Israel will continue dropping bombs on innocent people so long as American bomb factories keep the assembly lines rolling and the CEO's and stock holders continue to reap enormous profits extracted from American taxpayers.

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Indeed big money is being made, but that is the end result of big money running Congress and the reason Israel is able to butcher at will.

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"What's good for General Bullmoose is good for America".

For those of you who remember the comic strip "Li'l Abner" (by Al Capp),

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We can't forget that these wars would be much harder to prosecute if a large majority of the public was outraged and vocal. This level of barbarity by our country requires acquiescence or support from a significant proportion of the population. I just read today that over 350 substation transformers were destroyed by flooding from the hurricane in places like NC, and there aren't enough replacements to fix the grid now because so many were sent to Ukraine. These are the kinds of things that people in the US don't ever think about when cheering on wars overseas.

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This will make you sit up like electricity striking you in the bath - https://www.mikehampton.co.uk/p/us-army-contract-for-radiation-effects-on-agriculture-in-eastern-europe

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Hi John, can you provide the link regarding your info "that over 350 substation transformers were destroyed by flooding from the hurricane in places like NC, and there aren't enough replacements to fix the grid now because so many were sent to Ukraine. "? I tried to find it myself, but just found generalities saying that there is a general shortage of transformers because there is an increased need for electricity across the US for various reasons (https://www.latitudemedia.com/news/the-electrical-equipment-shortage-looms-over-helene-recovery).

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It might help to know that there is only 1 mfg for large tx in the US. The rest come from China. There's no doubt there's a shortage with or without Ukraine.

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Toma, the last military job I worked on for MANSON CONSTRUCTION in Seattle was to install anchors for a huge floating X-Band Radar in the Gulf of Alaska. Part of "Star Wars." Off the Island of Adak on the Aleutian chain.

The radar was touted by the MIC as being able to track a baseball over San Francisco from Chesapeake Bay. Approximately 3,100 miles away! (Never tested ~ probably bovine excrement)


The anchors chain was huge ~ with 15-inch-long individual links! Designed by Boeing! Had to be hydraulically lowered into position.

No chain off this size was made in the USA anymore.

We had to get it from a Chinese supplier! The Hangzhou Donghua Chain Group.

The huge anchors. Not America. Made in Sweden.

The floating Radar platform turned out to be not seaworthy. Thats right! I'm not kidding!

It never made it in its ocean tow from Ingleside, Texas to the Gulf of Alaska. It still sits in Honolulu. Essentially scrap metal. Don't believe the MIC lies on WIKI.

Our 8-each anchors and there 1,500-feet each of chain are sitting on the ocean floor with a line coming up to a small buoy so that they can be located at a later date. Yeah right! We scrapped the special hydraulic chain lowerer we built!

I'm embarrassed to tell you how much profit we made on that job.

Don't tell Jeff Moebus! LOL

Read that Wiki article about it - and weep!

It was a huge failure. Great for the Hangzhou Donghua Chain Group Co though!

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So that's why Boeing can't keep a plane in the air! Same design department!

The only thing that the US can make now are green house gasses & terrorist s (here & abroad).

The anchor was probably the same as the one used for north sea oil platforms. Can't remember the name now.

I suspect some bailing wire and duck tape will have them transformers up and running like new in no time. But gotta tell you that I am gosh dang proud to sacrifice my job to the poor Chinese! They can build our military equipment far better than lazy Americans!

We're going to war with them?

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Dennis, I used to hear the Russian over-the-horizon radar on shortwave radio. It was known as "the woodpecker" for the sound it made. Though far below X-band, I think it was active at the time the work you were doing was underway. The US had a somewhat similar OTH radar system at Big Jim Creek in WA if memory serves. After the end of the Cold War, pictures came out of the woodpecker antennas. I have never seen so much towering metal and of course all of it then scrap metal, but at least the Russkies got some service out of it.

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40 & 800 meters. ChunkChunkChunkChunk... You got used to it.

I've always wondered if "chem trails" were our version of the woodpecker. Bounce the signal off aluminum particles. At least it's quieter.

Can't really blame the russkies. They saw Dr Strangelove too. A KGB agent saw it in an Air Force mess hall and mistakenly took it for a training film. Blame Stanley for the cold war.

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Profit is easy when it's a Cost-Plus contract,.

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It was not Cost Plus.

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I found out in my reading the other day that all of the steel used in the construction of the now gone World Trade Center towers was Japanese.

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Maybe that's why WTCs 1 and 2 collapsed, eh?

But what's the excuse for WTC7 going down?

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John will have to provide the specific reference on the specifics of those 350, but the situation overall is grim. The President's National Infrastructure Advisory Council has a draft report out (as of June) stating that lead times have been "increasing for the last 2 years – from around 50 weeks in 2021, to 120 weeks on average in 2024. Large transformers, both substation power and generator step-up transformers, have lead times ranging from 80 to 210 weeks."

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Transformers of all sizes probably have the lead time taken by a container ship to steam from the Port of Shanghai to the Port of Los Angeles.

6,458 miles @ 20mph = 14-days or 2-weeks!

And at half the price.

