Many of those movies are a good reminder that moral courage is more profound than physical courage. It is quiet and personal.

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Dear William Astore,

It isn't about students but you might want to add "Alone in Berlin" to your list of films about the banality of evil and resistance. It is the true story of an ordinary couple in extraordinary times. Hannah Arendt would have loved it.

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Yes. Good choice. I've seen it. I first heard about the true couple it's based on reading Primo Levi. Thanks for adding this.

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JG, that is the question! And the answer can only come from the US. We see right now how the invasion of Rafah has been stalled if not stopped by the simple withholding of one shipment of arms to Israel. This leverage has been available for decades as Israel relentlessly gobbled up land and oppressed the helpless Palestinians. We have actively made the situation impossible by capitulating to Zionism countless times when an ultimatum was always available.

One can only imagine the effect in the Arab world (and the world generally) as this obsession with the treatment of US Jews in the US is manufactured by our government when the slaughter of the Palestinians under the direction of Netanyahu has been given free rein, in fact Washington has treated Netanyahu with kid gloves as if he holds all power independently and the US must plead on bended knee for him to do otherwise - with US weapons! Thus is seen the power of Zionism in the US.

A horror is taking place and US government spokespeople are not only covering for it, US MSM is actively promoting the red herring antisemitism nonsense with Fox News interviewing a panel of US Jewish students to dig into how they are in danger!

Are Americans fooled by this? Before anything can be done about Zionism in Israel, we have to break free of its almost complete control of the US political system. The good friends I have lost will eagerly vote Biden back in, a confirmation of what our Zionist President has done. They discount the Gaza horror, something quite real and accomplished, in light of their total panic over what Trump might do to upset their lives of comfort and peace.

Can anyone outside the US, whether Muslim or not, not clearly see that we regard Palestinian lives as worthless and expendable? If the US suddenly stopped sending arms to Israel, as Jill Stein, a Jew, has pledged to do if elected, would any country in the world step in to supply it? I don't think the US could lean on even its closest friends in Europe to do so. The US and Israel stand alone on a Zionist island.

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Seeing your list should be a reminder to all of us how pervasive has been the portrayal of the holocaust in movies, plays, books. This goes far to explain the general good feeling that Americans have for Israel - that it is somehow deserved as recompense for the holocaust. The image of the starving emaciated death camp residents is burned into the American brain. Palestinians bring to mind nothing much more than what a former Marine coworker of mine called them, "ragheads"

Just as Nuremburg was correct in holding all of us accountable for what we do, so also can there be no exception for Jews when they do wrong, and as Israelis they have done wrong with gusto and determination. It is unconscionable that Israelis have used the holocaust as a shield for what they do, allowing any behavior to be seen as just while at the same time giving them license to call themselves victims. Thus can Netanyahu speak of the forces of light vs the forces of darkness.

Thus we see the utter nonsense about antisemitism in America. Awash with indignant self-righteousness, it is holocaust exploitation (Jews as victims) at work as a fog to hide the actual, ongoing, bloody atrocities of Israeli Jews. Everyone should notice that the antisemitism frenzy always leaves what Israel is doing unmentioned, exactly as the exploitation of Oct 7 never mentions the 75 years of horror visited on the Palestinians that made Oct 7 inevitable and to be expected. Pro-Palestinian campus protests are denounced without going into the obvious and compelling reason they are taking place.

To state it as simply as I can, in 1948 the sympathy for the victims of the holocaust was put up against complete ignorance about the Palestinians. Every American knew of the holocaust and very few Americans knew anything about Arabs beyond the impression that they were an ignorant, poor and nomadic group with no claims on the American mind. While this was only an impression in America, it was bedrock solid in the minds of Zionists ready to terrorize and kill Palestinians as worthless occupiers of what all knew was the proper possession of Jews. This they did with no restraint in 1948 and here they are at it with no apology 76 years later.

