I do think that graphic is wrong - it showed Obama below cheering. The artist should have depicted him above them all, as a specter with a menacing look. That's who he really is.

He went along because there was no way to stop it - it may have been Biden's final 'finger' to him. Harris is the candidate of the Clinton's - not his.

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Yes, I think so.

Harris is a little like Obama, version 2007, except Obama '07 was by far the better orator and the smoother politician.

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Aug 2Edited

I wish Glen Ford (Black Agenda Report) was still with us - he was the one who labeled Obama the 'more effective evil' in 2012. I would like to have read what he would say about Harris.

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I'm surprised they didn't put the halo crown on Harris like that woman wore at the Olympic opening ceremonies.

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Aug 2Edited

When I challenged a friend of 40+ years yesterday on the giddiness of her Kamalot party, as I pointed out in some detail the horrific foreign policy of Biden and Harris in lock-step with militarism, her response was, "You know me ... I'm voting warm and fuzzy." That about sums it up. Politics in America--blue team fuzzy-brain-giddy excitement vs no-anger-filter red team.

"Cynical: believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity."

I guess I'm not technically cynical, nor are you Bill. We don't just "believe" such is the case. It is there with anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

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My female housemate, who voted for Obama, Killary and Biden says "I just love her"...... about Harris.

My response was "you must love your trillions in war spending being used for evil, by Israel to try and start WW III." Goading her I even termed Harris as commie laaa.......

She clammed up, said nothing and changed the subject!

Sadly, she did not storm off to bed so I could not listen to Meirsheimer until after 10PM.

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“Obviously, she has a thin record”


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Notwithstanding that, she will soon be called the 'most qualified candidate ever' - based on her 'journey' or some other blather.

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The American way...

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While the Dems are running solely on her gender and race, because there is nothing else, they will attack anyone who holds up the mirror and announces that Kamas is unclothed. Perhaps a small child will do it?

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OMG--that graphic! Thank god I haven't eaten anything yet today. It would have come right back up.

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Aye!! I was thinking the same thing!!! Gaaahhhh!!!

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Three headlines from the Reuters Home Page last nite Alaska time give a very good idea as to where this whole thing is going. Who knows? Maybe just in time for 9/11-XXIII... :





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According to https://www.usdebtclock.org, America’s Sovereign, National Debt just broached the $35 TRILLION mark, currently standing at $35.127 TRILLION and counting; or $104,186 per Citizen and $268,258 per Taxpayer.

America’s Federal UnFunded Liabilities ~ Social Security, Medicare Plans A, B, and D, Federal Debt held by the Public and Foreign Countries, plus Federal Employee and Veterans Benefits ~ stands at $217.835 TRILLION and counting, or $645,360 per Taxpayer.

Has anybody heard either Trump or Harris even mentioning that as they campaign to become America’s next President? Has anybody heard Anybody in DC or the MSM even mentioning it as ELECTION2024 looms 94 days away?

Let alone what they plan to do about it?

Does anybody here at BV have any thoughts on what to do about it?

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i didn't think so.

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Good one, Bill. Especially the part at 9:03 that went:

“But here for me are the real issues. The real issues are which party is going to reject genocide in Gaza, is going to stop the flow of weapons?

“Which party is going to... stop $2 trillion being spent on new nuclear weapons? Which party is going to work to downsize the U.S. empire, to decrease militarism, to bring the military industrial complex to heel? And which party is actually going to do something about global warming and actually try to ensure that we really do have cleaner air and water and we can leave behind a planet for our children and their children that's actually livable and survivable.”

And then You answered Your own questions with “And I don't see... .”

The obvious answer to Your questions is Neither, And voting 3rd, 4th, or 5th Party for President without a Congress to go along with them will accomplish as much as voting Republican or Democrat.

One thing You and Everybody CAN do is Write-In “None Of These Candidates.” But before You do that, You need to determine

1. Does Your State allow Write-In Voting]? Several don’t. And if it does, then,

2. Would writing-in “None Of These Candidates” be counted as a valid, countable vote? Or would it be treated like a vote for someone not eligible to hold the office in contest, a dead person, a cartoon character, or whatever, and thus called a “No Vote”?.

Here is a quick guide to start You answering Question 1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Write-in_candidate . It includes a Chart and Map for a quick and easy answer.

[Looking forward to next week’s Podcast, Bill. Have a Great weekend.]

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appreciate your podcast presentations, bill, b/c my visual acuity is failing exponentially, but my auditory sensorium remains intact. thus, reading your scripted words has become a categoric challenge.

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Bill I would LOVE to READ what you have to say about this. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE provide a written piece of what you are saying! Some of us really don't have a good set up to sit and listen to people talking and we don't have the time ! I can read faster than people speak so I can get information that way a whole lot easier than sitting in front of my computer trying to listen to someone.. Please give us a choice at least.

Thank you

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Hi Ranney: When you click on the article/post, there's a "transcript" button available. Click on that and you can read what I've said.


Look for the Transcript button, next to the "Share" button.

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... our two party system stopped working awhile ago ... all know we need money out of politics, yet as well, we need more-better-party-choices

... and billionaires making tens of trillions ruling the country, we know how to stop them, yet can we actually make that happen, or has it all just gone too far

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Aug 2Edited

A story about politics. I'd call it a joke but it may not be a joke. Anyway, a guy dies and goes to Heaven. He meets St. Peter who tells him that like most people who have done some good and some bad that he will get to elect whether to spend eternity in Heaven or in Hell. Peter also says he will get to tour both places, so the guy first is sent to Hell where Satan shows him around. Everyone there is having a great time, lots of delicious food, booze, a beach, frolicking in the sand and surf.

The guy thinks well this is not what I expected. He is sent back to Heaven where Peter shows him around. Lots of people in choir robes singing hymns. Angels playing harps, that sort of thing.

The guy tells Peter well Heaven is nice but I'd rather be sent to Hell.

The next thing the guy is in Hell, chained to a post. Flames and heat are almost unbearable. Little devils gnaw at his head and skin and bones. The guy cries out to Satan, what the heck is this? What happened to the other Hell?

Satan says oh that was just for the election. Now it's back to reality.

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Aug 2Edited

Agreed. It's hard not to be cynical about politics. It seems to be mostly self-interest on the part of the politicians. And selling. Lots of selling. Not that different from the people who place scam calls to my home phone, pretending to be Medicare, etc. Thanks for the podcast.

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Thanks enjoyed listening to your commentary. Keep coming

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Come on I can't wait to see the 1st. Female U.S. Prez. its time...! Dudeism demands it. Go with the Flow...

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