The essay raises some serious issues in my subjective observation of America’s political climate. The observation of a “resistance” movement forming to a potential re-election of Trump as reported by the NYT troubles me. Does this mean a repeat of the phony attacks leveled against Trump after his election in 2016? The simple fact is that almost all the accusations against Trump, most importantly the Russia collusion hoax, undermined Trump’s bumbling administration. He was legally elected and delegitimizing his presidency was relentless and definitely unfair if not bordering on illegality. There is for me another issue and that revolves around the actions and behavior of the current administration. Is the continuous attack on dissent through silencing by personal attacks on various individuals more benign than the behavior of Trump? The Department of State’s sponsoring Ukrainian “enemy or death lists” that includes Americans of various political views is more worrying than anything I have seen in my lifetime. The suppression of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop by claiming it was Russian disinformation and confirmed as such by over fifty “security” experts should raise a red flag for anyone who is concerned about election procedures as well as the influence of the security establishment. They played a key role during the Russia Gate accusations. I could refer to a few other concerns that question the “democratic” credentials of the Democrats and the possible formation of an anti Trump coalition. I can’t see any successful alternative to the current Democrat or Republican candidates. PLEASE, do not interpret my argument as an endorsement of Trump! I don’t like the man and my political position is deeply rooted in the once proud Social Democrat position of Europe which unfortunately has been almost completely obliterated. For me the choice of the American people is between two bad choices and not just the “lesser of two evils.”
First of all, Karl, that so-called “choice” being given Americans between the so-called “lesser of two evils” is nothing but The Evil of Two Lessers. And that has become standard routine for American Presidential and other elections for quite some time now.
And second of all, Trump’s administration was far from “bumbling.”
How much did America’s national, sovereign Debt increase during his term? And which elements of America’s “Deep State” benefitted from that?
How much did so-called national “defense, security, safety, and surveillance” budgets and authority increase when he was POTUS MAXXIMMUSS XLV? And again: Benefitting which elements of that same Deep State?
How’d the US do during The COVID Event with him running the show? And which elements of that same Deep State benefitted most from that?
And while Trump didn’t actually start any new Wars ~ like Obama, Cheney/Bush II, Clinton, Bush I/Bozo, and Carter before him ~ he did NOTHING to end America’s 9/11-spawned “Forever War.”
And, more importantly: While he didn’t “start” any new Wars, he made damn sure that a War in Eastern Europe could and would happen sometime down the road. How many of those 14,000 Ukrainians in the eastern provinces were killed by America’s coup-installed government in Kyiv ~ primarily by American-provided bombs and shells ~ while he sat in the Oval Office?
Trump accomplished virtually everything he was sent to Washington to do on behalf of his owners, operators, commanders, and controllers. The same individuals, organizations, and institutions that own, operate, command, and control Biden and every other elected politician in DC. And have owned, operated, commanded and controlled every President and virtually every member of Congress for a long, long time now.
That Biden and Trump are the “choices” America’s Ruling Political Class has deigned to give Voters to be America’s next President is undeniable evidence and proof that The Decline of The American Empire has ended, and The Fall has begun in earnest. And with it, the beginning of the end of The Experiment that was the United States of America, launched 248 years ago this coming July 4.
One can only wonder if the United States will survive to celebrate its 250th birthday on July 4, 2026; 748 days from today. And if it does survive, will the American Peoples be in any mood or condition to celebrate anything?
But before all that, the question remains: Will there even be an election this November? What would it take to cancel it?
And if there is an election, will there be a Presidential Inauguration and seating of a new Congress in January? Regardless of who “loses”? And no matter who “wins”?
J.G. I think you made substantially my point. I do not speculate about what might or might not happen in the near or distant future. I am a historian and not a futurist.
Hi Karl: i'm not looking for Your predictions or prognostications. But i am curious:
Based on Your studies, readings, and writings as a professional Historian; and, based on what has happened to every Empire that has ever existed anywhere on this Planet: Do You agree that, at some point in the future, The American Empire will end?
And, based on what has happened to every other Empire throughout history, would You say that the American Empire is still in its "Decline" state? Or has it transitioned to "Fall"?
