This is not a new phenomenon. The wealthy have controlled the world since money was invented. The wealthy don't want progressive change. Look at how much the media and government have vilified socialism and communism as the stuff of evil tyrants and dictators. That is absurd as both alternate political systems are about empowering workers and preventing the rise of a wealthy class. If you were a creepy rich person, you would absolutely fear and hate communism the most as it eliminates investors and corporate owners from the picture. If the workers own and operate the industry or business, then the profits flow to the workers, not investors or elite owners. Marx himself made the point very early that the current type of capitalism was of the primitive sort with lots of exploitation and thievery of other countries resources. A more mature form of capitalism would transfer the ownership and benefits of industrial activity to the workers, rather than investors. What could possibly be more terrifying to the investor class?
If you want an answer of how this system can be overturned, there are plenty of examples from the past, and most of them were fairly brutal and bloody. I don't think Americans are ready for the gallows or guillotines yet, but the simmering is starting to get to a boil. I would argue that you Bill, and others like Larry Johnson, Aaron Mate, Ray McGovern, Judge Napolitano, Max Blumenthal and many, many others are already doing what is needed most. Break through the narrative management that floods the airwaves, cableways and printed "journalism". We need to counter the propaganda in engaging ways and get as many people as possible to turn away from the Corporate-Owned-News. It is our best hope right now, so my advice is to keep up the good work, and don't let up for a second.
First of all, don't listen to people like Toma because there is nothing about communism or socialism that has to do with violence. That is the nonsense that the rich want you to believe. I am not a communist or a socialist, I am a humanist, but that makes me much more sympathetic to communism and socialism than to capitalism. Face it, capitalism is about making an extremely hierarchical society with a few extremely rich people, some well off people, some middle class people and a whole lot of poor and struggling people. Why anyone other that the well off would want that system is beyond me.
Cuba is a very well organized communist society that would be doing very well right now if it weren't for the US blockade that has been going on since the 1950s. China is a socialist country that is doing markedly better than the paper-capitalist system in the US. Even some EU countries are socialist and are doing just fine, but they are drifting toward vulture capitalism like the US because of pressure from the US.
Capitalism is about greed, nothing more. Societies don't have to be based on personal greed, and that is something that most people should agree on.
Socialism is the first step to communism which is a violent overthrow of capitalism. The workers overthrow the capitalist and take over the means of production.
After that is accomplished things get rather vague by Marx and Engels, with no plan other than a gradual transition to paradise and a utopia. Read the communist manifesto. It's short. Don't bother with Dad Kapitol it's as useful as Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard. Or the Bible.
It's never worked and will never work. Imagine the military or a mfg plant with no one in charge as simple example.
If you want a close approximation of communism read about the ! Kung a hunter gatherer tribe. "The old Way" by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas is one. Like virtually all indigenous people their society has been destroyed by western civilization in making them civilized.
All good, John, except I would question that fear of communism is absurd. The USSR showed that the few got into power over the many and the result was a dreary life, not nearly so unfair as under capitalism, but not something that those living under the system liked and certainly did not enjoy. Socialism short of communism has been much better allowing the people a decent quality of life and suppressing ultra-wealth.
i'll ask You the same question, Clif, that i asked John: Can You clarify the difference between "socialism" and "communism"? Or refer me to someone who can?
The difference between socialism and communism is that communism is the extreme end of the spectrum where the workers get everything, and there are no oligarchs. Socialism is where you make a compromise between capitalism and communism and you allow for some stratification of society, but not nearly as bad as in capitalism. Socialism, for example, might allow a 10 to 1 ratio in pay from boss to janitor, whereas in capitalism that ratio can go into the thousands to 1 ratio range. In communism there is much less stratification because workers own the industries and businesses. In fact, many US companies are worker-owned, (e.g., Kind Arthur Flour) which is pretty much what communism is about.
Stalin referred to his program as "Socialism in one country" after the failure of communism to convert Western Europe. The difference seems to be communism presupposes an international headquarters (i.e. Moscow) whereas socialism does not.
Bill and Jeff, that was a good exchange of ideas - thanks!
I think partisan beliefs have become another form of identity -along with all the others; take your pick of your acronyms and pronouns. When coupled with economic fears and uncertainties, and constant propaganda about the next thing to fear - we now have 'bird flu' on the way, people have become conditioned by the MSM and the political class to put their hopes and trust in their own avatars of goodness, and hate -not just disagree - those on the other side of the contrived divide.
