AMEN!!! But who will enforce your solution? The citizenry could IF the USA were a real democracy which it has never been. For two centuries America’s children have been indoctrinated with war rhetoric and military role models. WHO has the chutzpah to go before the general public and tell them the truth? McGovern tried in 1972 and he failed dismally. You do try valiantly, but you can’t succeed. The cards are stacked against such a utopian endeavor. I tried as a lifelong pacifist in my limited environment and have failed completely. The only solution that I see is that the people of the U.S. will experience the actual horror of war. I did as a child and the images of what I saw and the deprivation we experienced have never left me.

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Yes, we fail. Maybe we can "fail better" until we finally succeed--or die trying.

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Before we can "fail better," Bill, we have to know, understand, acknowledge, accept, and then act upon the answer to the Question: WHY do we fail?

Why do The Peacemakers fail? Why have The Peacemakers failed to end War?

Is it, perhaps, because there has never been a WAR Against War?

A WAR Against War waged by The Peacemakers that accomplishes its Mission better than The Warmakers' accomplish their Mission to perpetrate and perpetuate War?

War will not end until those who want Peace make WAR on it. And win.

The question, of course, is How?

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Jul 18Edited
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How much money has Trump and ~ more importantly ~ every other politician enlisted in Trump's Army received from AIPAC, starting with Vance?

Any significant difference between what he and they have been gifted - or is that grifted? ~ and what Biden and his Gaggle has similarly received?

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I suspect we will be dead before our dream becomes reality.

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I think the root of our problem is private financing of election campaigns. AIPAC is now boasting the every candidate it has supported has won. You'd think this would alarm everyone but it was scarcely noticed. Big insurance and pharma have a record of winning. The issue isn't mentioned in the news or in debates. Broadcasters have their own lobby - the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). Even CEO's have a lobby, the Business Roundtable, in addition to the very powerful Chamber of Commerce.

I support Public Citizen, the group established by Ralph Nader, because it is working on getting the senate and house to legislate the overturn of Citizens United. Without that, nothing is going to change.

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Bill, Bill, Bill! We can't have our Ivy League "best and brightest" on the front lines of war. We need their brilliant leadership in government, banks and corporations to lead us fearlessly into the abyss!

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The "Best and Brightest" can serve as bullet-catchers equally as well as the worst and dumbest. Maybe better!

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I'm guessing it would pretty quickly re-inspire the art of diplomacy.

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The "best and brightest" sure can talk a good game. Max Boot is in the news today--he's a typical example.

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A committed Russia hater and war monger par excellence.

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Just curious: Is this the same Max Boot who back in February spoke of THE GLOBAL CHAOS THAT COULD FOLLOW A TRUMP WIN, as depicted by Lee Moran in a Huffington Post piece on 1 Feb 24? ... :

Conservative commentator Max Boot on Wednesday spelled out how he believes a second Donald Trump administration would “destroy the American-led world order.”

Boot, in his latest column for The Washington Post, argued that a rematch between the quadruply indicted former president and President Joe Biden in November’s election would be “a referendum not only on the future of American democracy but also on the future of America’s role in the world.”

Trump, the Republican front-runner for the 2024 nomination, “certainly undermined” America’s global leadership in his first term as he pretty much “veered from one blunder to another,” wrote Boot, who quit the GOP following Trump’s election in 2016.

In a second term, an unrestrained Trump and his “America First” policies would lead to “a chaotic post-American world where rogue states committed aggression with impunity, democracies cowered and trade ties frayed,” the pundit predicted.

“The conventional wisdom is that foreign policy doesn’t decide U.S. elections, but the choice has seldom been this scary or stark,” Boot concluded. “The November election will decide whether America continues its post-1945 internationalist foreign policy — or risks a return to the pre-Pearl Harbor policy of isolationism. How did that work out?”

Boot last year cautioned that Trump would likely be “10 times more dangerous” in a second term, because he wouldn’t “allow any adults in the White House to act as a check on his worst instincts.”

Biden is “a feeble vessel at best, but he’s the only realistic option we have,” Boot said at the time. “Anyone who believes in preserving American democracy and the U.S.-led world order, therefore, has no choice but to back Biden in 2024, however uninspiring that might be.”

[The link to Boot’s WaPo opinion piece is provided.]

Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/max-boot-donald-trump-world-order_n_65bb7186e4b01c5c3a39fb07

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The rich remove themselves from the people as fast and as far as they can. At the least they live in gated communities if not in mansions fenced all around with gates through which anyone must pass. Near where I live we have fabulous mansions. Check this link for an example with a private beach on Lake Michigan: https://imgur.com/a/dSqE5ht

And this mansion is only one of many. Who knows who the owners are that live in this isolated luxury secure from any public problems. It isn't new. The former Fort Sheridan on the north shore of Lake Michigan was deliberately sited to protect the McCormicks and Rockefellers estates from the labor unrest in Chicago in the late 19th century, the US Army being effectively a guard service for wealth as we know the police have always been.

How could anyone be more removed than the 1% from the lives the 99% live? And wealth has a way of converting anyone in the 99% to an enthusiastic member of the 1%. Obama, Vance are two examples of Congress as a production line for the 1%. And once in the group, one had better be true to the group.

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Today July 19 is George McGovern’s birthday. A Word A Day (AWAD) — a priceless daily bulletin that I think you all should subscribe to — had this


I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in. -George McGovern, senator, author, professor, and WWII pilot (19 Jul 1922-2012)

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Amen to that. Thanks for sharing!

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One solution, although it won't of course be adopted, would be to no longer allow the National Guard to be deployed overseas, as a supplement to regular Federal armed forces. Almost half the forces the US sent to Iraq and Afghanistan were National Guard. I know of several people in the state National Guard and it seems like they are frequently being sent overseas. Nikki Haley's husband is in the South Carolina National Guard and has been stationed in the horn of Africa for at least a year. I'm pretty sure the way to protect South Carolina is not to send its National Guard to Africa.

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Yes our leaders are appropriating our tax dollars on forever wars not us: Affordable housing.

Universal health care.

Free public education and public trade schools.

100% voter access.

Term limits. Rank voting.

A living wage for all workers. Please add to the list of desperately needed and better funded social programs. Nothing social in killing peoples around the world of color.

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Noblesse oblige once meant having the most obligations to one's society and those of lesser means, and historically to being in the vanguard of any battle. Now it means, among the many of the elites, "having other priorities" (Cheney) or 'serving' by "helping their father get elected" (Romney).

JFK was the last President who lived and understood the meaning of the term. Reread his American University speech in June 1963 where he urgently states the need to evolve beyond the culture of war - which he knew firsthand. So they killed him and no President since has challenged the forces that did it.

The last two Presidencies have shown the end state where this has led, notwithstanding the legal statues and authority of the office. Trump was routinely ignored by his staff and national security team; it's unclear whether Biden even understands what he hears in his earpiece or sees on his teleprompter.

No election is going to change any of this - no matter who one votes for. You want to change the system you have to start from the bottom up.

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All species have built-in population control mechanisms. In many cases, disease, parasites, food scarcity and competition are enough to keep populations from exploding, but sometimes those fail. What has been crossing my mind recently is "what if war is the population control mechanism for homo sapiens?" It certainly has been the largest limiter of human populations for millennia, and I wonder if that is sort of built into our species.

As to your solution, it used to be that the king rode at the front of the army., so it would be nice to bring that back. But the Corporate-Owned-News would not permit such ideas to even be heard.

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I concur and I was always a Fan of Stephen Jay Gould "Homo sapiens are a tiny twig on an improbable branch of a contingent limb on a fortunate tree." Stephen Jay Gould

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I loved his book, Ontogeny and Phylogeny. A great read.

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My thoughts exactly. Seems so perfectly logical and ethical.

Which, I suppose, is precisely why it is never discussed by anyone writing or speaking from government or its corporate media stenography corps.

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You were going so well there, Bill, especially with the reference to Orwell, but lost it at the last moment with your fanciful solution. It has long been apparent that some wannabe politicians join the military so as to have a tour on their CV. Delegating a person’s moral authority to someone else should be illegal. Soldiers need to be able to warn that they will not agree to take part in an operation at short notice in advance of engagements. They can then be put at the bottom of the list of “who you’re gonna call”, but must not be prevented from registering their dissent in public. Any pictures taken of the people they kill should not be censored. Hypothecation of taxes should allow the populace to vote for what proportion of their taxable income they want to devote to “defence”.

Additionally there needs to be a government policy whereby the depiction of guns in cinema is accompanied by a levy on the producers to help defray people’s costs in burying the victims of gun crime.

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Well, I try!

