I just saw that Nikki Haley is now saying that "of course" the Civil War was about slavery.


“Of course the Civil War was about slavery,” Haley said on Thursday morning during an appearance on The Pulse of NH, a radio show. “We know that. That’s the easy part of it.”

"During the Thursday morning radio interview, Haley alleged that the person who asked the question was a plant sent by Democrats and President Biden as a ploy to illicit a reaction from media outlets."

It can't be the Democrats, Nikki. They're not that smart.

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When asked about the Civil War Haley said we should bomb the other side until we win (sarcasm)

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Why do I think Nikki Haley never read Lincoln's second inaugural speech--certainly one of his best if not the best, the Gettysburg address not withstanding. It ought to be ingrained in every American's psyche. But like all our wars, the quagmire of the Civil War is with us still. We seem to like wallowing in the muck.

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We love to chase our tails.

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i have asked this before, and i will ask it again:

Could what stands now as merely the FIRST American Civil War have been avoided? Could the deaths of 600,000-750,000 Union and Confederate Soldiers and an unknown number of civilians been avoided? And how?

What would have happened if the South had been permitted to secede? Could the Confederacy have economically survived as an independent nation? Could what was left of the United States have economically survived without the Confederacy?

It is important to remember that the seeds of the Civil War were planted when Slavery was written into the Constitution with the so-called "3/5 Rule" [Article I, Section 2] and what amounted to a de facto and de jure Fugitive Slave Law, guaranteeing that escaped Slaves would be returned to their rightful owners [Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3].

Had those two declarations not been in the proposed Constitution, it would have never been ratified, and the United States of America would not have come into existence; at least not at that time.

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Jeff, counterfactual questions are unanswerable. The fact is that the Civil War came in 1861. No one can "prove" it could have been avoided. Arguments to that effect are speculative.

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i'm not looking for "proof," Bill. i am asking that question because it may offer insight as to how the looming, SECOND American Civil War might be avoided.

And i'm curious: Do You agree that the seeds for the First American Civil War were planted when Slavery was written into the original Constitution that established the United States of America?

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Yes, I agree.

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Slavery may have been a factor in bringing on secession, but preserving the Union (opposing secession) was Lincoln's principle war aim. As Lincoln told Horace Greeley in 1862: "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save thise Union ..."

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I updated my article with this note:

In the comments section, two readers cited Lincoln’s letter to Horace Greeley in 1862, saying that his principal aim was preserving the Union irrespective of the status of slavery in America. The suggestion here is that slavery wasn’t central to the Civil War because it wasn’t central to Lincoln.

This is a misreading of the evidence, according to James McPherson, perhaps America’s foremost historian of the war. I had the pleasure of attending a lecture by McPherson on April 23, 1991, on “Lincoln and the Second American Revolution.” In that lecture, McPherson explained that Lincoln’s views on slavery evolved over time. In 1861, Lincoln first and foremost sought to preserve the union. In July 1862, Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, waiting until after the victory at Antietam to make the announcement. By this point, Lincoln had decided “A broken egg [of slavery in America] cannot be mended.” Lincoln, McPherson argued, became a revolutionary by 1863—he had decided the war would end with the elimination of slavery—recognizing that slavery, if it persisted, would prevent efforts to restore the union.

Put succinctly, McPherson called Lincoln a “conservative revolutionary”: he was conservative in that his ultimate goal was to save the union, but his means were revolutionary in that he presided over a fundamental change in America: the elimination of slavery for the pragmatic reason that the persistence of that “peculiar institution” would doom efforts to restore America as a single united country.

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Lincoln never completely abolished slavery. Privatized prisons have taken up the practice along with public service for paying your "fine" from the oppressive laws the government has enacted to keep us safe from ourselves. Happily and enthusiastically administered by our judicial system to make us good citizens.

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what a choice we have as the voting public this coming November. I need not reiterate what Bill just stated above...I'll just say: It's pathetic. Here in the cradle of Democracy called Massachusetts my vote for whomever will be usurped by the Massachusetts electorial college system. My single vote meaningless the college will deside this states outcome. There is no democracy in the Democratic party nor the the Republican you get what they put on your plate. If you do favor diversity of opin and vote a 3rd party which I'll prabably do cause it won't make a dif as "the college" will deside. -Biden here in Massachusetts-....like it or not. If you voted Republican here your vote is meaningless if you vote 3rd paty your vote is meaningless. Mutilply that times 50 states plus 2 non state areas and that's what we call the current democracy hear in the USA. **Pathetic**

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One very obvious choice in 2024 is to write in "None Of These Candidates."

