It's surreal, and the really awful thing is that real people, thousands of real people, are dying in order to further enrich arms manufacturers and the whole MIC. If ten or twenty more people self immolate, would the mainstream media takes notice? I doubt it. Yet, people are noticing and getting more and more desperate, as they feel they have no control over world events.

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The American century looks more and more like the Roman Republican century between the brothers the time of Tiberius and Gaius Grachus, circa 120 BC and the demise of Mark Antony in 30 BC. The Romans were politically split between the Optimates (conservative elite) and the Populares (progressive reformers. Both factions were led by members of Rome‘s upper class. The competition was fueled by popular discontent, military adventures (fortunes were made by war for both faction leaders), the old system of the Republic as described by Polybius (2nd century BC) was breaking under the increasing societal split into a small section of super rich individuals and the increasing impoverishment of Rome‘s citizens. Wars (domestic and foreign), electoral manipulation and assassination became quite common. It ended with the rise to power of Octavian who had been adopted by Julius Caesar before his assassination. It was Octavian who re-established a facade of the Republic by retaining the traditional structure, but reserved ultimate power for himself by use of the army and adopted the title Augustus and thus was created the Principate that inaugurated a time of relative peace that lasted till 180 A.D. when Markus Aurelius died and was succeeded as „princeps“, Augustus Caesar) by Commodus, a mad man. I know parallels to past history are fraught with oversimplifications and yet the parallels to America‘s past century and especially since the assassination of JFK give me an eerie feeling of deja vu.

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Eisenhower’s warned about the “military-industrial complex” Over the decades Eisenhower's warning has been quoted endlessly while the American Industrial corporate security-military complex has grown endlessly- basically unchecked. The are a host of new America intelligence/security agencies since Eisenhower. Jeffery Sachs and other scholars point out that John F. Kennedy was starting to go after that complex. He was angry after discovering lies that the complex told him about Khrushchev that brought us close to nuclear war. He was making speeches about peace when he was shot. Peace-diplomacy is not good for profits in that growing complex that needs to grow and grow...and needs enemies to justify its growth. Sachs and others have openly said that he believes that Kennedy was shot by someone somewhere within that ungodly complex. One thing for sure is that no American president has really questioned the American Warfare State ever since Kennedy. And JFK was just starting to when he was shot.

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When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail and if anyone questions your hammer you nail him with that hammer. Might is right rules the day.

When Trump was talking about pulling America out of NATO, my first thought was if he was serious about that he would he too would be shot.... long before America would ever seriously question NATO. It feeds the American military industrial complex.

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for war d. The d stands for "definitely".

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Caitlin Johnstone concludes her 16 Sep 24 piece ~ MUSINGS ON THE SECOND TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ~ as follows... :

As soon as shit gets even a tiny bit real all the performers set aside their vitriolic rhetoric about Trump and start talking about how relieved they are that their fellow performer is okay, the same as you would see if someone took a shot at one of the performers in a pro wrestling match. It’s all a kayfabe performance.

Trump supporters are again touting this foiled assassination plot as evidence that the Deep State is after their man, but right now I’m not buying it. I kinda think IF THE REAL POWER PLAYERS WANTED HIM DEAD HE’D BE DEAD. According to Trump supporters the Deep State is simultaneously (A) a supremely powerful entity capable of enslaving the world in a neo-Marxist bug-eating vaccine mandate woke dystopia and (B) somehow incapable of successfully assassinating one 78 year-old man despite multiple attempts.


Trump supporters say Trump is anti-establishment, when in reality he’s done more to advance the interests of the establishment than any individual Democrat ever has. In addition to all the longstanding agendas of the US war machine he advanced while president, he also moves US politics in the exact direction the powerful want it to move.

Because of Trump, Democrats moved from despising Bush and Cheney for their warmongering to loving Bush and Cheney and warmongering.

Because of Trump, the Democratic Party has been able to move much further toward warmongering corporatism than it could have ever gotten away with before — while still framing itself as the “moderate” alternative.

Because of Trump, mainstream US politics has been shoved so far to the right that in it’s now effectively a contest between Donald Trump’s Republican Party and George W Bush’s Republican Party.

Because of Trump, both parties are now campaigning on who’s the most Reagany Ronald Reagan.

Because of Trump, Democrats went from trashing John McCain to worshipping him as a saint.

Because of Trump, Democrats went from opposing the Bush administration’s post-9/11 authoritarianism to cheering for the FBI and the CIA and the destruction of the First Amendment.

