Jimmy Carter was the first president that I voted for when I turned 18. At the time of his presidency I did not understand how ethical and moral he was than the sorry lot that we have had to suffer through since then. In retrospect, he was clearly the last honest and virtuous president. People like Carter, as with Kennedy before him, are not allowed to be president anymore. Nothing can be done about that until we destroy and rebuild the rigged primary system in this country.
I appreciate your work, Bill. You're one of my favorite writers.
But there's an elephant in the room, and it's called propaganda.
It's everywhere, even if you don't watch cable TV or read mainstream news. There's still writers on Substack who *think* they're leftists while dissing Republicans and ?ing Democrats. Not sure what word to use- these people glide over the fact that Democrats haven't helped workers in decades.
I call it the Lola test, after my friend Lola, who quit Dunkin Donuts for the Publix deli here in Georgia. I used to believe, 10 years ago, that I could convince Lola to vote Democrat. Because Democrats help the less fortunate, so the indoctrination goes.
What has Biden done for Lola? Or has he only *said* how much he *wanted* to help Lola, but for that doggone civil servant parliamentarian, or Manchin, or whatever? Note GA minimum wage is $7.25/hour and YES people are actually paid that and NO the southern cost of living is not that cheap.
As for a 2nd coming of Trump. I don't see how that is more dangerous than a 2nd coming of Biden. I'm so sick of Democrats saying the economy is great. Unemployment is low. Yeah, unemployment is low because people work more than 2 jobs, and they still can't pay their bills. Democrats distort the current situation of HELL the majority of Americans live in. It makes me angry, because this is the same stuff they mock Republicans for. When Trump was president, mainstream media told us how awful everything was. They talked about normal people suffering.
Now they say peoole are doing great and get indignant if contradicted. Literally NOTHING changed, except now normal working people think they're the only ones struggling because NOBODY TALKS ABOUT US!
Caitlin Johnstone has been my sanity during this past year. I'm sure you're familiar with her. But for those who aren't- she has a very perceptive take on US politics- that Dems and Republicans are the same and propaganda prevents us from seeing this clearly.
Thanks again for your work, I don't mean to hijack your thesis and go on a rant, I'm just so angry with Democrats lately and their fake, do-nothing concern for the people. It's hard not to jump at the chance to challenge the narrative.
Bill, and today, the Biden regime announced another $5.9 billion in 'security' and budget aid to Ukraine. The same article said that over the almost last three years since the start of the conflict, Congress has approved $175 billion total for Ukraine.
As George Carlin noted in a different context - "no one seems to notice, no one seems to care....that's what the owners are counting on."
People need to embrace the quote made by Milan Kundera: "The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”
Unless there is memory, every election will just be another exercise in swapping out one group of psychopathic grifters for another.
Morning Bill, this lifelong lefty, until recently, thinks that calling Donald Trump a "malignant and sociopathic exploiter" is the type of hyperbole that drives Americans to voting for him.
In some quarters, the ones Trump inhabits, it might be considered a compliment, Dennis.
He didn't get where he is by playing nice. He is relentlessly focused on himself and his own desires. It's a common trait in people who rise high in "society."
As was Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery - 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein; Winston Churchill was born into a life of privilege, and an unapologetic elitist; Henry Ford the recipient of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, ( the highest medal Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner), and an antisemite; Lee Iacocca, and William E Boeing.
You don't get to be a great leader by not focused on yourself. Some of the biggest narcissists were people that really did make America great -whether you want to believe that or not Bill.
Between 1935 and 1944, William Boeing set aside a large tract of land north of the Seattle for subdivision. He placed racially restrictive covenants on their land to enforce segregation, forbidding properties from being "sold, conveyed, rented, or leased in whole or in part to any person not of the White or Caucasian race." Non-whites could occupy a property on the land only if they were employed as a domestic servant "by a person of the White or Caucasian race."
Many of Americas most influential leaders where relentlessly focused on themselves and their own desires. And despite of it, or because of it, they hugely benefited millions of average workers who were not high in society.
In 1998, Bezos invested $0.25 million in a little company at the time, now a trillion-dollar business, known as Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG).
Since then he has invested in more than 95 companies and startups, ranging from healthcare to aerospace.
Bezos invests in early-stage startups that have potential for growth.
Bezos has invested in several healthcare startups, and has invested in several space exploration companies, including Blue Origin, paying big bucks salaries for Engineers and scientists.
Bezos’ investments span many different industries, with a focus on technology and healthcare.
invested in 98 companies and start-ups providing high paying jobs for millions.
Jeff Bezos announced plans for $1-billion in conservation spending in places like the Congo Basin, the Andes and tropical parts of the Pacific Ocean. The announcement was the latest step in his largest philanthropic effort, the Bezos Earth Fund, to which he pledged $10-billion last year. “By coming together with the right focus and ingenuity, we can have both the benefits of our modern lives and a thriving natural world,” Mr. Bezos said.