Too bad the USA gave all its manufacturing and blue-collar jobs to China.

The USA is a "service economy" now you know!

EDIT: Shit we could airfreight them in the USAF's C5 Galaxy's. Pay load = 100tons

A 1000 KVA oil filled transformer typically weighs about 40tons

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That same study I referenced said the average age of the big power-station transformers was at or past end of life; I'm not sure even China/Korea/Japan could supply a large concurrent demand if we were to see large numbers of failures or replacements needed. The tipping point of the electrical grid collapse is near - along with all the other infrastructure (highway, water, sewer) that have been ignored over the last 50 years as the US became the world's only 'superpower' and focused on the firepower industry

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I recall an article about the small supply and long production time for big power transformers a few years ago, that mentioned very few (a dozen) were available. I wish I could find that article and remember what it was that prompted it to be published.

BTW, if it were possible to pinpoint target just conventional and not very big warheads, not nuclear, and send ICBMs by the hundreds on their way, taking out power installations would bring everything to a stop. No electricity means no civilization now.

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I think about the true price for outsourcing. For business it was a win and on first glance the cheap retail price of Chinese stuff seems like a win. But start to factor in the loss of good paying jobs, the loss of jobs period, the devastation of communities abandoned by industry, the loss of know-how of American engineers, the list could go on and the entire list hidden by the cheap retail price we think is such a good thing.

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The free trade movement was always a boondoggle for the capitalists. They new full well they would be the ones to profit the most by offshoring labor, thereby cutting production costs. So they sold people the "cheap prices" bullshit without disclosing the truth about their jobs.

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Not quite. We kept the arms manufacturing jobs. That shows you U.S. priorities: murder, destruction and mayhem.

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Oct 6Edited
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Look up "Chinese currency jerrymandering*" on Google, Ray.


BTW, Temu is huge in New Zealand

The thing that pisses me of so bad about Temu!

If I research buying anything online - not from Temu

The next day my computer is bombarded with Temu ads for what I was looking for - and of course, hundreds of other thing.

I have not figured out a way to block them. Even with the best apps.

(Another way our World is changing - remember all those newsprint pages of advertising we used to get in the delivery of our Seattle Times newspaper! Mosty gone!)

Hope you are well!

*The term gerrymandering has negative connotations, and gerrymandering is almost always considered a corruption of the democratic process.

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have you tried AdBlock Plus, Dennis? It clears my screen of all ads and if there is an ad on a webpage, I can highlight it and tell AdBlock to never let me see it again. I'm in love.

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Thanks for that, indeed, grim assessment. As pointed out again and again by many commenters, taxpayer money is stolen for wars and the defense industry and not much is left for healthcare, infrastructure, disaster mitigation, global warming mitigation, and on and on and on......

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Senator Lindsey Graham says..... "But all that money goes to weapons manufacturers in the USA!"

The old meme that war is good for the economy. Which was certainly true for the Yanks in WW2. Not anymore, eh?

The old warhorse Senator Graham is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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Thank you for this link! It answers my question if so many transformers sent to Ukraine is the specific reason there are not enough transformers for NC.

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It's doubly crazy because I hear the Russians, with control of the airspace, target the Ukrainian power grid and that most of it is down now. So we send new equipment to be blown up upon installation? Or transformers get installed with no distribution system left to connect to them? All that accomplishes is....oh that's right, money is made in the US.

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"The US can't make a TV or a decent car or a VCR worth a fuck - but we can bomb the shit outa your country" ~ George Carlin.

But as you say Clif, the US can make a lot of money! Not the old-fashioned way, by earning it. It's easy to just turn on the switch on the printing press!

During the Iraq war that Shrub started, the US palletized huge bundles of Ulysses S. Grant's $50's on C-17's and distributed them in Iraq. To who? Don't ask? That's a big mystery. Some say many bundles came back home in GI's backpacks!

(I didn't know that in 2005, a proposal to put Ronald Reagan's portrait on the $50 bill was put forward, but never went beyond the House Financial Services Committee, even though Republicans controlled the House.)

This reminds me of riding our BMW's in Zimbabwe in 2007. Kids at gas stations had sacks full of Zimbabwe notes. $500-million Zimbabwean dollars. ZWD. Thats EACH note. We bought them for US$1.00 each for souvenirs. The kids ran across the border to Botswana with their US dollars to buy old stale bread at the Supermarceto! Very sad.

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The article is a paywalled site on Substack.

Here is a link: https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/sitrep-10524-post-ugledar-landscape

It is a long article and the bit about the transformers is toward the end.

The part about the transformers being sent to Ukraine was a tweet by the US Ambassador to Ukraine (@USAmbUkraine), the part about the lack of transformers in the US was a tweet from @JessieJenkins

You can see a USAID label on the transformers sent to Ukraine in the photo.

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We live in the weirdest time of my near 70 years—and that’s saying something. Greenwald’s channel featured a number of interviews by Michael Tracey as he interacted with the political morons that attended the VP debates. I swear, we have some of the dumbest people imaginable in Congress. As they defend Israel, they sound like pre-programmed automatons. Don’t deviate from the script! Zero integrity.