The US has given the addict of a narrow view (Israel) all of the drugs it could possibly get to reinforce the addiction. Israel is now an automaton running on the Zionist ideology, armed with all the weaponry and coercive capabilities of the US, thumbing its nose at all international law and scoffing at the very idea of restraint. Zionism is a madness that will bring down the world including the US if it sees (at it always does) itself threatened. So insulated from reality is Zionism that Netanyahu doesn't pause in his agenda even for the US. Seeing himself leading the forces of light against pure evil, how could he do otherwise?

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Very well said, Clif.

So the question becomes: How to eliminate Zionism and the threat it poses to any chance for Real Peace in the Middle East, if not the whole Planet?

And: How to do that without unleashing the equally barbaric, "Chosen By Allah People" of the so-called "Axis of Resistance"?

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Thank You, Bill, first, for asking a question that no doubt a significant number of Americans would respond to as follows:

"No. It isn't ‘radical’ to consider what Israel and America are doing in Palestine to be ‘genocide, famine, and ceaseless bombing.’ It is first of all Anti-Semitic, and then it is Anti-American, if not treasonous and seditious.”

And Thank You, as well, for introducing me ~ and i suspect, a number of BVers ~ to Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Movement in Nazi Germany. i have always assumed that there were anti-Nazis at some points, but had never dug into it. A spawn of Germany’s White Rose Movement here and now is something Americans, America, and the rest of the Planet could surely use today.

And finally, Thank You for the Holocaust Movie List. It’s the first i’ve heard of many, and a long time since i’ve actually watched some. i need to fix that. In the meantime, permit me to offer another film of that genre: A HIDDEN LIFE.

Released in 2019, this is the story of an unsung hero, Franz Jägerstätter, who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II. When the Austrian peasant farmer is faced with the threat of execution for treason, it is his unwavering faith and his love for his wife Fani and children that keeps his spirit alive.

The Official Trailer is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJXmdY4lVR0 ; and the film is available for rent or purchase from Amazon Prime Video at https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Life-August-Diehl/dp/B083BLZN9N/ref=sr_1_1 .

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Thanks for the reference to "A Hidden Life," Jeff. I had not heard of it. I'll have to watch it. Looks heartrending.

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May 8Edited

A couple weeks ago, I thought it was time to watch again, "Judgment at Nuremberg." One of the things I find most profound in that movie is not the "powerful indictment of Nazi war criminals," but a condemnation of US policy and hypocrisy. It seemed we had a time, however brief, where we could face the truth.

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It's no accident that some great Americans came out of the WW2 days. They knew the cost of war and were free of the insufferable arrogance of present day office holders who are so wrapped up in the supposed greatness and power of the US that the cannot see what our projection of power does to others.

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Anything that contradicts the official line is "radical" - by official definition.

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Great list, Bill! You might add "A Hidden Life." about Franz Jägerstätter, but I'm not sure. I'm no fan of Malick, and it seems that he underplayed Franz's faith.

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You're the 2nd person to mention "A Hidden Life," Mike. I haven't seen it but I will soon.

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GOD Formally Charged With Crimes Against Humanity.

In an action that took the entire Universe and Beyond by complete and total surprise [with the possible exception of a few scattered Gnostics, a Dudeist or two, and a theoretical cosmologist/physicist, evolutionary biologist, and cognitive scientist or three, here and there], the United Nations today issued a Warrant for GOD’s arrest to defend HIMSelf against Charges of “Crimes Against Humanity,” and numerous and assorted other “War and/or Other Crimes.”

These Charges were listed in the indictment as including, “… but not limited to [and starting with]: criminal deceit and entrapment in the Garden of Eden; global and local geo-, geno-, ethno-, gyno-, infanti-, eco-, and biosphereo-cide; the mass slaughters of non-combatants [human and otherwise]; and, most particularly, failure to effectively oversee the actions of HIS designated and representative subordinate Spokefolks. Or the actions of those who have designated, represented, and presented [and present] themselves As HIS designated subordinates. Even as we speak.”

GOD is also charged with direct complicity in the murder of HIS Son.

The Warrant mandates that GOD [aka “YHWY/‘Elohim/Adonai,” “God, The Father,” “Allah,” and “Etc”], HIS designated representative[s], and each, every, and all of HIS and their attorneys appear before The United Nations’ and World Peoples’ Tribunal For Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Concerning GOD’s Crimes Against Humanity ~ to be convened at the UN Headquarters in New York on September 11, 2024 ~ to answer these Charges.

