
Some wise words from Dennis Kucinich, who knows all about the DNC and election-rigging:

The DNC’s machinations had guaranteed his [Biden's] quest for re-election, until it didn’t.

Under those circumstances, the manner in which the President was yanked off the ticket felt more like a coup, orchestrated by party elites, donors and the media, than the product of reasoned decision-making followed by a respectable departure from the race and subsequent procession to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Precisely because of the way it was done, and how vigorously his relative fragility was exploited from within the party, President Biden now faces serious questions about his ability to remain in office for the next six months. With the prospect of wider wars brewing in Europe and the Middle East the instability of American governance becomes a matter of global concern, and the question arises, who is running things?

Read more at https://denniskucinich.substack.com/p/the-democratic-party-rigged-the-primary

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Who is running things?

The same people, groups, organizations, and institutions that have been running things for a long, Long time: America's autocratic, oligarchic, plutocratic, patriarchal Ruling Political Class.

And its Samurai, the Deep State: the military-industrial-congressional complex, the banking­ finance-printing press web, the techno-infotainment matrix, the petro-food-guns-n-drugs cartels, the pharmo-medico­ insurance-legal cabals, and the surveillance-secrecy-security-censorship-propaganda panopticon that owns and operates, and commands and controls the politicians and bureaucrats at center stage in America's Reality TV extravaganza, and America's $ 1 = I Vote system of government and governance that gets, puts, and keeps them there.

That's who is running things.

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Be sure to tell Dennis Kucinich, Jeff!

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i just did, leaving the same comment.

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deletedJul 23
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What about him?

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deletedJul 23·edited Jul 23
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Dennis definitely knows whereof he speaks.

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deletedJul 24·edited Jul 24
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I agree that there apoear to be as many willfully oblivious Dems as Repubs. Clear vision is needed on both sides.

Harris will be "declared the winner" if she accumulates sufficient electoral votes.

As for the nuclear codes, I haven't seen enough of her to judge how I'd feel about her having them. All I can say is, she at least appears to be sane. OTOH, I surely don't want the current GOP nominee to ever have the codes again!

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Kamala: "Do you think that you just fell out of a Coconut tree? Ha, Hrah,Haeh, Heh, Heh, He!!! Do you think this is a contest? Of all in which you live, and what came to be"??? We really must be living in a Matrix...:/ :o)

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Jul 23Liked by Bill Astore

This whole farcical scenario of U.S. democracy would provide an excellent plot for an “Aristophanes” comedy. On the other hand, it could provide material for an Aeschylean tragedy. The world has been steered by Biden and Harris. towards a possible nuclear war! That, to me, is the far more important problem facing the American people. Will the coup or whatever you call what happened to Biden give the U.S. and the world a leadership, not just a different president, that will make a 180 degree shift in foreign policy? Harris won’t be that person. If that doesn’t happen then God help us all.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Bill Astore

Yesterday, Bill, you wrote how the DNC wins and democracy lost because the party chose Kamala to replace Biden. The reality is that Biden was chosen by the party in the first place. And now the party has un-chosen Biden and chosen Kamala. Just like 2016 when the party "un-chose" Bernie and chose Hillary. The party (and this goes for all of them) always chooses the candidates and, as I explained earlier, the choice is made in accordance with wishes of the parties' patrons (i.e., big donors).

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After the debate the spark went on their gaslight.

25 amendments appropriate for a couple of years.

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Jul 23Liked by Bill Astore

There are a lot of conspiracy theories about a deep state in this country that are totally bogus. Most of those theories deal with "loose cannon" intelligence, security and defense agencies, but the truth of the matter is that those people are just doing what they are told to do.

No, I am not denying the existence of a deep state - in fact I am confirming that there is such a thing - it's just not what the conspiracy theorists claim.

What we are seeing today is the deep state in action. The people behind the green curtain that wield the power in this country, who determine who the figurehead "leaders" are, what the policies are, who are our friends and who are our enemies, when we will go to war and with whom, when we pull out, and all the other important decisions our "leaders" make.

It's the donors - the moneybags. They are the real power in this country. They will donate to the parties and the candidates so long as they continue to see a return on their investment (i.e., profit). When they see a loss coming, they will pull out. Through their control of money, they control the parties who, in turn, control the figurehead "leaders" by controlling who gets to "lead". They are the invisible people who actually govern this country - they are the real deep state.

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JFK called them, "the gnomes in Zurich."

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While I am glad that Biden is out of the race, I too have a lot of questions about WTF happened behind the scenes and even more convinced the Democrat ruling elite/DNC care only about their lives and not for the those of the country.

