THE TEN-HEADED HYDRA; Or, The U.S. Is Controlled By Ten Cartels by Toby Rogers 011623
The U.S. is controlled by ten cartels and collectively they are destroying our country and enslaving the population:
~ 1. BIG FINANCE (Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Berkshire Hathaway, Citigroup, Blackrock, Vanguard, the Federal Reserve)
Controls the U.S. Treasury.
Result: Money is cheap for them (the Fed) but expensive for us (credit card interest), oligopolies rule, there is no regulation, and there are endless bubbles and busts on the stock market.
~ 2. MILITARY CONTRACTORS (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Technologies, General Dynamics)
Control the Department of Defense.
Result: Endless wars, hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan to re-seed that area with chaos, and a new Cold War against Russia and China.
~ 3. BIG OIL (ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP)
Controls the Department of the Interior and DoD.
Result: Oil and gas leases on public lands only pay 8% royalties. The U.S. makes alliances with despots in the Middle East and overthrows any leader who tries to increase royalty rates.
~ 4. BIG FOOD + BIG AG (PepsiCo, Tyson, Nestle, Kraft, Cargill, ADM)
Control the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Result: Subsidies for sugar and corn. Junk food served in schools across the country. Obesity, diabetes, mental illness, and low energy plague our nation.
Result: Junk science is laundered and given the government seal of approval. Toxic, deadly, and expensive drugs flood the market causing widespread iatrogenic injury. Vaccines that cause net harms are mandated for school. Over 50% of the population suffers from chronic illness resulting from iatrogenic injury. Widespread Covid vaccine injury causes supply chain shortages, inflation, and impaired military readiness.
Result: 80,000 chemicals are on the market and we have no data to verify whether they are safe.
~ 7. BIG WIRELESS (Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Apple, Samsung)
Controls the Federal Communications Commission.
Result: Wireless transmitters are on nearly every street corner in cities. The ridiculous 2 degree rule* puts dangerous devices near the brains and reproductive organs of almost all adult Americans as well as many children. (*The way cell phones are tested for safety in the U.S. is that they strap the unit to the head of a plastic dummy and if the temperature of the water inside the dummy’s head does not increase by more than 2 degrees they consider it “safe”.)
~ 8. BIG MEDIA (AT&T, Comcast, Disney, Paramount, Netflix, Facebook, TikTok)
Control our attention.
Result: They keep the population distracted, addicted, and plugged into the Matrix.
~ 9. BIG PHILANTHROPY (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Soros Foundation, Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Ford, Rockefeller)
Controls the subaltern.
Result: They sop up any creative, artistic, or counter-cultural impulse in the population and direct it away from any critique of capital. They shape the ideation of oppressed classes to prevent any structural reform in the U.S.
~ 10. BIG TECH/BIG DATA (Alphabet/Google/YouTube, Meta/FB/IG/WhatsApp, Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon, Twitter, TikTok)
These companies provide digital services that monitor all of our communications in order to build detailed data profiles that are then sold to other companies and the security state for the purposes of sales, manipulation, and control.
Result: These companies know what we want before we even know it. Free will is eroded. Democrat participation and dissent are replaced with a stage-managed society that is scripted like a video game with them always in control behind the scenes.
This is who rules over us.
They have interlocking boards of directors to coordinate their actions.
The U.S. government now exists to serve the interests of these cartels.
Any bureaucrat who challenges the power of these industries will be removed.
Any politician who challenges the power of these industries will be met with a well-funded opponent in the next election.
Those who work for these industries do better financially than those who do not.
Those who challenge these industries live on the margins and are under constant surveillance and threat.
Our culture warps itself around these industries to normalize their existence even as they are killing us and destroying our country and the world.
The peasants are pitted against each other in endless culture wars to distract us from our gradual (or not so gradual) enslavement.
That’s what we are up against — one nation, under the cartels, polarized, with liberty for them and misery for us.
Our challenge is to find ways to starve, sabotage, and replace this Ten-Headed Hydra with a better alternative.
Mr Rogers description of America’s Ruling Cartels sounds very close to one of the reasons justifying asking the question: “Will the United States survive to celebrate its 250th birthday on July 4, 2026?”:
Because America is a Oligarchic/Plutocratic Deep State comprised of the military-industrial-congressional complex, the banking-finance-printing press web, the techno-infotainment matrix, the petro-food-guns-n-drugs cartels, the pharmo-medico-insurance-legal cabals, and the surveillance-secrecy-security-safety panopticon that owns and operates, scripts and directs, and commands and controls the politicians and bureaucrats at center stage in America's reality-tv extravaganza called “Swampland. And America's $ 1 = 1 Vote system of government and governance that gets, puts, and keeps them there.
