Oct 1Liked by Bill Astore

It annoys the hell out of me when I hear people bitch and moan about foreign influence in our elections, and they bitch and moan the loudest when it's the Russians trying to influence voters. The Russians and everyone else combined don't hold a candle to the influence of the Israel lobby which, not only has much influence over the American voters, but has direct influence (if not control) over our government and our national purse. Yet no one seems to give a shit. Israel has the right to defend itself - at our expense.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I suppose no President even pretends any longer to have legal authority to dispatch and engage U.S. military forces around the world. At one time they used the unconstitutional 'war powers act'; then the 2001 AUMF and its continuing resolutions - now I guess it's because Netanyahu ordered it.

While Biden, or whoever is the puppet master, orders more troops in, or extends a carrier battle group on station - the reality of military deployments around the world is those forces are at extreme risk from the logistics chain meant to sustain them; a logistics chain that could be destroyed if those forces become engaged in combat operations.

To cite only one example - while US carriers are nuclear powered; the aircraft and all escort vessels require conventional fuels. The USNS Big Horn - a replenishment oiler - just ran aground last month (September) in Oman, with an assessment of needed repairs underway . There are only two of three other oilers anywhere in the Med or eastern Pacific that could be rushed in - then putting other carrier groups at risk. Take out the oilers and you have a a mass of floating aluminum and steel targets - and dead sailors.

When Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and all the rest of them put their children or grandchildren on those ships, then they can cheer for more war.

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The 2001 AUMF continues, as I understand it. In 2026 we will celebrate its 25th anniversary, presumably with flyovers at football games. Hooray!! I wonder if they'll be real or AI. (sarc)

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That's not surprising; as is they don't even need to mention it either.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Almost correct Tom!

1. Congress had to approve US military in War. But Congress shirked its Duty.

2. Then the unconstitutional 'war powers act'

3. Then the '2001 AUMF' and its continuing resolutions

4. Now because 'Netanyahu ordered it'. And the US does not have a functioning POTUS.

Do I have it right?

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I think Congress has found it convenient to let presidential administrations wage war while they sit on the sidelines, thump their chests, and collect donor contributions. But in some cases, pass 'resolutions' that give Presidents the authority to wage unlimited wars as they see fit.

Korea: Presidential decision. Lebanon: Presidential decision. Vietnam - surprise, Gulf of Tonkin Congressional resolution. Grenada - Presidential decision. First Gulf War - Congressional resolution. Afghanistan/Iraq/GWOT - AUMF 2001. Since, whatever the administration wants - Netanyahu was tongue in cheek (almost).

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Regardless of how Congress "approves" of a War without actually declaring one, without Congressional Appropriation, there would be no money to fight any War anyplace.

Is it really any more complicated than that?

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No it's not - but I suppose I'd just like to see the Constitution and other laws followed - at least once in a while. And I guess your argument could be extended even more - the Congress types couldn't get away with spending on wars if the electorate didn't go along with all the flag waving and jingoism.

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We should be defending the rights of the Palestinian people to live in peace and with equal rights on their lands. We should be championing a one state democracy not defending the immoral aparthied state of the death star Israel.

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Biden should be placed on the Foreign Agents Registry list as an Israeli agent.

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Bibi Netanyahu is America's Commander-in-Chief

What US politician has received 56 standing ovations from both sides of the aisle? Bibi has truly united the United States of America. Our president has declared himself a Zionist (treason in my opinion). A federal.law has been passed making it an illegal hate crime to speak out against Israel. Now there is a campaign for planting Israeli flags on American soil in a show of solidarity (from right wing Christians). And more....

All this going on in what is unequivocally a genocidal slaughter of innocent civilians by Israel to whom the US is supplying weapons to facilitate.

Should the US continue to exist?

The US exists only as an illusion of lies and subterfuge with the hopes of the people believing the lies from government that things are getting better. The US constitution was abolished with the Patriot act. The "United States" officially ceased to exist when that act was passed by a president who was selected by the courts not the people.

My only question is "At what point will people admit that the US no longer exists?"

Internment camps popping up? (Homeless shelters)

Selective enforcement of law? (A convicted felon walking free & running for president)

Saving democracy? (Harris bypassing being selected by the people)

Safety? (A militarized police force killing people in their homes and traffic stops with immunity, 1.5 trillion for upgrades to make Armageddon more efficient,......)

Is it too difficult to admit the TRUTH?

The game is over. Hard to comprehend isn't it?

The discussion should be what to do now not how did it happen.

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In a sense, America exists as long as its people believe that it does.

When people stop believing, watch out.

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Well put and a true fact. That's my point.

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Personally, I don’t think Israel is running the show. Sorry to Mearsheimer and Walt. My thinking leads me to the conclusion that the real power actual resides in Washington, London and Brussels.

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i agree completely, Karl.

As i noted earlier: From its very conception and inception, Israel has been a Forward Operating Base for protecting and advancing American and British geo-political and economic interests in the region with all its Oil.

