"We’re likely to hear more about alleged foreign interference in U.S. elections, but which leader/country has more influence on U.S. politics: Putin/Russia, Zelenskyy/Ukraine, or Netanyahu/Israel? Hint: Who came to Congress and had its members jumping out of their seats to applaud him rapturously as if his appearance constituted the Second Coming?" Exactly! Beautifully put.

The appeal of Trump is that he mocks the Democrats smooth empty/hypocritical sophistry (bullshit) of the likes of Obama. Trumps mocking with blatant disrespect is something millions can relate to. They found it refreshing. The real question is: Have enough Americans gotten tired of that mocking-has it grown old? I am guessing fewer will vote for Trump in 2024 than did in 2016. But if Bibi brings the Biden/Harris Administration further into an Israeli’s genocidal war on Arabs to save his own political skin to avoid criminal charges, then a second coming of Trump is more likely.

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Trump was correct in calling Zelensky as "the greatest salesman". But the power of Israel's lobbyists is more effective than any salesmanship. In America/Canada to criticize Israeli policies is to be ant-semitic. Writers/speakers/editors walk on pins and needles. This too will fade out. Over time more and more are and will be using the word genocide to describe what's going on in Gaza and the West Bank. History will not look kindly on the Biden/Harris Administration. The "unprovoked" invasion by Putin will be written about as highly provoked. (if historians live to write it-if it does not cause nuclear war) And America will be seen as highly complicit in a genocide it had the very leverage to end on any given day that its leaders repeated over and over the propaganda of only "supporting Israel's right to defend itself" That's wearing thin Kamala. It's going to thin out.

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Glen, you are right. I think what will deal a blow to the power of Zionism in America will be dead American servicemembers coming home in coffins after the US joins Israel in unlimited killing and destruction as Israel desires. Israel has shown it places no value on any lives other than those of Israelis and even then not if, as with the hostages, those lives might prevent the clearing out by slaughter of all who oppose Israel in the region, most incredibly, Iran, where the slaughtering will be handed to the US.

Shielding Israel from all consequences to anything it does has produced the monster we are now pledged to protect with American lives. Incredible.

I called my senators yesterday with a message - no protection of an ethnic cleansing project with the lives of Americans who are supposed to support liberty and justice for all.

President Biden and Anthony Blinken are traitors putting the wishes of Israel above the security of the US, instantly and with no apology. Biden stated he is a Zionist and he has done absolutely nothing to indicate he is not adhering to the wishes of Netanyahu down to the smallest detail...the President of the United States, quite ready and willing without any deliberation to sacrifice American lives for Israel.

I hope before my time comes that I will see the US break the awful grip of Zionism that has ruled since 1967 when LBJ recalled US jet fighters when they went to defend the USS Liberty against an Israeli attack in which over 30 sailors died. We are about to see an American sacrifice far beyond that which will open the eyes of sleeping Americans to how we have been manipulated, duped and injured by Israel.

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Signing bombs and missiles, detonation devices placed in everyday objects, these things are not normal, they are just one of the signs of a very sick society.

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SANE humans negotiate.

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I live in Pennsylvania (albeit a red area in the state’s northwest) and am sickened to learn that Zelensky interfered in our election in the especially obscene signing of shells.


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It's an embarrassment to see that happening in the US. Mindless and heartless devotion to WAR and KILLING!!!

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Why don’t you just say it bluntly? American democracy is a fraud. Your vote doesn’t count, foreign actors like Zelensky and Netanyahu have far more political influence in the U.S. than the actual citizens, money, domestic and foreign are financing campaigns. Lastly, the media is controlled by special, mostly money, interests. Voting by the people and for the people is a nice slogan without any substance.

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I'm paid by the word, Karl. :-)

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I am sorry that you have to make a „living“ this way:-) Just keep on doing what you are trying to do. BTW, Frieda Berrigan (I assume you are acquainted with her father’s and uncle’s past activities) just published an excellent piece about the MIC.

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Ah, the Berrigans. Real Christians who seek peace. Imagine that.

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REAL Christians vs FAKE Christians!

Who sets the criteria?