That’s along with America being :
~ a Bankrupt Debtor State;
~ an Imperialist Warfare State;
~ a Redistributionist Welfare State;
~ a Secrecy/Surveillance/Security/proto-Police State;
~ a Flailing and Failing Nation State [and Empire];
~ an Overshoot State;
And, perhaps most importantly,
~ a People and Nation no longer merely "divided," but fractured ~ even to the point of disintegration ~ in ways not seen in more than 160 years, since the eve of what may end up being merely the First American Civil War.
The idea of Leopards hunting Soviet-era T-72s and T-80s in Ukraine conjures the ghosts of Tigers and Panthers hunting T-34s in 1943 during World War II. It's not a good look.
"What started in the West as an allegedly limited effort to help Ukraine defend its soil against Russian attacks is rapidly becoming a full-fledged war to roll back Russian forces not only in Ukraine but also in the Crimea."
I think that the key give-away term here is "allegedly". Yes, that was what was, and still is, alleged. But the real truth seems to be that the war that was not only provoked, but—as we now all know, or should know by now—begun by the West, allegedly "to help Ukraine defend its soil against Russian attack" (whatever that means) was always meant—as we now all know, or should know by now—not only to "roll back Russian forces . . . in Ukraine [and] in the Crimea" but to weaken Russia, destroy its economy, force "regime change", and decompose and partition the Russian Federation. How do we know that? Because the people in power in "the West" have said so. Perhaps many of the people who read this think that those are fine objectives. But, whatever one thinks about that, no one can, without utter duplicity, deny that such is the case.
Wasn't the introduction of the US made Javelin credited with stopping Russian armor? It is hard to believe that Russia doesn't have the equal in armor piercing weaponry. My point is that whatever the US/NATO countries can supply to Ukraine can be countered and in greater number, by Russia. Each escalation only means more death and destruction in Ukraine. It's pointless. At some point negotiations must come.
We all know that the US would never counter Russia directly, nor China, due to the risk of nuclear war. The entire Ukraine situation is conducted knowing this. It is the prosecution of conventional war simply because it can be done by proxy, but only up to the point of Russia's tolerance. Ukrainian forces will never be rolling into Russia to win the day.
Yes, Clif. But there's now a vision of a Ukrainian armored force, equipped perhaps with Leopard Panzers from Germany and/or Poland, driving the Russians out of Ukraine via a quasi-blitzkrieg.
I'm no longer as certain that the U.S. wouldn't risk nuclear war. In fact, I think the neocon-run State Dep't and foreign policy leaders are already getting precariously close; the risks have been increasing with each escalation. The ability of Ukraine (with U.S. help) to strike targets in Russia (e.g. the airfield strike) is already a deep threat to Russia. When coupled with the obviousness of U.S. intent via its non-negotiation stance, language about NATO, the retaking of Crimea, the $100 Billion of weaponry, obvious intel support and likely targeting assistance, training, etc... all of which seem on course to expand and escalate, the Kremlin must certainly consider that the U.S. is not just content to bleed Russia, but to permanently cut it off at the knees. This may truly seem to its leadership, the closest it has come to existential danger since the Nazi invasion and siege of Stalingrad. With a nuclear power (and global financial hegemon) now threatening to come through the same western doorway (Ukraine), this time armed with long-range missiles - even nukes, and given that the U.S. Nuclear Posture has been changed esssentially to allow the use of nuclear weapons even to 'aid an ally' or wherever U.S. interests are involved, I think anyone's reliance on MAD is a mistake.
I'm particularly concerned as Zelensky is himself caught in a vise; he's been threatened with death by Ukraine's neo-Nazis should he negotiate, and his patrons in NATO countries and particularly the U.S. and U.K. had already made it amply clear that any negotiations will be met with abandonment by them - not only militarily but financially as well, I imagine. So his sugar daddy will be gone, the Nazis (who the west have gladly supported to press this proxy war) will have a bounty out for his head, and his nation, significantly devastated by the war that he promised his people (in his election campaign) would not happen will have been set back for many decades.