Because of Trump, everyone’s arguing about whether immigrants are eating cats and dogs instead of the active genocide in Gaza.

Because of Trump, the last presidential debate was two corporate warmongers arguing over who loves Israel more, with the Democrat pledging to have the world’s “most lethal” fighting force to use against nations like Russia, China and Iran.

Because of Trump, conversations about universal healthcare and a living wage have been completely killed off and replaced with conversations about the threat of fascism and the death of American democracy.

Because of Trump, Democrats moved from mocking the cold warrior Russiabaiting of Mitt Romney and saying “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back,” to now demanding more and more nuclear brinkmanship against Russia.

Because of Trump, the Democratic Party has been able to completely ignore all the demands of their progressive base, trusting that they will still be scaremongered into voting Democrat in November despite the fact that this is the same as voting Republican in 2008.


Full article ~ with video link to “Donald Trump Is NOT A Threat To The Deep State. Here is his warmongering record” ~ at

https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/musings-on-the-second-trump-assassination ; EMPHASES added.

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"To become less liberal"

Now first I am no longer a fan of the writer you mention, as I have no patience with pessimistic hand wringing and shallow analysis that "both sides are bad". Too much to say about that to even begin here.

But, how are Democrats liberal?

Doesn't liberal mean tolerant? The association of tolerance with liberalism ended at least a decade ago.

I know a lot of religious people here in Georgia who are in traditional man/woman relationships but have absolutely no problem with gay people. I know a lot of non-religious Democrat leaning voters who wear clothing to announce their views- in a very disparaging and aggressive way, who pick fights with people who are conservative or call anyone who doesn't support Democrats an idiot.

There's more tolerance in an evangelical church then there is in the Democrat party right now.

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Didn't Donald Trump say any Jew voting Democratic hates Israel and their Religion?

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They say a lot of things. I focus on what they've done. Words are for the birds.

Wait I don't think birds prefer words either

Gotta focus on actions.

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I watched Fareed Zacharia GPS SPECIAL yesterday. It was an emotional plea for more money and support for Ukraine as an American Patriotic Duty. The REALITY is, it's a US WAR with Russia over NATO in Ukraine right on Russia's Border. I increasingly see Fareed Zacharia as a Propagandist for THE POWER in the US, not speaking TRUTH to IT. If CNN were not following the US POWER Agenda, they would give equal emotional time to something much worse than the US West accuses EVIL Putin of doing in Ukraine. Highly paid Fareed has to OBEY his superiors at CNN or he would lose his job even if he knows the TRUTH and dared speak it in Public.

The Aware reader would know what I'm leading to is the US facilitating the Israeli Murderous Genocide in Gaza 1000 times WORSE than what Putin is doing in Ukraine.

That makes the application of US POWER in THIS World as EVIL as the EVIL they accuse Putin of doing.

World Citizens, People with a Spiritually Circumcised heart, recognize it and see it for what it is.

The US carried out the only ACT OF WAR in the whole 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The US was SO OFFENDED Soviet Russians dare put their missiles so close to the US Mainland, US POWER decided that action was a casus belli demanding WAR.

President Kennedy resisted the unknown power brokers always out of Public view in secret discussions, telling him to approve a US 1st Strike on the Russians in Cuba. It was Cuba's Sovereign Right to enter an alliance with the Russians to deter another US Bay of Pigs invasion that failed, especially since the 1962 Missile Crisis came AFTER the US deployed their missiles in NATO member Turkey aimed at Russia.

The danger to us all TODAY, is those same WAR Mongers advocating starting WWIII in 1962 President Kennedy bravely resisted, have their progeny now having the ear of President Biden and he is going along with they're calling the shots in the US 2024 vis a vis WWIII with Russia having 5 months left to go in the Presidency.

'Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia'


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Excellent Asia Times article, Ray; Thankee for sharing it.

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When I commented on a Dem forum that Harria' bragging about the Darth Cheney endorsement was NOT a good thing, the most notable response I got was, "What planet do U reside on?" And it continued along those lines, to the effect that I should know that beating TFG is the only thing to consider at this point. While I agree that the Donvict should never be allowed near the White House again, I also think that there should be a more nuanced approach. I wasn't surprised at Harris' actions, but I was disgusted. Winning at any cost has consequences. As Machiavellian as Cheney is, there's a reason for that endorsement; it has nothing to do with the good of the country. My top-of-the-head guess is that Cheney and his cabal have decided that the orange one's days as a useful idiot have come to an end, and he's now a liability. They've got some other plot in mind, undoubtedly, as Ed referenced in this thread.

