
On 9/8, I submitted the following letter to the New York Times. The NYT rejected it.

In a recent op-ed, Representative Mike Turner called for the U.S. to “invest” in new nuclear weapons. He was wrong to do so.

Firstly, the U.S. and Russia together already possess more than ten thousand nuclear warheads, enough to destroy life on earth and several other earth-sized planets. We need desperately to divest from nuclear weapons, not “invest” in them.

Secondly, “investing” in a new nuclear triad will cost the U.S. taxpayer $2 trillion. The most likely return on “investment” is nuclear winter and mass death.

Thirdly, America’s current arsenal, especially the Navy’s Trident submarine force, is extremely potent, highly survivable, and more than sufficient to deter any enemy.

At the height of the Cold War, I served in Cheyenne Mountain. As a young Air Force lieutenant, I witnessed a simulated nuclear attack on the U.S. by the Soviet Union. Even on the primitive monitors we had back in 1986, seeing Soviet missile tracks terminating at American cities was unforgettable.

We must stop building genocidal nuclear weapons. We must instead renew international efforts and treaties to downsize these dreadful and dangerous arsenals. Spending yet more trillions on more world-shattering nukes is worse than a mistake—it’s a crime against humanity.

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They've never published any of my letters, either, Bill. And they reject my comments from time to time, as well, especially when I'm critical of NYT editorial policy. ; )

Doesn't detract from the relevance and the truth of your statements!

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It seems well-reasoned. I can see why they wouldn't publish it. No sense in giving space to the other side of the discussion.

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The NYT refused to publish many of my comments in different articles. At least they didn't ban you from commenting like The Washington Post did to me for a week after deleting this comment posted on February 28, the 4th Day of the Russian SMO;

"When Western governments declare publicly it’s goal and objective it to destroy the Russian Economy without using bombs, Armageddon/WWIII has already started.

History proves it’s much easier to start Wars than to end them. It took 20 years and $2 TRILLION for the US to extricate itself from the humiliating defeat in Afghanistan.

I expect Putin will use the ‘nuclear option’ in the Economic War, and will turn off Nord Stream I and all oil and gas pipelines passing through Ukraine to keep Western Europe’s Economy going.

The question will be who can endure material privation and want longer? Russians who are accustomed to it, or Western Europeans who aren’t, when both the Russian and European Economies crash?

I made this comment in the same article after that one,

“I read the Daily OSCE reports on truce violations between Ukraine held territory and rebel held territory that increased dramatically since Biden promised to kill Nord Stream II, the US was trying to stop under Trump.

The Rebels were under no Legal or moral obligation to accept the 2014 US Coup/regime change of the Elected Russian friendly government the majority Russian speaking Ukrainians in the East and Crimea Voted for, installing the Neo-Nazi anti-Russian government headed by the Man US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland was caught on tape saying she wanted even before the Coup, starting the 8 year Ukrainian Civil War and now the World is at the precipice of Armageddon/WWIII because of that 2014 US Coup.”

I got this from The Washington Post deleting both comments with the 1st of 7 suspensions..

Your account has been temporarily suspended from commenting

In accordance with The Washington Post’s community guidelines your account has been temporarily suspended. While suspended you will not be able to comment, use reactions or report comments.

Please rejoin the conversation on March 7, 2022, 1:42 PM

So much for the US/NATO demonizing Putin shutting down free expression and contrary points of view within Russia!

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I'd guess you were banned because of the Neo-Nazi reference. You're not supposed to say that, Ray.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

I suppose I was prepared to be banned when an Ottawa Court sent me to jail in 1977 for the 1st Time in my life at 31 for violating a 1 year probation that didn't have any of the many usual standard conditions checked off in the Probation Form.

There was only 1 Condition of Probation TYPED IN at the bottom of the Form with these explicit words, "Not to attend on the Sparks Street Mall or any other Street in Ottawa for the purpose of SPEAKING or shouting"

Now it's called "Political Correctness" no one can violate or there will be real job and financial consequences. It keeps many Politicians & MSM people in line.

With Trudeau budgeting $25,000,000,000 to buy US Military Hardware from the US Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex, including 80 F-35s since the start of the Ukraine War over DEMOCRACY, with that personal experience, I know it's all BS!


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Your experience supports my view that the slogan of the NYT is actually "all the news that's fit to wrap fish."

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8 hrs agoLiked by Bill Astore

"All the news that fits our views".

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The New York Slimes.