The Empire's management appears to me to be getting desperate as they sense that their gambit may be failing and that they are losing grip as the unipolar global hegemon. Even today there was an article about the willingness of S.Arabia to consider using other than dollars as an exchange currency. Coupled with the insistence of other nations to be paid in Yuan (China) or rubles (Russia), and other mini-rebellions, this represents an existential threat to the U.S. financial empire which sets the 'rules' in the 'rules-based order' that the U.S. has insisted be followed.
In any case, whether it is Zelensky, Russia, or the U.S. Empire that feels most desperate desperate people sometimes take desperate gambles. I fear that Zelensky (or one of his or other Ukraine operatives), in a desperate attempt to make sure the U.S. / NATO get more directly involved might resort to a 'dirty bomb' or the like- possibly even in a sacrificial, false flag incident.; or otherwise provoke Russia into a retaliatory strike. The neocon architects of this war, fearing the results of failure to protect Ukraine and accomplish its goals of bleeding Russia to capitulation, might do the same. And anyone who thinks Russia's leadership will abandon their primary responsibility- to protect their citizens and the territorial integrity of Russia is betting the pot on a very weak hand.
i would be particularly alert to some sort of False Flag precipitant: the US has a long and very successful history of using them to get itself into another War.
As far as the people building and sending those Tanks to Ukraine ~ and their Masters in DC ordering them to do that ~ are concerned, about the only thing that could possibly go wrong would be for Peace to break out before a bunch of them get deployed and are destroyed and need to be replaced.
THE TEN-HEADED HYDRA; Or, The U.S. Is Controlled By Ten Cartels by Toby Rogers 011623
The U.S. is controlled by ten cartels and collectively they are destroying our country and enslaving the population:
~ 1. BIG FINANCE (Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Berkshire Hathaway, Citigroup, Blackrock, Vanguard, the Federal Reserve)
Controls the U.S. Treasury.
Result: Money is cheap for them (the Fed) but expensive for us (credit card interest), oligopolies rule, there is no regulation, and there are endless bubbles and busts on the stock market.
~ 2. MILITARY CONTRACTORS (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Technologies, General Dynamics)
Control the Department of Defense.
Result: Endless wars, hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan to re-seed that area with chaos, and a new Cold War against Russia and China.
~ 3. BIG OIL (ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP)
Controls the Department of the Interior and DoD.
Result: Oil and gas leases on public lands only pay 8% royalties. The U.S. makes alliances with despots in the Middle East and overthrows any leader who tries to increase royalty rates.
~ 4. BIG FOOD + BIG AG (PepsiCo, Tyson, Nestle, Kraft, Cargill, ADM)
Control the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Result: Subsidies for sugar and corn. Junk food served in schools across the country. Obesity, diabetes, mental illness, and low energy plague our nation.
~ 5. BIG PHARMA (Pfizer, Merck, GSK, Moderna, Sanofi, J&J, AstraZeneca)
Controls the FDA and CDC.
Result: Junk science is laundered and given the government seal of approval. Toxic, deadly, and expensive drugs flood the market causing widespread iatrogenic injury. Vaccines that cause net harms are mandated for school. Over 50% of the population suffers from chronic illness resulting from iatrogenic injury. Widespread Covid vaccine injury causes supply chain shortages, inflation, and impaired military readiness.
~ 6. BIG CHEM (Dow, ExxonMobil Chemical, Dupont, Eastman, Bayer, Syngenta)
Controls the Environmental Protection Agency.
Result: 80,000 chemicals are on the market and we have no data to verify whether they are safe.
~ 7. BIG WIRELESS (Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Apple, Samsung)
Controls the Federal Communications Commission.
Result: Wireless transmitters are on nearly every street corner in cities. The ridiculous 2 degree rule* puts dangerous devices near the brains and reproductive organs of almost all adult Americans as well as many children. (*The way cell phones are tested for safety in the U.S. is that they strap the unit to the head of a plastic dummy and if the temperature of the water inside the dummy’s head does not increase by more than 2 degrees they consider it “safe”.)
~ 8. BIG MEDIA (AT&T, Comcast, Disney, Paramount, Netflix, Facebook, TikTok)
Control our attention.
Result: They keep the population distracted, addicted, and plugged into the Matrix.
~ 9. BIG PHILANTHROPY (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Soros Foundation, Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Ford, Rockefeller)
Controls the subaltern.