And finally: What ~ if anything ~ can be done to reverse that Decline? Or if it's too late for that, what can be done to stop that Fall?
Hello JG, these are loaded questions that are not easily answered. The term “empire” is derived from Roman usage related to military power as it was invested in the person of Rome’s supreme commander. Commanders like Pompey, Caesar, Crassus and Augustus, to name just a few, became IMPERATOR after significant foreign military victories. I am disinclined to use the term broadly for diverse political entities across the world. My understanding of the past is rooted in the reality of continuous change - one might use the terms evolution or devolution. I also not in favor of using the historical changes of previous “empires” as a guide for our current USA situation. The causes that were driving certain states into decline or complete disappearance ca be as diverse as climate catastrophes (Mayans & Easter Islands) or foreign military conquests (Aztecs and Inkas come to mind). The we have the historical phenomena of China which has a 3000 year up and down history. I am aware that certain highly educated individuals try to “economics” of past eras like the Roman Empire to draw parallels with today’s America. I find these explanations dubious. The Roman state certainly changed over time and went through different phases. The remarkable fact about Rome is that it actually survived in a political form for almost 2000 years! It ended politically in 1453. It’s cultural legacy never died; it is the basis of Europe and much of modern West from languages to religion. Now, to address you question of the U.S. Where are we? I can only provide some superficial observations. Eighty years is not enough time to give a relative “definitive” assessment. America is changing and many would say for the worse. It is certainly very problematic that the current presidential and congressional elections are on a rather low intellectual level. This may imply a decline internally or bode a renewal in the future. The current military misadventures of the country is a continuation of American behavior that dates back to the Indian and Mexican wars and therefore nothing new with one exception and that is that unlike in the previous two hundred years America is for the first time facing an equal or even superior antagonist. In spite of what conventional history may claim America did not win WW I; it helped and the real victor of WW II was the Red Army. Normandy would have been a disaster for Eisenhower if it had not been for the devastating Soviet attack and defeat of the vast bulk of the Wehrmacht. Eisenhower and FDR knew it, but later “story” tellers removed that fact from history. How America will emerge out of the current situation depends on who and how American leadership faces the reality of change that is clearly visible around the world. I don’t like the terms decline nor fall. The age of U.S. planetary control has ended or is ending. Personally, I think this good because the USA would become a normal country; perhaps a first among equals. The country could spend its resources on the “welfare” of its citizens instead of a bloated military establishment that has prevented the development of a truly “good society” where want would be a past bad memory. This how see our current world. I hope it partially answers your questions.
Hi Karl: Sorry for the delay responding; been ~ and am still ~ dealing with personal medical and family medical, legal, and financial issues. There’s lots to chew on and react and respond to in Your comment. i appreciate that and i will r&r shortly.
In the meantime, and if i may ask: How and Why are these “loaded questions”?
Full disclosure: What i know about the Roman Empire i have essentially learned over the past week and a half in an intensive exploration and examination of the life, times, reign, and particularly, the writings of Emperor/Imperator Marcus Aurelius. Which i’m sure gives me a very different perspective on the whole matter.
Will get back to You in a bit. Have a Great day. ~ jeff
My use of loaded was meant to convey complexity and not in any way as a negative response. I am sorry about your personal issues. My health isn’t the best either due to age and the debilitating side effects of triple Covid vaccinations. Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about financial issues. I hope your situation will improve very soon.
Good one, Bill, but then again, you have to consider the source. I don't put too much credit on anything the NY Slime says. Linking today @
50% would be a good start - and get rid of the 800+ overseas military bases. Then scrap programs like the F35 and the Air Force's newest wet dream, the F-X next gen fighter.