And who is "winning"? LOL

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I've yet to find any perfect Christians, Jews, Muslims you name it, or humans in my experience. We're all a mixed bag. Maybe the Pope in Rome Dennis. Now "let the Games begin". :/ :o)

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I came from a very different religious tradition and was pleasantly surprised by the Catholic peace and workers (Dorothy Day) movements. Daniel Berrigan was a real influence in my thinking. His autobiography is still part of my library.

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The Senate, with all it's power, is evidence the US is NOT a Democracy of 1 voter 1 vote.

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The US is a FLAWED Democracy, Ray


The USA is 29th. New Zealand is 2nd.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Well for all the bad vibes some people have about Trump, I think he won't be hosting Zelensky signing artillery shells. I'm guessing if Trump is elected we won't be seeing much of Zelensky at all, except maybe in his retirement in some Western country (U.K., Italy, U.S. etc.), where he will hold court for the press and fawning politicians. This assumes of course that we all survive the Biden-Harris wars.

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His retirement will be financed by the US taxpayer

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Of course. Our leaders couldn't care less about the taxpayer dollar. Which is why our national public debt is over $35 trillion.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Who says Zelenskyy and his bride are not going to end up like Benito Mussolini and is wife, Alex?

".....Mr. Zelensky is hiding, flitting from one country to another begging for money. Because the game is drawing to a close and Mr. Z may find himself fatally unpopular back on the home front. He has managed to send hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian men to their deaths in the meat-grinder, and perhaps a million more have hightailed it for other countries."

"Ukraine will now be a land of mostly women, children, and old folks — with just enough surviving soldiers left looking to hunt down the comedian who turned Ukraine into another one of history’s sick jokes.” - James Howard Kunstler.

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Zelensky's elected Term ended in May. In the 20 year US WAR in Afghanistan, one of the poorest Countries on Earth, the only winner was the US Military-Industrial-Congressional complex. With it's fake US Democracy, the US insisted Afghanistan hold elections even during the 20 year WAR, but not in Ukraine. Zelensky is not the Legal President of Ukraine. In Ukraine he is a Dictatorial Autocrat the US supports and arms to fight the US long planned WAR with Russia over NATO in Ukraine right on Russia's border. Ukrainians are only the US sacrificial lambs and cannon fodder for the US PROVOKED WAR WITH RUSSIA!

US MSM, Propagandists for US Global Domination ans acting like a 5th horseman of the Apocalypse, don't want Americans to know the actual reality in Ukraine because the American People would DEMAND no more money for WAR! That would really downsize the last remaining high paying jobs for unskilled workers in every State in the UN-United States!

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It's not just the Biden-Harris Wars, Alex. It's US POWER, the very same POWER President Kennedy resisted during the 1963 Cuban Missile Crisis when the US Military was advocating a 1st strike on Soviet Russia.

They're called Neo-Cons these Days, and it appears Biden is not resisting like Kennedy did. It did cost Kennedy his life! That's a real deterrent for any US President not obeying US POWER

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

And they may have had a hand in Trump's near-miss. I noticed that there was nothing about that during the so-called debate. Hmm. One of the candidates survives an assassination attempt and it's not worth even a question??!! Although they did have some about Jan. 6. Again. And again. And again...

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

I see there are videos with stirring music being shown to depict Zelensky's visit to the US - to rally the home front and so-called U.S. industrial might around his gallant struggle. What the always empty-empty headed U.S. news types failed to observe was that all the supposed shells they showed Shapiro signing wouldn't give Ukraine more than an hour or two of artillery use - if that.

Hopefully this is a coda for the Biden regime and Zelensky to demonstrate 'determination' to help with the inevitable surrender negotiations - as ham-handed as this effort appears - and not the start of the next phase in the world-ending madness.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Zelenskyy is not the leader of anybody!

Didn't his term, as Dictator, by Law end months ago?

Is that correct? How can he legally negotiate with Putin?

I thought the USA was protecting "democracy" in the Ukraine?

Where have I got this all wrong?

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Dennis, that's very true. His term came to an end on May 24th. But why leave a gig when you can skim millions of dollars for your own piggy bank?

