The list of arms supplied to Israel has apparently been leaked and is available here:


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Bill, was it American Marines who are eulogized with the planting of the flag at Iwo Jima?

Now the Israeli's it appears are copycats.

The Israel IDF soldiers planted the Israeli flag on top of the hospital they destroyed.

You can't make this up folks!

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Marines and a Navy corpsman, Dennis. They are celebrated, those flag raisers. James Bradley's "Flags of Our Fathers" is an awesome book on them.

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Which hospital did israel destroy?

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You don't watch Al Jazeera TV eh my friend?

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Again. Which hospital?

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I have followed this very closely. Answer my question. Also you misgendered me

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The BBC? seriously ? That garbage. They even had to apologize to the IDF recently for their idiotic lies. The sad truth is that Hamas has ruled Gaza and nothing operates in Gaza - no NGO, no media, no UNWRA, without Hamas consent. It’s called a totalitarian state. Look it up.

But useless idiots like you don’t understand that.

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Biden/Blinken/Johnson/Schumer to Gaza! Graham/Nuland/Sullivan/VonderCrazy to Avdiivka! It won't clear the Western swamp, but its a start!

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Love it. In a sane and decent world, anyone who scripts, advocates, instigates or otherwise leads their nation to war should be by law required to be the first sent to the front lines of battle. That might change things pretty damn quickly, as it's otherwise all too easy to treat other humans as disposable assets.

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This short YouTube video says it all eh Roger, Tom and Alex?

The US is being led to hell by an old senile man with dementia.

He does not know what he is saying. So sad.

US MSM continually keep showing clips of him having serious negotiations!!!!

And the Democrats wants to give him four more years.


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That is a disturbing video.

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Holy shirt!

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Holy Batshit President, Batman!

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Indeed. He can't even read his cue cards. Clueless when anyone he's talking to goes off the expected script.

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And the beleaguered US taxpayer pays for him and his entourage of henchman to fly in his personal 747 to Israel time and time again.

In which he falls down the stairs, hugs Netanyahu for a photo op, and comes back home.

The rest of the World is going...WTF?

BTW, Air Force One, the 747 that transports the POTUS, cost about $2 billion to build. And is estimated to cost more than $200,000 per hour to fly. When there are more than 75-people traveling with the President, the federal government will use a second passenger airplane to accommodate them.

Taxpayers pay for all of the Air Force One cost regardless of whether the President's 747 is used for official trips or unofficial, political purposes.


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Thanks Dennis.

Turn off the sound to this video - or any other - in which Biden appears. The facial expressions, and blank or confused looks say even more than his mumbled words and incoherent speech.

That the Democrats do not invoke the 25th amendment due to Biden's incapacity - regardless of that meaning Kamala Harris becomes President - is alarming and should call into question any claims they have about their moral superiority to the Republicans.

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Fantastic Al Jazeera clip interviewing American's Katie Halper and Ryan Grim

When the US Congress voted to censure the only Palestinian-American member of the House, congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, it argued that she was “promoting false narratives” on the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

Katie and Ryan discuss with host Steve Clemons - that if Congress cannot bear to hear different views on Palestine, it is a worrying sign for American society at large.

Many Americans have been fired from their jobs for expressing their opinions, and pro-Palestinian student groups have been banned around the country.

Sadly, the debate endures, and NOTHING is done as Israel’s horrendous genocide on Gaza rages on.


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The Leahy Laws are U.S. human rights laws that prohibit the US Department of State and Department of Defense from providing military assistance to foreign security force units that violate human rights with impunity. It is named after its principal sponsor, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont).

To implement this law, the US is required to vet potential recipients of security assistance.

If a country is found to have been implicated in abuse of human rights, assistance is denied to the host nation government.

While the U.S. government does not publicly report on foreign armed forces units it has cut off from receiving assistance, press reports have indicated that security force and national defense force units in Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nigeria, Turkey, Indonesia, Lebanon, and Saint Lucia have been denied assistance due to the Leahy Law.

According to Senator Leahy, his law "makes it clear that when credible evidence of human rights violations exists, U.S. aid must stop." But it provides the necessary flexibility to allow the U.S. to advance its foreign policy objectives in these countries.

But sadly, it has been proven to be not worth toilet paper.

Grievously ignored by Congress in the case of fascist, ethno-supremacist apartheid Israel.

Do I have this right Bill?

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Interesting backstory about Netanyahu and Hamas. Apparently Netanyahu pushed for Hamas to replace the Palestinian Authority as the government of Gaza, because, like Netanyahu, Hamas opposed the two-state solution. He got what he wanted.

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Yes, and much has been written about Israel's effective creation of Hamas, "... as a counterweight to the secularists and leftists of the PLO and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat"... e.g.: https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ .

