that AIPAC is putting $100 million into defeating Rashida Tlaib. There is no disguising the corruption and while it is possible, against all odds, for someone to win a race without big donors, the norm is seen by all - you MUST cultivate big money to have any chance of winning. Citizens United was the most egregious act of the Supreme Court in my lifetime, essentially opening the floodgates for wealth as if it did not already have too much power. Yet Congress is, not surprisingly, not doing anything to address this.

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I agree completely. The Citizens United decision on January 21, 2010, fourteen years ago, is, in effect, the date that democracy came to an end in the USA and the country transitioned into being a full blown plutocracy. What remains are the trappings of democracy only. Over the last 14 years we have seen the full effects of plutocratic rule--grotesque, ever-expanding wealth inequality, mass impoverishment, declining life expectancy, the corruption of the political class, etc. Congress is not going to do anything because 99% of them have been bought, and they are beholden to the plutocrats. It's time to haul out the pitchforks.

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A clash of dinosaurs marks the end of empire"

That says it all in a sentence.

The end of the empire will be brought about by fossil fuels rather than an asteroid. The dinosaurs however didn't do it to themselves, but we are going to. I guess we can put some political spin on it and blame the dinosaurs. After all it's their remains causing climate change.

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The best alternative to, antidote for, and action against the “choices” that America’s Ruling Political Class is offering Voters in 2024 is NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES [NOTC].

Casting one’s vote for any of the 3rd, 4th, or 5th Party candidates will accomplish nothing except give the individual Voter the satisfaction of having voted in accordance with one’s conscience. It will have no impact whatsoever on whether Trump or Biden gets elected.

But if all those contemplating voting 3rd, 4th, or 5th party voted instead for NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES, it could have an impact. Certainly more than scattered votes for the different alternative candidates.

And if all those Voters who have nobody to vote FOR in the election, and only Trump or Biden as who they are going to vote AGAINST being the next President by voting for the other guy, the so-called “lesser of two evils,” it could have an impact, as well.

Done in sufficient numbers all across the nation, a strong showing by NOTC It would send a very loud and clear message ~ a shot across the bow, as it were ~ to that Ruling Political Class that its time of unbridled, unchallenged, and unchallengeable political power is over. And that having to choose between “the lesser of two evils” is really nothing but a thinly disguised version of “the evil of two lessers.” And is no longer an acceptable option.

And as regards RFK, Jr: If he becomes a serious threat to the RPC’s Game Plan, his positions on The COVID Event and vaccinations will suddenly become a hot button issue; and, for some, so will his position on America’s proxy war in Palestine.

Note: All this assumes that there will be an election on November 5, 2024. Which, face it folks, at this stage of The Game, nobody can guarantee.

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It's a great suggestion - but people need to check the rules in their states. Writing in none of the above or none of these candidates could just wind up getting tossed into the trash.

For example, Washington State appears to require filing the write-in name by 18 days before the election. It's unclear if the language is suggestive the candidate is filing for him- or her-self, or filing for a third-party is allowed.

Seems to me it's just another example of how the Democrats and Republicans both set up barriers so they're the only game in town.

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Good point on checking the rules in one's State. TomR. According to Ballotpedia.org:

"Eight states did not have any requirements and would allow voters to write in any name as a write-in vote.[3] Those states were Alabama, Delaware, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and Wyoming.

"Thirty-three states would only accept votes for write-in candidates who officially registered with the state. In order for the vote to be counted, the candidate must have submitted all the necessary registration documents by a specific deadline, either by filing paperwork, paying a fee, collecting signatures, or some combination of the aforementioned.[4][5]

"Nine states (Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina and South Dakota), did not allow write-in votes."

[Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Write-in_candidate .]

One question that immediately comes to mind: On what basis ~ especially Constitutional ~ does any state have the prerogative to not allow write-in votes for Federal elections? Isn't that at least in part the rationale for the Supreme Court's ruling that Colorado couldn't keep Trump off a Primary election ballot regarding what will ultimately be a Federal election?