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One should not forget that the same „gang“ that gave the world the Middle East catastrophe are also involved in the Ukraine/Russia (US/Russia) war. The triumphalist mindset running the foreign affairs of this country doesn’t or can’t understand how „others“ perceive America. Yesterday I received from Germany a copy of a book I read more than ten years ago and lost. It is a book by the late independent German scholar Karlheinz Deschner who spent his life researching and writing on various topics. I own a number of his books which unfortunately are not available in English translation. The book I received yesterday is a critical history of the USA. The title of the book is quite thought provoking for anyone who knows a little bit about ancient Middle East history and religion. DER MOLOCH - Eine kritische Geschichte der USA, 1992. The Canaanite (also Carthaginian) god Moloch was worshipped by burning (sacrificing) of children. Deschner takes in America’s development from its beginning to the Gulf War of 1991. It is not a pleasant book to read and the author is well informed. It is not what is presented as American history from elementary school to college/university. The closest American equivalent is Howard Zinn‘s A PEOPLES HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Maybe the time has come for Americans to realize that times have changed and that the „insular“ isolation that it has enjoyed for over two hundred years is over and that the bullying tactics it has used don’t work anymore. I think that the foreign policy planners need to look more seriously at Russia and what Russia is capable of. The Russians sacrificed about 27 million of citizens to defeat Hitler and they burned down Moscow to defeat Napoleon. Thy know their history and know sacrifice. Americans don’t know either. What they know is mostly exceptional myths. Bill, thank you for thoughtful rumination.

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Thanks, Karl.

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I live only 50 miles from Omaha/ Bellevue were NORAD is located. I don’t want me or my son and his children to be incinerated form American (capitalist) interests. I also don’t want them to grow up in a devastated country as I did. I am selfish.

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You are sane.

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I like to think so.

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You are NOT selfish, Karl

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Dennis, thank you. I tried to live my life accordingly.

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On the other hand if we were a bit more insular isolationist we wouldn't be so much of an internationalist bully. Just saying.

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Alex, my reference to “insular” was meant geographically. Two weak neighbors and two oceans.

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But "insular" also applies to the U.S. mindset, IMO. Such thinking is what has given rise to the prevalent national conviction of American exceptionalism, dating from the end of the 19th century. Especially obnoxious in the last 75 to 100 years.

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I read a reference to a Senator Hale from, I believe, New Hampshire, who claimed exceptionalism for the ISA on the Senate floor in the 1850s. In the 1820s the Monroe Doctrine was officially announced. And then there were the Puritan clergy who claimed a special „divine“ calling during the colonial era. The concept is part of the American historical psyche.

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Very good. Thanks.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoLiked by Bill Astore

Awesome presentation in your podcast, Bill! We see eye to eye on that! WE includes most of the other activists in your Blog. I'd be happy to see you as an "Expert" on the MSM, or your own YouTube or X place.

To affirm and confirm your outlook, it was President Kennedy who recognized what must be done to prevent a Nuclear Power conflict between the Soviet Russians and the US in his 1963 Peace Speech calling for Good Faith Negotiations to ensure a Durable PEACE.

Kennedy uttered the essential TRUTH that can keep us alive today in 1963-2024/5:

“Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy–or of a collective death-wish for the world.” Kennedy was KILLED months after delivering his PEACE with Russia speech.

To affirm and confirm your outlook Today, Bill, on ALL SOULS DAY, November 2, 1976, The Kansas City Times published a followup to the September 13, 1976 Newspaper record warning about an impending WAR WITH RUSSIA.

This is the photo that accompanied the ALL SOULS DAY article with the header, 'Prophet Plans Appeal Of Conviction' : https://rayjc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/kansas-city-times-november-2-1976-all-souls-day-2.jpg

Having no power or influence in the making of the movie THE DAY AFTER Kansas City of all US cities, was incinerated in a Nuclear Holocaust 7 Years to the month later, on November 20, 1983, it was a BIG surprise to me, more than for anyone else, to see after the Destruction, the movie pauses at the VERY SAME PICTURE FRAME published by The Kansas City Times on ALL SOULS DAY, 1976.

Seeing I had nothing to do with it, the reader has to decide for themselves, the probabilities of whether it's Coincidence OR Design and a Sign there may be a greater POWER at work behind the scenes unseen?

TV screen shot: https://rayjc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/final-frames-1983-movie-the-day-after-kansas-city-was-destroyed.jpg

Movie Clip same scene: https://youtu.be/q7J8eMyK1DI

What all out Nuclear WAR would look like: https://youtu.be/7VG2aJyIFrA?si=pCf1Pb10Lp0Ndi3n

It would certainly be a Judgment by FIRE! It would be the consequence of Humanity lack of Just Judgment, mostly by the Rich and Powerful, acquiesced to by the Silent Majority sitting on the Fence.

Watching the Signs of the Times closely, the leading indicators moved me to publish this parallel to Bill's view at the beginning of the US WAR with RUSSIA over NATO in Ukraine with US Troops and Missiles right on Russia's bordedare have troops and missiles in Cuba;


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Thanks, Ray. The MSM isn't calling. In fact, I submitted an Op-ed and a Letter to the Editor to the New York Times in response to a recent op-ed from a Congressman calling for more nukes.