As for the Rs being more willing than the Ds to use diplomacy regarding Ukraine, while that sounds laudable, the Rs are also quite ready to cede large amounts of territory to Putin in those diplomatic efforts. That's a rather critical difference, IMO.

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Basically, Democrats are admitting they're content with voting for Cheney/McCain, at least with respect to foreign policy and war. I assume Democrats anticipate Harris won't be Cheney/McCain on domestic policy, though they may be wrong about that.

Speaking cynically, I have to congratulate the DNC for putting forward a rightist puppet in Harris, knowing that Democratic hatred of Trump will drive them to vote for anyone with a (D) after their name.

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Hey Denise, just to give context that Western media omits (in favor of constant psychoanalysis of Putin)--

The territory you speak of, the Donbass, in eastern Ukraine, was hit by missiles and bombs lobbed FROM Kiev for 8 years. The Donbass parents whose children were murdered by the Kiev government would ask you to read news from the other side. There is a monument to all the children of the Donbass that the Kiev government murdered (with American bombs). I can only link you the archived wikipedia page from the wayback machine, as our dear gov had the page removed.

I mean, if you knew UNICEF documented 140 Donbass children killed by the Kiev government, that might make you question US policy in Ukraine. Link here:


The last thing the people in eastern Ukraine want is to be part of Ukraine. They voted first for independence from the Kiev government that was literally trying to kill them. Then a couple years ago they voted to become part of the Russian federation. I would imagine a big reason for that is wanting the Russians to protect them from Kiev.

Besides actually killing them, Zelensky's government has outlawed their religion (Russian Orthodox Church), not to mention murdered and arrested priests of that church. Zelensky's gov outlawed the Russian language (that is the 1st language of people in eastern Ukraine), he's outlawed all opposition parties and jailed their leadership. He canceled elections. A sizeable portion of the Kiev government, and certain militias, literally endorse Nazi ideology. You can call me a Russian propagandist all you want, but every single thing I write is FACT. There is a reason why the majority of the world's citizens cheer Russia. This would be why Biden's gov has banned so much foreign media. Why ban RT if the US is on the side of truth?

Those people in eastern Ukraine have no desire to live under a government that has been trying to kill them since 2014.

I am sorry to hear you were treated poorly in a Democrat group. Really sorry. I've been through that too and it was a very dark time for me. My entire worldview was thrown up in the air, smashed to pieces. And people I thought were my friends would call me a Republican, or send me photos of Tucker Carlson. As if this is black/white, either/or.

But it doesn't surprise me they did it to you too. This is how they react to dissent. I'm also thankful that you are able to see how ridiculous it is to support a party that Dick Cheney suppports. If that doesn't wake Democrats up to the nature of their party, nothing will. I am pretty sure that if the railroad debacle hadn't woken me up to the true nature of the Democrat party, the Cheney endorsement would have.

Just please, read the other side's perspective. If you only read Western media, you don't know all those things about Ukraine and Russia. You probably also don't know how many journalists have been arrested or detained for journalism by this Democrat administration. Literally everything Ds say that Rs will do if they get into power is something Ds already do.

Once you can entertain the possibility your current understanding of an issue may be flawed- that is the crack that lets the light in.

Welcome to the light. 🤗

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Apparently in April 2022 the Ukrainians and Russians were on the verge of signing a peace treaty. Everyone was happy with it. Except the US and UK governments. They basically ordered Zelensky to pull out of the deal and keep fighting.

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Here is a lead.

Routh the suspect in yesterday’s failed assassination has links to Ukraine Nazis who allegedly are an asset for guerilla war against Russia in Ukraine.

Cheney support is tip of ice berg

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For those who remember, MSNBC fired Mehdi Hasan for being a Real Journalist, asking probing questions while simultaneously fact checking and demanding answers from an Israeli Spokesperson also known as a War Propagandist used to cream puff questions with no followup from the US MSM. Truth is still the 1st casualty of War!

After being knocked down, Mehdi got up and now hosts his own program inviting intelligent guests that don't get airtime with Networks like MSNBC.

Unfortunately only a small number of Intellectually curious people will see it. If only a few People REPENT, in the sense of changing value systems, their Outlook and ways of thinking about events in this World that are HUMANITARIAN in the sense of COMMON HUMANITY and the implications for the Future of Humanity if we don't recognize our COMMON HUMANITY, it is good and will multiply into tens of thousands!


It's a Christian ideal the Christ expressed when he said, "Call NO MAN on EARTH your FATHER for we have ONE FATHER in heaven."