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If you understood the arc of geopolitical policy from Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński through H.R. Clinton to Biden re Ukraine, you would know the neo-con plan since Carter, to invade Russia thru Ukraine, and now it's on! H.R. Clinton and CIA overthrew the elected govt in Ukraine and installed their puppet.

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Scott Ritter in his usual intelligent and incisive ways, describes the state of US politics and policy, the Ukraine War and Gaza genocide in this interview.


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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Rather scary. I for one don't approve of this game of nuclear chicken. NATO (purely a "defensive" arrangement drags us into a nuclear war). According to Ritter US doctrine is if NATO is threatened we will destroy the world. But nobody is asking me. I just received a copy of Annie Jacobsen's "Nuclear War". I guess I should read it - quickly.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Folks forget Alex....without, NATO collapse.

A NATO without the US would face overwhelming challenges. It relies heavily on the US for key capabilities like operational intelligence, air-to-air refueling, missile defense, and more. Without these “American enablers,” NATO’s ability to sustain a long-term fight would be severely degraded


Member states pay for NATO's costs based on a cost-sharing formula.

In 2024, the United States was the biggest contributors with 16.2%.

The defense spending of the United States is more than double the defense spending of all other NATO members combined

If Trump, a realist political scientist, pulls out, the Alliance will fall apart.

There is a school of geopolitical military experts thinking that argues this would be a good thing for the World.

Trump does not share the view that the United States has a vital national interest in a stable and secure Europe, which NATO helps to ensure.

It is argued by neocons that NATO bases in Europe allow the U.S. military to forward-deploy forces closer to hot spots in the Middle East and Africa. Trump says that sounds good in theory. But NATO has only invoked Article 5 once in its history in defense of the United States after 9/11. More than 1,000 NATO troops died in Afghanistan fighting alongside Americans. And the US was humiliated, even with NATO's "help".

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I am sure they have not loaded the explosives in those shells!

We would not want our new Thieu blown up bc the factory does not make "insensitive munitions".

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Heh. Love that "new Thieu," Ed.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Please join the Peace and Freedom Rally, taking place on Sept. 28th in Kingston, N.Y.

The following experts will share their insights on how to restore peace and freedom that has been robbed from Americans by their politicians

*Judge Andrew Napolitano, constitutional expert, and host of "Judging Freedom" podcast

*Scott Ritter, former U.N. weapons inspector. And victim of FBI harassment.

*Max Blumenthal, journalist, and activist. Falsely accused of being paid for by the Kremlin'

*Anya Parampil, journalist. She as received the Serena Shim Award for her integrity in journalism

*Joe Lauria, editor-in-chief of Consortium News who has written for the Boston Globe, the Sunday Times of London, the London Daily Mail, the Montreal Gazette, Bloomberg News, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Salon.com, New York Magazine, The Guardian, and Antiwar.com. Focusing on international affairs particularly regarding the Middle East where he lived for three years, and U.S.-Russian relations.

*Gerald Celente, founder of Occupy Peace, the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice and publisher of the Trends Journal magazine.

If you can’t join the Rally in person, it will be live streamed on OccupyPeace.com, TrendsJournal.com and freedompeacejustice.com.

Please endeavor to watch the Live Stream.

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There are a LOT of things I don’t want my tax payer dollars going to pay for … I need to figure out HOW to get to a political place where peop;e like me CAN have a voice, where we CAN pass better laws.

Trumpism will not get us there. Trumpism, for another presidential term, may be the way our country is set in stone in a fascist mode for more genrations then we can count— if Trumpism does not foment an actual hot civil war to unseat it. But look at the Russian situation—look at North Korea—look at China—there is not hot civil war to unseat those despots and they just go on and on and on … One MIGHT suggest they are despotism of the Left, not fascism, but PLEASE, they are no more Left that The Donald is {and they are among his favorites leaders!].

When it comes to depsots, there’s little difference between fascists and the faux-communists —

How do we find our way to a place that is NOT despotic?

I suggest it is by who we get into office — never the perfect person, but who MIGHT be subject to rational conversation? How MIGHT we bring our body politic closer to the We The People ideal our political systems are supposedly bullt on?