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Vote Green

Vote for the only peace candidate running for POTUS

Jill Stein

Or vote in continuation of forever wars. It's your buck

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"No Bucks No Buck Rogers, and everyone wants to see Buck Rogers"... Philip Kaufman --The Right Stuff... In my opin. appropiate in this the 55th. yr.. July 20, 1969 since our 1st. landing on the surface of the moon. I was only 14 then, but just think of how many other worlds we could have explored in our Solar System, and even mined for rare ores etc. if all our discretionary spending wasn't used on things like the ridiculous "Space Force", and needless, ludicrous, new weapons systems.., just think we could've explored space both inner & outer for peace. What a thought!

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More important than exploring inner and outer space, we just might have been able to eliminate Poverty, Hunger, Disease, and Illiteracy. Or at least made a very good start.

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Absolutely we could've done it all. And then some Jeff then they'd be a Pt. to all this... But, we kill all those good people., and let the Demons run amuck..! Not one human being excluded is how it should be!!!

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Earlier, Alex suggested the following: "No longer allow the National Guard to be deployed overseas, as a supplement to regular Federal armed forces."

Here's where that idea stood at the beginning of 2024... ;

BRING OUR TROOPS HOME: VET DAN MCKNIGHT SHOWS US HOW by Hunter DeRensis / antiwar.com 11 Jan 24

[ https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2024/01/11/bring-our-troops-home-vet-dan-mcknight-shows-us-how/ ]

On the latest episode of Deep Dive, ret. U.S. Army Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis spoke with Sgt. Dan McKnight, a former U.S. Marine and Idaho National Guardsman and founder of BRING OUR TROOPS HOME.

Davis and McKnight discuss the founding of the organization, and why they believe more veterans are becoming involved in the movement to pull back on Washington’s chronic interventionism.

Particular focus is given to McKnight’s cornerstone project, the DEFEND THE GUARD ACT, which just passed the New Hampshire House of Representatives. This bill would prohibit the deployment of National Guard units into active combat without a declaration of war from Congress.

McKnight reveals how activists can effectively achieve their goals in state legislatures in contrast to Capitol Hill, and what the next step is for the Defend the Guard movement.

The Mission of DEFEND THE GUARD is:

“The goal of Defend the Guard legislation, a project of Bring Our Troops Home, is to have states use their inherent, sovereign authority to rebalance war powers between the branches of the federal government

“State legislators have an essential, civic obligation to their constituents to demand that the federal government adhere to congressional wars powers as mandated by Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. Without an official declaration of war by the U.S. Congress, states have a duty to withhold their troops from active combat.

“The sole objective of the Defend the Guard movement is to obligate the federal government to obey the U.S. Constitution before sending our sons and daughters to fight more endless wars.”

For more information, visit defendtheguard.us .

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The new survey by Pew Research Center, conducted July 1-7 among 9,424 adults, including 7,729 registered voters, finds that both Biden and Trump are widely viewed as flawed, though in different ways.


Majorities of voters describe both Biden and Trump as “embarrassing,” with identical shares (63% each) saying this about each candidate. A third or more of each candidate’s supporters – 37% of Biden supporters and 33% of Trump supporters – say their own candidate is embarrassing.


About half of Trump supporters (51%) say they are very or fairly satisfied with the presidential candidates, while nearly as many (48%) say they are not too or not at all satisfied.

Roughly eight-in-ten Biden supporters (81%) and an even larger majority of Kennedy supporters (90%) express dissatisfaction with the candidates.


Pew Research Center surveys over the past year have found widespread unhappiness over the state of American politics and the choices for president. In the new survey, voters render harsh judgments on the 2024 campaign:

87% say that so far, the campaign does not make them feel proud of the country;

76% say it is not focused on important policy debates;

68% describe the campaign as too negative.

Full article at https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/07/11/amid-doubts-about-bidens-mental-sharpness-trump-leads-presidential-race/ .

NOTE: This is a paid, political announcement from “Vote NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES 2024.”

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Jul 18
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So who do You propose all those Americans who are dissatisfied with the "choices" they have been given for Election2024 ~ and embarrassed that Trump and Biden are the candidates they get to choose from ~ who do You propose they vote for?

And what exactly do people have to "buy" in order to vote NOTC? As opposed to what they have to buy into to vote for either Trump or Biden?

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Jul 19
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When i use the word "buy," Dennis, i am not referring to purchasing something.

i am referring to accepting the premises and arguments of and for NOTC, on the one hand, as opposed to accepting the promises, proposed policies, and propaganda of either Trump or Biden, on the other.