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Biden was "damaged goods" and the billionaires wanted a better investment. Kamala will get the Royal Blue Team treatment on the Corporate-Owned-News (CON), and if her poll numbers get high enough she is a shoe in for the nomination. The CON have a serious psychological grip on a large swath of the PMC class in this country and those PMC Blues can be molded easily, like silly putty. So Harris will go from highly disliked to beloved in no time. We'll see how effective Trump is at insulting and demeaning Harris (his standard operating procedure) and if she is capable of anything other than word salad when speaking in public (for which there is scant prior evidence). I guess we'll get to find out how well she can use a teleprompter.

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The CON acronym is perfect.

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What gets to me the most is that I have friends who I have known well for 60 years or more who think I am either nuts, or that I have become a Trumper, because I criticize the Blue Team . The ability of the CON to con people is truly astounding. Whatever they hear or read on the CON is instant truth, but any historical facts (e.g., the Ukraine was was actually provoked) that I point out "will need verification". A master's job of brainwashing.

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Yes. Same here.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Bill Astore

Like you said, I think it was the right decision for Biden to step down, but I do feel he was bullied into it, and that makes me a little sad.

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Biden did say only the Almighty can make him get out of the race.

Perhaps the Republicans at their Convention grooming the Christian base to see Trump as Christ returned, was the Almighty pointing out the obvious to Biden?

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"Biden did say only the Almighty can make him get out of the race.'

He was right. It was the almighty dollar.

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Biden meant the New York Times of course. The Almighty New York Times.

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deletedJul 23·edited Jul 23
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Religion doesn't poison anything. It's the people who manipulate it that do all the poisoning.

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deletedJul 23·edited Jul 23
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Even if there wasn't "Religion" to screw things up, there would still be Government, Politics, and the eternal quest for "legalized," sanctioned Power.

The primary purpose of which is to acquire more Wealth, so as to acquire more Power, so as to acquire more Wealth, so as to etc... .

Religion ~ in its deadliest forms ~ is but a tool used by those in or seeking Power; to keep it or to get it.

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It's obvious Religion has poisoned your Mind, Dennis.

I delight in thoughts of God who was, who is, and who is to come, the Almighty I came ALIVE to in MY Body February 1, 1975.

Today is the 63rd Day of my 81st YEAR counting UP, not DOWN.

Your mocking disbelief does not take away all the EVIDENCES, BLESSINGS and JOYS I've seen and experienced of God since that AWESOME Day 49 Years ago.

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deletedJul 23·edited Jul 23
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I've removed comments from your latest round of bickering about religion, which is both tiresome and off-subject

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Nailed it. 💯

What better way to continue to campaign on nothing than to put Kamala up!

When she loses it's totally our fault for being racist misogynists!

I am not going to bother even trying to talk with Democrats on this one. They won't listen, and they'll call me a racist mysoginist.

Funny how many people think I'm male online with a social media handle of Doc Green. Talk about revealing their own biases.


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Please stop with the conspiracy theories. On Saturday, two of his closest advisors showed him the polls and told him the truth; he couldn't win. It has been reported in some detail in the media, which you probably think is fake news. Very disappointed to see this from you

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So, two of his "closest advisors" (names?) showed him "the polls" (which polls?), after which Joe Biden quickly decided to drop out? Why wouldn't Biden make a quick announcement, audio and/or video, explaining this while endorsing Kamala? Why do it via two tweets?

Appreciate any facts/details you can provide here.

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Apparently whoever controls the polls controls the government. Who knew?

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Also, as of Sunday AM, he was still in the race.

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Yes, the polls are down but not by that much; and polls have misled people for years. And it's true that his advisors are telling him he can't win, but who is convincing his advisors that he can't win. If you think that all the "urging" by the party elite and the withdrawal of the big donors didn't substantially influence both Biden and his advisors, then you need to change your meds.

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Can You cite any specific report in any specific media on that?

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Absolutely dead-on. Bill Astore is astute on so many matters profound to basic, but on this one he’s “Get-Off-My-Lawn” overboard.

Anybody could see years ago that the keys needed to be taken from Grandpa Joe, and he grew more truculent and bloated-ego in this advancing stage of cognitive dementia. That’s not his fault to suffer from this, but it is a fault of St. Bernie to have written a bonkers old-age op-ed in the Times urging his blue-dog pal to keep shuffling out for the next three months.

Everybody, even someone as tedious and egocentric as Chris Hedges, knows electoral politics is fatally corrupted by money, but anybody that doesn’t see the rapist ex-casino owner as the worst of the worst is need of a cognitive check-up themselves.

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As I've written again and again, I'm not voting for Trump or Biden (or Harris).

Also as I've written again and again, Biden obviously wasn't fit enough to run for reelection in 2024. But the DNC was telling me on Saturday he was fit enough. Now they're saying he wasn't. What should I believe?

