Apr 27Liked by Bill Astore

I assume we sill soon hear about how dirty and smelly the student protestors are at the various universities; that's a technique that was used against the Occupy Wall Street protestors (2011) before the movement was crushed by the ruling-class tool Obama's Justice Department.

Already, as you noted, the cops are being cheered by many. It brings back memories of the aftermath of Kent State. I was about to graduate from high school when those kids were killed.

But I recall in the months that followed when many adults who were interviewed said 'they deserved what they got'. I suppose that included two who were not involved in the protests: Sandra Lee Scheur was walking to class, as was William Knox Schroeder, a ROTC student. The other two victims who were in the protests were Allison Beth Krause and Jeffrey Glenn Miller. Being murdered for exercising free speech shows how far the owners were willing to go - also demonstrated 11 days later at Jackson State University.

This summer the two ruling-class political parties hold their conventions. It's chilling that the Democrats are holding theirs in Chicago, given the protests and police riot that occurred in 1968. The fascist Richard J Daily may be gone, and they may have a black mayor, but any protests provides an opportunity to clearly crush any protests and for the Biden regime to prove how tough they are.

I think we are all Palestinians now.

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I grew up in Ohio and was 13 when Rhodes sent in the Guard. I still recall the absolute shock and shame that something like that happened in my own State. It was when I first realized it's not just the Chicagos and LAs of our country where such abhorrent things happen.

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Wow--I scrolled through quite a few of the comments (until I thought my breakfast might come back up). The constitution is dead, and anyone that can cheer on this brutality can certainly not judge "authoritarianism" anywhere--present or past.

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I just went over to check on the pro-Palestine demo at Northwestern University. I'd say about 500 people are there. Lots of tents. Food and drink for all (I volunteered to carry off some garbage) and lots of enthusiasm. All kinds of faces. I engaged in conversation with some Pakistani-Americans. Signs plaster the fence along the adjoining street and cars are wildly honking in support. Having graduated from high school in 1968 this certainly brings back memories of civic action. So far, no cops around though there has been one tent-clearing only for them to be replaced. It's great that this is spontaneous action across the country by we the people. It puts me in mind of the uproar when Nixon's Cambodian bombing campaign came out. Sustaining the effort is key.

I did not see a single Israeli flag and when you think about it, how could anyone be proud of what Israel has done to the Palestinians, in particular the Gaza slaughter the betrays the fact that Israelis do not see the Palestinians as fellow human beings. As in 1968 the whole world is watching.

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Thank You. Clif, for an on-the-scene report.

This Summer with the GOP gathering in Milwaukee in July and the Dems in Chicago in August should be very, Very interesting, eh?

i wonder how many people are going to be killed or maimed.

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Our planet with humans -- they'll be complete annihilation if we don't evolve as a species, and that right quick. Humanity can be at times so disgusting, tragic, and stupid beyond belief. Without us humans the planet can again begin complete restoration back to its purest form...!

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At the beginning of Covid when most manufacturing in the World shut down, it was amazing to see Nature regenerate so quickly! They have it on video.

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Yes.., Nature is marvelous in its resilience. A mysterious Plague, or Cometary Impact which did in the Dinosaurs, nuclear annihilation, our own stupidity as I mentioned. Artificial Intelligence in the future, Biological Warfare could touch off a human extinction event. Then the Planet can shrug us off like so many little fleas, mites & parasites that we've become. The Earth itself is a living organism.

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Whether you agree or disagree one should still have the right to protest non-violently. If it turns violent then that is a different story. If the police incite the violence then that is a different story as well. As you can see, there are several variables to the equation. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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"Few people are heroes and fewer still deserve “hero” status while wearing uniforms and shooting bullets, rubber or otherwise, at citizens"

I have been saying this for years about our "highway of hero's". Hired killers??

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other than having suffered the ignominious injustice of having a behemoth speaker crash down onto my left arm, scarifying it w/ contusions and lacerations, i'm nifty, dennis. given my octogenarian status, the healing process is disappointingly cumbrous. appreciate your sanguinity, in any case.

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Regarding the NU encampment I mentioned. I took a short video showing a 360 degree view of it and uploaded it to YouTube. Here is the link...


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Remember "back the badge"? This is the result.

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no, moebus, you are the one who introduced the hungarian political leader orban. commensurately, i am addressing your imputations against orban.

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To what comment of mine are You replying, Jeanie?

It would be a lot easier if You would use the Reply option, rather than sending a new message that is not obviously related to a previous comment. Thank You.