I don’t think we can do it by stamping our foot.

How do we do it?

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That Trump is a fascist is bovine excrement Pat.

Left wing Hyperbole!

What did Trump do in his first term that was fascistic?


Is Trump a fascist? Eight Experts weigh in.

Call him a kleptocrat, an oligarch, a xenophobe, a racist, even an authoritarian.

But he doesn’t quite fit the definition of a fascist.

"How MIGHT we bring our body politic closer to the We The People ideal our political systems are supposedly bullt on?" ... easy......Vote TRUMP/VANCE/RFK Jr/GABBARD 2024

Any other vote is irrational, naive and a vote for the US continuing to go down the toilet.

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Well, you are … I just don’t have a word for it. Ludicrous is one, I guess.

Autocratic, turning our government into a corporate piggy bank, undoing regulations that are meant to protect citizens from corporate and business misfeasance or malfeasance. And then, there’s the NEW manifesto — Project 2025 — that puts the government directly into fascistic, oligarchic, kleptocratic, criminal hands.

If you don’t think Donald is a Fascist, what do you think a Fascist IS?

I actually think, these days, you can’t tell the difference between a so-called communist dictator and a so-called fascist one, anyway. They are pretty much the same, seen from behind their curtain … Show me how I’m wrong?

I’m not wrong.

And VOTING FOR TRUMP? Are you out of your mind?

The US has gone into the crapper under Reagan, Dubya and Trump. Democrats keep salvaging it … We need to keep working on it, though. Dems haven’t done enough, and they’ve left some serious problems yet to solve, but at least with THEM, we have a shot at solving things …

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Everything about American politics is disgusting. So why shouldn't Trump win?

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

If you have a war who are you going to send in to be the leader ~ a George Patton, or a DEI hire?

"No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair" - George Smith Patton, Jr.

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'How Netanyahu Is Trying to Save Himself, Elect Trump and Defeat Harris'

If President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris needed any reminder that Benjamin Netanyahu is not their friend, not America’s friend and, most shamefully, not the friend of the Israeli hostages in Gaza, the murder by Hamas of six Israeli souls while Netanyahu dragged out negotiations should make that clear. Netanyahu has one interest: his own immediate political survival, even if it undermines Israel’s long-term survival.

Madam Vice President, have no doubt, this will lead him to do things in the next two months that could seriously harm your election chances and strengthen Donald Trump’s. Be afraid.

Meanwhile, Mr. President, please, please tell me that Netanyahu has not played you for a fool. You have had repeated conversations with him, each followed by your optimistic predictions about an imminent cease-fire in Gaza — and then he tells his followers something else.

Netanyahu is one reason that I coined this rule about Middle East reporting: In Washington, officials tell you the truth in private and lie in public. In the Middle East, officials lie to you in private and tell the truth in public. Never trust what they say to you in private — especially Netanyahu. Listen only to what they say in public to their own people in their own languages.

Opinion by Thomas L. Friedman

The link below gives you free access to the whole article:


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Evil truly exists 🤡👹

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Sep 25·edited Sep 26

Don't believe all these bogus MSM polls, "The Race is tied". Utter bovine excrement.

Most historically accurate poll *SIGNALS* a Trump landslide victory.


Kamala's internal polls are devastating, and they know they are going to lose.

Go vote like Trump is way behind. Make it TOO BIG TO RIG 💯💪

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Never understood how anyone could flip over Zelensky. He and the government in Ukraine are robbing us blind. Ukraine is a very corrupt country. Was and still is.

But, I'm one of the few in the US that don't glorify WAR. WAR is KILLING.

SANE humans negotiate.

Killers go to WAR.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 26

Zelenskyy is not the leader of anybody!

His term, as Dictator of Ukraine (!), ended months ago in accordance with the Ukrainian Constitution.

Essentially the Ukraine has NO government!

This is what happens when the US promotes "democracy" in your country.

It all turns to custard.

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Pelosi invited him (twice) so Congress could cheer for him. In return she got a medal and a flag. And a "well done" from the press.

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