If any of our enemies were doing what Israel is doing now in Lebanon and before (and continue) in the West Bank and Gaza the CON would be screaming, “War Criminals!” I got news for Bibi. He isn’t going to have a seven front war. He’s going to have every country with a conscience pressing down on him with their weapons and economic isolation.

Well as long as the Dem’s are all in on genocide like their Repub counterparts, the NYT reminds us these climate champions have decided oil is not so bad after all. They report, “A Shift Among Democrats: Embrace Record Levels of Oil and Gas.”

Meanwhile as the slaughterous debacle in Ukraine continues, the same CON comforts us. “In Ukraine, Small, Fluffy Dogs Offer Wartime Comfort.”

And last but not least, Barbers Hill High School in Houston is busy suspending a nice looking, Darryl George, because his dreadlocks cover his ear lobes. (Barely, I might add.) A second year of his harassment backed up by district Judge Jeffrey Brown despite the “Crown Act,” which bars employers and schools from penalizing people because of hair texture or protective hairstyles including dreadlocks. Thank god, Houston has its priorities in order.

So, as Hillary rants on about not enough censorship, fretting “we’ll lose total control,” I pray to all that is sacred, they do!

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And exactly who and where are these "countries with a conscience" that are going to be "pressing down" on Netanyahu and Israel?

How about if they press down on the United States, who is making and enabling this War ~ and the one in Ukraine ~ to happen?

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South Africa was the clear leader. Plenty are calling out US hypocrisy.

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Maybe. But which countries are actually DOING something about that US hypocrisy?

And more importantly, given how this Planet operates at present, what Can other countries actually DO to end that hypocrisy? i see very little, if anything.

For example: What has South Africa actually accomplished by way of actually ending the US/Israeli War on Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon?

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jg, I understand what you are saying, but keep in mind what the Ayatollah Khomeini used to call Israel and the US - the little Satan and the great Satan. Though I doubt many countries would take up that titling, I am sure more and more are questioning being lead by the US being educated by the events of 2024, and have an increasing desire to end our domination.

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i agree completely, Clif. i think that that's what BRICS is all about, isn't it?

And my understanding is that there are several, if not many, more Nations that are lining up to formally join or informally align themselves with BRICS. That is happening now and will continue to happen.

But until Somebody puts serious diplomatic and economic ~ and if that fails, military ~ pressure on the United States, the Wars in Palestine and Ukraine will continue, and be accurately dubbed "Forever War[s] II."

And that sounds like a pretty good indication that some sort of Satanism ~ as the Ayatollah put it ~ is well at work in both the US and Israel.

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This time is no "weirder," TomG, than the days, weeks, months, and years ~ 20+ of them ~ that followed 9/11. Or any deadlier. Especially to and for the Countries, Nations, and Peoples of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and so forth.

And Hillary is not only one of America's Ruling Political Class ranting about the need for censorship. Do the names Bill Gates and John Kerry ring a bell?

See https://www.instagram.com/shellenberger/p/DAxPwuDRfTz/?img_index=1 for introductory details.

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For more details, see "The Censorship Industrial Complex Is US Government Counterpopulist Blowback" by Michael Shellenberger at https://www.public.news/p/the-censorship-industrial-complex-3c1 .

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"I got news for Bibi. He isn’t going to have a seven front war. He’s going to have every country with a conscience pressing down on him with their weapons and economic isolation."


Thanks Tom - it can't come too soon.

That its been going on for 12-months is shameful and unconscionable in the 21st century.

What the fuck is wrong with the western World? The UN. The ICJ ...ppppfftt!

Standing by with folded arms (or facilitating genocide like the great Satan, the USA!!)

And the Pommes and the Frogs on the wrong side of history for chrissake!

If I was simple minded, I'd say let's just nuke Tel Aviv tomorrow and get this over with!

Like the Yanks nuked Japan in WW2 to save American GI's lives - yeah right! If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you!

And don't get me started on EVERY GOD standing by with folded arms doing FUCK ALL.

When inventing a “GOD”, the most important thing is to claim it is invisible, inaudible, and imperceptible in every way. Otherwise, people will become skeptical when it appears to no one, is silent and does NOTHING.

EDIT: I was just watching Al Jazeera TV. A beautiful 10-year-old little girl. No legs. Probably amputated without anesthesia by the light of an iPhone flashlight!

But saying "thank God". Go figure! I will NEVER understand this!

And I was yesterday thinking about the huge loses we Kiwi's, Aussies, Canucks, Indians and South Africans suffered in WW2 fighting against evil! Why can't we take up arms again? Is Netanyahu more powerful that Hitler and Mussolini were?

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The U.S. arms industry.never saw a war it didn't like.

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Amen, Dennis. The difference between Israel and Germany/Japan is that neither of the latter two had many millionaires and billionaires in the US openly running elections and controlling who sits in Congress, even boasting of their success in doing so while the equally subservient to wealth MSM gets obsessed with "Russiagate" Start an investigation of Zionist/AIPAC influence in our political system? Of course not, but then again, what is to be found out that isn't already on open display? There is a timebomb for Israel in the US as more and more people become aware of the tail wagging the dog. The horror is that there will be so many more like that girl you described before the tide will turn on Israel.