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appreciate your positivity, peter anderson. there seems not a plethoric plenitude of westerners have been involved w/ hungarian or russian zeitgeists and can commensurately share their cultural and political ambits w/ others. tho' my husband and i have 'retired' to the philippine island of mindoro, we and our now adult bantlings have spent most of our lives abroad. a sorry state of affairs that more americans have not done so, or have perpetually tuned into the western MSM rather than alternative media sites like astore's BV.

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Obey my command citizen - obey my command citizen .

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We seem to be at a point where fascism has already infected our society thanks in large part to the election of Donald Trump. Trump is the archetype useful idiot of the Billionaire class. Not too bright, totally lacking in morality, and a psychopath to boot. Now we see him being groomed by our nation's enemies - fascist dictators like Putin and Orban. Why should we be surprised to see jack-booted thugs beating the crap out of college students who dare to try to stop their fascist takeover?

Last night David Brooks suggested on the PBS NewsHour that the DNC in Chicago this summer is likely to be a re-run of their 1968 convention. That was an historical low point for America as students and other citizens protested US support for a pointless invasion of Vietnam (like what Russia is doing in Ukraine). Chicago was in retrospect a police-provoked riot. Yet I now read in the news that Chicago is getting their police and guard troops ready in anticipation of suppressing the lawless protesters who are likely to descend on their hallowed convocation to re-nominate the first US president to actively and unquestioningly support genocide.

If that happens, Herr Trump will be ready to declare himself fuhrer in November, as democracy in the US vanishes. At 77, I never thought I would see the day.

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The prospect of Trump again as president is grim.

But it's Biden who's president at this moment, and so the buck must stop with him.

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Sadly, given Biden's serial strategic blunders, I think there is scant hope of restoring our democracy no matter who wins in November. In my professional opinion as a psychologist with 8 years of WH experience, neither candidate is cognitively, emotionally, and physically fit to lead the country for 4 more years.

Starting early after taking the helm, Biden impulsively ordered everybody to leave Afghanistan having no plan in place for orderly withdrawal. The result was chaos and deadly violence. Afghanistan was soon followed by the persisting border fiasco in which Biden left most of Trump's brutal policies in place. Then for the pièces de résistance, I watched in disbelief as Biden impulsively sent the entire 6th fleet to rescue Israel, ignoring decades of its oppression and abuses, and, regardless of immediate evidence that Israel let Hamas attack (likely for political motives). Then, as Israel's reaction to the attack, things rapidly turned into genocidal vengeance. Regardless, Biden continued to re-arm the Jews. Compounding his blunder, Biden then directed the US Navy to protect Israel from an Iranian drone attack which, like the Hamas attack, Israel also provoked.

Now we see zero action by Biden to stop schools and cities from calling in the police against peaceful college demonstrators which in every case led to police-provoked violence. Unless either or both of them get sidetracked by ill health or something and replaced by somebody with both their cognitive and moral oars in the water. I see little reason for hopefulness.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 28

Putin and Orban are "fascist dictators" eh Tom? And both the US's enemies you think?

Wasn't Putin just RELECTED in a fair and transparent election. (of Russia, not the USSR)

And has a 80% approval rating with his people.

Unlike Biden's 20%, and who many think was ELECTED in a rigged election.


Wiki- "After the end of communism in Hungary in 1989 followed by transition to a multiparty DEMOCRACY the following year, Orbán was ELECTED to the National Assembly and led Fidesz's parliamentary caucus until 1993.

During Orbán's first term as prime minister, from 1998 to 2002 with him as the head of a conservative coalition government, inflation and the fiscal deficit shrank and Hungary joined NATO. Orbán was the Leader of the Opposition from 2002 to 2010. In 2010, Orbán was AGAIN ELECTED prime minister.

He was REELECTED in 2014, 2018, and 2022."

And when has Russia or Hungary attacked the US? Our nations enemies, eh? Only in the US's paranoid imagination.

That Trump is being groomed by our nation's enemies is surely bovine excrement!

Have I got this all wrong? Thanks.

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seismic, dennis. your incisive comments help keep me sane. putin and orban are the leaders their citizenry democratically elected; they were not pushed onto the electoral podium in metaphoric wheelchairs and tied to puppet-strings. they are highly intelligent, responsible, decisive, and productive leaders who are cynosures for those whom they lead, and do so w/ their citizens' interests and futures at the fore of their decision-making.

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Thanks Jeanie. Hope you are well my dear!