A World Peoples’ attorney, identified only as “Q,” briefly outlined the charges against The Supreme Being [“starting in the ‘Garden’”], and their bases, sources, and justifications. She also explained the purpose, goal, and intention of the Tribunal. Details at 11.

[Extracted from Documents From the Proceedings of The United Nations’ and World Peoples’ Tribunal For Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Concerning GOD’s Crimes Against Humanity.]

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First, he had Daddy buy off a foot doctor so he could get out of military service during Vietnam, thereby earning the epithet he will carry with him thru all eternity: "Corporal Bonespurs, Super Patriot Draft Dodger."


i wonder if he has the balls to go to Arlington ~ or any other ~ National Cemetery, and send out one of his Tweet Fart Storms about the "Losers and Suckers" buried there.

The only "Losers" and "Suckers" today are those who actually believe anything Trump says about anything

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" If there is a God he will have to beg for forgiveness" Quote anonymously from the wall of a concentration camp of hitler...

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It's stomach-turning what tortures and crimes some people will do while citing God or some other higher power. Instead of "the devil made me do it," they claim they're doing it for God, which is far more dangerous a mindset.

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Exactly my Pt...!

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You couldn't be more right.

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Right On...! If God is all powerful but cannot prevent evil how can he be all powerful? People and God so much ego, but the Universe has as much care for a Mussel a bivalve no less as it does the whole human race. Just wait till our Local Star enlarges to its Red Giant Stage in its end life cycle, know I'm getting techno dick now but when the Earth is reduced to a burnt out Cinder then all this BS won't matter Politics, Religion , the End... Don't forget to get the lights on the way out!!! As our Star contracts to become a White Dwarf.

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You could fill libraries with books on the God-evil question.

A theologian might say that God's allowance of evil is not a sign of weakness or lack of power. Rather, it's God's choice to allow those creations made in his image to be imperfect, even to do evil. If we can't choose the good (or the bad), how can we be said to have free will?

A Christian theologian might add that God isn't indifferent to suffering. He cares. That's why he sent his son to die for our sins. To enable redemption and salvation.

As they say, it's the greatest story ever told, and whether you believe it is really a matter of faith.

Jack Crabb lost his; Mrs. Pendrake taught him more than one valuable lesson.

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Yup--- and if God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all good! Some elect to believe that God is not all good, some not all powerful, others conclude there is no god, --- and others just throw our and their hands up...

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Thank You, Bill, for doing again today what You did yesterday.

Yesterday, it was introducing me to Sophie Scholl and the White Rose anti-Nazi Movement. And today it is introducing me to Jack Crabb and Mrs Pendrake.

i've never seen LITTLE BIG MAN. When it came out in 1970, i was delivering that Eulogy at my friend's military funeral, getting out of the Army after two years in Vietnam, falling in love with the Woman who became my first Wife later that year, and giving a go at college on the GI Bill. i doubt i even heard about it at the time.

But after reading Wiki's Plot Summary, LITTLE BIG MAN has joined A HIDDEN LIFE and SOPHIE SCHOLL: THE FINAL DAYS as the movies i am going to watch this weekend.

Thankee again and have a Great day.

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May 10
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May 10Edited
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i'm curious, Fireman1110: Does The Universe "care" at all about either a bivalve Mussel OR the whole human race?

My guess is that what is happening on what Humans call "Earth" is part of an Experiment being conducted by the Universe to see what happens when physical and chemical conditions on a particular Planet are conducive to the emergence of a phenomenon called ~ again, by Humans on Earth ~ "Life."

And that Experiment is going on right now all over the Universe; and has been going on ever since those physical and chemical conditions conducive to "Life" have emerged at different times and in different places all over the Universe.

The "Red Giant Stage" of the Local Star is simply part of the whole process.

And when it happens, all further experiments in this particular Solar System in this part of this particular Galaxy will be terminated.