Or better, to organize a national campaign to have "None Of The Candidates" a mandatory choice on every federal election ballot in the United States in 2024.

See https://bracingviews.substack.com/p/reforming-americas-elections-the-notc-way for details.

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Not VERY obvious at all eh Jeff!

Am I right that you can only do this in Nevada?

Could Jazzme in Massachusetts write in "None Of These Candidates."

Wouldn't that just "spoil her ballot". Into the trash? Like voting for Mickey Mouse?

How about organizing a national campaign to dump the Electoral College System?

WIKI: "The closest the United States has come to abolishing the Electoral College occurred during the 91st Congress. 1969-1970. The Bayh–Celler Amendment. The proposal died when the 91st Congress ended on January 3, 1971."

Take care

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No, Dennis. You are not right.

As far as i can determine, anybody in any State can write-in anybody they want in any election. i'm doing a State-by-State review to see if there is any State that does not accept write in votes.

And in Nevada, voters don't have to write in "None Of These Candidates." It is a designated choice on every ballot in every federal, state, and local election, and has been since 1975.

And according to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Jazzme can very definitely write in "None Of The Candidates": https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/getting-on-the-ballot/how-to-run-as-a-write-in-candidate.htm.

i have contacted that office to get confirmation of that and will let You know what i learned.

And be careful what You wish for, because it just might come true. If there was no Electoral College in 2016, Your hero Corporal Bonespurs would not have been elected President.

Also, i'm curious: Do You have "TRUMP 2024" tattooed on Your forehead? Or maybe its "MAGA, A" as in "Make America Great Again, Again," like it was from January 20, 2017 to January 6, 2021? Wasn't America "GREAT" in every way when Donnie Boy was Prez?

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Thanks Jeff,

Is America greater under Comatose Joe than it was under Donnie Boy?

And more to the point - will it be even WORSE under Comatose Joe 2.0?

Who is your "hero" that you will be voting for in 2024?

Oh, I forgot - it's irrelevant. You just waste your vote. A fence sitter?

As the air traffic controllers say - you "are not a factor!"

Take care my friend. Short days in Sitka now eh?

BTW, at the local NZ Toyota dealer - the Service Manager was wearing his MAGA hat. LOL

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Was America "greater" under Donnie Boy than it was under Obomber or Cheney/Bush II?

America will be WORSE than it is now, no matter who the next President is. Given that the front-running choices are Trump and Biden, it can ONLY get worse.

And how is voting NOTC a "waste of my vote"? Or would it be better to vote for "the lesser of the evils," whoever You determine that to be? Or would it be better just to not vote at all? Lots of Americans choose that route.

And what does that Toyota dealer's hat stand for: " Make Australia Great Again"?

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LOL, you know it is compulsory to vote in Australia*. AU$20 fine

(20-countries worldwide, including Australia, have compulsory voting laws in place)

There have been 9-Aussie PM's since 2,000!!!

Australia’s last federal election, in 2019, had a voter turnout of 91%.

In comparison; in the US 66.8% of the eligible population turned out to vote in 2020.

*Arguments against compulsory voting include that the right to vote should consist of the right to vote or not to vote. In Australia, it is mandatory to attend a polling place to vote, but because an individual’s vote is secret and confidential, there’s no way to verify whether or not they have turned in a valid vote.

CIA involvement in an Australian PM's dismissal is an allegation that the US CIA was involved in the 1975 Australian constitutional crisis, which culminated in the dismissal of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam.


“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” - Winston S. Churchill

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According to Ballotpedia:

Eight states did not have any requirements and would allow voters to write in any name as a write-in vote.[3] Those states were Alabama, Delaware, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and Wyoming.

Thirty-three states [including Massachusetts] would only accept votes for write-in candidates who officially registered with the state. In order for the vote to be counted, the candidate must have submitted all the necessary registration documents by a specific deadline, either by filing paperwork, paying a fee, collecting signatures, or some combination of the aforementioned.

