Are you ready for four more years of Joe Biden?
Four more years—that does give me pause.
Yes, Biden stepped on his own applause line. He accidentally read a prompt to the audience to chant “four more years,” then added the “pause” direction that was included to remind him to allow the audience time for the “spontaneous” chant. This isn’t the first (or second) time Biden has flubbed teleprompter directions. It does make you wonder how aware he is of what he’s saying.
Of course, flubs like this are a minor issue compared to aiding a genocide in Gaza and selling weapons and war as “peace,” but they are indicative of a president who’s well past his prime. In fact, if you watch more of Biden’s speech from this day, you’ll note how querolous and angry he seems to be, tending to shout for emphasis.
Meanwhile, darling of the fake left Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez donned Ray Ban aviator sunglasses to pose with Biden on Earth Day. AOC has suggested Biden’s decisions are abetting genocide in Gaza, but never mind all that.

Remember, Trump bad! Vote blue no matter who!
This appears to be America’s “choice” for 2024: a muddled and befuddled figurehead in Biden versus a “vengeance is mine” loose cannon in Trump. They make the captain of the Titanic look good.
Standard Disclaimer: Nope, I’m not a Trump fan. See this article I wrote in March of 2016 about how Trump is constitutionally unsuited for the presidency.
An interesting take I heard on Biden's flub was that not only was he not to say "pause", he wasn't supposed to say "four more years". The coached audience was to say "four more years" after he said "imagine what we could do." He was then to pause for the cheering.
It makes sense to me as "four more years" isn't even a sentence. If he said "give me four more years" then only the flubbed "pause" makes sense.
Seeing the teleprompter transcript markings would clear this up, but I wonder if someone is trying to signal how bad he is out of sight.
I will not vote D or R in 2024 and going forward. I have voted almost exclusively third party since 2000. I mistakenly voted Obama once and will never vote Democrat or Republican. We desperately need to break the stranglehold of controlled opposition that the duopoly holds on our election system. It is neither free nor fair.