I fear it will only be something so dreadful that it will awaken our citizens to how many lies they have been fed by a completely corrupt elite: 'the indispensable nation'; the 'land of the free and the home of the brave'; 'the worlds strongest economy'; and having 'the finest fighting force in history'.
I'm not sure if its a sinking of an aircraft carrier and the loss of 5,000 sailors off Iran or Yemen; a limited nuclear exchange in Israel and Lebanon, or a collapse of the US banking system and a shuttering of all ATMs and credit cards - but it will take more than just another political party struggling to break through supported by the alternative media.
People are going to need to throw the sabots (wooden shoes) into the system and say no more. Maybe we'd then even get the guillotine and a few hanging trees.
To your point on "left, right and center," here is a musing I wrote back in the early Obama years. I stand by it, but remain mystified by how entrenched people remain to parties that have betrayed them election after election.
Left, Right, and Center
I’m not a party loyalist.
How anyone can be in our media-blitzed day
is a mystery to me.
Listen to a debate of the party loyalists who jab and
stab while promising change and bi-partisan cooperation,
and one quickly sees
how shallow the words and
how deep the lies.
Promises made and promises broken, yet always the
promise of regaining American greatness,
as though one person could offer such greatness
to a nation.
As though we knew for certain
what greatness they would impart.
It is but mere distraction
from the responsibilities of the people,
this search for their left, right, and center
no party can endorse—
lost as parties are in dividing “us” and “them.”
They keep the volume high to drown out
the voices of the weak, the prophetic—
lest we find another way to humility and grace.
If we are to be the hope of a better-governed world,
let us find our leftist wing in caring for the poor and
engaging in labor’s honest, sacred work.
Let us find our rightist wing
of a better conservatism that honors
local investments in
local businesses with
local accountability and
local conservation.
Let us find our center of egalitarian affection,
cultural celebration, uncompromised compassion,
and sacred expression.
Let us see that we cannot live well walking a party line
defined by money, power, and greed.
Let us see what we forfeit when we concede
our future to present-day lies.
Let us see a way forward,
moving from executive monarchs and
beltway control to a million solutions
in a million places
for the millions gathered
in their unique and lovely places.
And where the lies have changed the lovely to the ugly,
PS A number of years ago in a discussion of people's blind investments in mutual funds, I challenged an ordained Presby minister whose husband was a lawyer as to whether she knew where their money was invested, since she was forthright in speaking out against militarism. Her answer was she didn't know. Her husband handled their investments. Nor did it move her to find out. Too many fear risks to their security if we rock the MIC even a bit. She continues to live the good life on her "moral high ground."
After WWII, there was the ironic term 'Good German' for those who claimed they didn't support the Nazis and didn't know about the Holocaust. More and more it looks like we're headed to the term 'Good American' for the same reasons.
Or maybe the ostrich is a better phrase? I know people who are willfully ignorant and do not want to know. Just let me get on with my life is their only desire and they refuse to admit any responsibility for how things are.
Interesting article in July - August 2020 Harvard Business Review, "Fixing U.S. Politics." Theory is that Dems / Reps form a duopoly, and behave like any other duopoly. Their fix is to change the system to allow for more competition in politics through rank choice voting and open primaries. They also propose putting aside the rule book for the House and Senate, and creating new rules that incentivize working in the public interest, instead of partisanship. They also discuss a trend (in 2020) toward new standards of business behavior when engaging in politics and government. Worth reading for thoughts on how the structure of our system affects results we get.
There is no peaceful way. Nor is there a violent way.
Peaceful ways result in violent suppression by the government and twisted lies by the media.
With the surveillance state imposed by the government it's impossible for the people to unite to form a coalition. The justice system would quickly dispose of them individually. If the British had the surveillance capabilities of today the American revolution would never have happened.
The country is divided in two by the government and a non peaceful blood revolution would only result in chaos or military intervention and suppression by the government. Chaos with an outcome determined by the 1% most likely. It will make the civil war look like a picnic.
It's irrelevant however since the real revolution is going to be climate change in all of it's manifestations worldwide. Displacement of people from rising oceans, crop failure and food shortages, extreme weather and heat events, collapse of economies and war for resources. A asteroid the size of the last mass extinction would be much more merciful than what civilization is about to go through.
The 1% are not stupid. It's time to think about what they have planned for us. Voting is a bad joke. Vote for whomever. It's not going to change anything. Mother nature is now in total control.