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Israel is the #1 Nation engaging in PREEMPTIVE attacks as it did in Damascus April Fools Day and it's Act of WAR against Iran killing the Hamas Cease Fire Negotiator in Tehran recently.

I was wondering last night, with all the missiles and rockets we're told Hezbollah has, did they miss an opportunity to preemptively attack the many Israeli tanks concentrated at the Lebanon border for the invasion?

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Just as the U.S. could stop the genocide and war with by cutting off its funding of Israel, so too could Turkey if it cut off supplying Israel with oil - there go its tanks and aircraft. And the tanks themselves are not strategically important as a target, particularly in the terrain they will be entering - the aircraft are a different issue.

One unmentioned issue in most of the MSM is how the populations of each of Israel's neighbors are reacting. The leaders may desire a more circumspect or slow response, but the rage of average Egyptians, Iranians, Jordanians, Syrians, and Turks may soon force a wider war directly or by first overthrowing their current heads of state.

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Good question, Ray.

My guess is that ~ with the assassination of its Secretary General and the other Leaders ~ Hezbollah is still in shock, awe, and recovery. And awaiting further instructions from Tehran.

The real question is: Is Iran ready to go to war against Israel, the United States, and, no doubt, Israel's cheerleaders in Europe?

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Is Russia prepared to go to WAR against the US and it's 32 obedient NATO proxies against 1 Nation?

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That's another good question.

The real question is: Are Russia and Iran prepared to go to War against the US, Israel, and their Allies. And then there is China to be considered, as well.

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Don't forget to include North Korea! That's a lot of NUKES going off, and it fits perfectly with the major Jewish Prophet Isaiah's Prophecy concerning the End of the World;

For behold, the Lord shall come with FIRE, and like a tempest,

His chariots, to render His anger with FURY, and His rebuke with flames of FIRE.

It will look like this and there will be Hell to pay for those who survive:


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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I made a prophecy 20-year ago, Ray.

I prophesized that if I ordered fries with a burger, I would get them!

And low and behold ~ I got them! My prophecy was true!!

All fulfilled prophecies can be explained as coincidences. Aided by the prophecy's vagueness, and always have been invented after the fact to match the circumstances of a past event ~ an act termed "postdiction".

The probability of an event changes as soon as a prophecy exists. The accuracy or outcome of any prophecy is altered by the desires and attachments of the seer and those who hear the prophecy - William Whitcomb in "The Magician's Companion."

Many prophets over the years have make a vast number of prophecies. This makes the chances of at least one prophecy being correct being high by sheer weight of numbers.

From a skeptical point of view, a Latin maxim exists: "prophecy written after the fact" (vaticinium ex eventu). The Jewish Torah already deals with the topic of the false prophet -~ Deuteronomy 13:2-6, 18:20-22

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Immature and stupid reply Dennis!

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not LOVE, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not LOVE, I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not LOVE, it profits me nothing.

LOVE suffers long, and is kind; LOVE does not envy; LOVE does not brag, is not puffed up,

Does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil;

[6] Rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the Truth;

Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

LOVE never fail: but whether there be PROPHESIES, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

For we know in part, and we PROPHECY in part.

But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

And now abides FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE.

Those plain English words are just too simple for you to understand, Dennis!

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Yeah the Middle East is certainly stable all right. And if anyone believes that I have a bridge to sell them. (sarc)

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Years ago, I wrote a paper: If Israel is allowed to have nuclear bombs, so should Iran. There is little defense for Israel's neighboring Arab states. What we are going to see is a more thorough ethnic cleansing and genocide that suites American Imperialism just fine. They are disposable people already written off. When might is right rules the day, the meek shall be wiped out. We did it to our Indigenous people first and continued until...?

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Of course, no nation should have the bomb. But leverage is everything in world ruled by might is right. America has the leverage to shut fascistic Israel down while Israel's neighboring states haven't the might- the leverage to prevent being slaughtered. All they have are relatively small acts of "terrorism" when they can't bomb the hell out of Israel. T.E. Lawrence wrote the book on gruella warfare. I have read that his tactics are still taught in military schools. The Arabs don't need a white knight like Lawrence of Arabia but they sure as hell need an Arab leader like him able to unite them against imperialism-against Israeli American Domination-Annihilation. But Lawrence's tactics are impotent against Israel which has the fourth largest military in the world made and backed by the world's largest military industrial complex. For Leverage in this world, it would be fairer if a few of these Arab nations too had the bomb. M.A.D. Mutual Assured Destruction is the needed leverage when you live in a might is right world where nuclear bombs are aimed at you. Where serious diplomacy is out of the question, where talk of a two-state solution is just cover for decades of ethnic cleansing and Genocide. The Iranians figured this out long ago.

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"While Israel's neighboring states haven't the might- the leverage to prevent being slaughtered" - Hubris always is the last nails in one's coffin Glen.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."


Life of Brian ~ "Blessed are the meek"

What Jesus failed to appreciate is that it’s the meek that are the problem. LOL

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not the meek at all. the asleep. america has 350 milliion people. I'd guess at least 340 million are good. at least not homicidal maniacs. but america the nation is to the world a homicidal maniac. why/how? because the public are asleep.

often by choice for they they shrug and say 'we can do nothing' and they can't because they have no voice.

because they were asleep and didn't demand/take/make one.