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Did you consider the possibility that Biden had a drooling slavering babbling temporary breakdown in front of the wrong people between Saturday and Sunday? He's insane. Dementia is like that. And it gets worse with time. Anyone could see it over the past few months. He should be removed from office now although the replacement royally sucks. But so does November....

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Welcome to the club. My votes reflect my “belief”in macrofutilism, and have gone to a succession of joke or write-in names. I’m not in the least enamored of Chris Hedges-endorsed third party Don Quixotes like the Christian preacher gasbag Cornel West or over-70s gasbag Jill Stein.

The DNC, and Bernie, and AOC, and a huge swath of the fossil-fueled punditocracy were “lying” to you about the afflicted figurehead, but that’s the nature of our our wholly artificial world. Now counterpose that with the patron saint of the dummies, the rapist ex-casino owner, and what’s left?

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Good question. What's left is us. We must be the change. Put differently, we have to come together and fight for a better saner world.

In the meantime, I know one thing: real change isn't coming from Trump or Harris.

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That *fight' was lost over 40 years ago when the psychopathic con artist Reagsn rode the corporate headwinds. A few Japanese soldiers hid out on islands for decades thinking WW2 was still on. There is too much to "fight," and no way to fight, anywhere.

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deletedJul 23·edited Jul 23
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Dennis, you forget I've already had four years of Trump. If he wins, I suppose I'll survive another four years.

I see my role here as questioning authority, of being critical of all centers of power. In your proselytizing for Trump, you are often uncritical and submissive to authority, a problem you don't have when you look at Biden/Harris.

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I.think you and Trump are shitting in your oversized pants today.

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On Saturday he was saying he was going to continue his campaign. On Sunday he communicates his withdrawal on personal letterhead stationary, which made no sense - unless 'they' wanted it done immediately so there was no time to get White House stationary to Rehoboth Beach.

And what they did use to they push him out? I don't know, but guess hanging the 25th Amendment over him - would be worse than even Hunter going to jail.

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does it matter. what matters is genocide Joe is no more.

good riddens

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Interesting symmetry. In 2020 Biden had Covid and campaigned largely from seclusion. In 2024 Biden had Covid and decided not to run again, largely from seclusion. So the metaphysical question is: was he even there? Or was it some kind of cosmic joke?

Yesterday, upon the stair,

I met a man who wasn't there!

He wasn't there again today,

I wish, I wish he'd go away!

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Well, he's no longer "all there"

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The T.S. Eliot presidency. It ends not with a bang, but with a whimper.

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deletedJul 23
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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

It's from a play and is about a ghost: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antigonish_(poem)

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Is God good?-- I go into a lab and create a unicellular eukaryotic organism that will kill millions. I infect flying insects to serve as the delivery system. If I release it, would I be evil? Without exception every theist I asked replied yes. I then ask them to explain "Malaria"

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Fireman1110: Before one can determine and declare whether or not "God is Good," doesn't one have to first determine and declare exactly what "God" is? And then do the same thing for "Good"?

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You sound logical in your 'Question" Jeff, but I'm afraid I believe Religion and God is basically just a culture of Faith and Science which I believe in only is a culture of doubt --so I'm like Dr. Carl Sagan in that "I don't want to believe. I want to know"

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I think Harris is the pliable choice of the current rulers

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We'll never know at any rate so it doesn't even matter, I'm just glad that since he has the Rona he can't smell anymore for now. Poetic justice for all the smelling of little Girls hair!!! :/ :o) Good riddance to bad rubbish... BTW "Dropkicked" and "Hammerlocked" lols gotta love the Wrestlespeak, or are you appealing to Ex Gov. Jesse Ventura!?

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For sure, any Kamala loss will be blamed on both racism (true enough, I'm sure) and Russia again meddling in our election for Trump as we all know Putin holds sway over the rust belt voters abandoned by the Democrats.

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Tom, I'm Canadian, but I've seen nothing in the MSM or Alternate Media Worldwide to affirm this in your comment, "we all know Putin holds sway over the rust belt voters." I don't know that!

Btw, in CanaDa, once the writ is dropped for an election, the Election Campaign lasts 6 weeks. US Elections start from the mid-term election lasting over 2 years. I'll be so glad when this one is over.

If Trump wins there will be trouble. If Harris wins there will be trouble! Republicans are already threatening Civil War if Harris wins.

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Ray, I hope you know I was being facetious about rust belt voters being influenced by Russia. And you right to point out the USA literally never-ending campaign season. After all, the entire House is up vote every two years.

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Sorry, Tom! I thought you were serious. I should have known you were being facetious.

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