The initiative is intended to support an international push to safeguard at least 30 percent of Earth’s lands and waters by 2030, known as 30x30. The plan, led by Britain, Costa Rica and France, is intended to help tackle a global biodiversity crisis that puts a million species of plants and animals at risk of extinction. While climate change is part of the problem, activities like farming and fishing have been even bigger drivers of biodiversity loss. The 30x30 plan would try to slow that by protecting intact natural areas like old-growth forests and wetlands, which not only nurture biodiversity but also store carbon and filter water.
In November 2022, during an interview with CNN, Jeff Bezos said that he plans to give away most of his wealth to charity during his lifetime. The billionaire wants to give his money to solve the climate change problem and to end social and political divisions.
I'll leave the debate as to whether Jeff has been "great" to other Bracing Views posters. It's a hot potatoe with strong arguments from both sides of the debate. Ask the little used bookstore owner in Sumner WA, who is now getting rich selling books on Amazon, or the warehouse worker in Tennessee.
You are right. The Democrats abandoned the working man years ago in 1980 when Reagan taught them that to win elections, you have to appease the gods of industry and finance.
The pathetic part of this is that most Democrats know this, but still senselessly vote for them rather than seeking an alternative.
That speech was a masterpiece of honest thought and presentation. Of course, it signaled the beginning of the end of Carter's political career. The GOP's chicanery put the nail in.
What a great article and retrospective, President Carter was not perfect, none are, but he was honest and trustworthy which is so unusual. I am afraid that younger people, who do not remember Carter and Kennedy, have no idea what a president could be. I am afraid that younger people do not remember Senators like Sam Irvin and Howard Baker who put country before party, even if they were from the south. I hope lots of people read this after I share it.
As Fireman 1110 said: “President Carter will be remembered mostly I think for what he became to "Be" after leaving office...”
In my words, Carter may not have been the greatest president, but it is indisputable that he is the greatest ex-president in his retirement, words and deeds. And to have the record for the greatest foresight and honesty while in office… He can be proud, whatever voters thought or think now. Ultimately History will be the judge.
President Carter and Rosalyn were 2 country folk that resonated with s lot of folk till interest rates and inflation went through the roof. The hostage situation didn't help his bid for a second term either. Bit I agree he was honest, uncoruptable, sincere and empathetic. Not a psychopath like the others. I liked John and Robert Kennedy as well. Both exuded sincere empathy for the down trodden. Look where that got em.
I became politically aware during the Carter administration. I remember running around the house turning off all the lights after listening to him on the TV. I became a Democrat and voted for Walter Mondale. By the end of the Clinton Administration I left the party and became an independent. Carter's Cold War mentality was disappointing and he began the road to deregulating, by deregulating the trucking industry.
Thinking about it a bit, i would argue that the last “honest speech” given by an American President was in March 1991 ~ just after his victory in OPERATION DESERT STORM and the “liberation” of Kuwait from our Errand Boy in the area, Saddam ~ when a bubbling President George H.W. Bush told a group of state legislators, "The specter of Vietnam has been buried forever in the desert sands of the Arabian Peninsula.... By God, we've kicked the Vietnam syndrome once and for all." [Note: You can read the Washington Post’s gushing account of the most important speech Daddy Bush ever gave at https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1991/03/04/kicking-the-vietnam-syndrome/b6180288-4b9e-4d5f-b303-befa2275524d/ .]
And he was absolutely, totally, and completely correct. After ODS, the US has never again hesitated to start another War anyplace on the Planet. And has lost every one of them.
Among other things that this nation needs right now and most of all is a serious case of ~ for lack of a better term ~ “The Forever War Syndrome.”
In the summer of 1980, i was in the Army and had the opportunity ~ and privilege ~ to meet and informally chat with several individuals who either personally and directly participated [as in on-the-ground]~ or were officially and indirectly involved someplace at higher HQ ~ in OPERATION EAGLE CLAW, the failed Iranian Hostage Rescue mission on April 24 and 25.
And a number of those Army and Air Force folks involved in EAGLE CLAW also noted what else happened in 1979 in that part of the world besides the overthrow of The Shah and the subsequent “Embassy Hostage Crisis”: the seizure of total power by Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the distinct possibility of an Iraq-Iran War; the occupation of Islam’s Holiest Site in Mecca by a brand new “Bad Guy” on the scene, radical, fundamentalist Islamicists; and most significantly, the USSR’s invasion of and “special military operation” in Afghanistan against US-sponsored and -supported “insurgents” in late December.
And those same folks then concluded that all of these things were definitely and directly somehow related, and were merely setting the stage for something much, much bigger and badder [and thus better for the folks in the Pentagon] in the future.