Where's the Christian Leadership in this World when it's blatantly obvious this World is moving in the Opposite Direction we can all see unfolding in the REAL World in these Days of our Lives?


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With the latest "assassination attempt" on Trump, I see too many holes in the Official MSM Propaganda. That same anti-Trump media see nothing curious about the FACT there is not a mark, nick, scratch or scar on Trump's ear from the last attempted assassination.

The Official line is the Secret Service saw only the muzzle of a rifle sticking through a fence from such thick bush, they couldn't even see the shooter. They also show the image of the fence where the muzzle was supposed to be and there's no thick bush on either side of that fence. See for yourself here: https://www.wrbl.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2024/09/66e7bcebae6887.04234170.jpeg?w=2560&h=1440&crop=1

When the Secret Service just started shooting alerting everybody, and that road beside the golf course heavily patrolled by police, how it is possible Routh got 45 minutes away before being apprehended?

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JD Vance confessed he makes stories up to get media attention and Trump got essentially 48 hours of free Media attention displacing most coverage of Harris or anything else happening in the World.

If Republicans could offer weapons to the Iranian Mullahs holding the US Hostages in 1979 IF they held them until AFTER the 1980 US Election giving Republicans control, being that TREASONOUS, they could do anything.

Naturally the Republican shut down any meaningful investigation into Republican TREASON to get POWER.

Trump raises MONEY and points in the Polls with every assassination attempt!

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Re Your conclusion that “There are 50 days until the election on November 5th. Something tells me more ‘crazy times’ are coming between now and then," Bill:

As Cypher told Nero: “Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye."

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-JJuHpfN5g ]

The Reality TV Soap Opera Extravaganza of American Politics in 2024 moves to a new level...; stay tuned.

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Stop this mowing of the lawn now.

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This was the first I'd heard of Matt Nelson and his act of protest "...outside the Four Seasons..." sigh....

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Bill, if you haven't seen it yet, this should interest you.

EXCLUSIVE: Mehdi Interviews Jill Stein


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Sep 17·edited Sep 17







Ralph Nadar, with his huge respect and great name recognition, only got 2.7% of the vote in 2000 running as a Green.

Jill Stein only got 0.36% of the vote in 2012. And 1.07% in 2016.

In 2020 Howie Hawkins taking over for the Green Party got a pathetic 0.3%.

The Green Party has never got any traction in the US. Hopeless.

And Stein has messed in her own nest with voters this election by initially promoting the goofy race baiter Cornel West as the Green Party 2024 POTUS candidate - until he flaked out!

FACT: with the US's first-past-the-post & winner-take-all voting, and the anachronistic Electoral College with its Superdelegates, there is NOT EVEN A THEORETICAL CHANCE a Third-Party candidate can be elected POTUS. Read this link and weep:


It's a systemic problem. Proven in 1992 when Ross Perot challenged Bush and Clinton on a populist platform of slashing the budget deficit. HE GOT 19.0% OF THE VOTE! 20-times what Stein has ever got!!!!!!!! But didn’t receive a plurality of voters in any state, giving him ZERO ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES.

Exactly what will happen to Stein in 2024!

Until America changes its method of voting in its President, its stuck with its Two-Party duopoly.

Voting for Dr Jill Stein, running for the third time now and never getting to the 5% required to get Federal Funding, is the definition of wasting your vote. There is no way she is going to get 20 times (!) the number of votes she has got before. And even if she does - she will not become the 47th POTUS, not receiving a plurality of voters in any state. Ask Ross Perot how that works? A third-Party Candidate has never won in 160-years

If you want even a remote infinitesimal chance of America crawling out of the huge abyss that Biden administration has got the US into ~ you need to vote TRUMP/VANCE.

Any other vote is irrational and a vote for more of the same. More homeless. More war.

Jill Stein has the same probability of winning the 47th POTUS as Jesus Christ has of turning up at the Super Bowl, Ray.


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DENNIS, TRY TO READ IT THIS TIME! IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! I'm Canadian not voting in the election. This comment was intended for Bill, not for you. Don't include me!

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i see You've been reading Your Bible, "How To Win Friends and Influence People," again.

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So, you disagree with my hypothesis eh Jeff?

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Which hypothesis is that, Dennis?

That Stein has no chance getting elected President?

Or that anybody ~ who wants "even a remote infinitesimal chance of America crawling out of the huge abyss that Biden administration has got the US into" ~ needs to vote TRUMP/VANCE?

"Any other vote is irrational and a vote for more of the same. More homeless. More war."

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