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I heard someone say "the flea on the tail wagging the dog!"

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Thank you for the Truth …and for the clarification about trained seals. Someone said that we can now see that Israel is inhuman, but no other species does what Israel does and the US does and… Only humans commit crimes against humanity. Only humans commit war crimes and ethnic cleansing and apartheid. No I am afraid that the actions of Israel, like those in the past of ApartheidSouth Africa, of Nazi Germany, of white settlers in the Americas, and so on… the crimes are, sadly, very human. As Smoky the Bear says…”Only you can prevent forest fires.” Only we humans can stop the war crimes, the ethnic cleansing, the apartheid. We can do that and survive, or we can all perish from the Earth. As a father and a grandfather, I hope that we nonviolently get rid of bad governance, and as a Christian (who respects the worship strategies others employ regarding our Creator),I also pray that we do.

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Very well said, Claiborne. Don't forget what America did after it got settled.

Starting with The Philippines, China, Cuba and Central America at the turn of the last century. And then continued at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and Central America again, Iraq and Kuwait, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq again, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Ukraine in 2014, and Ukraine continued today along with Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen.

And soon, no doubt, with Iran and China.

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Claiborne, the trouble with Israel is that we have shielded it from all consequences to what it has done since 1967, protecting a bully. The very first consequence in all that time has come from the Iranian ballistic missile strike on Tel Aviv. There is now a pause as we wait to see if Israel wants to risk far greater consequences by attacking Iran (again). I don't think risking American lives mean a thing to Netanyahu, but Tel Aviv seeing big destruction might bring a pause if not a stop to his dream of sweeping the land clean of pests for total control by Israel. He is a maniac, so who can say what he will do.

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My man Claiborne, we're blessed with tape worms, plague, leprosy, dengue fever, herpes, hepatitis, leprosy, HIV/AIDS Progeria, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Ebola, multiple sclerosis and incurable brain cancers.

The Naegleria fowleri brain-eating amoeba is a special gift from a creator if you believe in "our Creator".

Folks infected by Naegleria fowleri brain-eating amoeba develop primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Which is inevitably painfully fatal. Why did a loving Creator create this free-living organism that doesn’t even need a host to live and lives in bodies of warm fresh water that his creature's will inevitably bath in?

Isn't God supposed to be omnipotent and benevolent?

Prayer: "God has his plan. But you can ask him to change it." - George Carlin

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Daily we are bombarded with more evidence of failing neoliberal civilization. Finding failings and Itemizing obserdities it is the easy part. Actually addressing the sickness with specific paths/ policies to take us out of the mess is the hard part which we should be giving far more attention to. Jill Stein, Jeffrey Sachs, Nader and George Monbiot are some of one's highlighting ways out of the mess. Let's look at their specific policies rather than just describe the horrid mess we are in. There is a point where raising awareness becomes the celebration of sickness. We are aware. So let's focus on fixes.

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Ralph Nadar in 2,000, with his huge respect and name recognition, and running on Jill Steins exact specific polices, only got 2.7% of the vote running as a Green.

Ross Perot in 1992, unlike ideological fringe third-party candidates who have NEVER in the history of the US became POTUS, ran as a populist centrist challenging the two parties.

He ran in a very different political environment than now ~ one of much less polarization between the two parties.

He got 19% of the popular vote. Seven times what Nadar got and nearly twenty times (!) Jill Stein's best of 1.07% in 2016.

But didn’t receive a plurality of voters in any state, giving him ZERO ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES. Oh dear!

Until America changes its method of voting in its President, its stuck with its Two-Party duopoly. Voting for Jill Stein is the very definition of wasting your vote. You might as well stay home.

Savy Americans, and the rest of the World, have for a long time been aware of the undemocratic system the US uses to elect its POTUS.

So let's focus on fixes. Yeah right! Easier said than done, Glenn. And not in your lifetime! LOL

Just like MURICA should fix the 2nd Amendment. How is that going? How about NOWHERE!

More resolutions have been made to amend the Electoral College mechanism than any other part of the constitution. Since 1800, over 700 (!) proposals to reform or eliminate the system have been introduced in Congress. None of these proposals has received the approval of two thirds of Congress and three fourths of the states required to amend the Constitution.

You know this, Glen. America has by far the most difficult constitution to amend.

Why efforts to repeal 2A and change the system used to elect the POTUS will always stall. Doomed to failure!

Both horses have long escaped the barn. Future generations are sadly stuck with them.

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i believe that the fixes Glen Brown is talking about do not involve elections or how this nation's politicians are elected..

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Oooops! Did I get that wrong?

What "fixes" is Glen referring to, Jeff?

I was beating my drum about the naiveté of voting Third-Party in Murica.

Take care

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What he might be talking about is fixing the American system of Government and Governance that enables Vested Special Interests to bid for and get that Government's legal power, administrative authority, and especially, its spending capability and capacity, so as to advance the agendas of those individual, group, organizational, and institutional VSIs.

And if that's not at least one of the fixes he is talking about, he should definitely give it some consideration.

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Every Gubmint contract I worked on in 35-years in 13-states was bid Fixed Cost.