Maybe build yourself a bunker for a few more months life .
The Rich will have their safe havens, Yachts, Castles, Islands & Fortresses to ensure their dubious integrity & poor leadership. Payment & payback is long overdue. The Planet I'm afraid will shake/ shrug us off like so many dogs fleas. I wish the world & I were younger than today. I hope I'll be damned, but it sure seems as though we're headed for a fall Toma. Unless a new leader can burst on the scene and unite the world. I would be extremely grateful if we could get all this worlds problems under control tho. before the end of it all...!
You're a pragmatist and a realist. "You've been there and done that " and so have I. Cockroaches may survive and enough life forms to start afresh. I have my own theory on the elites plan for us which I mentioned here once before. I won't post it again. Contact me directly if you like. We're being controlled by evil people. There is no limit to their depravity as should be clear and evident. It should be obvious but isn't to most. Apparently the entire western society is under the same control. The accelerated rate of climate change and its implications are been ignored by politicians in the controlling countries. Drastic measures needed to be made 20 to 40 years ago. The effects will be slow at first and then rapidly accelerate as is happening now. Doomsayers are ignored as are realists. Think happy thoughts! Go shopping! People are soon to find out that the whole planet is Gaza.
And the elite won't have a planet left to survive on.
Saganism is the answer. I can't rem. the ques. :/ :o) for this demon haunted world. Science & knowledge is the Candle to light the darkness. If we still have enough time
It's not obvious that Progressives are anti-war. Woodrow Wilson took us in to the Great War. FDR the Second World War, LBJ to Vietnam. And of course Biden has us fighting Russia, a stance that Bernie Sanders etc. seems to favor (several Progressive Congressmen called for negotiations but quickly backed down when told their stance would echo that of some Republicans). In the Congress, the only real opposition to said war with Russia comes from Mike Lee, J.D. Vance, and other "paleoconservative" Republicans (as opposed to the pro-war neoconservatives). And perhaps Trump, which is why neocon magazines such as National Review and Commentary don't particularly like Trump. BTW here's Trump on Zelensky and his endless demands for money:
Trump often has reasonable impulses or instincts. But he gets re-routed by the Deep State or his orders just get ignored. I understand he wanted to pull US troops out of Syria but somehow that just didn't happen. People in the government who ignore what Trump wants can count on the news media to run cover for them. AG Jeff Sessions would be one example.
I just wonder who you think are Progressives in Congress? Are there any? They can't be Democrats, as all, and I do mean ALL, are pro-war for this war on Russia.
Well at least there's one Libertarian. Rand Paul. Rand Paul for President. As for "Progressive" it seems to be a much overused term. My guess is that most elected Democrats would style themselves as "Progressive". Or perhaps their definition doesn't include questions of war and peace.
Without hesitation I would say Rashida Tlaib is progressive. She is addressing many issues that have nothing to do with Israel/Palestine and I think she has a good chance of remaining in office no matter how much $$$ AIPAC spends against her.
For your poll, my outlier survey responses would be no, no, never, and no chance at all.
In every form of data now made available, all US institutions are infected with the rot of Christian xenophobic corporate fascist militarism.
Bernie never came within a Vermont country mile of anything approximating a legislative pinprick against these powers, and, of course, for all of his "democratic socialist" smokescreen, he only got entrance to the exclusive bigot's club by being elected in a contest with 50,000 voters, less than in one NYC housing project. Bernie won in his little backwater by kissing every policeman's baby, making his adoption of "revolution" branding a flat-out joke.
No more talk of shedding anyone's blood for this now hopeless spectacle. Hang on as the rollercoaster ride continues its harrowing descent.
In Olympics diving competitions, low scores are thrown out.
I have been reading a history of the 20th century and it almost makes me cry to read of the 1970's when it seemed so much was being accomplished to change the country in a positive way. Questioning of everything, investigations of the CIA, Roe vs Wade, and on and on. It has all been rolled back and then some.
My take on it is that national unrest created by the Vietnam War was driving change. Wealth was terrified that chaos was threatening order and concessions had to be made. Blacks were in the streets as were anti-war protesters. Violent actions (Weather Underground, etc.) were taking place. Even Nixon was creating more regulation, promoting the environment, etc. The government was doing what it was hoped it would do by the founders - responding to the people.