Both my letter and op-ed were rejected.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Excellent comments today Ray - refreshingly without reference to a 2,000-year-old book!

Take care my friend

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Dennis, you may like this interview of your hero Christopher Hitchens from April, 2002. As to the priorities, we're in agreement!


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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoLiked by Bill Astore

I made reference to Doctor Strangelove yesterday - and by implication his mad partner, General Jack Ripper with his mine shaft gap. But even more than the theoreticians of the age of MAD - who spoke in terms of multiple layers of deterrence while having a first strike plan in reserve; we now have academics and military 'leaders' believing and advocating for the concept of winnable nuclear wars (basically escalate to de-escalate). And with the end-times fervor of some Christian and Israeli religious sects in positions of influence, we are in an extremely perilous time.

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"Yet certain 'experts' seemingly want it to escalate to World War III with nukes."

I don't think anyone wants an escalation, and I do note your "seemingly" qualifier, Bill. But I think it's a matter of sheer hubris. The people making the policy decisions believe themselves to be the ones with a lock on infallible judgment. They're so sure of themselves, they don't see what they're doing as gambling, which is REALLY scary.

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High on their own supply--and they control the nukes. Yes, it's scary.

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Our species deserves extinction. Dogs and horses don’t.

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I'm coming to the same conclusion. Thru out evolution many species have falling into extinction due to lack of adapting to environmental and genetic change. I'm coming to the conclusion we may fall into the sinkhole of extinction as well. We need to control our fight or flight evolutionary instincts and start using our enhanced large brain power. Lets focus our (large) brain power on living another day not fighting our way to nuclear Armageddon

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Very WELL said, Jazzme. Thank You for sharing those thoughts and convictions.

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....or any other non-human creatures.

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Personally I don't think our species deserves extinction. But we do deserve a lot better class of leaders.

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Please point thou finger at self. We vote em in

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Not me. Not this crowd.

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8 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Cheyenne Mountain. Too bad you couldn't have taken pictures and shown us taxpayers what we paid for (sarc). I guess that where Congress and the President will go if there is a nuclear war. It figures. In the Western canon the Government always survives even if the populace dies. In the book "Fail Safe" a computer error causes a group of U.S. bombers to be given the order to attack Moscow. In spite of best efforts by both sides one bomber gets through and nukes Moscow. As penance, the US agrees to nukes one of our cities, but the city chosen is NYC rather than Washington, D.C. as you might suspect it would be. The President endures suffering because his wife is shopping there but at least the government is safe. For some reason you never see "Fail Safe" on TV, even though the movie is highly rated. I wonder why that is??

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Alex: I believe I heard "Fail Safe" was based on JFK, and his Wife shopping was Jackie. Not as successful as Dr. Strangelove, in the Box Office, but critically it was...! Very similar to Dr. Strangelove, so much so that I heard plaigiarism Lawsuits were filed back then.

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I wouldn't doubt it. Strangelove has moments of farce. Fail Safe doesn't. In the 2017 Putin Interviews Oliver Stone gets Putin to watch Strangelove. Then he gives him the DVD in the case. Except the case is empty. Putin opens it and says, humerously, "Typical American gift".

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Ha, ha, ha... Robert Kraft Owner of the NE New England Patriots NFL Football Team once let Putin try on one of his World Championship Rings when visiting the US Putin never gave it back thinking it was a "Gift" It was not Kraft said!!! True story.

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I remember that. I recall that Kraft basically said he's welcome to it. Big Power Politics. Out of my league. I don't have a Super Bowl ring in any case.

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Nice Rings more like a Sapphire & Diamond encrusted Ingot than Ring worth close to 6 Figures, or so...lol

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Back in the day our Big Oil company sent a company jet and an exec to the Soviet Union to do an oil deal. One of the pilots had his own calculator. He was told to keep it on the jet. Apparently they didn't want their own pilots getting jealous. Another time a college friend went to the SU as a high school student. He and a friend were admitted to an otherwise closed restaurant. The first thing the waiter did was offer to buy the shirt off his back. Tales from the USSR.

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Early this year, the members of the board of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists kept the Doomsday Clock at 23:58:30, just 90 seconds to midnight where it was set the previous year. They haven't changed it yet, but given the current situation I would be inclined to advance the Doomsday Clock to 23:59:59, just about one second to midnight. https://wrknight.substack.com/p/235959

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Good podcast. Maybe someday they'll discuss this stuff in one of those "debates" pundits like to talk about. But I'm not holding my breath.

