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Israel is simply following the model that the settlers who came to this country used to ethnically cleanse the Native Americans. The weapons required to implement the cleansing in Gaza have changed, but otherwise the model remains the same. Netanyahu and his gang of criminals decided to follow the same model, knowing the US would provide diplomatic cover for the slaughter using its veto power on the Security Council and generously supply the weapons needed to make Gaza uninhabitable. Like father, like son.

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The Israelis have modified the model, however. While Native Americans have been full citizens since 1935 and retain a small amount of land to call their own, Palestinians are a pestilence that will never qualify for any kind of citizenship except for the token 20% allowed by Israel (not one more allowed) so it can trumpet itself as a democracy. Palestinians are resented and as can easily be determined from the ratio of Palestinian deaths to Israeli deaths since 2009 (UN stats) of 20:1 do not have lives considered the equal of Israeli lives. Of course we see it right now in Gaza, as the US cooperates with Israel to try to bribe other countries to take the Gazans, certainly the "final solution" for Gaza in Israeli eyes.

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Dec 30, 2023Edited
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This was the policy presented in the 1800s to the Britain's, 1939 to Hitler which he agreed with, but fortunately it sort of got lost as he execution the war and other 'things' and finally to the U.S.'s and all Western democracies' extreme cost in tax dollars, reputation and Palestinian and humanitarian lives, the Truman administration that agreed to it and proceeded to help them 'move' the indigenous peoples that for some reason rebelled against it (the nerve of them fighting for their own land).

Do you think the Allies saw what that agreement meant immediately and in the long run which is the moral destruction of the leaders of these enabling countries, the financial burden on tax payers and the invasion/infiltration of their own governments and any Main Stream Media outlets as well as all major institutions bending to AIPAC's will?

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And folks get angry at Christopher Hitchens.....🤔🤔

'Religion poisons everything" - Christopher Hitchens

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I don't think religion is the issue. The early Zionists wanted little to do with Judaism. In the first Zionist settlements speaking Yiddish was forbidden. Mainstream European Judaism rejected Zionism. The Zionists styled themselves proud "new Jews" who were manly, never again to submit meekly to go to their destruction as had happened in Europe not long before. David Ben-Gurion (born David Green in Poland) was not religious but agreed to allow the Haredim (orthodox Jews) to have control of social issues (marriage, deciding who is a Jew, exempt from military service) in Israel in return for their support of Zionism. HAMAS certainly is an Islamic organization but the conflict is over the land, not religion.

Now if the Israelis pull something off on the Temple Mount, as in destroying the Dome of the Rock, the golden dome, the third holiest site in Islam and what sticks in the throat of Zionists as a limitation on their sovereignty over all of Palestine, then religion will explode as an issue.

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Happy New Year Clif,

I have gone both ways on whether this current genocide in Gaza has a religious component. Some days I believe the prominent scribes who proffer that it's just an Israeli "land grab" having little to do with religion. Other days I think religion is the MAJOR factor for the hatred.

In this video Dr. Omar Suleiman, an American Muslim scholar, civil rights leader, and writer, (Suleiman was born to a Palestinian family in New Orleans in 1986) discusses whether the claims of Jesus being a Palestinian are correct? And how this factors into the current Israeli occupation of Palestine?


Being an atheist, I side with neither Jew, Christian or Muslim, however the sanity of this guy's words I think resonates with wisdom and knowledge not seen on today's mainstream news.

He claims that is important to distinguish that Israel in the Bible is NOT the same as "Israel" as a nation-state project. He thinks this is a simple effective point to make that destroys a lot of arguments of dehumanization against Palestinians. Huh? Above my pay grade I guess!

Watching Al Jazeera TV 24/7 I don't see how any sane thinking person can be pro-Israel.

EDIT: and then I read comments like this - typical of the comment threads in YouTube® videos, and cannot convince myself that religion is not a factor.

"Jesus of Nazareth is a priest in the order of Melchizedek, the Most High God. Religion is considered a divisive force in the world, but when you understand our Creator and the Most High God, religion unifies the religions."

Yeah right!!!

Take care Clif. I have enjoyed your contributions to BV's this past year.

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