Against tough bidding competition.

We, and none of our fellow bidders were "Vested Special Interests."

Just Private Murican Constuction Companies

So, I don't know what you are talking about, Jeff!

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You never heard of the following Vested Special Interests?...:

The Military Industrial Congressional Complex?

Or the Banking/Finance/Printing Press Web?

Or the Techno-Infotainment Matrix?

Or the Petro/Agro/Guns n Drugs Cartels?

Or the Pharmo/Medico/Insurance/Legal Cabals?

Or the Surveillance Secrecy Security Censorship Propaganda proto-Police State Panopticon?

These are the folks that own, operate, command, and control the elected politicians, entrenched bureaucrats, and anointed appointees at center stage in America's Reality-TV Soap Opera Extravaganza; and America's $ 1 = I Vote system of Government and Governance that gets, puts, and keeps them there.

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Oct 7 is here. Watch the news to see what is stressed. I predict it will be all HAMAS all the time and the horror of the attack. Israel has a right to defend itself even should it slaughter the world. There will be no context, no history. Oct 7 will be official Israel as Victim Day, all the tens of thousands killed by Israel and leveling of Gaza only deserved and not worthy of mention.

There will be no mention of the three Israeli operations, starting in 2009, that killed far more Palestinians than the number of Israelis who died on Oct 7. "Mowing the grass", the term used by Israelis for those three assaults on Gaza will not be mentioned.

The 16 years of outdoor imprisonment of Gazans will not be mentioned.

The comments by Israeli government ministers such as Bezalel Smotrich saying it is moral that all Gazans should die of starvation will not be mentioned.

The 57 years of illegal occupation of the West Bank by Israel will not be mentioned for all the horror it has visited on the Palestinians while it was party time in Tel Aviv.

That Israel has no legal right to any land beyond the 1967 borders will not be mentioned

That moving the people of the occupier onto occupied land (everything beyond the 1967 borders) is illegal will not be mentioned.

It will not be recalled that tens of thousands of American lives were lost to END ethnic cleansing and occupation by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, but now American lives are pledged to DEFEND ethnic cleaning/ethnic supremacy.

It will not be mentioned that liberty and justice for all is forgotten, neither candidate for president has ever mentioned it, why should MSM?

It will continue to be perfectly acceptable without comment that Biden declares himself an ethnic cleanser when he says "I am a Zionist" THE PRESIDENT!!!!!!!

We are a lost people who don't even know their own history and have no concerns that come even close to their obsession with what they can buy, their own personal comfort and the convenience they demand while they allow big money to rule the country. But what a big deal is the Superbowl, what a big deal is Taylor Swift, what a big deal is what Elon Musk has to say. We are a lost people on a warming planet that will ultimately bring us back to reality.

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When Joe Biden met with Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu and his war cabinet during a visit to Apartheid Israel...... Biden (in)famously said: "I don't believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist."

The Politicians and Generals gathered in the ballroom in the Tel Aviv hotel nodded in approval as the IDF started bombing Gazan women, children, and the old and infirm in hospitals and refugee camps with US 2,000lb bombs dropped by US F-35 bombers.

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Oct 6Edited

Maybe this is all just a manifestation of the Stockholm Syndrome - Americans identify with the selective focus provided by their captors.

Domestic concerns and issues are used for distraction; whether created for contrived importance and relevance (e.g.,Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce); or arising from natural disasters (e.g., the tragic events in the Southeast from Hurricane Helene, which will soon become the equivalent of a back page story) -as the next celebrity story or natural disaster unfolds.

Coverage of politics is limited to Trump intending to personally kill all abortion doctors, or Democrats cheering on gangs of alien terrorists coming to kill our cats and dogs. But, the forced or willing obedience of those in government to AIPAC and/or firepower industry dollars; and the apocalyptic vision of Netanyahu will never be discussed or questioned.

I understand wanting to vote for someone of morals or vision this election. But as dysfunctional as things are, maybe it's time for a vote of A Pox on All Their Houses; vote them all out no matter who is the opponent. Then pick up the pieces after the election - if it's held or there's still a world left.

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Another term for "A Pox on All Their Houses," TomR, is None Of These Candidates."

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I warned you Tom...hahahaha

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Apparently Bibi thinks one can never have too many fronts. If there was a Nobel War Prize, I believe he would be at the head of the pack. Meanwhile, Tyler Durden thinks by his reckoning World War III has already started: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/what-would-world-war-iii-really-look-its-already-starting

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Oct 6
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And way too many have based their entire concept of world war on the Book of Revelation in the holy Bible.

The dramatic conclusion of the “times of the Gentiles” is described in prophecy as a gigantic world war which is climaxed by the second coming of Christ. The war that brings to a close the times of the Gentiles, which already has embraced twenty-five hundred years of history, is also the final effort of Satan in his strategy of opposition to the divine program of God. The second coming of Christ is God’s answer.

The great world war which will engulf the Middle East at the end of the age is an outgrowth of the world situation during the time of the great tribulation. The Roman Empire formed earlier has now extended its power “over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Revelation 13:7).

The world government formed at the beginning of the great tribulation is scheduled in prophecy to endure for forty-two months or three and a half years (Revelation 13:5).