Then things calmed down and the right got to work as never before. And here we are. Today, as opposed to the 70's, Congress is a dysfunctional circus, the adults in the room long retired. Media is as obedient to power as ever. The population is divided between fanatics and those who just want to get through and hold on to what they have. There is one ray of hope - the internet. But as in the late 60's and the 70's disorder must come in order for change to follow. Trump as president just might bring this on as he is a stick of dynamite. His attempt to complete the job of the right (while ranting about a non-existent "radical left" may bring the explosion needed.
And in the background, global warming is ramping up faster than expected, forcing change in ways I cannot predict.
My simple answer as an outsider, to an extent, is that America needs to be militarily humiliated for the people to face reality. When American cities burn instead of Iraqi, Libyan, Vietnamese, etc. the citizens of this country will be forced to hold accountable those responsible for their blight. It is, no doubt, a very bleak opinion, but in my estimation it will only change through an existential threat.
You may well be right. Nothing teaches like experience. I wonder, though, what the result of nuclear war might be for the survivors, if any. Would there be a rage against technology for bringing the end? Would religion rise up to become controlling again with science reviled? In other words, a new dark age?
First, it doesn’t have to be a nuclear defeat. Second, if it should come that then the Dark Ages of long ago would be a golden age. BTW, religion already is in the ascendancy in many parts of the world, including the U.S.
"religion poisons everything" -- Meanwhile, Trump sells his special "patriotic" Bible for $59.99, encouraging religious nationalism while promoting his own grift.
I'm not "smearing" Trump. I'm highlighting the fact he's selling his own version of the Bible for a highly inflated price.
That Bible combines religion with jingoism, i.e. it's Christian nationalism. That is a potent brew that should greatly disturb you, given your rejection of religion and your criticism of U.S. empire.
It's not a "needle in a haystack." It's a match that could set the whole haystack on fire.
You are correct. I experienced the Vietnam war protests. Then there was a peace movement largely because young Americans died and it was on the nightly news. This not the case today. In the eighties there was antinuclear missile movement. This also is absent today. I don’t know what it will take to wake up the people and take their constitutional liberties seriously. Government is supposed to be by the people and for the people. I know this is an idealized notion! Maybe the time will come and people will begin to implement it at last. One can hope.
incremental change ain't gonna get us their. The powers that be will never let that power slip away slowly. If we use history as a guide what comes to mind is the French revolution. The slogan Liberte egalite fraternite fired up a revolt. Bernie came close so close then the machine shut him down and he complied. MLK gave it a shot and he's gone. Maybe we need a black pather revolt where progressives of all colors unite for Liberte egalite fraternite here in the states. The French recent election has shown us that Progressives can win seats in Parliment withour bloodshed. Dire I suggest maybe we can do it here. No. That won't happen cause so many folks are just walking dead zombies. <Not crittical thinkers> just buying into the porpaganda.
No change until the progressive/liberal demand the pentagon and Biden's adoration of NATO driving through the Eurasian heartland be shuttered!
Wil not happen. Progressives have adopted the John Birch (or maybe Hitler's liebensraum) society world view, which NATO is more important than anything aside from beating Trump
Bc Trump is out to get "our democracy" on the to that he is after their sacred our NATO!
This is not a new phenomenon. The wealthy have controlled the world since money was invented. The wealthy don't want progressive change. Look at how much the media and government have vilified socialism and communism as the stuff of evil tyrants and dictators. That is absurd as both alternate political systems are about empowering workers and preventing the rise of a wealthy class. If you were a creepy rich person, you would absolutely fear and hate communism the most as it eliminates investors and corporate owners from the picture. If the workers own and operate the industry or business, then the profits flow to the workers, not investors or elite owners. Marx himself made the point very early that the current type of capitalism was of the primitive sort with lots of exploitation and thievery of other countries resources. A more mature form of capitalism would transfer the ownership and benefits of industrial activity to the workers, rather than investors. What could possibly be more terrifying to the investor class?
If you want an answer of how this system can be overturned, there are plenty of examples from the past, and most of them were fairly brutal and bloody. I don't think Americans are ready for the gallows or guillotines yet, but the simmering is starting to get to a boil. I would argue that you Bill, and others like Larry Johnson, Aaron Mate, Ray McGovern, Judge Napolitano, Max Blumenthal and many, many others are already doing what is needed most. Break through the narrative management that floods the airwaves, cableways and printed "journalism". We need to counter the propaganda in engaging ways and get as many people as possible to turn away from the Corporate-Owned-News. It is our best hope right now, so my advice is to keep up the good work, and don't let up for a second.