Nine states (Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina and South Dakota), did not allow write-in votes.


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So Jazzme would be spoiling her ballot voting NOTC?


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I can understand the avoidance of presidential candidates speaking about slavery. It might bring out the ugly truth that over 90% of Americans are wage/debt/tax slaves.

In order to obtain a minimum wage job one has to be drug tested and probably a criminal background check, government approved ID requirements.

To get an apartment, a.background check, credit check first/last month rent, security deposit.

To board an airline proof of identity vaccination proof, and a security check with added checks up to and including cavity search based on a government whim.

To receive food stamps a lengthy application including a financial statement and government approved ID.

Providing false information on any of the above can result in termination and severe penalties including imprisonment. Food stamps are one of my favorites. Up to 20 years imprisonment for falsifying information.

To become president of the United States one needs to prove that they are lying sociopathic demented warmongering criminals, preferably based on years of government services rising through the ranks. Proof of honesty, integrity, mental competency and intelligence are strongly discouraged. Drug testing? Why would anyone want to drug test someone who has the power to end the world? Criminal background check? It's part of the job requirements to be a criminal. Tax evasion? Highly recommended.

Sarcasm aside , does the president have the authority to launch ICBMs without a declaration of war by Congress? "You're either with us or against us."? I'm definitely against.

So I ask, what's wrong with the government?

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Great post Toma!

Question: By Law, is Trump a Criminal?

Wadda yuh say?

EDIT: As a new immigrant in Seattle in 1974 I could not get a credit card!

No shit! Never been in debt in America! Didn't qualify!

My Boss, a big shot local businessman, took me to his bank.

His Bank Manager handed me the forms - that I had filled out for 30-other banks and been rejected every time!


"No, just sign and date on the bottom!"


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In his personal life. Yes in my opinion. His attitude towards women and his business ethics are disgusting. "Grab em by the pussy."? Please. How many charges is he still fighting? Lots of money for good lawyers. These alone disqualify him in my opinion.

I watched one episode or so of "The Apprentice" and his attitude towards workers and his business dealings and was completely disgusted by him.

In his presedency? He never accomplished anything he said he was going to do. He was too busy firing and replacing his cabinet with sycophants and claiming how great he was. "We're going to have a beautiful health care plan" , "We're going to bring back the jobs to America", "COVID is going to be all over in a couple of months". The one he should have fired was Fauci and didn't. Jan 6? Trump should have called for a recount rather than a protest. He should be held accountable for what happened. There should have been a protest at the Capitol but for.many other reasons. And the protestors we're dealt with severely under the 'law'.

You're in NZ now. You're no longer in the sh*t show here now so you can have whatever belief you like. But why did you move back there? No need to answer.

I'm unsubscribing from this and probably Caitlins as well. I've realized how futile this whole social media thing is with this essay.

Arguing about slavery in the 1800's when the majority of Americans are in fact slaves, under a slightly different form, a reinterpretation of the word, is absurd.

Reparations for former slaves?

What about for Vietnam vets and agent orange?

Student loan borrowers for having their constitutional rights for bankruptcy taken away and what are clearly unfair banking practices- social security benefits withheld, wages garnished, passports taken away, cosigners held accountable and fees and fines added to make it impossible to repay due to stagnant wages, loss of job benefits, a "career" of 5 years, inflation and importation of foreign workers under a federal program to supplant Americans with cheap labor. You just made it under the limbo pole given your age. Have a look at the demographic for wealth in the US. There is a sharp division for those over 70 and those under. Reaganomics changed everything. You're credit card story says it all. Who you know. The flood of migrants over the border are for cheap labor displacing Americans from jobs, creating more homeless, immigrants and citizens, and "volunteers" for the US military.

The end of this country started in the 60's, Reaganomics accelerated it and now it's a vertical slope downward.

If nuclear war doesn't get us, climate change will. If not climate change another pandemic will lower the population to sustainable levels to halt global warming. We're all trained to accept vaccines now. I look at COVID as a military test for biological warfare. They do so love their tests. So I hope I'm wrong but the next few years will tell.

Hope that answers your question. Take care down under.

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It's hard to believe people want Trump for their "boss" and his first instinct is to fire them!