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Do You actually believe, Jeanie, that Stalin's admonition that "It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes" does not apply in Putin's Russia and Orban's Hungary?

If so, since when? Recently?

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Spoken like a Russian troll. My answer to your question is yes. Why are Trump and the GOP MAGAs snuggling up to the leader of little Hungary widely described in the international MSM as a neofascist autocrat. Many of us who spend significant time in Europe (several months annually) and my friends who live there fulltime often express dismay that the EU tolerates Orban. How can you view Putin's recent election as a fair and democratic event in light of the number of his potential challengers winding up dead? LOL How can you characterize Putin as not an enemy of the West in light of the "Cold War" and the brutal invasion of Ukraine?

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

Russian troll here. Sitting in his little apartment in New Zealand!

So how many of Putin's potential challengers wound up dead?

Got a list?

And the one guy that ended up dead ~ was polling 2%. LOL

Why would Putin go the trouble of knocking him off?

It does not make sense.

Like a lot of your nonsense claims.

I think the Clinton's list is probably longer! LOL

You might want to study the origin of the Ukrainian "war" my man.

You might learn something. You have that all wrong!

It would be a change from having your nose stuck in your MSM TV.

( *With our scribes permission I will post below what really happened in Ukraine)

BTW, I see Orban is now an "autocrat" ~ not a "dictator"!

Make up your mind eh!

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

*“What sounded like a great idea to Neo-cons in the United States ~ to use Ukraine as a bear trap ~ has revealed America’s bankruptcy and revolted the whole rest of the world outside of Western Civilization.

Imagine Mr. Zelensky’s predicament. Mighty America conned the former comedian to thinking that if he went along with a genius scheme to ruin Russia and knock off Putin, his sad-sack country would be transformed into something like Ukro-Disneyworld, while he, Mr. Z, would be lionized and made rich beyond his wildest imaginings. His backup was the greatest hegemonic power the world has ever seen. What could go wrong?

The poor schlemiel fell for it. He let NATO (that is, the USA) set-up, equip, and train the largest army in Europe, including battalions of bad-ass, hard-core Ukro-Nazis who had previously been so useful in the American-sponsored 2014 Maidan “Colour Uprising.”

Mr. Z followed the US State Department’s orders to rain down artillery on Russian-speakers who lived in his own eastern provinces. Killing 14,000 civilians. He formally applied for membership in the NATO club. His country received billions of US dollars without audit oversight, just screaming to be creamed off by Ukraine’s corrupt leadership.

Thus, Western Civilization kicked off Europe’s biggest hot war since the 1940s. So, in February 2022, Mr. Putin had enough of the monkey business on his “front porch” and sent in a clean-up crew. His "Special Military Operation”(MSO).

The US Neo-cons were ready to feed countless Ukrainian troops into a meat grinder that would, theoretically, exhaust the will and resources of Russia and yield countless benefits reinforcing the US's dominant position in the world. It's hapless NATO “partners” went along with the program; despite being asked to commit economic suicide. Anyway, they didn’t need that filthy Russian natural gas.

Meanwhile, the citizens of the US were groomed to perfection by the US propaganda in the media screaming “Russia, Russia, Russia,” at the behest of opinion-leader Hillary Clinton, a wannabe president. The news media demanded crucifixion for her opponent, Mr. Trump, who had idly tossed out the heinous idea that the USA and Russia could cultivate a friendly relationship.

After what is it, nearly 3-years, America’s genius scheme to maintain world dominance has all turned to custard.

500,000+ men have been killed. America is broke and disastrously politically divided. The West is depleted of ammunition. Russia is winning the "war", building up a formidable military with hi-tech weapons and constructing a geo-economic framework for trade that will not be subject to the pranks of USA-led Western players. The Russia economy better than ever. And US taxpayers are baulking at seeing more of their tax dollars stolen to go to the corrupt Ukrainians. 30% of their weapons being sold on the black-market.

And Mr. Zelensky is flitting from one country to another begging for money. The game is drawing to a close and Mr. Z may find himself fatally unpopular back on the home front. He has managed to send hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian men to their deaths in the meat-grinder, and perhaps a million more have hightailed it for other countries.

Ukraine will now be a land of mostly women, children, and old folks with just enough surviving soldiers left looking to hunt down the comedian who turned Ukraine into another one of history’s sick jokes.” - James Howard Kunstler.

And because of US and NATO’s insistence the war drags on. US presidential candidate Donald Trump has indicated that if elected he will end the war in 24-hours. Let's hope that the Ukraine Army can last until November eh!