Thanks, John.
John: Can You clarify the difference between "socialism" and "communism"? Or refer me to someone who can?
And can You name any nation [past or present] operating under a communist system that You would prefer to live in, rather than the United States?
First of all, don't listen to people like Toma because there is nothing about communism or socialism that has to do with violence. That is the nonsense that the rich want you to believe. I am not a communist or a socialist, I am a humanist, but that makes me much more sympathetic to communism and socialism than to capitalism. Face it, capitalism is about making an extremely hierarchical society with a few extremely rich people, some well off people, some middle class people and a whole lot of poor and struggling people. Why anyone other that the well off would want that system is beyond me.
Cuba is a very well organized communist society that would be doing very well right now if it weren't for the US blockade that has been going on since the 1950s. China is a socialist country that is doing markedly better than the paper-capitalist system in the US. Even some EU countries are socialist and are doing just fine, but they are drifting toward vulture capitalism like the US because of pressure from the US.
Capitalism is about greed, nothing more. Societies don't have to be based on personal greed, and that is something that most people should agree on.
Socialism is the first step to communism which is a violent overthrow of capitalism. The workers overthrow the capitalist and take over the means of production.
After that is accomplished things get rather vague by Marx and Engels, with no plan other than a gradual transition to paradise and a utopia. Read the communist manifesto. It's short. Don't bother with Dad Kapitol it's as useful as Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard. Or the Bible.
It's never worked and will never work. Imagine the military or a mfg plant with no one in charge as simple example.
If you want a close approximation of communism read about the ! Kung a hunter gatherer tribe. "The old Way" by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas is one. Like virtually all indigenous people their society has been destroyed by western civilization in making them civilized.
All good, John, except I would question that fear of communism is absurd. The USSR showed that the few got into power over the many and the result was a dreary life, not nearly so unfair as under capitalism, but not something that those living under the system liked and certainly did not enjoy. Socialism short of communism has been much better allowing the people a decent quality of life and suppressing ultra-wealth.
i'll ask You the same question, Clif, that i asked John: Can You clarify the difference between "socialism" and "communism"? Or refer me to someone who can?
The difference between socialism and communism is that communism is the extreme end of the spectrum where the workers get everything, and there are no oligarchs. Socialism is where you make a compromise between capitalism and communism and you allow for some stratification of society, but not nearly as bad as in capitalism. Socialism, for example, might allow a 10 to 1 ratio in pay from boss to janitor, whereas in capitalism that ratio can go into the thousands to 1 ratio range. In communism there is much less stratification because workers own the industries and businesses. In fact, many US companies are worker-owned, (e.g., Kind Arthur Flour) which is pretty much what communism is about.
Stalin referred to his program as "Socialism in one country" after the failure of communism to convert Western Europe. The difference seems to be communism presupposes an international headquarters (i.e. Moscow) whereas socialism does not.
From what I have seen in the practice of each - communism bans private property, socialism does not.
Bill and Jeff, that was a good exchange of ideas - thanks!
I think partisan beliefs have become another form of identity -along with all the others; take your pick of your acronyms and pronouns. When coupled with economic fears and uncertainties, and constant propaganda about the next thing to fear - we now have 'bird flu' on the way, people have become conditioned by the MSM and the political class to put their hopes and trust in their own avatars of goodness, and hate -not just disagree - those on the other side of the contrived divide.
I fear it will only be something so dreadful that it will awaken our citizens to how many lies they have been fed by a completely corrupt elite: 'the indispensable nation'; the 'land of the free and the home of the brave'; 'the worlds strongest economy'; and having 'the finest fighting force in history'.
I'm not sure if its a sinking of an aircraft carrier and the loss of 5,000 sailors off Iran or Yemen; a limited nuclear exchange in Israel and Lebanon, or a collapse of the US banking system and a shuttering of all ATMs and credit cards - but it will take more than just another political party struggling to break through supported by the alternative media.
People are going to need to throw the sabots (wooden shoes) into the system and say no more. Maybe we'd then even get the guillotine and a few hanging trees.
To your point on "left, right and center," here is a musing I wrote back in the early Obama years. I stand by it, but remain mystified by how entrenched people remain to parties that have betrayed them election after election.
Left, Right, and Center
I’m not a party loyalist.
How anyone can be in our media-blitzed day
is a mystery to me.