Charlie Beckwith commanded the ground team on Eagle Claw. He wrote in his book that after briefing Jimmy Carter and the WH on the operation, Carter took him aside and told him that if the operation was successful Beckwith and his team would get all the credit; but if the operation was a failure, Carter would take all the blame. Beckwith said he had never been impressed by Carter before, but he came away with a lot of respect for him for his willingness to take the blame and not pass the buck (as every other President would do).
Hi Tom. First of all; Thank You for the link. i did not know that Colonel Beckwith had written a book. Looking at Amazon, it looks like he's written several. Which particular book of his are You referring to?
In any event, that is a neat, neat story. My guess is that Carter's time in the Navy may have had a lot to do with it happening that way.
And passing the buck is not something every other President WOULD do. It is what every President since Carter did, has done, and is doing.
It was in his history of Delta Force. And you're right, passing the buck is what every other President has done and is doing - along with starting and continuing wars for political gain; using the Fed to juice the economy in election years; selling out voters whenever the donors demand; and...so on (it's an endless list).
I'm apolitical to the extreme, but I really think he had some epic challenges like that Energy Crisis plus he was as Michael Corleone put it to Moe Greene "Unlucky" Crisis after crisis spouting everywhere during his presidency, boycotting the Olympics, the Iran Hostages botched rescue mission, etc. Then a smooth as silk Challenger "Reagan" bursting on the scene-- great communicator, telegenic too with a new conservative message..!
No one is beyond Redemption! September 13, 1976 The Kansas City Times published a lengthy article quoting me describing Jimmy Carter as a "false prophet, liar and deceiver" without printing why I saw it that way.
I have been watching from CanaDa US Presidential Elections closely since Nixon. Jimmy Carter was the 1st one to wear his Religion on his sleeve as part of his Election campaign.
It's mandatory for anyone seeking the Presidency to call for more spending for the Pentagon or the Pentagod as Bill referred to it way back, and despite his Christianity, Carter called for increasing the Pentagon Budget. I took exception to that because of this Bible insight I posted on BV many Times, "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying: 'Not by military force and not by physical strength, but by My spirit,' says the Lord of Hosts."
It's only 1 line in the Bible but it's more relevant than ever before because the US is the BIGGEST Arms Merchant in the History of Nations, making a KILLING off the Ukraine WAR, the Israeli Genocide in Gaza, and many other US WARS of choice since WWII.
Obviously God of President Carter's Faith was not with him in failed Operation Eagle Claw in Iran because a violent wind-driven sand storm caused the Operation to be aborted along with many other problems.
That failure contributed to his not being re-elected almost as much as the Traitorous Republicans offering the Iranian Mullahs weapons to fight the US-Saudi financed Saddam's War against Iran in 1980 to nip the 1979 Iranian Revolution in the bud, IF they held on to the US Hostages until Reagan was sworn in. They were released that very Day. All the Republican TRAITORS went scot-free once Republicans had the Presidency.
I wrote to President Carter twice c/o The Carter Center post his Presidency, explaining the context saying I no longer saw him the way as published in 1976. No reply.
There is no question President Carter came into his own leaving the Presidency, living by Example, the highest ideals of the Christian Faith.
Although he probably knew it, he could not call Israel an Apartheid State when he was President. He did after leaving the Presidency and I admired him for Publicly speaking the Truth with the platform he had! Israel attacked him for his Freedom of Speech on the divisive issue not resolved to this Day.
Carter’s book on Israeli ‘apartheid’ was called antisemitic – but was it prescient?
It's not a boast because I have nothing to boast about. I had nothing to do to influence the bigger World to evolve along the 1976 projection 2-1/2 Years after the Record. I was only a Messenger in the right Place and the right Time in 1976 Kansas City, succeeding in having it recorded for Posterity 49 years ago in the Historical Newspaper record in The Kansas City Times September 13, 1976. It was accompanied with the picture of me wearing my trademark #13 jersey. My part is only a footnote re the 1979 Camp David Accord, cited as the high mark of Carter's Presidency.
¨There are 30 months before the fate of the world will be sealed with EITHER Destruction OR the Universal Brotherhood of Man,¨ he said. ¨The 30 month figure concerned a Treaty between Israel and Egypt.¨
NOTE: This does not say ARMAGEDDON happens in 30 months from the September 1976 article.
Not 29 or 31, but exactly 30 months later, in March 1979, history shows a Treaty between Israel and Egypt was signed, The Camp David Accord.
History shows talks broke down on the 12th day and no Treaty was to be signed. Begin and Sadat were leaving.
It was on the 13th Day, as in the date of the 1976 Newspaper record and the picture accompanying it, an unexpected window of opportunity appeared and opened the way for the Treaty to be signed.
This signified the Universal Brotherhood part of the quote.