There are literally countless Other Experiments going on throughout the Universe at this time. And when this local Experiment ends, those countless Other Experiments will continue.

And should the Experiment here on Earth end up with Humans destroying themselves and the rest of Life on the Planet thru either War or Eco/Biospherocide, those other countless Other Experiments will continue as well.

At least until this Universe no longer exists, if that's what happens in the long, Long Run.

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Possibly--- Jeff your guess is a good one. I don't know quite honestly, but I hope we find out maybe after we die. I saw so many people die in my Career as a Firefighter, and the Eyes really are the windows of the soul. After most die the eyes remain open as I'm sure you've seen as well. The spark, or life energy is no longer present. Something I believe leaves to where I guess we'll all find out soon enough.! There are so many mysteries we don't know Even Newton said he felt only like a child barely wading out from the shore diverting himself now and then finding a smoother pebble or shell while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before him. Into the great cosmic ocean maybe we'll all return. We've all the human race that is have only waded out a few feet into the great cosmic ocean... The fact that we are here now and know the Universe somewhat makes us very special, and a way for the Universe to know itself---for a little while.

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I'm certainly not holding my breath for any Commencement address invitations coming my way anytime soon in this campus insanity. Grads. ceremonies will be interesting... A fave movie of mine "Casablanca" Rick shows his true colors in the end...

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our politicians are trying to turn the world upside down. This fire has been simmering much to long time to get this fire burning strongly to bring both houses of congress down. To quote trump. Take down the metal detectors and take this house down. But for democracy not fascist Trumpism.

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May 9Edited
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There will be plenty of tears, including lefty ones, whether Trump or Biden wins.

Neither man is a sound choice--and neither is an effective and moral leader.

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My guess, Bill, is that there will be more than tears regardless of who "wins" or "loses" in November.

It will be interesting to see what happens on January 6, 2024; let alone January 20.

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May 9Edited
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Correct me if if i am wrong, but as best i can determine, Carlin is long since dead.

Does that mean that Your Daughters "suck"? Or are they exempt from being part of that public who sucks because they are YOUR Daughters?

And are You part of that public who sucks?

Or are You [and no doubt, Your Daughters] exempt because You spent 40 years working for the Contractor-Industrial-Complex of the United States government?

Standing by for ~ as typical ~ no answer.

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May 10Edited
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May 9Edited
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I love George Carlin, but I don't agree that Trump and Biden are the best we can do.

And Carlin knew the truth here. It's that the "owners" own the process. The game is rigged. And you can't blame the "public" for rigging the game.

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I didn't miss the "whole point." Carlin is a comedian who has said more than one thing, Dennis. I get his point that the public, we the people, share some of the blame. But if you listen to other sketches by Carlin, he states clearly that the political game is rigged, that the process is corrupt, and that, in an important way, the "owners" own us because they control the levers of power, the schools, etc.

The short sketch by Carlin that you link to is neither the first or last word here, Dennis. Even Carlin himself would agree.

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May 9
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And what was Carlin's point when he said "Don't vote. It only encourages the Mother-Fuckers."

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So what WAS Carlin's "whole point" in that sketch?

Perhaps You can deign to explain it to we un-enlightened ones, Trump's "proletarians."

But i won't volunteer to hold my breath until You do.

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1, What specifically has Trump promised that he would do to "improve lives and economic and job security"? Anything? Or is he too busy trying to stay awake and not fart in his latest courtroom reality tv show?

2. More importantly: What specifically did Trump do to "improve lives and economic and job security" when he was POTUS MAXXIMMUSS XLV?

He certainly did a Great job handling The COVID Event, wouldn't You say? Especially for all those folks deemed "Nonessential." And how many Ukrainians were killed by his government in Kyiv to guarantee that America's proxy War with Russia in Ukraine could and would happen as scheduled?

And how did America's national "defense and security" budgets do when he was Commander-In-Chief? And how'd America's national. sovereign Debt do while Corporal Bonespurs was running the show? Got any numbers on that?

How did Any of that "actually improve folk's lives and economic and job security"?