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It remains to be seen how much fear and panic [or positive change] Galloway can generate [or create] once he's actually in office.

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I think you sum up US governance with descriptive precision, Bill. The fossils know that the youth see a different vision for the country because many are accessing tools that are unregulated by the status quo, hence the increasing censorship of various platforms and personalities. Heck! I see that the Congress is voting on TikTok censorship bill at this very moment. (But Congress ignores the US complicity in killing tens of thousands of Gazans) The youth are smart, increasingly aware and are the hope for the future. It will not be easy but my vision of democracy rests with the youth and successive generations. Though I keep opposing the dinosaurs.

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Anti vaxxer anti science

conspiracist RFK jr. He'll get trump minded folk.

Cornel West: is he still running

Libertarian party...who's running.

Socialist working party: I'm in but too too many folk hooked on emperial capitalism heroin.

Jill: peace planet people will probably get my vote.

No way Biden or trump

That my sum of it.

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As usual, you have hit the nail on the head, Bill, and I'm sending this to those I know are planning to vote for Biden because they are afraid Trump will destroy our "democracy". You've stated it pretty clearly here that a vote for Biden and most probably a vote for Trump will pretty much assure that the US will end up in WWIII. Biden and his advisors (particularly CIA Jake Sullivan and Blinkin) are determined to continue this preparation for war with Russia. Medea Benjamin and Nicholas Davis of Code Pink have an oped in Common Dreams that spells that out even more specifically. So I hope you will continue to point out to those who are planning to vote for Biden because they assume Trump will destroy democracy that the destruction of democracy has been accomplished already and the money folks have taken over (thank you Supreme Court), and our last chance of avoiding a radical change-over with "buckets of blood" is to vote for a third party candidate. I suggest either Jill or RFKJr - and probably RFK because he has created more interest so far. Regardless of whether you agree with ALL his ideas, he has enough good ones to make it worthwhile to vote for him as opposed to Biden who we all know, after decades of watching him con the public, is essentially a republican and also plans to have a war in order to keep the US as an imperialistic superpower, which, as you point out is what failing empires usually do as they fall apart. You have made the point that voting for either of our two parties will probably cause a major war as our oligarchs attempt to prevent the political world change that is apparently happening. I hope you'll keep reminding us until we finally take Yoda's advice and "unlearn".

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RFKJ is another all-in-for-Israel guy with which DC is loaded. I don't know Williamson's stand on Israel. Stein and West are free of allegiance to Zionism.

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Williamson is also pro-Israel.

Yes, RFK Jr. is another all for Israel guy. But he is willing to criticize the MIC and is less likely to be a warmonger than Biden--and more able than Trump to make policy.

I hope I have the chance to consider voting for him this fall.

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Given that Kennedy is "pro-Israel," i'd like to see exactly which part of the MICC he has been "criticizing." Maybe it's that part of the MICC that isn't making any money from Israel's war on Palestine. Or maybe it's that part that isn't making any money off America's proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.

And given his "pro-Israel" posture, i'd like somebody to explain how ~ if put in the Oval Office ~ he is less likely to be a "warmonger" than either Biden is, Trump was, or either of them will be if elected in November.

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When I complained to a friend about RFKJr's stance on Israel, he pointed out to me that AIPAC has a powerful grip on both political parties and RFKJ can't afford to alienate them or he won't be allowed to get on all the ballots. I suspect that is true, so it may be why Kennedy has not spoken out on this and, for the most part, has made no comments on any international news. I have a feeling that that could be because if he said what he thought the MIC and Pentagon etc. would come down hard on him. And, so far, they haven't.

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You might be right. I saw him interviewed on Breaking Points within a week or two of Oct 7 and he was not willing to say anything that Netanyahu would not like to hear. He didn't go as far as Ted Cruz who told Breaking Points that Israel should do anything it wants to do and we should back it. Discounting empty words from State Dept and NSA spokesmen, that is exactly what has come to pass.