Result: They sop up any creative, artistic, or counter-cultural impulse in the population and direct it away from any critique of capital. They shape the ideation of oppressed classes to prevent any structural reform in the U.S.
~ 10. BIG TECH/BIG DATA (Alphabet/Google/YouTube, Meta/FB/IG/WhatsApp, Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon, Twitter, TikTok)
These companies provide digital services that monitor all of our communications in order to build detailed data profiles that are then sold to other companies and the security state for the purposes of sales, manipulation, and control.
Result: These companies know what we want before we even know it. Free will is eroded. Democrat participation and dissent are replaced with a stage-managed society that is scripted like a video game with them always in control behind the scenes.
This is who rules over us.
They have interlocking boards of directors to coordinate their actions.
The U.S. government now exists to serve the interests of these cartels.
Any bureaucrat who challenges the power of these industries will be removed.
Any politician who challenges the power of these industries will be met with a well-funded opponent in the next election.
Those who work for these industries do better financially than those who do not.
Those who challenge these industries live on the margins and are under constant surveillance and threat.
Our culture warps itself around these industries to normalize their existence even as they are killing us and destroying our country and the world.
The peasants are pitted against each other in endless culture wars to distract us from our gradual (or not so gradual) enslavement.
That’s what we are up against — one nation, under the cartels, polarized, with liberty for them and misery for us.
Our challenge is to find ways to starve, sabotage, and replace this Ten-Headed Hydra with a better alternative.
Yes. I was just writing something along these lines. Very helpful.
Great minds think alike, eh? i look forward to Your thoughts on all this, Bill.
This should be mandatory reading for every American old enough to think for her or himself, let alone vote.
Mr Rogers description of America’s Ruling Cartels sounds very close to one of the reasons justifying asking the question: “Will the United States survive to celebrate its 250th birthday on July 4, 2026?”:
Because America is a Oligarchic/Plutocratic Deep State comprised of the military-industrial-congressional complex, the banking-finance-printing press web, the techno-infotainment matrix, the petro-food-guns-n-drugs cartels, the pharmo-medico-insurance-legal cabals, and the surveillance-secrecy-security-safety panopticon that owns and operates, scripts and directs, and commands and controls the politicians and bureaucrats at center stage in America's reality-tv extravaganza called “Swampland. And America's $ 1 = 1 Vote system of government and governance that gets, puts, and keeps them there.
That’s along with America being :
~ a Bankrupt Debtor State;
~ an Imperialist Warfare State;
~ a Redistributionist Welfare State;
~ a Secrecy/Surveillance/Security/proto-Police State;
~ a Flailing and Failing Nation State [and Empire];
~ an Overshoot State;
And, perhaps most importantly,
~ a People and Nation no longer merely "divided," but fractured ~ even to the point of disintegration ~ in ways not seen in more than 160 years, since the eve of what may end up being merely the First American Civil War.
What could go wrong? "The Guns of August" is a very instructive answer to that question, circa 1914.
So far, it appears Germany is resisting pressure to allow Leopard Panzers to be sent to Ukraine.
The idea of Leopards hunting Soviet-era T-72s and T-80s in Ukraine conjures the ghosts of Tigers and Panthers hunting T-34s in 1943 during World War II. It's not a good look.
"What started in the West as an allegedly limited effort to help Ukraine defend its soil against Russian attacks is rapidly becoming a full-fledged war to roll back Russian forces not only in Ukraine but also in the Crimea."
I think that the key give-away term here is "allegedly". Yes, that was what was, and still is, alleged. But the real truth seems to be that the war that was not only provoked, but—as we now all know, or should know by now—begun by the West, allegedly "to help Ukraine defend its soil against Russian attack" (whatever that means) was always meant—as we now all know, or should know by now—not only to "roll back Russian forces . . . in Ukraine [and] in the Crimea" but to weaken Russia, destroy its economy, force "regime change", and decompose and partition the Russian Federation. How do we know that? Because the people in power in "the West" have said so. Perhaps many of the people who read this think that those are fine objectives. But, whatever one thinks about that, no one can, without utter duplicity, deny that such is the case.
Wasn't the introduction of the US made Javelin credited with stopping Russian armor? It is hard to believe that Russia doesn't have the equal in armor piercing weaponry. My point is that whatever the US/NATO countries can supply to Ukraine can be countered and in greater number, by Russia. Each escalation only means more death and destruction in Ukraine. It's pointless. At some point negotiations must come.