The need is for the to have a voice and to use it.

Maybe like this:


This is still not the way because it still belongs to govt. not the people and is still used only every few years -

but shows it could be done right NOW


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Leverage is everything. America has the leverage to shut fascistic Israel down while Israel's neighboring states hasn't the might- the leverage to prevent being slaughtered. All they have is acts of "terrorism" when they can't bomb the hell out of Israel. T.E. Lawrence wrote the book on gruella warfare. I have read that his tactics are still taught in military schools. The Arabs don't need a white knight like Lawrence of Arabia but they sure as hell need an Arab leader like him to unite to unite them against Israeli American Domination-Annihilation. For Leverage it would be good if a few of these nations too had the bomb. M.A.D. Mutual Assured Destruction is the needed leverage when you live in a might is right world.

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I just got in a DVD of "The Day After", that rollicking frolicking good-times movie from 1983, starring Jason Robards. The film has quite the pedigree. When first shown it garnered a 62% audience share. Ronald Reagan said he was depressed after seeing the film and it helped convince him that MAD doctrine was, well, mad. They even showed it in the Soviet Union. For some reason you don't see it much on streaming TV. The original Survivor movie.

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Sigh....... Eff 'em, Colonial Zionists all. Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite! Viva Palestine!--Hamas and ALL of Palestine! (and Viva the Axis of Resistance!)

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Helpful perspective in Nima's post today of Mohammad Marandi on Dialogue Works. I always tune in when Prof. Marandi in on....


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As he is safely tucked away in New York, I recently discovered. What a disgrace.

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I've had it.

Tomorrow I begin leafleting in busy areas where lots of people are walking. Here is the leaflet I will be handing out. If Americans are about to die for Zionism, it's the least I can do to hit the sidewalk. The US has reached the point of insanity for Israel where we will be dying to protect ethnic cleansing. There isn't much space on a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper but I did my best.

Look here: https://imgur.com/Yx4A1Sl

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This is a forum which brings together very intelligent, informed political observers. So I put to all of you this question: What do you propose doing to reverse the direction of our foreign policy, i.e. the over-reliance on military solutions to solve every problem that confronts us internationally? I'm not asking for more elucidations on what is wrong. I'm asking for real, actionable proposals, detailed strategies for unraveling this mess.

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I would have you, and the rest of humanity adhere to all the beliefs, proposals and elucidations of one who left us too soon-- Visionary Carl Sagan... "Saganist!!!"

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This is, of course, a noble and positive suggestion. How would you get people to adhere? How would it be enforced?

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I could write forever on that, but I won't, and after watching the VP Debate tonite I couldn't help wishing they should be running for President so cordial and respectful, mature even to each other. That's the start we need I think, Beyond that its going to be a lot of hard work, willingness to compromise, and the ability to think outside the box through wisdom & courage to learn that we're all in this together, or the alternative to continue on this same course and face madness...!

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Yes, civil discourse is refreshing. Having said that, please indulge me.

Here's how I would reply to my request. 1 ) You Fireman1110 are a decent, kind, admirable person. 2) I think I am too. 3) I sincerely believe that there are tens of thousands of us, that regardless of political stripe, there are a lot of good well-meaning, compassionate people in America. However, 4) the people now in power don't share our values. The people in control love war, are drunk on their power, convinced of their own infallibility, believe in their hearts in military aggression and conquest. Hence, the constant war. 5) The people in now power do not and will not ever listen to what the good decent people in our country have to say, what our priorities are, what our solutions to war and conflict are. They only give lip service to democracy and the dismiss the "will of the people" with contempt.

[ If you don't agree with all of the above, you should probably stop here. ]

THEREFORE, here is my practical, actionable proposal for at least starting to seriously challenge and to ultimately reverse America's forever wars and military expansion . . . https://warismakinguspoor.com/a-nation-at-peace/.


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There is only one strategy that is consistent with democratic principles.

Campaign and vote for an alternate candidate. If you say it can't be done, then don't bother looking for an answer to your question. So don't say it can't be done.

There are two viable anti-war parties, Green and Libertarian. You might consider looking into them.



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Apparently, you didn't bother to read my page. On it I listed both the Green and the Libertarian parties as a practical course to take in replacing establishment traitors in Congress and the White House with truly representative candidates. To save yourself time in the future and add to your associations with people who agree with you and wish to fortify your message, you might try clicking on the provided link ... https://warismakinguspoor.com/a-nation-at-peace/

You might also try to not be so presumptuous. Being rude is not a path to solidarity ... "If you say it can't be done, then don't bother looking for an answer to your question. So don't say it can't be done."

I'm really getting tired of animosity from people who should be my allies.

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The Jewish God of the Old Testament created Good and Evil, makes WAR and PEACE. This World still lives by the OLD Testament.

The God and Father of Jesus Christ the Jew is ALL GOOD and a PEACE MAKER.

Take your pick, Dennis!

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