where are the peace makers: surely not in homicidal genocidal sociopathic Congress. Vote em all our and vote in candidates that advocate dialogue, negoations and use of their words first and their weopons only of absolutely necessary with no other options available. why not give peace a chance folks vote Green: People Planet Peace vote for Jill Stein. Let's keep our tax dollars here in the states and our children out of the empires horrific immoral forever wars.Let's give peace a chance
Caitlin Johnstone concludes her 18 Jun 24 piece ~ THE US IS PREPARING FOR WWIII WHILE EXPANDING DRAFT REGISTRATION ~ as follows:
The draft is one of those things that gets more disgusting the more you think about it, especially in a nation whose government is as belligerent and psychopathic as the USA’s. These freaks can engage in any amount of brinkmanship they like with nations they have no business fighting — ALL WITHOUT ANY OF THEIR ACTIONS EVER BEING PUT TO A VOTE FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC — AND THEN IF IT GOES HOT THEY GET TO TURN TO A BUNCH OF KIDS IN THEIR TEENS AND EARLY TWENTIES AND SAY “THIS ISN’T OUR PROBLEM, IT’S YOUR PROBLEM. GO FIGHT AND KILL AND DIE FOR YOUR COUNTRY.” They can start a war with their own recklessness and then chill out and sip martinis while your kids go get killed in it.
It isn't even close to democracy when the rich pick the awful candidates and then poorly run elections with different rules in each state supposedly select one of the two horrible people. It is an oligarchy. Rich people pick the candidates, then manipulate the public on the rich-person-owned "news". The Blue Team news vilifies the Red Team candidate, and visa versa. Face it, Trump and Biden will both do The Blob's bidding, so the only difference is who gets the top spots in the administration. Do we keep Blinken and Sullivan, or do we get Pompeo and Bolton again?
What is needed is not some kind of “resistance movement” against Trump should he be elected.
What is needed is a Resistance Movement against the whole system of Government and Governance in this country that puts and keeps people like Trump, Biden, and every other elected politician in DC in the hands of ~ and under the command and control of ~ individual, organizational, and institutional Vested Special Interests, aka “The Deep State.”
"Democracy" - a system of government whereby the expressed wishes and interests of the voting citizenry is resisted in favor of the self-interest of government agencies and the news media. See also "Tyranny".
The essay raises some serious issues in my subjective observation of America’s political climate. The observation of a “resistance” movement forming to a potential re-election of Trump as reported by the NYT troubles me. Does this mean a repeat of the phony attacks leveled against Trump after his election in 2016? The simple fact is that almost all the accusations against Trump, most importantly the Russia collusion hoax, undermined Trump’s bumbling administration. He was legally elected and delegitimizing his presidency was relentless and definitely unfair if not bordering on illegality. There is for me another issue and that revolves around the actions and behavior of the current administration. Is the continuous attack on dissent through silencing by personal attacks on various individuals more benign than the behavior of Trump? The Department of State’s sponsoring Ukrainian “enemy or death lists” that includes Americans of various political views is more worrying than anything I have seen in my lifetime. The suppression of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop by claiming it was Russian disinformation and confirmed as such by over fifty “security” experts should raise a red flag for anyone who is concerned about election procedures as well as the influence of the security establishment. They played a key role during the Russia Gate accusations. I could refer to a few other concerns that question the “democratic” credentials of the Democrats and the possible formation of an anti Trump coalition. I can’t see any successful alternative to the current Democrat or Republican candidates. PLEASE, do not interpret my argument as an endorsement of Trump! I don’t like the man and my political position is deeply rooted in the once proud Social Democrat position of Europe which unfortunately has been almost completely obliterated. For me the choice of the American people is between two bad choices and not just the “lesser of two evils.”
*MAKE* a "successful alternative"!! *EVERYBODY* vote for the Green Party/Dr. Jill Stein!!!
First of all, Karl, that so-called “choice” being given Americans between the so-called “lesser of two evils” is nothing but The Evil of Two Lessers. And that has become standard routine for American Presidential and other elections for quite some time now.
And second of all, Trump’s administration was far from “bumbling.”
How much did America’s national, sovereign Debt increase during his term? And which elements of America’s “Deep State” benefitted from that?
How much did so-called national “defense, security, safety, and surveillance” budgets and authority increase when he was POTUS MAXXIMMUSS XLV? And again: Benefitting which elements of that same Deep State?
How’d the US do during The COVID Event with him running the show? And which elements of that same Deep State benefitted most from that?
And while Trump didn’t actually start any new Wars ~ like Obama, Cheney/Bush II, Clinton, Bush I/Bozo, and Carter before him ~ he did NOTHING to end America’s 9/11-spawned “Forever War.”