3. What is Your basis for assuming that there will even BE an election in November? What would it take to cancel it? Another 9/11? Another Pandemic, but one that kills young and healthy people like Your Daughters, and not old, sick people like You? Rolling Food, Fuel, and Electrical Power shortages and shutdowns with attendant Rioting, Pillaging, and Looting? War with China?

4. But in a way, it would be kind of neat to see Trump win. Especially if he is a convicted criminal on his way to jail, It'd be fun to watch him explain to the American Peoples and the World why he is pardoning himself [and everybody who got in trouble for January 6, while he's at it].

And when he did that, Misters Putin and Xi nodded approvingly.

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May 9Edited
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I don't understand how Trump became the subject of an article I wrote on genocide and student protests of the same.

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Trump became the subject when somebody made passing reference to Trump's Fascism, and BVs resident MAGAt quoted several people nobody has ever heard of ~ including our favorite MAGAt ~ as saying that he's not a Fascist, but a True Red, White, and Blue Super Patriot who will save America, just like Jesus saved Christianity.

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May 9
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This doesn't logically follow, Dennis. Trump and TDS had nothing to do with my article. You introduced Trump here based on recent polling and then made a comment about "lefty tears." It was off-subject.

Nowhere did I say America's leaders "have no influence on genocide and student protests."

You just seem to be trolling here, unless you can explain how recent polls on Trump and lefty tears are connected to stopping genocide.

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And i appreciate Your concern, Dennis, but trust me: i "have a life."

NOTC has a website and Substack site in the final launch stages, and a 501{c}(4) non-profit social welfare corporation in the works, as well.

Plus, i live on a sailboat in one of the most beautiful places on the North Pacific Coast, Sitka, Alaska.

Which gets me just about as far away as i can be from what is happening and is going to happen down yonder in those "Lower 48ers," and still be in the United States.

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That’s one thing i absolutely love about You MAGAts, Dennis: Y’All;s consistency.

Whenever asked simple questions involving historical facts and data ~ as in Budgets, Deficits, Debt, etc ~ the immediate cry is


And Dennis: i am not looking for the candidate with a “better chance of winning.” i’m looking for a candidate who has any hope at all of sending some kind of a direct, unmistakable message to America’s Ruling Political Elite that the alleged, so-called “choices” it has deigned to give to the American Voter in 2024 ~ Trump and Biden, the Evil of Two Lessers ~ is complete and total Bullshit.

And if You claim that Trump has the best ~ or even better ~ chance of achieving ANYTHING in DC; again, i’ll ask You the same questions based on the same historical facts that precipitated Your TDS!!! seizure: What did he achieve as POTUS XLV?

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May 8Edited
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Thank You for the link to that article, Dennis. The author presented a very well-constructed argument as to why Trump is not a Fascist.

But he also had some interesting things to say about Trump that You may have missed... :

“Trump by contrast has encouraged a warped vision of personal freedom: a society in which people aren’t subject to government regulation or supervision, where anarchy and confusion reign, self-restraint is abandoned, violence is unchecked, and self-aggrandising corruption permeates politics.

“Trump only has regard for those he ­considers to be ‘winners’, and cannot bear the idea of defeat. REFUSING A VISIT TO A WAR CEMETERY IN PARIS IN SEPTEMBER 2020, HE REMARKED THAT SOLDIERS WHO DIED FOR THEIR COUNTRY ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE WERE 'LOSERS’ AND 'SUCKERS’."


“DURING TRUMP’S DISASTROUS FOUR YEARS IN THE WHITE HOUSE government posts have been left unfilled, senior officials have been routinely fired and the commander-in-chief has spent much of his time playing golf. The kind of hyperactive dynamism that characterised fascist regimes was entirely absent. Congress has prevailed over Trump’s attempts to sideline or undermine it, and judges, including his own Supreme Court appointees, have adhered to and interpreted the law in ways that have sometimes thwarted Trump’s ambitions, notably rejecting his legal challenges to the presidential election. Election officials, among them long-term Republicans, have resisted his attempts to intimidate them, while the mainstream media has refused to broadcast his falsehoods, lies and misleading claims unchecked.


[EMPHASES added.]

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