One of my senators, Durbin, was the first senator to call for a ceasefire. That's something, but in a form letter to me received today he followed the ritual of first denouncing HAMAS and putting Oct 7 front and center as if the 75 years of suffering endured by Palestinians is not worth a mention, making it sound like Oct 7 came out of nowhere as a mindless attack on the citizens of a completely innocent country. Right there is testimony to the power of the Israel lobby to frame the issue. The perfect example is Netanyahu repeating "Ask HAMAS!"

Testimony to the indoctrination and ignorance of the American people carefully cultivated for decades by Zionists is that so many Americans think (or have thought up to now) there is a balance between Israel and the Palestinians, despite the fact that one side has done nothing but take from the other and that a state of the art army/navy/air force is claiming to be in a "war" with an urban population with no defense against attack.

So many Americans throw up their hands in exasperation, talk about an "unending conflict" say something to the effect of "a pox on both their houses" and get on with their day. How completely have we been duped. The Oct 7 attack was desperation and it has brought the entire situation closer to clarity than ever before as we see which side has been doing the killing with gusto and a resolve not to stop it, thumbing its nose at the world while claiming the role of victim. Cheney and the neocons were waiting for a 9/11. Netanyahu was waiting for an Oct 7.

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Cheney and the Neocons wanted, needed, and made sure that 9/11 happened. And it did.

Just like Netanyahu and this generation of Neocons in DC needed, wanted, and made sure that 10/7 happened. And it did.

That's why no heads rolled in DC after the biggest intelligence, air defense, and national security failure in American history on 9/11.

And that's why no heads rolled in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem after the biggest intelligence, ground defense, and national security failure in Israeli history on 10/7.

One of the first questions that came up on 9/12 ~ after Osama bib Laden and al-Qaeda had been positively identified as the perpetrators of 9/11 ~ was: When did ObL and Da Boyz STOP working for the CIA after their stint in Afghanistan against the Russians back in the 80s?

And one of the first questions that came up on 10/8 was: When did Hamas stop working for the Mossad and Shin Bet?

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This election demonstrates that we don't live in a democracy. If only the worst people are allowed to run by the RNC and DNC, then the election is over before it even starts. The game is totally rigged at the level of primaries. RFK is even worse than Biden on Israel/Gaza, so he is not going to get my vote.

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Maybe if Trump is elected the Democratic Party will let some of their leaders be for peace. It's possible. Ditto for CNN, MSNBC, CBS etc.

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Don't bet The Farm on that happening, Alex.

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I never would bet the farm on politics.

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Definitely a bummer.

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The buzz in the sports world is that Kennedy has been in touch with noted deep thinker, sage, anti-vaxer, and master of the snappy quip Aaron Rodgers about the VP slot.

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A decent QB, but not exactly presidential material. Then again, neither are Biden and Trump.

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Neither were Obama, Cheney/Bush the Lesser, Clinton, Bush the Elder and Bozo, The Peanut Farmer, and so forth.

Trying to figure out when the last time America actually HAD a President of "presidential material" could be an exercise in extreme futility.

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Wait for the MSM to find another George Floyd so that the saviors of democracy will apologize for 'non violent' riots and arson.

And more mail in ballots closed counts and no winner for a week or two to save democracy.

Vote out every incumbent!

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What makes You think voting out every incumbent is going to fix anything, Ed? Especially if they are replaced by people whose first order of business will be to STAY on as the new incumbent come re-election time.

The problem is this Nation's system of government and governance, not the elected politicians, entrenched civilian and military bureaucrats, and anointed political appointees running it.

A system where the highest bidding Vested Special Interests gain access to the legal power, administrative authority, and, particularly, the spending ability and capability of that government so as to advance the individual, group, organizational, or institutional agendas of those VSIs.

Until and unless that System is changed, nothing is going to change except to get worse.

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AIPAC is just one of many, many Vested Special Interests plying their trade in Swampland, Ray. And business for those VSIs has never been going better. Nor has the financial well being of those folks occupying either end of Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House or up on The Hill, in either chamber.

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They won't bring finances under control until an outside force forces them to.

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