Listen to a debate of the party loyalists who jab and
stab while promising change and bi-partisan cooperation,
and one quickly sees
how shallow the words and
how deep the lies.
Promises made and promises broken, yet always the
promise of regaining American greatness,
as though one person could offer such greatness
to a nation.
As though we knew for certain
what greatness they would impart.
It is but mere distraction
from the responsibilities of the people,
this search for their left, right, and center
no party can endorse—
lost as parties are in dividing “us” and “them.”
They keep the volume high to drown out
the voices of the weak, the prophetic—
lest we find another way to humility and grace.
If we are to be the hope of a better-governed world,
let us find our leftist wing in caring for the poor and
engaging in labor’s honest, sacred work.
Let us find our rightist wing
of a better conservatism that honors
local investments in
local businesses with
local accountability and
local conservation.
Let us find our center of egalitarian affection,
cultural celebration, uncompromised compassion,
and sacred expression.
Let us see that we cannot live well walking a party line
defined by money, power, and greed.
Let us see what we forfeit when we concede
our future to present-day lies.
Let us see a way forward,
moving from executive monarchs and
beltway control to a million solutions
in a million places
for the millions gathered
in their unique and lovely places.
And where the lies have changed the lovely to the ugly,
let us rebuild our lives and places with the
great care,
great love, and
great beauty
of the world given to us at creation’s dawn.
VERY Well said, TomG. Lots to ponder and chew on there. Thank You for sharing.
PS A number of years ago in a discussion of people's blind investments in mutual funds, I challenged an ordained Presby minister whose husband was a lawyer as to whether she knew where their money was invested, since she was forthright in speaking out against militarism. Her answer was she didn't know. Her husband handled their investments. Nor did it move her to find out. Too many fear risks to their security if we rock the MIC even a bit. She continues to live the good life on her "moral high ground."
After WWII, there was the ironic term 'Good German' for those who claimed they didn't support the Nazis and didn't know about the Holocaust. More and more it looks like we're headed to the term 'Good American' for the same reasons.
Or maybe the ostrich is a better phrase? I know people who are willfully ignorant and do not want to know. Just let me get on with my life is their only desire and they refuse to admit any responsibility for how things are.
Interesting article in July - August 2020 Harvard Business Review, "Fixing U.S. Politics." Theory is that Dems / Reps form a duopoly, and behave like any other duopoly. Their fix is to change the system to allow for more competition in politics through rank choice voting and open primaries. They also propose putting aside the rule book for the House and Senate, and creating new rules that incentivize working in the public interest, instead of partisanship. They also discuss a trend (in 2020) toward new standards of business behavior when engaging in politics and government. Worth reading for thoughts on how the structure of our system affects results we get.
Some good ideas there, but how to implement them? The system sure won't reform itself.
There is no peaceful way. Nor is there a violent way.
Peaceful ways result in violent suppression by the government and twisted lies by the media.
With the surveillance state imposed by the government it's impossible for the people to unite to form a coalition. The justice system would quickly dispose of them individually. If the British had the surveillance capabilities of today the American revolution would never have happened.
The country is divided in two by the government and a non peaceful blood revolution would only result in chaos or military intervention and suppression by the government. Chaos with an outcome determined by the 1% most likely. It will make the civil war look like a picnic.
It's irrelevant however since the real revolution is going to be climate change in all of it's manifestations worldwide. Displacement of people from rising oceans, crop failure and food shortages, extreme weather and heat events, collapse of economies and war for resources. A asteroid the size of the last mass extinction would be much more merciful than what civilization is about to go through.
The 1% are not stupid. It's time to think about what they have planned for us. Voting is a bad joke. Vote for whomever. It's not going to change anything. Mother nature is now in total control.
Maybe build yourself a bunker for a few more months life .
The Rich will have their safe havens, Yachts, Castles, Islands & Fortresses to ensure their dubious integrity & poor leadership. Payment & payback is long overdue. The Planet I'm afraid will shake/ shrug us off like so many dogs fleas. I wish the world & I were younger than today. I hope I'll be damned, but it sure seems as though we're headed for a fall Toma. Unless a new leader can burst on the scene and unite the world. I would be extremely grateful if we could get all this worlds problems under control tho. before the end of it all...!