Sorry to see you go, Toma. Hope you stick around, if for nothing else than your fair share of abuse, as Mick Jagger might say. :-)

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Some excellent observations and thoughts Toma. Great essay my man.

Two counterarguments from this boomer and I will leave it at that; "Grab em by the pussy" was locker room talk. Typical stupid male macho bullshit. In private. Leaked by a dishonest person with a grudge for Trump, hoping to get rich, and milked by the corrupt MSM for the big bucks. Women who worked closely with Trump knew he was far from a misogynist. The "lady" he supposedly raped in the department store dressing room lied for the big bucks. Coached by paid-off sick people. Racists accused him of being a racist hoping to fill their bank accounts.

Being 41-years in high levels of big business in the Land of the Free. I can tell you his business dealings were no worse than anybody elses. And too many workers tried to take advantage of his wealth. Like his personal chauffeur who sued him for millions - and dropped the case. But not before the liberal Press, who hates Trumps guts, made a killing on that for months.

Jan 6th.......pppfft.... the whole world was laughing. It was not an insurrection.

He should have fired Victoria Newland. And "fired" half the Congress who on his first day in office said that their number one job was to ensure he only got one term. And they achieved their goal. You did not get to have a beautiful health care plan because of Trump's failings. But because the Insurance Industry paid off half the Congress. Dropping out of NATO was the right idea. The MIC put the kybosh on that. Like many of his plans he campaigned on - he was screwed before he even started.


I long ago decided Caitlin's blog comment thread participants were toxic and I don't visit that site any longer.

Today I have been thinking that I need to find something else to do to pass my time. My choices, being old, disabled and in a Rest Home are limited.

Sadly, I find myself "fighting" in these threads, not debating, and getting more and more stressed out. And tired of ad hominin insults that would have not been said to my face. Even myself being sucked into bad behavior.

Please remember though Toma -the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. My country of birth that I retired back too has just as many problems. Except the war stuff. What you are hearing about NZ's great Covid response is far from the truth. If a Kiwi wanted to fly overseas you were FORCED to have a second booster shot. Which was not science based. Social media distorts and blows EVERYTHING out of proportion.

Take care.

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Crude, rude, and socially unacceptable: that's Trump for some people. He's a vulgar ass and an insecure one at that. That's why he resorts to bragging and boasting of pussy-grabbing. In response to so-called locker room talk, football athletes in the NFL stated this is not the "talk" of a mature male. You might hear it in a high school locker room between immature adolescent boys ... that's the emotional level Trump seems to be at.

He's a hollow man. Biden is dishonest and decrepit. What a "choice" in 2024!

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Everybody has an opinion, Bill.

This BV's reader does not always agree with yours.

I count myself one of the "some people" who does not agree with your over-the-top characterization of Trump. Chronic TDS.

I am one of the millions of Americans you see turning up to admire him at his every appearance. Demonstrating skills ALL his opponents have zero chance of matching.

To say that he RESORTS to bragging and boasting of pussy-grabbing is hyperbolic. Google how many women he had in top positions in his first term administration.


What do they say in the military - "do you want your infantry man or fighter pilot to be refined, wimpy, and effeminate - or do you want him to be a crude, rude, vulgar ass?"

Winston Churchill was an arse. Eisenhower had a history of infidelity. Patton was Wiki says a colorful character(!) with a hard-driving personality. Like Trump. Cornel West was...oh never mind!

And pulling my friend Jeff's tactic on you - "who will you be voting for for the 47th POTUS that has the best chance of righting the boat that Joe Biden has three-quarters sunk?"

BTW Bill, did you see Professor Sachs with Judge Napolitano today?


Take care.


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Strange: when I criticize Trump, I'm accused of TDS. But when I criticize Biden, you applaud heartily along with me.

We already had four years of Trump. I witnessed no "greatness" from him.

If you want to place your faith in him, that's your prerogative.

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Not to argue at all but to agree wholeheartedly "his business dealings we're no worse.." is one of my reasons. I've worked over 40 years and seen it all as well. The rule book is now The Prince by Machiavelli, except it's the enhanced revised edition for modern times.

Sorry to hear your in a nursing home. Be thankful you have that. Here in America it's a sidewalk or bench if you're lucky and can't afford death by nursing home. The nursing home will keep you alive till the money runs out.