The armies of the world which converge upon the Middle East according to Revelation 16:13 are induced to engage in the final conflict by satanic influences. “I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (Revelation 16:13, 14).

You can't make this stuff up folks!

Is that better than Hollywood could come up with or not? LOL

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So let me ask You a question, Dennis: How close is what is unfolding in the Middle East today to what Revelations predicted? Any similarities at all?

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You tell me - that's above my pay grade.

Has ANY war projection, plan, ever come remotely close to what actually unfolded in history?

Also, doesn't what is unfolding in the Middle East Goat Fuck change by the week? Is it going in accordance with ANY plan?

Does Biden/Netanyahu have a plan!

Help me with that?

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Heh. Sorry: It's well above Your pay grade.

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I like this one better.

In 2006 whacko Zionist Pastor John Hagee and 400-leaders from Christian and Jewish communities formed "Christians United for Israel" (CUFI). The CUFI lobbies (as in “bribes’) members of the US Congress promoting Christian Zionism!

His "blood moon prophecy" claims that the six full moons with no intervening partial lunar eclipses, which began with the April 4th 2014 lunar eclipse, is the beginning of the end times as described in the Bible; Book of Joel 2:32, Acts 2:20, and Revelation 6:12.

If you want a good laugh try to sit through this wacko stuff! LOL


I bet you old friend Ray Cormeir gets his rocks off watching this video over and over again.

"Religion poisons everything!" - Christopher Hitchens. Never truer words spoken!

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It's tempting to think "religion poisons everything" and that eliminating religion would somehow eliminate all "poison" everywhere.

What I've found is that intolerance poisons everything. Hubris, e.g. the idea of a chosen people, poisons everything. Holier-than-thou certitude poisons everything.

Holier-than-thou certitude is an affliction of some religious believers. It's also an affliction of non-religious people. Anyone who elevates himself and sits in judgment over his fellow man, who denigrates others, who attacks others in a vituperative way, is doing a disservice, whether he calls himself a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, or an atheist.

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I'd add the real "enemy" is hatred and fear. Fear-driven hatred poisons everything. Sometimes, religion is used to generate fear and hatred. Fear of God and His wrath if you don't believe in Him. Fear of outsiders, the unfaithful.

But fear and hatred are also generated by nationalism, in tribal politics, on the basis of race and gender, etc.

Stay away from hatred of others. Turn aside from fear. Those are the real poisons.

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Nailed it again even deeper than the last one, Bill.... .

Thank You.

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Nailed it again, Colonel.

And what Religion doesn't poison, Politics does and will.

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Oct 6Edited
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i look forward to Dennis' response. If there actually is one.

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Ready for Dennis' response Mr. Moebus? Buckle up! LOL

I rest my case.

Hagee does not love the same Christ as Ray does.

There are different Gods apparently. Even within the same religion! Go figure! Wonder how many? I must Google it eh!

Thats why he won't watch Hagee's video.

Screw your God Hagee! You are in the wrong club! The Synagogue of Satan. Your GOD is a phony! Your mind is so poisoned over Religion! I said so!

(I think the 100,000+ follows of Hagee's Trinity Church Ministries who lobby members of the US Congress might vehemently disagree, eh? Your great Prophet Isaiah was a frickin liar! Who is right do you reckon, Jeff?)

And didn't some "GOD" start all this killing and genocide in the Middle East a long time OK. Way before Oct 7th, 2023!

"When the Lord your God gives you rest from all the enemies around you in the land he is giving you to possess as an inheritance, you shall blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!" Deuteronomy 25:19

When one party comes armed with their Bible and a 2,000-year-old promise from their imaginary GOD, rational thinking goes out the window. Remember the Amalekites.

The issue will only be settled on the field of battle with iron and rivers of blood.

As we are seeing on Al Jazeera TV every day.

Thousands slaughtered in the name of imaginary GODs.

As it has been done since man invented GOD's.

There will be no winners.

Every religion claim's that theirs is the only true God!

What evidence do Israelis and Ray Cormeir have that their religion does not have a false GOD?

Why is their "God" real and all the others are not?

(One of them is making the real GOD really pissed off every Sunday? LOL)

When they understand why they dismiss ALL the other possible "Gods", only then will they understand why we atheists dismiss theirs.

BTW, my God is The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), the holy deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I am a Pastafarian.

A Pastafarian prophet of the Venganza forums known as Solipsy received divine guidance and wrote The Loose Canon, the Holy Book of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The book was completed in 2010 and was made available for download. The gospel urges readers to try Rastafarianism for thirty days, saying, "If you don't like us, your old religion will most likely take you back".

Some excerpts from The Loose Canon include:

"I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me (Afterwards is OK; just use protection). The only Monster who deserves capitalization is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, undeserving of capitalization". -  Suggestions 1:1-5

"Since you have done a half-ass job, you will receive half an ass! The Great Solomon grabbed his ceremonial scimitar and struck his ox, cleaving it in two" - Slackers 1:51–52

Turns out the poor old ox did know his owner at all!

