Jun 24Liked by Bill Astore

Our only Jewish candidate is the one standing firmly for the Palestinians. Go figure. I could support Kennedy if he'd have a come to Jesus moment on the Palestinians. We listened to his VP choice in her lame stance on the genocide. Depressing.

Thanks, Bill, for your commitment to watch the debates so we don't have to. I'm sure the clips will be enough to cause nausea for weeks. We look forward to your report on the sure to be pathetic event--both from what CNN will actually address and the childish responses of its grumpy old farts. The world awaits our democracy in action.

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Yes Bill, it is enough to make you PUKE!

I long for the day that I can again vote FOR a candidate, rather than AGAINST the greater of two evils.

There MUST be another RFK waiting in the wings somewhere, but he is probably afraid of being ASSASSINATED by the war profiteers (and congressmen) that are making out so well in this current disgusting mess that we find ourselves in.

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Jun 24Liked by Bill Astore

I would say that one difference between the two candidates is that many people are excited about Trump. I don't know anyone who is excited about Biden. Except for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Actually I don't know them either. I would guess they don't hobnob with mere citizens.

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Yes, Trump is rarely boring.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Dr. Jill Stein's Green Party peace platform seems to be the only choice for peace.

And the US's only hope to pull itself back from the abyss it is heading for.

But as I keep telling folks:

Stein only got 0.36% of the vote in 2012. And 1.07% in 2016.

In 2020 Howie Hawkins taking over the Green Party baton got a pathetic 0.3%.

Ralph Nadar, with his huge respect and great name recognition, only got 2.7% in 2000 running as a Green.

The Green Party has never got any traction in the US. "Those Greeny Tree Huggers"! Worse than the "Commies" for most Yanks. And Stein has spoiled her own nest with serious voters by initially promoting the goofy Cornell West as the Green Party 2024 POTUS candidate - until he flaked out!

Besides,with the US's first-past-the-post voting, and the anachronistic Electoral College and its Superdelegates, there is not even a theoretical chance a Third-Party candidate can be elected POTUS. Read this link and weep:


It's a systemic problem. Proven in 1992 when Billionaire Ross Perot challenged GW Bush and Clinton on a populist platform of slashing the budget deficit. He got an amazing 19.0% of the vote ~ but didn’t receive a plurality of voters in any state, giving him ZERO ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES.

Until America changes its method of voting in its President, its stuck with one UniParty. Two cheeks of the same ass. There are viable options that could be adopted using due process. But if you want an idea of the difficulty of changing America's voting system, and what American's are up against - think of how difficult it is proving for them to change the 2nd Amendment. Impossible.

Voting for the wonderful Dr. Jill Stein is wasting your vote. Sorry. She can NEVER become the 47th POTUS. If you want even an infinitesimal chance of America improving for the better.....one needs to hold one's nose and vote TRUMP 2024

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Don't forget NOTC, Dennis. (Beating Jeff to the punch.)

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Folks keep forgetting Bill that America IS NOT A DEMOCRACY.

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Can You point to any 21st, 20th, 19th, 18th, or 17th century Nation that is or was a "DEMOCRACY"? Can You point to ANY Government of any political entity throughout Human History that was one?

For starters: How do You define "democracy"?

Would it be "democracy" if 51% of the Voters voted to seize the property and wealth assets of the other 49% and redistribute it among themselves?

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We are barely a Republic.

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Heh. Thankee, Bill. But as i promised last week, i'll have nothing further to say about or on behalf of NOTC until our Web and Substack sites are up and operational. Which is currently projected to happen on July 4, 2024, the 248th anniversary of the start of the Experiment called The United States of America.

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NOTC defn: Alfred E. Neuman for President! LOL

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Neuman would ~ because he could ~ be no worse a President than either Trump was or Biden is.

Nor could he be worse than either would be if they become the next President.

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Dennis you have to start thinking like a politician. For Stein you should have said that she got 3 TIMES THE VOTE in 2016 as in 2012!

I'm afraid that tomorrow Jamaal Bowman is going be sunk by the huge AIPAC contribution to his opponent Latimer, all dumped into what today goes for politics - flooding the media with negative ads never mentioning Israel, that's the AIPAC method.

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I agree about the systemic election problems and think the U.S. needs multiple viable political parties.

That said, let me relate a story. In 2016, a Dem phone banker called me to urge me to vote for Hillary. I said, "Not with a gun to my head." The woman asked why, and I outlined the various reasons I loathed HRC: hawkish, corporate shill, etc. The woman then said, "Then you're voting Republican." I said, "Not with a gun to my head." The woman then asked for whom I WAS voting, then. I told her I was voting for Jill Stein. The woman then got indignant, asking why I'd vote for someone who couldn't possibly win. My answer was that I was voting for the person I'd like to see in office. Well!! My caller was most offended and hung up on me.

Now I constantly read that if one votes for anyone other than the DNC or RNC candidate, one is giving one's vote to the opposite candidate to the one under discussion, and there are statistics to prove it. So if one wants to "win," one is stuck with the lesser of two evils. Otherwise, one can vote according to conscience and be told one is a traitor to one of the parties or is "wasting" the vote. I'm with Jerry Garcia: "The lesser of two evils is still evil." Or, as one if my friends puts it, "the lesser of two weevils."

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... agree w-most-everything Astore's saying, except for the part about 'being-unhappy, vote-someone-else'... sooooo wish that were possible.. it-isn't... it is for sure an absolutely horrible-choice(s)-system .. and

... we must now swallow-it, and vote the non-authoritarian.. NOT-the-wanna-be-dictator

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".. autocrats are united in their disregard for human rights and human dignity and their attempt to persuade people that it is in their interests to support governments that take their rights away. This seems to be Trump’s project as well. The former president may be telling us that he will only be a dictator for one day, but no authoritarian has ever relinquished power once he gains it and the strongmen he exalts have all been in power for many years"


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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Who is "the-wanna-be-dictator" bj?

The idea that Trump is trying to become a dictator or, bizarrely, already is one, is simply false, and is a lie.

Press censorship and violence always go along with dictators, yet there are an awful lot of examples of censorship of pro-Trump content rather than anti-Trump content. There are also a lot of examples of Trump supporters being harangued simply for their political beliefs.

Political violence and censorship are indeed on the rise in the US, but it is not being driven by President Trump. It is being driven by his deranged opponents typified by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

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Your opening paragraph is describes the simple solution to the recruiting shortfall. Powerful pondering, Bill.

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Great positive assay. Give us old lefties we can have a similar transition to socialism/comune(ism)

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Good musings Bill. Will be linking them today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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The Due Dissidence guys have an X video of what's clearly a working-class guy crying in his car because he can't afford to feed his family, even though he owns a painting business. It's heartbreaking to listen to him.

He talks of 'stupid Biden' and 'stupid Trump'. In his quavering voice you can hear the political system has no answers - no matter which candidate or party. In the comments they make after - the one that lingers is that a real fascist could arise that speaks to this man's desperation - and the tens of millions like him.


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