And I was a bit disingenuous with my comment on prison slavery. After all, three hots and a cot OUT OF THE RAIN AND SNOW for $80,000/yr is better than what the homeless get. Of course a few states are making homelessness a criminal offense now. They must be short on the Maytag production line.

And yes, the MSM lies and distorts EVERYTHING. I saw that 40 years ago which is when the telly went in the dumpster. I used to listen to shortwave but oddly that disappeared with the internet. Hmm....

If you want to stay busy visit my substack 988America. (988 is the suicide help line where they tell you "DON'T DO IT CONTINUE TO SUFFER!"

And one more note on COVID - the most industrialized countries with the "best" medical care (US, UK, Germany etc) had the highest number of deaths. India eg with 3 times the population had half (or less can't remember) the US did. Raises the hair on the back of my neck.

Have a nice night.

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A Look Back At 2023 And Ahead On 2024

QUESTION: 2023 was a year of major geopolitical developments.

It became evident to even the mainstream media that the war in the Ukraine was not going well for NATO. There was also the Hamas attack and the Israeli invasion of Gaza.

Azerbaijan defeated Armenia to reclaim a long-disputed territory. Saudi Arabia welcomed Syria back into the Arab League, ended the war in Yemen, restored diplomatic relations with Iran, joined the BRICS countries, and expanded its economic ties with China.

These are just a few of the most prominent geopolitical events of 2023. What do you make of the geopolitical situation and where things are heading?

ANSWER: The end of US hegemony over the world in all areas is becoming obvious. The world resents being bullied and controlled by Washington, DC.

They realize that the US government is bankrupt and is living entirely on printed money. Its military is bloated and more expensive than the US can afford.

While it’s bloated, it’s also being gutted, unable to recruit new soldiers and sailors. It’s easy to see why that’s the case. They see pointless wars fomented everywhere. The type of people who traditionally join the military are disgusted by the woke memes circulating through the services. White males, who have always been the backbone of the military, are appalled at being actively discriminated against.

US hegemony is ending financially, economically, and militarily.

It’s obvious when you see that Biden and Harris, two utterly incompetent, ineffectual fools, are the nominal heads of the government. Not to mention all the degraded and psychologically damaged people in the cabinet. Of course, nobody has any respect for the US anymore.

The US hegemony of the last hundred years is on its way out. And as the old order changes, there are going to be upsets. The US will leave a vacuum that will be filled by other forces.

In fact, the US Government is the biggest danger to the world today. It’s not providing order. By sticking its nose into everyone else’s business everywhere, it’s promoting chaos. Its 800+ bases around the world are provocations. The carrier groups that it has wandering around are sitting ducks with today’s technology. The US is the main source of risk in the world, not safety.

US military spending is really just corporate welfare for the five big “defense” corporations, which build weapons suited for fighting the last war or maybe the war before the last war. For instance, a missile frigate or destroyer guarding a carrier might carry 100 vertically-launched anti-aircraft missiles at $2 million each. Each missile might succeed in shooting down a $10,000 drone. But what happens when the enemy launches 200 drones at once? The chances are the US loses a $2 billion destroyer, if not a carrier.

The US government is finding that they’re not only disliked but disrespected by countries and people all over the world. They’re increasingly viewed as a paper tiger. Or the Wizard of Oz. When they lose the fear factor, it’s game over.

QUESTION: In 2023, the US continued the trend of more political polarization. What were the most consequential events on the US political front, and what do you think comes next?

ANSWER: Let me reemphasize that the Jacobins who control Washington, DC, have the same psychological makeup as past revolutionaries I’ve mentioned [Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler]. These people are incapable of changing their minds or reforming. I think they’ll do absolutely anything they can to retain power.

Meanwhile, traditional Americans in red states see that Trump is being railroaded with lawfare to derail his campaign. They’re angrier than ever, justifiably. The red people and the blue people really hate each other at this point—and can’t talk to each other.

The country has been completely demoralized as traditional values have been washed away. It’s now very unstable.

The coming election, SHOULD WE ACTUALLY HAVE ONE [emphasis added], will be not just a political but a cultural contest. Culture wars are especially dangerous in the midst of a financial collapse and economic collapse.