What about the Destruction of the 2 choices in the 1976 Newspaper Record?
The 1979 Iranian Revolution happened the month before the signing of the Camp David Accord.
If you believe what the MSM is projecting these Days, it's most likely when Trump takes Power supporting Israel without question more than Biden did, that 1976 DESTRUCTION/ARMAGEDDON choice may come in 2025?
During his Presidency, it was Jimmy Carter that set the US on the Path to the $Trillion Pentagon Budgets. Maybe his Post Presidency Christian service was to atone for what he set in motion as President?
The Washington Post January 28, 1980
Jimmy Carter certified himself as a big defense spender yesterday, urging Congress to start down a path that would increase Pentagon outlays $100 billion in the next five years.
The same president who came into office three years ago with hopes of reducing defense costs and improving relations with the Soviet Union unfurled an old banner from the Cold War to justify his new direction. "Our forces must be increased if they are to contain Soviet aggression," he said.
In the Carter budget, money available to the Pentagon would jump from $139.3 billion in fiscal 1980 to $158.7 billion in fiscal 1981, a 14 percent jump. The Pentagon figures that the "real" increase would be 5.4 percent because of the money eaten up by inflation. Carter proposes to keep raising this budget authority category every year until it hits $248.9 billion in fiscal 1985. This would represent real increases, according to the Pentagon, ranging from 4.2 to 4.8 percent.
Wow, look at all these comments! I hope mine won't prove redundant. I'll be brief: 1.) Bill Astore, your analysis of "Reaganism" is spot-on. In that speech of Carter's, he defined "Libertarianism" without using the term. And now the GOP is totally under the sway of that Philosophy of Selfishness (my terms); 2.) you did not mention the "Camp David Accords," for which Jimmy was awarded Nobel Peace Prize. I believe Carter was sincerely seeking peace in the Middle East, but look at the region now!! Not exactly a haven of peace and stability, thanks to US interventionism. (In relatively immediate aftermath of the accords, Pres. Sadat of Egypt paid with his life for caving in to Zionism.); 3.) final observation: in his campaign, Carter promised he would "never lie" to us. Well, he just hadn't yet grasped that that activity comes with the job of being POTUS!
While I look back at Jimmy Carter as one of, if not the most decent of American Presidents in terms of their post-White House lives, I see him as a troubling mixed bag. So I find that while I was happy for all his years post-presidency I can't really eulogize him. Sadly, his record vis a vis foreign policy is, for too much of it, not one to admire. Nor is his embrace of neoliberalism generally. Both of these deficits conflict with what I suspect from his post-Presidential life, were his deeper values and principles. I can only assume that while in office he was himself often misled - that he trusted and empowered the wrong people; and also that, freed of that Office, his consciousness deepened a bit.
I admire the person he became, in particular; but his willingness to talk honestly at times- which may indeed have contributed to his 1-term status, does stand out as a rare thing among politicians generally.
Anyway, Chris Hedges wrote a piece that discusses Carter from such a perspective:
"Don't Deify Jimmy Carter: Jimmy Carter may have done good works out of office, but in power he fomented a series of domestic and foreign policy disasters" by Chris Hedges at https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/dont-deify-jimmy-carter
Definitely, I wouldn't "deify" any human. And there's never been a "saintly" president. Power corrupts everyone. Abraham Lincoln, perhaps America's "greatest" president, had plenty of detractors (even within his own cabinet), and his actions, careful and compassionate as they often were, could also be ruthless at times, an unsurprising fact considering he faced a civil war.
Carter and W Bush more-or-less created our foreign policy disasters of the last half-century. Yes, he was somewhat redeemed after Abby and Amy got to him, years after his term. But to inflict "Zbig" on the world was to sow nothing but seeds of destruction. Far more important than anything he did domestically.
Jimmy Carter was the first president that I voted for when I turned 18. At the time of his presidency I did not understand how ethical and moral he was than the sorry lot that we have had to suffer through since then. In retrospect, he was clearly the last honest and virtuous president. People like Carter, as with Kennedy before him, are not allowed to be president anymore. Nothing can be done about that until we destroy and rebuild the rigged primary system in this country.
Damn straight.
I appreciate your work, Bill. You're one of my favorite writers.
But there's an elephant in the room, and it's called propaganda.
It's everywhere, even if you don't watch cable TV or read mainstream news. There's still writers on Substack who *think* they're leftists while dissing Republicans and ?ing Democrats. Not sure what word to use- these people glide over the fact that Democrats haven't helped workers in decades.
I call it the Lola test, after my friend Lola, who quit Dunkin Donuts for the Publix deli here in Georgia. I used to believe, 10 years ago, that I could convince Lola to vote Democrat. Because Democrats help the less fortunate, so the indoctrination goes.