And we Pastifarians believe all this is true and have just as much evidence for it as Christians have that their God exists ~ and is the real one! LOL

The Christian Religion has really poisoned Christian's minds.

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I think a major part of the problem is that Americans are basically insular; they don't have any real feel for other countries, so photos of children with their arms or legs blown off will produce a momentary sense of pity but nothing strong enough to produce an antipathy to a person like Kamala who seems to be perfectly agreeable to continue the horror. The country is filled with voters like that. They'll vote for Kamala over Trump because she is the better of the two, and they won't give a single thought to Jill who offers so much more because she isn't part of the DNC. A strong part of the problem is that most Americans have never set foot outside of this country; or if they have, it was in Canada or Mexico just barely across the border for a shopping day. They have no concept of life in another land where customs vary. Too often our citizens read stories of something that happened abroad and they have no idea where that country is, or how big it is, or any concept of it customs or history, so it's easy to simply erase it from the mind after a brief thought of "how awful" or "how sad". After all, the next set of photos on the screen is of a house in the Carolinas being washed away in a flood or some other ecological disaster right here. And then we're on to the local news of murder or robbery or some other local disaster.

Our MSM keeps us informed in ways that don't cover underlying problems. I note that environmental disasters are rarely called that. The current floods in the east are compared to a local flood as bad as the one 50 years ago - implying that " these things happen folks, don't look further for some cause like "climate change". New of wars or disaster overseas is colored by how much we like or dislike the country involved. Russia and China get blamed always, England or Japan or most European countries get sympathy on a sliding scale of how much we like them at the time - that changes periodicaly depending on how obedient they are to our wishes.

So depending on how much travel and experience an individual has with other parts of this planet along with a casual acceptance of the "news" as it is reported by the MSM that is how America floats from one catastrophe to another without much comprehension of what is really going on.

Thank you so much Bill for continuing to point all this out, and maybe someday we will have citizens who understand that we have already lost our democracy. My 24 year old grandson, has no idea what democracy looks like because he has never seen it - so he really doesn't miss it. I wonder how we can get him and others to understand how terrifying that is for those of us who have lived at a time when we had a democracy, messy as it was, but there are fewer and fewer of us left who actually experienced democracy in this country. If you are under 70, you probably have never actually experienced it, as it has been on the wain ever since the Supreme Court allowed money to be the deciding factor in an election.

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American travelers are for the most part sightseers out to check off been-there, done-that lists. To live for a while, even a few months, in another country is what would begin to open eyes. That isn't happening. Huge quantities of jet fuel are used for joyriding. More are flying every year.

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That's true Cliff and I was a lucky one to be stationed in France for over 2 years back in the late 50's which gave us the opportunity to live and travel throughout Europe.

Shortly after the fall of the USSR, I spent 3 weeks in Tver Russia as a global volunteer helping teachers in the public schools system teaching English. I learned an enormous amount from that - and one of the many things I learned was that just about everything our MSM tells us about Russia is inaccurate, so working in a foreign country for even a few weeks can be very educational. Unfortunately very few Americans get to do that.

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Yup Ranney, my wife in her Travel Agent days got tired of her "adventurous" Muricin clients traveling abroad who's big worry was they had to stay in a Holiday Inn every night! LOL

I spent 2-years working with a Motorcycle Touring Company in Italy. Riding all over Europe. Including all over Iran. And from Morrocco to Botswana in Africa. Life changing experiences.

I learned more in this two years than any other time in my life.


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Having spent two years in Vietnam in the 60s and two years in Israel in the 80s, i know exactly what You are talking about, ranney.

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The real "trained seals," Bill, are the American Peoples who have let their Government and its owners, operators, commanders, and controllers get away with first, the so-called "Global" so-called "War On" so-called "Terrorism" ~ aka "The Forever War" ~ after 9/11, and now the Wars in Ukraine, Palestine, and Lebanon, and soon, with Iran and China.

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As Gary D Barnett asked on 4 Oct 24: "How Much More Are Cowardly Apathetic Americans Going to Take Before They Open Their Eyes?"


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And of course, you Mr. Moebus are NOT one of those Cowardly Apathetic Americans.

You have a self-exception from those folk!

Sorry I'm not buying it Jeff.

What makes you any different from every other Murican: just a trained seal letting your Gubmint and its owners, operators, commanders, and controllers( etc etc etc etc your list gets longer every day!) get away with first, the so-called "Global" so-called "War On" so-called "Terrorism" ~ aka "The Forever War" ~ after 9/11, and now the Wars in Ukraine, Palestine, and Lebanon, and soon, with Iran and China.

You are just like any other American eh jeff? You disagree with that? How?

Got any ideas to change this? Oh, I forgot! NOTC voting

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Mr Merwood: i began my anti-Trained Seal work a couple of weeks after 9/11. If You are interested and have the balls, You can read and see all about it here:

On 9/11-XXIII: Reflections of One of "Those Who Were Right," 23 years ago 11sep24

In the early evening of September 11, 2001 ~ even before President Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office - a series of phone calls among members of the New Orleans Peace and Social Justice community resulted in a gathering two nites later, on September 13th, of almost 60 "conscious, concerned, and committed Citizens" in the basement of a local church.