QUESTION: The projected annual interest expense on the federal debt hit $1 trillion for the first time in 2023. Americans are still paying for the rampant currency debasement during the Covid hysteria as the price of groceries, insurance, rent, and most other things continued to rise in 2023.

It looks like a recession is on the horizon. What are your thoughts on economic developments in 2023 and your outlook for the months ahead?

ANSWER: As an amateur student of history, it seems to me that the US has been moving away from the founding principles that made it unique for over a hundred years. I’m 77. I’ve watched it happen firsthand for much of that time.

The trend has been accelerating. The country is heading towards a massive crisis because it’s lost its philosophical footing. The result is going to be a really serious depression. I call it the Greater Depression.

The spread between the haves who live in multi-million dollar houses and the have-nots who live in tents isn’t new. After all, Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you.” What’s new is that the middle class is being impoverished. What’s left of the middle class is deeply in debt—student debt, credit card debt, car loan debt, mortgage debt. And if they’re not lucky enough to have a house with mortgage debt, they’re renting. And rents have gone up so rapidly that if the average guy has an unforeseen $500 expense, he can’t pay it.

That augurs poorly for consumption. It’s said, idiotically, that the American economy rests on consumption. It’s idiotic because it should be said that it rests on production. But I’m not sure the US produces that much anymore. Most of the people who “work” basically sit at desks and shuffle papers. Few actively create real wealth.

On top of that, the country is vastly over-financialized.

The bond market has already largely collapsed, but it can get a lot worse as interest rates head back up to the levels that they were in the early 1980s and beyond.

Much lower stock prices are in the cards, both because of high interest rates and because people won’t be consuming such massive quantities of corporate produce.

The real estate market rests on a foundation of debt. It can easily go bust as interest rates go up. We’re already seeing this with office buildings across the country. And, of course, these office buildings are financed by banks. Banks are going to see a lot of defaults on loans they’ve made.

Meanwhile, bank capital invested in bonds has eroded because bond prices fall in proportion to the degree rise in interest rates, which have gone from close to zero to 5% or 6%. If banks had to mark their loans and capital investments to the market, most would already be bankrupt.

Can the government paper all these things over by printing yet more money? I suppose. But at some point very soon, the dollar will lose value very rapidly; it will be treated like a hot potato. They’re caught between a rock and a hard place.

QUESTION: This year, we saw the price of gold hit a record high, uranium reached $81.25 per pound, and Bitcoin more than doubled as it entered a new bull market. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 is up around 21% year to date as of writing.

What are your thoughts on what happened in the financial markets in 2023 and what could come next?

ANSWER: Unfortunately, the US central bank, the Fed, has a gigantic amount of influence over the markets. They can employ “quantitative easing,” which means printing money—and “quantitative tightening,” which means decreasing the money and artificially raising interest rates.

They have many hundreds of Ph.D. economists on staff, but all these people operate on phony Keynesian theories of the way the world works. The consequences of building an economic system on a foundation of paper money and gigantic amounts of debt are potentially catastrophic.

At this point, the economy’s on the razor edge. If they push the print button and hold it down too long, we could go into a runaway inflation. Or, to tamp down inflation, they might raise interest rates and contract the money supply, which might set off a 1929-style credit collapse.

We’re caught between Scylla and Charybdis at this point. And I don’t believe it’s a question of a soft landing or a hard landing. It’s a question of how devastating the crash landing will be.

I hope they can wring one more cycle out of all this because I personally prefer good times to bad times, even if they’re artificial good times, because the bad times are going to be very real.

Source: https://internationalman.com/articles/doug-casey-on-what-really-happened-in-2023-and-what-comes-next/

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Dec 29, 2023
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If You go to the link, Ray, You'll see that the author is Doug Casey. And he certainly IS telling it like it indeed and in dead Is. Happy New Year to You and Yours. ~ jeff

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And the beat goes on. One can only wonder how many Trumpian pundits, propagandists, and similar purveyors of MAGA, A saw this coming. From CALIFORNIA, of all places... :

California secretary of state keeps Trump on primary ballot despite calls for his removal

[ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4381346-california-trump-primary-ballot-2024-election-secretary-of-state-declines-to-remove-despite-calls/ ]

It will be interesting to see if anybody takes this [and what happened in Michigan] to the the US Supreme Court like the Trumpatistas are about the rulings in Maine and Colorado.