What has Biden done for Lola? Or has he only *said* how much he *wanted* to help Lola, but for that doggone civil servant parliamentarian, or Manchin, or whatever? Note GA minimum wage is $7.25/hour and YES people are actually paid that and NO the southern cost of living is not that cheap.
As for a 2nd coming of Trump. I don't see how that is more dangerous than a 2nd coming of Biden. I'm so sick of Democrats saying the economy is great. Unemployment is low. Yeah, unemployment is low because people work more than 2 jobs, and they still can't pay their bills. Democrats distort the current situation of HELL the majority of Americans live in. It makes me angry, because this is the same stuff they mock Republicans for. When Trump was president, mainstream media told us how awful everything was. They talked about normal people suffering.
Now they say peoole are doing great and get indignant if contradicted. Literally NOTHING changed, except now normal working people think they're the only ones struggling because NOBODY TALKS ABOUT US!
Caitlin Johnstone has been my sanity during this past year. I'm sure you're familiar with her. But for those who aren't- she has a very perceptive take on US politics- that Dems and Republicans are the same and propaganda prevents us from seeing this clearly.
Thanks again for your work, I don't mean to hijack your thesis and go on a rant, I'm just so angry with Democrats lately and their fake, do-nothing concern for the people. It's hard not to jump at the chance to challenge the narrative.
Thanks, Rachel. Yes, I read Caitlin Johnstone. Love her stuff.
Yes, I'm angry too. As Ukraine gets more money for war, as the Pentagon gets a blank check, American workers suffer.
I see no meaningful changes coming from the corporate Dems or Repubs. They simply don't care.
Bill, and today, the Biden regime announced another $5.9 billion in 'security' and budget aid to Ukraine. The same article said that over the almost last three years since the start of the conflict, Congress has approved $175 billion total for Ukraine.
As George Carlin noted in a different context - "no one seems to notice, no one seems to care....that's what the owners are counting on."
People need to embrace the quote made by Milan Kundera: "The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”
Unless there is memory, every election will just be another exercise in swapping out one group of psychopathic grifters for another.
Yes, true!
I like the Kundera quote.
Morning Bill, this lifelong lefty, until recently, thinks that calling Donald Trump a "malignant and sociopathic exploiter" is the type of hyperbole that drives Americans to voting for him.
In some quarters, the ones Trump inhabits, it might be considered a compliment, Dennis.
He didn't get where he is by playing nice. He is relentlessly focused on himself and his own desires. It's a common trait in people who rise high in "society."
As was Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery - 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein; Winston Churchill was born into a life of privilege, and an unapologetic elitist; Henry Ford the recipient of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, ( the highest medal Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner), and an antisemite; Lee Iacocca, and William E Boeing.
You don't get to be a great leader by not focused on yourself. Some of the biggest narcissists were people that really did make America great -whether you want to believe that or not Bill.
Between 1935 and 1944, William Boeing set aside a large tract of land north of the Seattle for subdivision. He placed racially restrictive covenants on their land to enforce segregation, forbidding properties from being "sold, conveyed, rented, or leased in whole or in part to any person not of the White or Caucasian race." Non-whites could occupy a property on the land only if they were employed as a domestic servant "by a person of the White or Caucasian race."
Many of Americas most influential leaders where relentlessly focused on themselves and their own desires. And despite of it, or because of it, they hugely benefited millions of average workers who were not high in society.
Howard Hughes. Steve Jobs. Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk.
Did they make "America" great, Dennis, or themselves?
Consider Bezos. Has all the money in the world yet refuses to pay most of his workers a living wage. Is this "greatness"?
Or consider the family that owns Walmart. "Greed is good."
In 1998, Bezos invested $0.25 million in a little company at the time, now a trillion-dollar business, known as Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG).
Since then he has invested in more than 95 companies and startups, ranging from healthcare to aerospace.
Bezos invests in early-stage startups that have potential for growth.
Bezos has invested in several healthcare startups, and has invested in several space exploration companies, including Blue Origin, paying big bucks salaries for Engineers and scientists.
Bezos’ investments span many different industries, with a focus on technology and healthcare.
invested in 98 companies and start-ups providing high paying jobs for millions.
Jeff Bezos announced plans for $1-billion in conservation spending in places like the Congo Basin, the Andes and tropical parts of the Pacific Ocean. The announcement was the latest step in his largest philanthropic effort, the Bezos Earth Fund, to which he pledged $10-billion last year. “By coming together with the right focus and ingenuity, we can have both the benefits of our modern lives and a thriving natural world,” Mr. Bezos said.
The initiative is intended to support an international push to safeguard at least 30 percent of Earth’s lands and waters by 2030, known as 30x30. The plan, led by Britain, Costa Rica and France, is intended to help tackle a global biodiversity crisis that puts a million species of plants and animals at risk of extinction. While climate change is part of the problem, activities like farming and fishing have been even bigger drivers of biodiversity loss. The 30x30 plan would try to slow that by protecting intact natural areas like old-growth forests and wetlands, which not only nurture biodiversity but also store carbon and filter water.