And exactly Whose time will i be wasting by voting NOTC? Anybody's in particular?

And where does it say anywhere that my "duty as an American citizen" is to vote for one or the other of who America's Ruling Political Class and Deep State have deigned to offer We, The Voters as "choices" for Election2024?

How is that my "duty"? And according to What or Who besides You?

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Jul 19Edited
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Can You explain exactly ~ or even remotely ~ how NOTC is like "'Card Counting' in Blackjack at the casino"? Whether "maybe" or not?

And You haven't answered the question about exactly WHAT says that voting is a Citizen's duty, if not responsibility?

Especially if the only choices they are given are Tweedledee and Tweedledum, both of whom could give a shit about those Citizens, their Families, and their Futures?

Again: If i want neither Biden nor Trump to be the next POTUS, How and Why is it my "duty" to vote for one of them? Or anybody else on the ballot?

And one other question that You will ignore: What are the other "Citizen Duties and Responsibilities" besides voting?

And we won't even talk about the Duties and Responsibilities of those people who actually get elected to office, will we?

And finally, how many politicians in Washington are currently accomplishing those Duties and meeting those Responsibilities? Or have been in the recent ~ or did in the distant ~ past?


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One suggested correction, Bill. You wrote: "The National Security State is the unofficial fourth branch of government and arguably the most powerful."

The fourth branch of this government is The Federal Reserve System. Without it, the National Security State would be completely broke and out of business.

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These highlites from the previously cited Reuters article on Day 3 of the RNC offer a very good look at what looms ahead for America...:

His brush with death has fueled the growing quasi-religious fervor among the party faithful, elevating him from political leader to a man they believe is protected by God.


Many Trump supporters want to see a powerful president.

"You need a strong leader at the top," said Bill Dowd, a 79-year-old lumber business owner who was a guest of the Colorado delegation in Milwaukee.

"I'm a very, very big Ronald Reagan fan. Ronald Reagan pulled the party together also," Dowd said.

Dowd acknowledged that some of his Republican friends feared that Trump might try to abuse his power. He said while he did not share that fear he believed that dissent should not be stifled in any party.


For Trump's critics and political opponents, this is a dark and disturbing moment: they see the modern Republican Party as a cult of personality, a base from which Trump could pursue extreme policies and create America's first truly imperial presidency, threatening the future of its democratic norms.


In Milwaukee, nearly all of the 30 delegates, guests and elected Republicans interviewed by Reuters for this story acknowledged that their party had become the party of Trump but dismissed any suggestion that it had become cult-like.

“I believe that President Trump is a transformational figure, a man of destiny who God providentially saved from death on Saturday," Louisiana delegate Ed Tarpley said. "He's been given a special mission in our country. God's providential hand has elevated Donald Trump to a different status."


Those interviewed said they wanted a President Trump who was not constrained by bureaucracy or Congress to execute his agenda.

They were in favor of more expansive use of executive action - decisions made by a president that do not need congressional approval.

They want nothing to stand in the way of his plans to deport millions of people in the country illegally and to reduce the size of the federal bureaucracy. In his first term Trump often complained of "deep state" bureaucrats he said were seeking to thwart him.

"The president ... must be allowed to implement his policies free of a bureaucracy resistant to them and unelected officials who do not agree with them," Tarpley said.


Half of Republican respondents to a Reuters/Ipsos poll this week said they agreed with the statement that "the country is in a crisis and needs a strong president who should be allowed to rule without too much interference from the courts and Congress."

That was substantially higher than the 35% of Democrats and 33% of independents who agreed with the sentiment.


Lara Trump, the Republican National Committee co-chair and Trump's daughter-in-law, acknowledged this week that governance by executive action - which can be overturned in the courts or by a successor - was not ideal. That's why it was crucial for Republicans to hold onto the House of Representatives in November and take the Senate from Democrats, she said, "so we don't have to rely on executive actions and we can actually see some lasting change."


[ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-imperial-presidency-looms-takeover-republican-party-complete-2024-07-18/ ]

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Truly the first imperial presidency, Jeff?

We've had an imperial presidency since 1898, if not before.

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Starting with Lincoln?

i agree about an "imperial presidency," Bill; assuming we agree on the definition of "imperial." In which case, Lincoln must be included.

i think the term being hinted at is a "dictatorial Presidency and Executive Branch unrestrained by either the Legislative or Judicial Branches.."

