I remember when having a cognizant President really was needed Truman, Ike, JFK, Johnson etc.etc. etc. Now you don't even have to be able to form, or speak in full Sentences! Now we have 2 lying, hateful, elderly men vying for Power-- they both should be thrown into the dumpsters of History, or dustbins take your pick...
I remember when having a cognizant President really was needed Truman, Ike, JFK, Johnson etc.etc. etc. Now you don't even have to be able to form, or speak in full Sentences! Now we have 2 lying, hateful, elderly men vying for Power-- they both should be thrown into the dumpsters of History, or dustbins take your pick...
I just finished listening to Alexander Mercouris going over the Chinese readout from Xi's meeting with Blinken. When you hear Xi and Putin speak from such depth of context, history and logic, there is just no comparison to US leadership. Can't wait to hear Alexander review the Chinese readout with Blinken and Wang Yi. At the time of his program today, that readout was not yet released.
For what the United States did ~ and is still doing ~ after 9/11 to the Peoples, Lands, Countries, and Nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and Syria, among other places, Cheney/Bush the Lesser, Obama, Trump, and Biden need to be not only jailed as International War Criminals, but executed by Firing Squad or Hanging.
Along with every US Senator and Congressman or Congresswoman who voted to enable that 20+ War Crime called "The Forever War" to get started in the first place, and to then continue until Cold War II could be arranged with Russia and China.
You're the one, Mr Merwood, always quoting David Swanson on how many people the US has killed, governments it has overthrown, elections it has corrupted, etc. Which of the Presidents during that time period should NOT have been jailed/executed?
True enough Dennis--People often ask where I stand Politically on Presidents I Vote the Man not Party. At this Pt. I think I'll Vote the one I hope & wish that he won't destroy Planet Earth...! :/ :o)
Always liked what Kurt Vonnegut said "The last thing I ever wanted was to be Alive when the three most powerful people on the whole Planet would be named Bush, Dick, & Colon" Fireman out...
I remember when having a cognizant President really was needed Truman, Ike, JFK, Johnson etc.etc. etc. Now you don't even have to be able to form, or speak in full Sentences! Now we have 2 lying, hateful, elderly men vying for Power-- they both should be thrown into the dumpsters of History, or dustbins take your pick...
I just finished listening to Alexander Mercouris going over the Chinese readout from Xi's meeting with Blinken. When you hear Xi and Putin speak from such depth of context, history and logic, there is just no comparison to US leadership. Can't wait to hear Alexander review the Chinese readout with Blinken and Wang Yi. At the time of his program today, that readout was not yet released.
They should both be thrown in jail.
For what the United States did ~ and is still doing ~ after 9/11 to the Peoples, Lands, Countries, and Nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and Syria, among other places, Cheney/Bush the Lesser, Obama, Trump, and Biden need to be not only jailed as International War Criminals, but executed by Firing Squad or Hanging.
Along with every US Senator and Congressman or Congresswoman who voted to enable that 20+ War Crime called "The Forever War" to get started in the first place, and to then continue until Cold War II could be arranged with Russia and China.
You're the one, Mr Merwood, always quoting David Swanson on how many people the US has killed, governments it has overthrown, elections it has corrupted, etc. Which of the Presidents during that time period should NOT have been jailed/executed?
True enough Dennis--People often ask where I stand Politically on Presidents I Vote the Man not Party. At this Pt. I think I'll Vote the one I hope & wish that he won't destroy Planet Earth...! :/ :o)
Always liked what Kurt Vonnegut said "The last thing I ever wanted was to be Alive when the three most powerful people on the whole Planet would be named Bush, Dick, & Colon" Fireman out...