In November 2022, during an interview with CNN, Jeff Bezos said that he plans to give away most of his wealth to charity during his lifetime. The billionaire wants to give his money to solve the climate change problem and to end social and political divisions.
I'll leave the debate as to whether Jeff has been "great" to other Bracing Views posters. It's a hot potatoe with strong arguments from both sides of the debate. Ask the little used bookstore owner in Sumner WA, who is now getting rich selling books on Amazon, or the warehouse worker in Tennessee.
Walmart - no comparison. Greedy barstads.
The Ukraine Foreign Minister is in Syria offering assistance to rebuild the Country.
Nice words when Ukraine needs donations just to run government services on top of the WAR expense.
You are right. The Democrats abandoned the working man years ago in 1980 when Reagan taught them that to win elections, you have to appease the gods of industry and finance.
The pathetic part of this is that most Democrats know this, but still senselessly vote for them rather than seeking an alternative.
That speech was a masterpiece of honest thought and presentation. Of course, it signaled the beginning of the end of Carter's political career. The GOP's chicanery put the nail in.
What a great article and retrospective, President Carter was not perfect, none are, but he was honest and trustworthy which is so unusual. I am afraid that younger people, who do not remember Carter and Kennedy, have no idea what a president could be. I am afraid that younger people do not remember Senators like Sam Irvin and Howard Baker who put country before party, even if they were from the south. I hope lots of people read this after I share it.
Thanks, Jim!
As Fireman 1110 said: “President Carter will be remembered mostly I think for what he became to "Be" after leaving office...”
In my words, Carter may not have been the greatest president, but it is indisputable that he is the greatest ex-president in his retirement, words and deeds. And to have the record for the greatest foresight and honesty while in office… He can be proud, whatever voters thought or think now. Ultimately History will be the judge.
Yup 50 years from now we'll get a truer perspective of him-- even Lincoln it took 50 years before his popularity ignited...
President Carter and Rosalyn were 2 country folk that resonated with s lot of folk till interest rates and inflation went through the roof. The hostage situation didn't help his bid for a second term either. Bit I agree he was honest, uncoruptable, sincere and empathetic. Not a psychopath like the others. I liked John and Robert Kennedy as well. Both exuded sincere empathy for the down trodden. Look where that got em.
Some didn't like him ceding control over the Panama Canal as well...
I didn't have a problem with that. But thanks....completely forgot about that.
I became politically aware during the Carter administration. I remember running around the house turning off all the lights after listening to him on the TV. I became a Democrat and voted for Walter Mondale. By the end of the Clinton Administration I left the party and became an independent. Carter's Cold War mentality was disappointing and he began the road to deregulating, by deregulating the trucking industry.
Thinking about it a bit, i would argue that the last “honest speech” given by an American President was in March 1991 ~ just after his victory in OPERATION DESERT STORM and the “liberation” of Kuwait from our Errand Boy in the area, Saddam ~ when a bubbling President George H.W. Bush told a group of state legislators, "The specter of Vietnam has been buried forever in the desert sands of the Arabian Peninsula.... By God, we've kicked the Vietnam syndrome once and for all." [Note: You can read the Washington Post’s gushing account of the most important speech Daddy Bush ever gave at https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1991/03/04/kicking-the-vietnam-syndrome/b6180288-4b9e-4d5f-b303-befa2275524d/ .]
And he was absolutely, totally, and completely correct. After ODS, the US has never again hesitated to start another War anyplace on the Planet. And has lost every one of them.
Among other things that this nation needs right now and most of all is a serious case of ~ for lack of a better term ~ “The Forever War Syndrome.”
In the summer of 1980, i was in the Army and had the opportunity ~ and privilege ~ to meet and informally chat with several individuals who either personally and directly participated [as in on-the-ground]~ or were officially and indirectly involved someplace at higher HQ ~ in OPERATION EAGLE CLAW, the failed Iranian Hostage Rescue mission on April 24 and 25.
And a number of them were completely and totally convinced in their mind, heart, gut, and balls that the entire thing was what they termed “A Planned Abortion” from its very start. [Note: An unclassified version of the Report of the Holloway Special Operations Review Group on the Iran Hostage Rescue Mission ~ published in August, 1980 ~ is available at https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/i/iran-hostage-rescue-mission-report.html .]
And a number of those Army and Air Force folks involved in EAGLE CLAW also noted what else happened in 1979 in that part of the world besides the overthrow of The Shah and the subsequent “Embassy Hostage Crisis”: the seizure of total power by Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the distinct possibility of an Iraq-Iran War; the occupation of Islam’s Holiest Site in Mecca by a brand new “Bad Guy” on the scene, radical, fundamentalist Islamicists; and most significantly, the USSR’s invasion of and “special military operation” in Afghanistan against US-sponsored and -supported “insurgents” in late December.