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When I did my "Penal Servitude" for SAC Strategic Air Command, USAF 73-77 I was Serving all 3 "Sky-Cop" (we carried 38 Revolvers & M-16's. 12 Gauge Shotguns too)-- areas of operation & security: Base Security, Convoys (Nuclear Weapons), Runways (the B-52's. "BUFFS"), and the Missile Fields (MInuteman MIRVS} It was interesting to say the least. I actually touched them the Warheads, and been in the Cockpits of B-52's. The Pilots some were younger than the Buffs that they flew! We patrolled the Flight Lines & Missile Fields too... I can't see how the Fixed Site ICBM's are still relevant myself. When in I was talking to one Major Missile Combat Crew member in our LCF (Launch Control Facility) below ground where they stayed. He had a Top Secret Clearance and said their missiles targeted China & the Soviet Union, and if we were ever defeated some were even targeted for the LCF's. LCC's, (Launch Control Centers) where we were on Duty in order to keep the weapons systems from going to the enemy. Not sure if he was pulling my leg on that last pt. Sometimes Warrant Officer's who needed Flight time to keep their flying pay would take us up in their Helicopters to check the Missile Sites too. "Peace Is Our Profession" Our Motto.... With regards to the NYT I hope you cancelled your Subscription. :/ :o) What I remember most was our returning from Vietnam "Sky Cops" They were Untouchable-- still got to wear their "Jungle Boots" "Jungle Fatigues" & Berets even though they were now back in the World as "Shorttimers" lol Always Chirping Short, short, short on their Radio's. Telling us all about the Re-up Birds & Fuck -U Lizards in SE Asia!

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If they show Zelensky autographing a nuclear warhead then I'll know it's time to panic.

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RFK Jr will be speaking in Washington DC this Sunday 29th at the Rescue the Republic Rally along with Russel Brand, Bret Weinstein, Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard, Pierre Kory, Del Bigtree, and a whole host of other freedom-fighting all-stars.

To see the full lineup and other details, please visit the following link: https://jointheresistance.org/ 4

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Great blog today, Bill. What you do best my friend!

What a surprise your letter to the NY Slimes was rejected!

ALL my comments on New Zealand online newspaper sites disappear in 15-minutes!*

The Russia-Ukraine War...eeerm... SMO would have been over in a month if the Yanks had minded their own godamn business! And the Murican taxpayers way better off! Millions still alive!

On Feb. 24, 2022 what Putin said was Russia sought the "demilitarization and denazification" of Ukraine, and Russia had no plans to occupy Ukrainian land, and threatened severe consequences for any country that intervened. Putin announced that Russia was launching a "Special Military Operation " to defend the Russian-controlled territories in eastern Ukraine, the Donetsk Peoples Republic and Luhansk Peoples Republic Under Article 51 of The United Nations Charter

Of course, Western propogandists said he was full of shit. A known lair. And that Vladimir Putin, a heinous dictator, one morning over breakfast had decided to emulate Adolf Hitler and take over the World starting with invading his neighbor the Ukraine!

That was the headline in every MSM breaking news!

Here is what my favorite blogger James Howard Kunstler says what really happened

I think his explanation is the most accurate!

“What sounded like a great idea to Neo-cons in the United States - to use Ukraine as a bear trap - rather suddenly revealed Europe’s and America’s manifold bankruptcies and revolted the whole rest of the world outside of Western Civilization.

Imagine Mr. Zelensky’s predicament. Mighty America and redoubtable Europe conned the former comedian to thinking that if he went along with a genius scheme to ruin Russia and knock off Putin, his sad-sack country would be transformed into something like Ukro-Disneyworld, while he, Mr. Z, would be lionized and made rich beyond his wildest imaginings. His backup was the greatest hegemonic power the world has ever seen. What could go wrong?

The poor schlemiel fell for it. He let NATO (that is, the USA) set-up, equip, and train the largest army in Europe, including battalions of bad-ass, hard-core Ukro-Nazis who had previously been so useful in the American-sponsored 2014 Maidan “Colour Uprising.” Mr. Z followed the US State Department’s orders to rain down artillery on Russian-speakers who lived in his own eastern provinces. Killing 14,000 civilians. He formally applied for membership in the NATO club. His country received billions of US dollars without audit oversight, just screaming to be creamed off by Ukraine’s corrupt leadership."

*EDIT: Their new trick is to say someone has hacked your account to post misinformation. So, we must close your account....ggrrrhh!

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Plus Boris Johnson told Zelensky the West would keep him safe from the Azov nationalists in the capital. Otherwise we would leave him to the wolves. At that point Zelensky should have just left the country with his millions rather than be complicit in the destruction of Ukraine. IMHO

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How did Dr Oppenheimer put it?

"Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds."

The Story of that Infamous Quote : https://www.wired.com/story/manhattan-project-robert-oppenheimer/ .

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