And that gathering of "Peacemongers" ~ as the local media termed it~ resulted in a silent, candlelit March for Peace, Justice, and Truth thru the streets of New Orleans that assembled close to 250 people on Saturday nite, the 15th of September, four days after 9/11: easily one of the earliest and biggest Anti-War/Pro-Peace demonstrations in the country at that time. [Available online at https://www.nola.com/gambit/news/the-peacemongers/article_8cc98238-ab66-5a48-81f0-072ab8552e84.html .]

And "Editor B," a local independent journalist and filmmaker captured scenes from that March, as well as folks in New Orleans skateboarding, reading poetry, and singing for Peace, Justice, and Truth in the days and weeks after 9/11. [Available online at https://stupidtelevisionshow.com/media/nopeace/ .]

At 10:06 of that video is an extended interview of me on Day 6 of OPERATION ISAIAH 2:4, a projected 168-hour "Fast and Prayer Vigil for Peace, Justice, Truth, Repentance, and Reconciliation" ~ held on Jackson Square in the French Quarter, right across from the Cathedral ~ which began at 7:46 am CDT on Tuesday, September 25, exactly two weeks to the minute after the first airplane crashed into the World Trade Center, and continued until 7:46 am on Tuesday, October 2. [Note: the interview was preempted for about five minutes by a genuine, traditional New Orleans Jazz Funeral, which made it even better.]

Following the launch on October 7 of Operation Enduring Freedom and America's assault on the Land, Country, Nation, and Peoples of Afghanistan, Phase Two of OPERATION ISAIAH 2:4 began on October 16, back on Jackson Square by the Cathedral, and continued until November 7 ~ Day 23 of the projected 28 ~ when cut short by illness.

The Opening Statement for Phase Two ~ ON BEING A CANDLE IN A TIME OF DARKNESS ~ which captures exactly What i was attempting to do, and, from the beginning of Phase One, exactly How and Why, is available by sending me an email at vaw.sitka@gmail.com.

..... i’m curious, Mr Merwood: What did YOU do after 9/11?

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I did not read past "and have the balls", Jeff

As Dale Carnegie always taught, if you want to convince a person of your Point of View (POV), the best way to FAIL is to insult them.

You wasted a lot of time.

Something you desperately need to learn, arsehole*!

*Noun; British English. Vulgar slang.

1. a person's anus.

2. a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person:

Usage: "He's a total arsehole" or "leave me alone, you arseholes"

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Don't flatter Yourself, Dennis.

i have no desire to convince You ~ or any MAGAtard ~ of anything.

But i'll ask again the same question i concluded the report of my activities and actions after 9/11 that You were too "insulted" to read:

What did YOU do after 9/11? Run out and buy some flags, bumper stickers, and yard signs? And then sit back and do nothing while "The Forever War" got launched?

And trust me: i know all about dealing with "arseholes." i'm responding to Your latest tidbit from Dale Carnegie, aren't i?

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We were in Italy riding our Ducati's all over Europe.

We bought some very small US flags and mounted them on our rear luggage.

For the remaining 3-weeks people greeted us with open arms. Everywhere we stopped - some crying. They were shit scared that WW3 was going to start.

We never paid one Euro for our hotels and meals for the rest of our trip.

And then my wife and I had the humiliation trying to board our American Airline flight of being separated and each grilled for two hours by American assholes! Without even our rights read to us.

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ps: And to answer Your question “Got any ideas to change this?”: Indeed i do. Let me know if You’re interested in actually reading them. And it has nothing to do with NOTC.

And at age 78, given my Health, limited mobility, and resources, i’m certainly not as Brave or as Interested, Concerned, or Caring as i once was. Particularly after this Summer.

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And at age 76, given my Health, I’m certainly not interested in reading any more of your condescending diatribes than I have to, Mr. Moebus

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You don't have to read anything i post here on BV, or anyplace else, Merwood.

If You do, that's because You choose to.

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Al Jazeera offers...

Before and after satellite images that reveal the extent of ruin to civilian infrastructure after a year of war at https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2024/gaza-before-after-satellite-images/ .

All courtesy Uncle Sam's Sovereign, National Debt Credit Card.

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Why do we pretend they are for free expression? Sheryl Sandberg, one of Meta’s founderas and executive made a documentary about the rapes of Oct 7 full exaggerations and falsehoods to justify the Gaza genocide. Is like thinking CNN would have balancing reporting with wolf Blitzer a former AIPAC editor. Just don’t watch CNN or use META both are AIPAC controlled.

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Just think, Bill: If things work out the way the folks in the MICIMATT and Secrecy/Security/Surveillance/ Censorship/Propaganda/proto-Police State Panopticon have it planned, soon the U.S. will have a three-front War of its own to play with, with Russia in Ukraine, and with Iran and China in the Middle and Far East.

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Much less of a chance of that if you vote TRUMP/VANCE/RFK JR/GABBARD 2024

Don't waste your vote old man!

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Oct 7
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No problem, Ray. Post away.

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Oct 7
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Thanks for posting this, Ray. Saved me doing it.

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Oct 6
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Excellent article by Mr Sachs, Ray. Thanks for the link.

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