And those same folks then concluded that all of these things were definitely and directly somehow related, and were merely setting the stage for something much, much bigger and badder [and thus better for the folks in the Pentagon] in the future.
Charlie Beckwith commanded the ground team on Eagle Claw. He wrote in his book that after briefing Jimmy Carter and the WH on the operation, Carter took him aside and told him that if the operation was successful Beckwith and his team would get all the credit; but if the operation was a failure, Carter would take all the blame. Beckwith said he had never been impressed by Carter before, but he came away with a lot of respect for him for his willingness to take the blame and not pass the buck (as every other President would do).
Hi Tom. First of all; Thank You for the link. i did not know that Colonel Beckwith had written a book. Looking at Amazon, it looks like he's written several. Which particular book of his are You referring to?
In any event, that is a neat, neat story. My guess is that Carter's time in the Navy may have had a lot to do with it happening that way.
And passing the buck is not something every other President WOULD do. It is what every President since Carter did, has done, and is doing.
It was in his history of Delta Force. And you're right, passing the buck is what every other President has done and is doing - along with starting and continuing wars for political gain; using the Fed to juice the economy in election years; selling out voters whenever the donors demand; and...so on (it's an endless list).
Thanks, Tom. Just Kindled Beckwith's book and saw that statement by Carter, and am looking forward to reading the rest of it.
I'm apolitical to the extreme, but I really think he had some epic challenges like that Energy Crisis plus he was as Michael Corleone put it to Moe Greene "Unlucky" Crisis after crisis spouting everywhere during his presidency, boycotting the Olympics, the Iran Hostages botched rescue mission, etc. Then a smooth as silk Challenger "Reagan" bursting on the scene-- great communicator, telegenic too with a new conservative message..!
No one is beyond Redemption! September 13, 1976 The Kansas City Times published a lengthy article quoting me describing Jimmy Carter as a "false prophet, liar and deceiver" without printing why I saw it that way.
I have been watching from CanaDa US Presidential Elections closely since Nixon. Jimmy Carter was the 1st one to wear his Religion on his sleeve as part of his Election campaign.
It's mandatory for anyone seeking the Presidency to call for more spending for the Pentagon or the Pentagod as Bill referred to it way back, and despite his Christianity, Carter called for increasing the Pentagon Budget. I took exception to that because of this Bible insight I posted on BV many Times, "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying: 'Not by military force and not by physical strength, but by My spirit,' says the Lord of Hosts."
It's only 1 line in the Bible but it's more relevant than ever before because the US is the BIGGEST Arms Merchant in the History of Nations, making a KILLING off the Ukraine WAR, the Israeli Genocide in Gaza, and many other US WARS of choice since WWII.
Obviously God of President Carter's Faith was not with him in failed Operation Eagle Claw in Iran because a violent wind-driven sand storm caused the Operation to be aborted along with many other problems.
That failure contributed to his not being re-elected almost as much as the Traitorous Republicans offering the Iranian Mullahs weapons to fight the US-Saudi financed Saddam's War against Iran in 1980 to nip the 1979 Iranian Revolution in the bud, IF they held on to the US Hostages until Reagan was sworn in. They were released that very Day. All the Republican TRAITORS went scot-free once Republicans had the Presidency.
I wrote to President Carter twice c/o The Carter Center post his Presidency, explaining the context saying I no longer saw him the way as published in 1976. No reply.
There is no question President Carter came into his own leaving the Presidency, living by Example, the highest ideals of the Christian Faith.
Although he probably knew it, he could not call Israel an Apartheid State when he was President. He did after leaving the Presidency and I admired him for Publicly speaking the Truth with the platform he had! Israel attacked him for his Freedom of Speech on the divisive issue not resolved to this Day.
Carter’s book on Israeli ‘apartheid’ was called antisemitic – but was it prescient?
The ex-president was pilloried for his characterization of the Palestinians’ plight but some say an apology is in order: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/dec/30/jimmy-carter-israel-apartheid-palestinians
It's not a boast because I have nothing to boast about. I had nothing to do to influence the bigger World to evolve along the 1976 projection 2-1/2 Years after the Record. I was only a Messenger in the right Place and the right Time in 1976 Kansas City, succeeding in having it recorded for Posterity 49 years ago in the Historical Newspaper record in The Kansas City Times September 13, 1976. It was accompanied with the picture of me wearing my trademark #13 jersey. My part is only a footnote re the 1979 Camp David Accord, cited as the high mark of Carter's Presidency.