We all know that the US would never counter Russia directly, nor China, due to the risk of nuclear war. The entire Ukraine situation is conducted knowing this. It is the prosecution of conventional war simply because it can be done by proxy, but only up to the point of Russia's tolerance. Ukrainian forces will never be rolling into Russia to win the day.
Yes, Clif. But there's now a vision of a Ukrainian armored force, equipped perhaps with Leopard Panzers from Germany and/or Poland, driving the Russians out of Ukraine via a quasi-blitzkrieg.
Again, what could possibly go wrong, right?
Ray, precisely among my own concerns, though I omitted mention of the Debt itself.
I'm no longer as certain that the U.S. wouldn't risk nuclear war. In fact, I think the neocon-run State Dep't and foreign policy leaders are already getting precariously close; the risks have been increasing with each escalation. The ability of Ukraine (with U.S. help) to strike targets in Russia (e.g. the airfield strike) is already a deep threat to Russia. When coupled with the obviousness of U.S. intent via its non-negotiation stance, language about NATO, the retaking of Crimea, the $100 Billion of weaponry, obvious intel support and likely targeting assistance, training, etc... all of which seem on course to expand and escalate, the Kremlin must certainly consider that the U.S. is not just content to bleed Russia, but to permanently cut it off at the knees. This may truly seem to its leadership, the closest it has come to existential danger since the Nazi invasion and siege of Stalingrad. With a nuclear power (and global financial hegemon) now threatening to come through the same western doorway (Ukraine), this time armed with long-range missiles - even nukes, and given that the U.S. Nuclear Posture has been changed esssentially to allow the use of nuclear weapons even to 'aid an ally' or wherever U.S. interests are involved, I think anyone's reliance on MAD is a mistake.
I'm particularly concerned as Zelensky is himself caught in a vise; he's been threatened with death by Ukraine's neo-Nazis should he negotiate, and his patrons in NATO countries and particularly the U.S. and U.K. had already made it amply clear that any negotiations will be met with abandonment by them - not only militarily but financially as well, I imagine. So his sugar daddy will be gone, the Nazis (who the west have gladly supported to press this proxy war) will have a bounty out for his head, and his nation, significantly devastated by the war that he promised his people (in his election campaign) would not happen will have been set back for many decades.
The Empire's management appears to me to be getting desperate as they sense that their gambit may be failing and that they are losing grip as the unipolar global hegemon. Even today there was an article about the willingness of S.Arabia to consider using other than dollars as an exchange currency. Coupled with the insistence of other nations to be paid in Yuan (China) or rubles (Russia), and other mini-rebellions, this represents an existential threat to the U.S. financial empire which sets the 'rules' in the 'rules-based order' that the U.S. has insisted be followed.
In any case, whether it is Zelensky, Russia, or the U.S. Empire that feels most desperate desperate people sometimes take desperate gambles. I fear that Zelensky (or one of his or other Ukraine operatives), in a desperate attempt to make sure the U.S. / NATO get more directly involved might resort to a 'dirty bomb' or the like- possibly even in a sacrificial, false flag incident.; or otherwise provoke Russia into a retaliatory strike. The neocon architects of this war, fearing the results of failure to protect Ukraine and accomplish its goals of bleeding Russia to capitulation, might do the same. And anyone who thinks Russia's leadership will abandon their primary responsibility- to protect their citizens and the territorial integrity of Russia is betting the pot on a very weak hand.
Very well said, Roger.
i would be particularly alert to some sort of False Flag precipitant: the US has a long and very successful history of using them to get itself into another War.
the record of abrams' in the war against isis:
iraq in 2017 was far less dangerous than the donbas......
the logistics burden of m-1 and bradely m-2 is intense.
the british contribution is about one squadron/troop, and the ifv's going in won't be much support.
the number of 155mm tubes may be useable subject to counterbattery effects.
effect is to up the damage in denazifying ukraine.
As far as the people building and sending those Tanks to Ukraine ~ and their Masters in DC ordering them to do that ~ are concerned, about the only thing that could possibly go wrong would be for Peace to break out before a bunch of them get deployed and are destroyed and need to be replaced.
And here is one of the flags of the Cartelized States of America:
Culture and Society-- yes has hypnotized us...!