You're a pragmatist and a realist. "You've been there and done that " and so have I. Cockroaches may survive and enough life forms to start afresh. I have my own theory on the elites plan for us which I mentioned here once before. I won't post it again. Contact me directly if you like. We're being controlled by evil people. There is no limit to their depravity as should be clear and evident. It should be obvious but isn't to most. Apparently the entire western society is under the same control. The accelerated rate of climate change and its implications are been ignored by politicians in the controlling countries. Drastic measures needed to be made 20 to 40 years ago. The effects will be slow at first and then rapidly accelerate as is happening now. Doomsayers are ignored as are realists. Think happy thoughts! Go shopping! People are soon to find out that the whole planet is Gaza.
And the elite won't have a planet left to survive on.
Have a good day.....
Saganism is the answer. I can't rem. the ques. :/ :o) for this demon haunted world. Science & knowledge is the Candle to light the darkness. If we still have enough time
Saganism is the answer and Dudeism is the cure!
"This aggression will not stand, man!" :/ :o) Lebowski 2024
It's not obvious that Progressives are anti-war. Woodrow Wilson took us in to the Great War. FDR the Second World War, LBJ to Vietnam. And of course Biden has us fighting Russia, a stance that Bernie Sanders etc. seems to favor (several Progressive Congressmen called for negotiations but quickly backed down when told their stance would echo that of some Republicans). In the Congress, the only real opposition to said war with Russia comes from Mike Lee, J.D. Vance, and other "paleoconservative" Republicans (as opposed to the pro-war neoconservatives). And perhaps Trump, which is why neocon magazines such as National Review and Commentary don't particularly like Trump. BTW here's Trump on Zelensky and his endless demands for money:
Alex, AOC and the Squad that, as you say, quickly backed down: they're not progressives. They're moderates and generally pro-war.
FDR: Well, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had to be stopped.
LBJ: True, but he was under attack by Republicans for being "soft" on communism.
Warmongering is bipartisan. I give Trump credit for occasionally questioning it. But does he have the spine to stop it?
Trump often has reasonable impulses or instincts. But he gets re-routed by the Deep State or his orders just get ignored. I understand he wanted to pull US troops out of Syria but somehow that just didn't happen. People in the government who ignore what Trump wants can count on the news media to run cover for them. AG Jeff Sessions would be one example.
I'm not sure about "often," but you're right about Trump and Syria.
On what basis do You claim that it is Dr. Jill Biden "who really is running the ship"?
How do You like to put it? "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and proof... ."
Where's Your extraordinary evidence and proof?
Or are You going to refer us to a two-hour YouTube from one of Your "experts"?
And more importantly: Who do Your experts say is running Jill Biden?
I just wonder who you think are Progressives in Congress? Are there any? They can't be Democrats, as all, and I do mean ALL, are pro-war for this war on Russia.
They're PINOs, progressives in name only. Pinheads.
Anyone for war is a PINO. Anyone enabling genocide in Gaza is a PINO.
In sum, there are few if any real progressives in Congress.
Well at least there's one Libertarian. Rand Paul. Rand Paul for President. As for "Progressive" it seems to be a much overused term. My guess is that most elected Democrats would style themselves as "Progressive". Or perhaps their definition doesn't include questions of war and peace.
Without hesitation I would say Rashida Tlaib is progressive. She is addressing many issues that have nothing to do with Israel/Palestine and I think she has a good chance of remaining in office no matter how much $$$ AIPAC spends against her.
For your poll, my outlier survey responses would be no, no, never, and no chance at all.
In every form of data now made available, all US institutions are infected with the rot of Christian xenophobic corporate fascist militarism.
Bernie never came within a Vermont country mile of anything approximating a legislative pinprick against these powers, and, of course, for all of his "democratic socialist" smokescreen, he only got entrance to the exclusive bigot's club by being elected in a contest with 50,000 voters, less than in one NYC housing project. Bernie won in his little backwater by kissing every policeman's baby, making his adoption of "revolution" branding a flat-out joke.
No more talk of shedding anyone's blood for this now hopeless spectacle. Hang on as the rollercoaster ride continues its harrowing descent.
In Olympics diving competitions, low scores are thrown out.
I have been reading a history of the 20th century and it almost makes me cry to read of the 1970's when it seemed so much was being accomplished to change the country in a positive way. Questioning of everything, investigations of the CIA, Roe vs Wade, and on and on. It has all been rolled back and then some.
My take on it is that national unrest created by the Vietnam War was driving change. Wealth was terrified that chaos was threatening order and concessions had to be made. Blacks were in the streets as were anti-war protesters. Violent actions (Weather Underground, etc.) were taking place. Even Nixon was creating more regulation, promoting the environment, etc. The government was doing what it was hoped it would do by the founders - responding to the people.