The MSM is lying that if Ukraine is defeated, Putin will invade all of Europe...and in New Zealand's daily rags we read he will be coming down to invade New Zealand! ALL a bunch of bovine excrement of course. Be afraid! Be afraid! But it sells lots of Yank, Euro and Brit weapons.

EDIT: and of course, without the US's money printing machine and crooked politicians both this war and Netanyahu's genocide would be over next week.

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You're fond of quoting Stalin's "It's not who votes that counts, but who counts the vote" as it applies to "Murika," Mt Merwood.

Do You think there is even the remotest possibility that Stalin's Truth applies to Putin's Russia?


i didn't think so.

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No, the buck stops with the American voters. Contrary to popular belief, we don't have to vote for Trump or Biden. And contrary to popular belief it IS POSSIBLE for someone else to be elected President. There are over 20 political parties in the US and a fair number of independent candidates. So when you decide to vote for Biden or Trump, you are throwing away all other options and casting a vote for fascism.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

It may be possible wr, but it's never happened.

No third-party candidate for POTUS in history has EVER won the election my man.

I think it's like in 160-years. Check me on that.

And if that is your wish; as it stands right now just six-months away from the General election, who do you imagine that candidate is? Cornel West? LOL Yeah right!

He/she better get cracking eh!

BTW, was Trump anything like the stereotypical fascist Benitto Mussolini in his first term? I must have missed Orange Man calling for racial purity or a master race blended with some variant of racism or discrimination against a demonized other. Such as Jews, homosexuals, ethnic minorities or immigrants. Likewise, I missed his forced sterilizations, deportations, and genocides. And did Trumps ambitions cause the death of millions of people? And don't say Covid please!

Are you sure you are not confusing Trump with Netanyahu??

Come on man! This Trump is a fascist meme is over-the-top bovine excrement!

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What you say is very true. All I am saying is that that has been the collective choice of the voters. It didn't have to be that way and it doesn't have to be that way - we, collectively, have chosen it to be that way, and we chose it to be that way voluntarily. Therefore, it is we who are to blame.

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"Why should we be surprised to see jack-booted thugs beating the crap out of college students who dare to try to stop their fascist takeover?"

That sentence could have been written in 1968, Tom. What's happening today is what happened to Vietnam protesters almost 60 years ago. I remember seeing news film of fire hoses turned on crowds, and attack dogs being deployed. Beating down protesters dates back millennia. Horrific as it is, it's not a new practice. As with most of TFG'S wish list, it's "merely" recycled thuggery.

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I would hope you're being ironic, but respectfully - fascism in this country began long before Trump lumbered onto the scene. The growth of authoritarianism and fascism (the first a form of government; the second an ideology) openly go back to at least the Clinton administration, with each subsequent administration bringing its own evils.

Trump was an inept clown who should not have been President. But the Democrats allowed it to happen by forcing the deservedly reviled Clinton upon us. While many claims were made as to what Trump would do in a first term, that never happened, and what he will do in a second term - the Biden administration has shown even more manifest evils: multiple wars, silencing dissent, using "lawfare" against its opponents; and violations of at least the first, fourth, and sixth amendments.

A second Trump term, if it were to occur, would just be another step in the descent.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27

"...many claims were made as to what Trump would do in a first term, that never happened"....... You hit the nail on the head Tom.


And the many ridiculous claims being made as to what Trump will do in his second term are hyperbolic, blatantly fallacious and hysteria ~ and will also never happen. You are NOT going to see multiple wars, silencing dissent, using "lawfare" against his opponents; and violations of at least the first, fourth, and sixth amendments under Donald Trump the presumptive 47th POTUS.

And of course, the Democrats have NOTHING else to run on ~ except TRUMP BAD!

I disagree that a second Trump term, which will occur, will just be another step in the descent. Let's not right off the man before he's even starts his second term, eh? There is no way he can do worse than Biden by any criteria. Name me any current electable candidate that could do better than Donald J Trump. Betcha can't.

Take care.

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Tomonthebeach, You wrote: “We seem to be at a point where fascism has already infected our society thanks in large part to the election of Donald Trump.”

The greatest threat to America is not Socialism and Marxism [or their spawns-Communism, Progressivism, Democratic Socialism, etc], but creeping and inexorably also openly-growing Fascism. And while none of this started with Trump, it is most definitely continuing to grow under Biden.