And, more importantly: While he didn’t “start” any new Wars, he made damn sure that a War in Eastern Europe could and would happen sometime down the road. How many of those 14,000 Ukrainians in the eastern provinces were killed by America’s coup-installed government in Kyiv ~ primarily by American-provided bombs and shells ~ while he sat in the Oval Office?
Trump accomplished virtually everything he was sent to Washington to do on behalf of his owners, operators, commanders, and controllers. The same individuals, organizations, and institutions that own, operate, command, and control Biden and every other elected politician in DC. And have owned, operated, commanded and controlled every President and virtually every member of Congress for a long, long time now.
That Biden and Trump are the “choices” America’s Ruling Political Class has deigned to give Voters to be America’s next President is undeniable evidence and proof that The Decline of The American Empire has ended, and The Fall has begun in earnest. And with it, the beginning of the end of The Experiment that was the United States of America, launched 248 years ago this coming July 4.
One can only wonder if the United States will survive to celebrate its 250th birthday on July 4, 2026; 748 days from today. And if it does survive, will the American Peoples be in any mood or condition to celebrate anything?
But before all that, the question remains: Will there even be an election this November? What would it take to cancel it?
And if there is an election, will there be a Presidential Inauguration and seating of a new Congress in January? Regardless of who “loses”? And no matter who “wins”?
J.G. I think you made substantially my point. I do not speculate about what might or might not happen in the near or distant future. I am a historian and not a futurist.
Hi Karl: i'm not looking for Your predictions or prognostications. But i am curious:
Based on Your studies, readings, and writings as a professional Historian; and, based on what has happened to every Empire that has ever existed anywhere on this Planet: Do You agree that, at some point in the future, The American Empire will end?
And, based on what has happened to every other Empire throughout history, would You say that the American Empire is still in its "Decline" state? Or has it transitioned to "Fall"?
And finally: What ~ if anything ~ can be done to reverse that Decline? Or if it's too late for that, what can be done to stop that Fall?
Hello JG, these are loaded questions that are not easily answered. The term “empire” is derived from Roman usage related to military power as it was invested in the person of Rome’s supreme commander. Commanders like Pompey, Caesar, Crassus and Augustus, to name just a few, became IMPERATOR after significant foreign military victories. I am disinclined to use the term broadly for diverse political entities across the world. My understanding of the past is rooted in the reality of continuous change - one might use the terms evolution or devolution. I also not in favor of using the historical changes of previous “empires” as a guide for our current USA situation. The causes that were driving certain states into decline or complete disappearance ca be as diverse as climate catastrophes (Mayans & Easter Islands) or foreign military conquests (Aztecs and Inkas come to mind). The we have the historical phenomena of China which has a 3000 year up and down history. I am aware that certain highly educated individuals try to “economics” of past eras like the Roman Empire to draw parallels with today’s America. I find these explanations dubious. The Roman state certainly changed over time and went through different phases. The remarkable fact about Rome is that it actually survived in a political form for almost 2000 years! It ended politically in 1453. It’s cultural legacy never died; it is the basis of Europe and much of modern West from languages to religion. Now, to address you question of the U.S. Where are we? I can only provide some superficial observations. Eighty years is not enough time to give a relative “definitive” assessment. America is changing and many would say for the worse. It is certainly very problematic that the current presidential and congressional elections are on a rather low intellectual level. This may imply a decline internally or bode a renewal in the future. The current military misadventures of the country is a continuation of American behavior that dates back to the Indian and Mexican wars and therefore nothing new with one exception and that is that unlike in the previous two hundred years America is for the first time facing an equal or even superior antagonist. In spite of what conventional history may claim America did not win WW I; it helped and the real victor of WW II was the Red Army. Normandy would have been a disaster for Eisenhower if it had not been for the devastating Soviet attack and defeat of the vast bulk of the Wehrmacht. Eisenhower and FDR knew it, but later “story” tellers removed that fact from history. How America will emerge out of the current situation depends on who and how American leadership faces the reality of change that is clearly visible around the world. I don’t like the terms decline nor fall. The age of U.S. planetary control has ended or is ending. Personally, I think this good because the USA would become a normal country; perhaps a first among equals. The country could spend its resources on the “welfare” of its citizens instead of a bloated military establishment that has prevented the development of a truly “good society” where want would be a past bad memory. This how see our current world. I hope it partially answers your questions.