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The ultimate irony to me is that the US is undoubtedly the safest home for Jews throughout the history of the tragedy in Palestine. Jews who survived the holocaust overwhelmingly said when surveyed that the US was where they wanted to go. Outrageously, the US would not permit them in and Zionists who were still a minority of Jews, desperately wanted all survivors to go to Palestine.

In this way, the US was a fundamental agent in the formation of Israel, let alone that Truman jumped to recognize the new state.

So now we have the safe home for Jews all-in for supporting the unsafe home for Jews, unsafe because Israel insists that it must be for Jews alone even as the US has proven that Jews as equal citizens can not just live but can thrive. As I have related before, my state governor, my state rep, my federal rep, my mayor, my dentist, my insurance agent are all Jews. A good percentage of my classmates and friends when I was growing up were Jews and tellingly, I never knew at the time that many of them were Jews, so completely did they fit into my social world.

Yet in the face of this clear evidence of being a safe home, the US plays along with Israel as it has insisted on exclusivity for Jews because otherwise they would have no place to go. In service of this fallacy, Israel has systematically evicted the Palestinians, oppressed them without apology, killed them without restraint in the past culminating in the present slaughter. All of this in plain view, all of it recorded by history that anyone can discover if they take the time to examine it.

Liberty and Justice for All has been shown the exit by Congress and the Presidency. I am aghast.

I can only hope that someone accidentally kicks the carefully concealed cord that connects President Biden to a wall outlet.

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Then you will get Kamala Harris for POTUS, Clif.

The DNC has succeeded in painting the US into a very small and dark corner.

Nothing Trump could have done in his rightful second term could have resulted in worse outcomes for 99% of American folk.

I blame Hillary Clinton.

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I guess in D.C. campaign money from Jewish supporters carries a lot of weight. Money talks. Perhaps we should call ourselves a Cashocracy.

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"There are no words to express what we are witnessing.

In the five weeks of horror this is one of the pinnacles of horror.

The active complicity by the United States is unfathomable.

Nothing justifies this. Nothing.

President Joe Biden will go down in history as an accomplice to genocide.

May the ghosts of the thousands of children he has participated in murdering haunt him for the rest of his life.

Israel and the United States are sending a chilling message to the rest of the world.

International and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention, are meaningless pieces of paper.

We will pulverize your neighborhoods and cities with bombs and missiles.

We will wantonly murder your women, children, elderly and sick.

We will set up blockades to engineer starvation and the spread of infectious diseases.

You, the “lesser breeds” of the earth, do not matter.

To us you are vermin to be extinguished.

We have everything. If you try to take any of it away from us, we will kill you.

And we will never be held accountable."

Chris Hedges: Pinnacle of Horror (consortiumnews.com)

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words fly away from this ossified beldam, dennis. am so grateful your verbal furniture remains intact, argute, poignant, and profound. thank you for all the informative, elucidating sites w/ which you have provided us.

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Hamas has agreed in principle and Israel is now considering a proposal for the release of at least 50 women and children among about 240 foreign and Israeli hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza.

In exchange for the hostages, Israel would agree to a three-to-five-day pause "in place" in the fighting, increased humanitarian aid to Gaza, and the release of an unspecified number of women and children held in Israeli prisons.

Speaking at a military post in southern Israel today, Netanyahu said, "There's no place in Gaza we won't reach. There's no hiding, no shelter, no refuge for Hamas murderers... The hostages will be released and Hamas will be destroyed."

Huh? So what incentive does Hamas have to release hostages?

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Hamas shouldn’t have taken hostages. Where’s your outrage at that? What the fuck is wrong with you? I bet I know.

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6,000 Palestinian men and women are detained in Israel's jails without trial - hostages.

Where’s your outrage at that? What the fuck is wrong with you? I bet I know.

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Speakers at Tuesday's "March for Israel" on the National Mall included Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Christian fundamentalist House Speaker Mike Johnson and radical Christian Zionist pastor John Hagee, who once said "God sent Hitler to help Jews reach the Promised Land."

Hagee and other extremist evangelical Christians and Jewish Zionists use each other to promote and advance their movements - and their sick ethno-supremacist agendas. And "end times" nonsense.

Speaker Johnson said "It's a fight between good and evil, light and the dark and civilization and barbarism." He left out the part about the US was fighting for evil, dark and barbarism. The FIRST thing he did as House Speaker was to pass a resolution declaring solidarity with apartheid Israel.

BTW, the "March for Israel" was not a grassroots protest. People were paid “microgrants” of $250 to attend by the ICC (Israel on Campus Commission).


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Well although Hitler was the architect of the Holocaust, he made the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who was a Nazi an honorary Aryan.

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