May I politely suggest that compassion includes tolerance for the beliefs of others? That it may not be compassionate to attack and reject the views of others when those views do you no personal harm.
We all have personal beliefs. None of us has a monopoly on truth. I think we should be open to lea…
May I politely suggest that compassion includes tolerance for the beliefs of others? That it may not be compassionate to attack and reject the views of others when those views do you no personal harm.
We all have personal beliefs. None of us has a monopoly on truth. I think we should be open to learning from each other, no matter what labels we ascribe to ourselves and to each other (Christian, Muslim, Hindu, agnostic, atheist, Wiccan, humanist, Saganist, etc.).
You're not smarter or better because you're an atheist. I'm not smarter or better because I'm a lapsed Catholic. Wisdom can be attained anywhere and everywhere, whether in church, in nature, or just in virtual conversation.
But "conversation" isn't productive when one person is denouncing the personal beliefs of another. When you do that, you ape those preachers of the Word who denounce all unbelievers as foolish and forsaken.
I thought I was writing about compassion.
May I politely suggest that compassion includes tolerance for the beliefs of others? That it may not be compassionate to attack and reject the views of others when those views do you no personal harm.
We all have personal beliefs. None of us has a monopoly on truth. I think we should be open to learning from each other, no matter what labels we ascribe to ourselves and to each other (Christian, Muslim, Hindu, agnostic, atheist, Wiccan, humanist, Saganist, etc.).
You're not smarter or better because you're an atheist. I'm not smarter or better because I'm a lapsed Catholic. Wisdom can be attained anywhere and everywhere, whether in church, in nature, or just in virtual conversation.
But "conversation" isn't productive when one person is denouncing the personal beliefs of another. When you do that, you ape those preachers of the Word who denounce all unbelievers as foolish and forsaken.
Well said, Bill. Very well said.