Hi Karl: Sorry for the delay responding; been ~ and am still ~ dealing with personal medical and family medical, legal, and financial issues. There’s lots to chew on and react and respond to in Your comment. i appreciate that and i will r&r shortly.
In the meantime, and if i may ask: How and Why are these “loaded questions”?
Full disclosure: What i know about the Roman Empire i have essentially learned over the past week and a half in an intensive exploration and examination of the life, times, reign, and particularly, the writings of Emperor/Imperator Marcus Aurelius. Which i’m sure gives me a very different perspective on the whole matter.
Will get back to You in a bit. Have a Great day. ~ jeff
My use of loaded was meant to convey complexity and not in any way as a negative response. I am sorry about your personal issues. My health isn’t the best either due to age and the debilitating side effects of triple Covid vaccinations. Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about financial issues. I hope your situation will improve very soon.
Good one, Bill, but then again, you have to consider the source. I don't put too much credit on anything the NY Slime says. Linking today @
Genocide supporters resisting Trump!
Cannot stop! We have always been at war with Gaza, Russia, Red China........
Amen. Happy Fathers Day.
" Make major cuts to the Pentagon budget..."
50% would be a good start - and get rid of the 800+ overseas military bases. Then scrap programs like the F35 and the Air Force's newest wet dream, the F-X next gen fighter.
where are the peace makers: surely not in homicidal genocidal sociopathic Congress. Vote em all our and vote in candidates that advocate dialogue, negoations and use of their words first and their weopons only of absolutely necessary with no other options available. why not give peace a chance folks vote Green: People Planet Peace vote for Jill Stein. Let's keep our tax dollars here in the states and our children out of the empires horrific immoral forever wars.Let's give peace a chance
Caitlin Johnstone concludes her 18 Jun 24 piece ~ THE US IS PREPARING FOR WWIII WHILE EXPANDING DRAFT REGISTRATION ~ as follows:
The draft is one of those things that gets more disgusting the more you think about it, especially in a nation whose government is as belligerent and psychopathic as the USA’s. These freaks can engage in any amount of brinkmanship they like with nations they have no business fighting — ALL WITHOUT ANY OF THEIR ACTIONS EVER BEING PUT TO A VOTE FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC — AND THEN IF IT GOES HOT THEY GET TO TURN TO A BUNCH OF KIDS IN THEIR TEENS AND EARLY TWENTIES AND SAY “THIS ISN’T OUR PROBLEM, IT’S YOUR PROBLEM. GO FIGHT AND KILL AND DIE FOR YOUR COUNTRY.” They can start a war with their own recklessness and then chill out and sip martinis while your kids go get killed in it.
This is evil, this is ugly, and it needs to stop.
Full article at ; EMPHASIS added.
Off topic but interesting:
It isn't even close to democracy when the rich pick the awful candidates and then poorly run elections with different rules in each state supposedly select one of the two horrible people. It is an oligarchy. Rich people pick the candidates, then manipulate the public on the rich-person-owned "news". The Blue Team news vilifies the Red Team candidate, and visa versa. Face it, Trump and Biden will both do The Blob's bidding, so the only difference is who gets the top spots in the administration. Do we keep Blinken and Sullivan, or do we get Pompeo and Bolton again?
What is needed is not some kind of “resistance movement” against Trump should he be elected.
What is needed is a Resistance Movement against the whole system of Government and Governance in this country that puts and keeps people like Trump, Biden, and every other elected politician in DC in the hands of ~ and under the command and control of ~ individual, organizational, and institutional Vested Special Interests, aka “The Deep State.”
Perfectly stated. In my dreams I would add - eliminate the CIA.
An easy thing to say, but not so easy to do; as JFK's widow found out.
"Democracy" - a system of government whereby the expressed wishes and interests of the voting citizenry is resisted in favor of the self-interest of government agencies and the news media. See also "Tyranny".