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Less Lincoln and more Teddy Roosevelt.

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i know very little about Teddy Roosevelt. i'm curious, Bill: Why do You declare his Presidency to be more "imperial" than Lincoln's?

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Ol' TR believed in taking up the White Man's Burden and civilizing the world, in the name of imperial supremacy. Consider his Rough Riders and their exploits in Cuba. He was a "true believer" in the imperial presidency.

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Given America's history of War For Expansion against the Native, Indigenous Peoples and the remnants of the British, French, and Spanish Empires on the continent all the way west to the Pacific Coast and beyond before Roosevelt became President, which American Presidents before him were NOT Imperialist Warmongers?

And given the theme of this article ~ putting political leaders and their Kids on the front lines of any War that those leaders choose to wage ~ i'm surprised You're calling TR out for having abandoned his post in Swampland and gone to one of the very definite front lines of America's War back then.

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This Reuters story is well worth a look. Particularly interesting is the next-to-last accompanying photo. One wonders if Trump was offering a deal on those Band Aids:


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Jul 18Edited
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First of all, Dennis: The most noteworthy thing about that interview is that there was No Mention Whatsoever of America's National Sovereign Debt and UnFunded Federal Liabilities ; currently at $34.94 TRILLION and counting, and $217.39 TRILLION and counting, respectively [see https://www.usdebtclock.org/ for all the gory details].

All we got even close to that was Trump's concluding statement about what "Trumponomics" would be and how it would work:

"Low interest rates and taxes, low taxes, tremendous incentive to get things done, and to bring business back to our country. And if you have to use tariffs and other economic means to do it, that’s fine.

"We have to do to other countries what they’ve been doing to us for 50 years, for 100 years. We have to bring business back to our country."

i'd be particularly curious to see what he claims other countries "were doing to us" between 1924 and the end of World War II. As opposed to what we were doing to other countries [particularly Germany and Japan].


And second of all, Dennis: Thank You for providing the transcript to that Bloomberg interview.

If You did that with all Your referenced videos, You would have a greater chance of people actually watching them.

As i have noted before, it's a lot simpler, easier, and quicker to determine from a 10-minute scan of the transcript of a 50-minute whether or not it is worth spending all that time necessary to watch it in full.

And particularly useful was the Fact Checking by Bloomberg on what Trump said and how close to reality it actually was.

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Jul 19Edited
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America's Ruling Political Class and Deep State did all they could do to "scuttle" Trump's first term so as to insure that Biden got elected in 2020. And they succeeded; without "stealing" the election.

Just like America's RPC/DS Dynamic Duo has scuttled Biden in his first term, so as to insure that Trump gets back into the White House in 2024.

And given a second term, Trump will do exactly what and as he did during his first term: Exactly what he is instructed to do.

Just like Biden has been and is doing exactly what he was and is instructed to do to play his role in getting Trump elected.

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By asking about The Debt and UnFunded Liabilities, i am asking about the most significant and potentially most serious Problem on-the-verge-of-being-a Crisis that America has now, and will be directly confronting in the not-too-distant future.

If Trump gets elected, he'll be able to bring all his experience with bankruptcies in his hotel and casino businesses into the Oval Office and see if he gets away with Shafting The Stiffs again this time.

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1. Can You provide a link to Trump's "plan to deal with" ~ let alone reduce ~ the National Debt and Federal UnFunded Liabilities? Either back in 2016, in 2020, or now?

1a. And while You're at it: How'd the Debt do while Trump was President? Was that his "Plan" in action? See https://www.investopedia.com/us-national-debt-by-year-7499291 for all the gory details.]

1b. What does the RNC Platform ~ as endorsed by Trump ~ have to say about either the Debt or the Liabilities? Particularly about Social Security and Medicare?

2. How many Court Cases did Team Trump wage to prove that Election2020 was stolen? And how many turned out the way they wanted it to? Any?

3. i thought You dismissed "9/11 as an Inside Job" as total Bullshit?

4. And finally, who do You think plotted and pulled off the JFK Assassination and the Trump Assassination Attempt?

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Jul 19Edited
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Just take them one at a time, Dennis. And completely at Your leisure.

Or just do like You almost always do, and simply ignore them.

“A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer; but a wise man cannot ask more questions than he will find a fool ready to answer.” — Richard Whately, “Thoughts and Apophthegms from the Writings of Archbishop Whately

And "A wise man can learn..." is from Bruce Lee.

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