Then things calmed down and the right got to work as never before. And here we are. Today, as opposed to the 70's, Congress is a dysfunctional circus, the adults in the room long retired. Media is as obedient to power as ever. The population is divided between fanatics and those who just want to get through and hold on to what they have. There is one ray of hope - the internet. But as in the late 60's and the 70's disorder must come in order for change to follow. Trump as president just might bring this on as he is a stick of dynamite. His attempt to complete the job of the right (while ranting about a non-existent "radical left" may bring the explosion needed.
And in the background, global warming is ramping up faster than expected, forcing change in ways I cannot predict.
A great internet find - "Are You Supposed to be OK Now?"
My simple answer as an outsider, to an extent, is that America needs to be militarily humiliated for the people to face reality. When American cities burn instead of Iraqi, Libyan, Vietnamese, etc. the citizens of this country will be forced to hold accountable those responsible for their blight. It is, no doubt, a very bleak opinion, but in my estimation it will only change through an existential threat.
You may well be right. Nothing teaches like experience. I wonder, though, what the result of nuclear war might be for the survivors, if any. Would there be a rage against technology for bringing the end? Would religion rise up to become controlling again with science reviled? In other words, a new dark age?
First, it doesn’t have to be a nuclear defeat. Second, if it should come that then the Dark Ages of long ago would be a golden age. BTW, religion already is in the ascendancy in many parts of the world, including the U.S.
"religion poisons everything" -- Meanwhile, Trump sells his special "patriotic" Bible for $59.99, encouraging religious nationalism while promoting his own grift.
Not a good look.
I'm not "smearing" Trump. I'm highlighting the fact he's selling his own version of the Bible for a highly inflated price.
That Bible combines religion with jingoism, i.e. it's Christian nationalism. That is a potent brew that should greatly disturb you, given your rejection of religion and your criticism of U.S. empire.
It's not a "needle in a haystack." It's a match that could set the whole haystack on fire.
"...the great man"?
Ahhh: You mean Corporal Bonespurs. Yeah: he'll fix everything.
You are correct. I experienced the Vietnam war protests. Then there was a peace movement largely because young Americans died and it was on the nightly news. This not the case today. In the eighties there was antinuclear missile movement. This also is absent today. I don’t know what it will take to wake up the people and take their constitutional liberties seriously. Government is supposed to be by the people and for the people. I know this is an idealized notion! Maybe the time will come and people will begin to implement it at last. One can hope.
incremental change ain't gonna get us their. The powers that be will never let that power slip away slowly. If we use history as a guide what comes to mind is the French revolution. The slogan Liberte egalite fraternite fired up a revolt. Bernie came close so close then the machine shut him down and he complied. MLK gave it a shot and he's gone. Maybe we need a black pather revolt where progressives of all colors unite for Liberte egalite fraternite here in the states. The French recent election has shown us that Progressives can win seats in Parliment withour bloodshed. Dire I suggest maybe we can do it here. No. That won't happen cause so many folks are just walking dead zombies. <Not crittical thinkers> just buying into the porpaganda.
What makes You think, Ray, that there will not be trouble if Trump wins?
And if he wins the AR15 carrying proud boys will be his kick ass boys....our asses.
No change until the progressive/liberal demand the pentagon and Biden's adoration of NATO driving through the Eurasian heartland be shuttered!
Wil not happen. Progressives have adopted the John Birch (or maybe Hitler's liebensraum) society world view, which NATO is more important than anything aside from beating Trump
Bc Trump is out to get "our democracy" on the to that he is after their sacred our NATO!
There is no progressive movement in the US!
Without "America first."
Seven hours later, Dennis, the world is still waiting for Your evidence and proof on Dr Jill.
Or are You exempt from that requirement?
As You say, Dennis: "Wash, rinse, and repeat... ."On what basis do You claim that it is Dr. Jill Biden "who really is running the ship"?
How do You like to put it? "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and proof... ."
Where's Your extraordinary evidence and proof?
Or are You going to refer us to a two-hour YouTube from one of Your "experts"?
And more importantly: Who do Your experts say is running Jill Biden? And who writes all those "prewritten executive orders" that she has a stack of?
If Trump is elected President [and is inaugurated], on what basis do You claim that he will be who decides whether or not the US gets out of NATO?