All Trump did was continue the work pulled off by Obama, who continued the work of Cheney/Bush II, who continued the work of Clinton, who continued the work of Bush I, Reagan, and Carter all the way back to FDR and his New Deal, and ultimately, to Wilson and his Federal Reserve, Income Tax, and his "War to end all War and make the world safe for Democracy," to say nothing of Wall Street and the nascent American proto-Empire fresh from its conquests in Hawai'i, China, the Philippines, and throughout Latin America.

And Biden [like Trump and all the predecessors] could not have done any of all of that without the willing and able abetting and assisting of and from those folks at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, the Congress of the United States; an institution that, over the years, has abdicated almost total power and authority to the White House in critical, core areas of Constitutional authority and responsibility. Again, for quite some time now. That is how Fascism has happened ~ and is happening now more than ever ~ in America's history.


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Don't know what will happen at the DNC but your's truly will be there.

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Stay Safe. It could get ugly there.

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And the Economic Straitjacket hasn't really started to tighten yet!

The US is the BIGGEST ARMS MERCHANT in the History of Nations and most Americans mirror that love of weapons, having more of them in private hands than any other Nation or Society on Earth.

As you recognize in this article, Bill, all those US WARS "over there" have finally come home to the UN-United States. It's a very old Biblical dynamic, 'What you sow, so shall you reap'

I see that as God's Justice and Judgment! That's not a recent perception for me with the Historical record of the Kansas City Times quoting me September 13, 1976, publishing, “He came to town for the Republican National Convention and will stay until the election in November TO DO GOD'S BIDDING: To tell the World, from Kansas City, this country has been found wanting and its days are numbered [...] He gestured toward a gleaming church dome. “The gold dome is the symbol of BABYLON,” he said.” [...] He wanted to bring to the Public’s attention an “idea being put out subtly and deceptively” by the government that we have to get prepared for a War with Russia.”

It's taken 48 years, but the World finally sees it unfolding NOW!

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Surely you know, Ray, we must kill our way to peace. With no reverse gear, onward to the cliff we go.

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Sadly, that appears to be the direction we're taking, Tom.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

Speaking of "God's" Justice and Judgment.

The same "God" ordered the Israelites to.... “take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites” - Numbers 31:2.

Correct me if I have it all wrong, but didn't the same "God" in Deuteronomy 20:16-17 command war... “However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them…as the LORD your God has commanded you.”

Also in 1 Samuel 15:18 your "God" said, “Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites; make war on them until you have wiped them out.”

And there are many more. Google is a wonderful tool!.........."Now therefore, kill every male among the children, and kill every woman who is not a virgin. But all the young girls who have not known a man intimately, keep alive for yourselves ...... So kill all the boys and all the women who have had intercourse with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves". -Numbers 31:17-18

Obviously, your "God" is not against war and genocide. And Netanyahu agrees with your "God". He said so in a major speech to the world. (He also believes his "God" gave them, and only them, their land. What gave "God" the right to do that, eh?)

And what are we to make of this Ray?....".Jesus’ second coming will be exceedingly violent. Revelation 19:11-21 describes the ultimate war with Christ, the conquering commander who judges and makes war “with justice”. It’s going to be bloody and gory. The birds will eat the flesh of all those who oppose Him. He has no compassion upon His enemies, whom He will conquer completely and consign to a “fiery lake of burning sulfur”.

Oh dear!

"Religion poisons everything!" -Christopher Hitchens. You think he had a valid point?

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bravissimo and plaudits for your elucidations, dennis, and speaking heroically against these OT religious tartuffes and their myopic myrmidons! our beloved hitch would salute you.

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I'm a Believer in the NT Jeanie, but there is no denying there are many Religious hypocrites.

The Bible has a lot to say about them, this being significant;

You hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying,

This people draws close to me with their mouth, and honours me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Matthew 15: 7-9

As literate as you are Jeanie, you more than anybody else, should see Christ Jesus is not addressing those words to unbelievers like you and Dennis, but to those who claim to believe.

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ok. thank you for your attentions to my deficiencies as a recusant outlier of xian NT orthodoxy, RJ. if your cynosure is the putative NT carpenter from the 2000-yr-old ambit surrounding jerusalem, it is prevenient that you have been well-endowed and indurated w/ whatever 'gospel' veracities that have guided your long life. i applaud your devotion to those veracities.... whatever inspires you to be the compassionate person i know you to be.

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Since you mention Revelation 19:11


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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

How come you never address any of my criticisms of Biblical scripture Ray? Prove to us that, based on the scriptures I quoted, your "God" is not a warmonger. And that your "Gods" words do not influence people to do evil acts. Like Netanyahu.

“Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”- Steven Weinberg

You know that the religious folk are constantly trying to ban books they say are pornographic and influence kids to do evil things. How about the Bible? Let's ban it also eh! After all it says it's OK to own other human beings as property! It's OK to beat your slaves as long as they don't die in two days! - Exodus 21. Stone rebellious sons to death. -Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Carl Jung whose work was very influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology, and religious studies; in his autobiography "Memories Dream Reflections" said ....."I will not discuss the transparent prophecies of the Book of Revelation because no one believes in them and the whole subject is felt to be an embarrassing one."

If the great Carl Jung says it's not worth reading religious nonsense written in or about the Book of Revelation, I will be following his advice.

Take care.

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"Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”- Steven Weinberg

non sequitur - Good people do not do evil things.

AS the story goes, after Jesus went 40 Days without food in the wilderness, the tempter came to him and said, 'if you are the Son of God, command these stones be turned into bread.' In other words, 'prove it to me!'

I don't have to prove anything to you or anybody else, living by my Faith in my God who is LOVE!

Obviously as a Believer I'm anti-WAR by all my comments.

In Revelation 19, of the Christ it's written, "And OUT OF HIS MOUTH goes a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations:

The Christ wages WAR by the POWER of the WORD not by the world's weapons of WAR.

The OT makes that perfectly clear. It's only 1 line, but a most important, significant line in this World of WARS and rumours of WARS religion ignores: "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying: 'Not by military force and not by physical strength, but by My spirit,' says the Lord of Hosts.

ps: the Stats to my Blog tell me 2 people from New Zealand clicked the link in my comment above pointing out what happened on 9/11 is described almost exactly in Revelation 18 as you cited Revelation 19.

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Colin Powell's Chief of Staff made the point in an interview that Americans don't really know war. Except for those who went overseas to fight, people here never had to look up in the sky in fear of being bombed, or have seen their cities and homes destroyed, with all the accompanying horrors.

I think we may indeed inherit the wind.

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Before October 7, when Israel planned to destroy a multi-story apartment block, they would phone someone to warn everyone to get out immediately. This poem was written by someone when that was the Israeli practice.

Now they don't warn at all. Israel just destroyed apartment blocks with the people in them in the DEAD of Night like the State Terrorists they are.

Running Orders

Lena Khalaf Tuffaha

They call us now.

Before they drop the bombs.

The phone rings

and someone who knows my first name

calls and says in perfect Arabic

“This is David.”

And in my stupor of sonic booms and glass shattering symphonies

still smashing around in my head

I think “Do I know any Davids in Gaza?”

They call us now to say


You have 58 seconds from the end of this message.

Your house is next.

They think of it as some kind of

war time courtesy.

It doesn’t matter that

there is nowhere to run to.

It means nothing that the borders are closed

and your papers are worthless

and mark you only for a life sentence

in this prison by the sea

and the alleyways are narrow

and there are more human lives

packed one against the other

more than any other place on earth

Just run.

We aren’t trying to kill you.

It doesn’t matter that

you can’t call us back to tell us

the people we claim to want aren’t in your house

that there’s no one here

except you and your children

who were cheering for Argentina

sharing the last loaf of bread for this week

counting candles left in case the power goes out.

It doesn’t matter that you have children.

You live in the wrong place

and now is your chance to run

to nowhere.

It doesn’t matter

that 58 seconds isn’t long enough

to find your wedding album

or your son’s favorite blanket

or your daughter’s almost completed college application

or your shoes

or to gather everyone in the house.

It doesn’t matter what you had planned.

It doesn’t matter who you are

Prove you’re human.

Prove you stand on two legs.


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Thank you, Ray. We have to confront the horror that the US is funding and supporting. Sometimes a simple poem from a thoughtful soul says it best.

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Another technique was "roof tapping" where a small charge would be set off on the roof of a building about to be hit. It meant ten minutes to evacuate.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28

Just like what "God" commanded the Israelites to do to the Midianites then?

Repeated in modern times in the dead of the night in Gaza ~ this time using cell phones.

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that is precisely what i did, moebus. i tapped onto the comment option immediately after your own comment. there was no other option. perhaps by my checking the 'share-a-note' box, my reply was transported elsewhere in the inventory slew of comments... as i have mobilized this comment to appear in that slew as well.

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The biggest challenge Trump would have if he actually attempted to end the Wars in Ukraine and Palestine "in 24 hours" would be to figure out how to keep all that money flowing to America's MICC/S3CP2; even if there's no "Hot War" going on anyplace.

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