¨There are 30 months before the fate of the world will be sealed with EITHER Destruction OR the Universal Brotherhood of Man,¨ he said. ¨The 30 month figure concerned a Treaty between Israel and Egypt.¨
NOTE: This does not say ARMAGEDDON happens in 30 months from the September 1976 article.
Not 29 or 31, but exactly 30 months later, in March 1979, history shows a Treaty between Israel and Egypt was signed, The Camp David Accord.
History shows talks broke down on the 12th day and no Treaty was to be signed. Begin and Sadat were leaving.
It was on the 13th Day, as in the date of the 1976 Newspaper record and the picture accompanying it, an unexpected window of opportunity appeared and opened the way for the Treaty to be signed.
This signified the Universal Brotherhood part of the quote.
What about the Destruction of the 2 choices in the 1976 Newspaper Record?
The 1979 Iranian Revolution happened the month before the signing of the Camp David Accord.
If you believe what the MSM is projecting these Days, it's most likely when Trump takes Power supporting Israel without question more than Biden did, that 1976 DESTRUCTION/ARMAGEDDON choice may come in 2025?
During his Presidency, it was Jimmy Carter that set the US on the Path to the $Trillion Pentagon Budgets. Maybe his Post Presidency Christian service was to atone for what he set in motion as President?
The Washington Post January 28, 1980
Jimmy Carter certified himself as a big defense spender yesterday, urging Congress to start down a path that would increase Pentagon outlays $100 billion in the next five years.
The same president who came into office three years ago with hopes of reducing defense costs and improving relations with the Soviet Union unfurled an old banner from the Cold War to justify his new direction. "Our forces must be increased if they are to contain Soviet aggression," he said.
In the Carter budget, money available to the Pentagon would jump from $139.3 billion in fiscal 1980 to $158.7 billion in fiscal 1981, a 14 percent jump. The Pentagon figures that the "real" increase would be 5.4 percent because of the money eaten up by inflation. Carter proposes to keep raising this budget authority category every year until it hits $248.9 billion in fiscal 1985. This would represent real increases, according to the Pentagon, ranging from 4.2 to 4.8 percent.
BANKRUPTING AMERICA: President Carter's Military Budget: https://www.jstor.org/stable/45130910
Wow, look at all these comments! I hope mine won't prove redundant. I'll be brief: 1.) Bill Astore, your analysis of "Reaganism" is spot-on. In that speech of Carter's, he defined "Libertarianism" without using the term. And now the GOP is totally under the sway of that Philosophy of Selfishness (my terms); 2.) you did not mention the "Camp David Accords," for which Jimmy was awarded Nobel Peace Prize. I believe Carter was sincerely seeking peace in the Middle East, but look at the region now!! Not exactly a haven of peace and stability, thanks to US interventionism. (In relatively immediate aftermath of the accords, Pres. Sadat of Egypt paid with his life for caving in to Zionism.); 3.) final observation: in his campaign, Carter promised he would "never lie" to us. Well, he just hadn't yet grasped that that activity comes with the job of being POTUS!
While I look back at Jimmy Carter as one of, if not the most decent of American Presidents in terms of their post-White House lives, I see him as a troubling mixed bag. So I find that while I was happy for all his years post-presidency I can't really eulogize him. Sadly, his record vis a vis foreign policy is, for too much of it, not one to admire. Nor is his embrace of neoliberalism generally. Both of these deficits conflict with what I suspect from his post-Presidential life, were his deeper values and principles. I can only assume that while in office he was himself often misled - that he trusted and empowered the wrong people; and also that, freed of that Office, his consciousness deepened a bit.
I admire the person he became, in particular; but his willingness to talk honestly at times- which may indeed have contributed to his 1-term status, does stand out as a rare thing among politicians generally.
Anyway, Chris Hedges wrote a piece that discusses Carter from such a perspective:
For two different perspectives, see:
"Don't Deify Jimmy Carter: Jimmy Carter may have done good works out of office, but in power he fomented a series of domestic and foreign policy disasters" by Chris Hedges at https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/dont-deify-jimmy-carter
"Jimmy Carter Was No Saint: If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged" by Lisa Savage at https://went2thebridge.substack.com/p/jimmy-carter-was-no-saint
Definitely, I wouldn't "deify" any human. And there's never been a "saintly" president. Power corrupts everyone. Abraham Lincoln, perhaps America's "greatest" president, had plenty of detractors (even within his own cabinet), and his actions, careful and compassionate as they often were, could also be ruthless at times, an unsurprising fact considering he faced a civil war.
Did Carter even listen to his own words (or his writers words).
No he did not!
Strong disagreement
Carter and W Bush more-or-less created our foreign policy disasters of the last half-century. Yes, he was somewhat redeemed after Abby and Amy got to him, years after his term. But to inflict "Zbig" on the world was to sow nothing but seeds of destruction. Far more important than anything he did domestically.