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you're 'the man', toma! wish you could be president, w/ good kitty, henry, and ford as your triumvirate of advisors. sadly for the american electorate, you 4 would become so popular during the primaries, the govt-controlling sociopaths would have to assassinate the lot of you. at least JFK, RFK, and MLK would be delighted to welcome you in their now impuissant, but star-studded welkin. the murders of those 3 standouts have clarified, and i asseverate, that the US' self-promulgation as a democracy is naught but a smoke'n'mirrors chimera.

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The Civil War started when South Carolina militia bombarded Fort Sumter. Warmongers Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham are both from South Carolina. What is it about that state and starting wars? Is it something in the water?

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Reading a long and completely incomprehensible response by Joe Biden to a question about slavery from a 2019 debate is frightening. Four plus years ago his mind was demonstrably gone; anyone listening to him would know it, but we elected him anyway - that is to say the DNC elected him. They didn't like Bernie's coherent responses, so the DNC swiftly moved in and appointed Biden to be our Democratic candidate even though he was ranked about number 4 among the long list of "would be's" in the primaries. It was done so smoothly and swiftly that the many of us who were not voting for Biden in the primaries didn't figure out what had happened until it was too late.

I mention this because it is now 4 years later, and if you thought Biden was lacking in coherence or sense then, just imagine what it must be like 4 years later. We have videos of him being led out of a room or how to get off stage because he doesn't quite know where he is. He is given answers to read now, but occasionally he slips in his own garbled thoughts. The point is that if you elect Joe, you are electing an automaton who is guided by a crew of idiots. You know who they are, but do you know what they believe in? Not one of them has put forward his platform.

What do you know about Jake Sullivan's background, for example? He's from he CIA, but what branch? Where did he go to college? What does he think about fascism? I suspect he's for some of it. What about Victoria Nuland? Do you really want her as a de facto vice president? I mean, she was one of the main engineers of the whole Ukraine mess starting back before 2014. What about Blinkin? He was Joe's Senate "gofer" who rose along with Joe and now does what everyone else tells him to do.

There are more on this list, but I won't go into them; just realize that you need to do some major research to learn who you are voting for because it's not Joe Biden - Joe doesn't really exist any more; whoever he was has sunk into the fog of senility and what is left are his "minders" who also do more or less what they are told by the oligarchs of oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, and arms manufacturers. You can vote for Trump and get something similar, or you can vote for Jill Stine and the Green Party, which has a goal of saving the planet ecologically and means it! Neither the Dem or the Repub party has a plan to do that.

The Green party admittedly does not have much political experience but they do have good goals and a steadfast aim to do the right thing. I personally think it's better to go with honest people even if they haven't had a lot of experience, than go with liars and con-artists, which surely by now you've noticed that that is who is mostly running the two major parties.

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Here are some questions for all You Trumpatistas out there with "TRUMP 2024" and/or "MAGA, A" tattooed on Your forehead:

I. What, exactly, do You mean, actually, really mean by "Great"?

2. When, exactly, did America become "Great"?

3. Exactly How and Why did it become "Great"?

4. When, exactly, did America stop being "Great"?

5. Exactly How and Why did it stop being "Great"?

6. How, exactly, will the American people and the world know that America is "Great Again"?

7. And What, exactly, will a "Great Again America" actually, really Be, for Americans; and for the world?

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When posed those questions during an exclusive interview with a reporter from al-Jazeera [the Muslim-owned and -operated, Doha, Qatar-based, global news network] back in late-November, 2016, shortly after the election, President-Elect Trump responded as follows:

TRUMP: '"What is... ?' 'When did...?' 'How did... ?'; Jeeezus... . That has to qualify as one of the, if not the, lamest... no, make that the stupidest and most irrelevant set of questions any soon-to-be-ex-reporter has ever asked the next President of the United States. Ever.

"Anybody who could even think up such a dumb bunch of questions like that wouldn't, because they couldn't, understand my answer, anyway. But, because I like Muslims..., no..., I really do. Because I like you folks, I'll try and answer you.

"The question is not what 'Great' is; or when America got or stopped being 'Great'; or even what it will be like when it's 'Great Again.' Americans, real Americans i mean, don't care about all that stuff. And neither should you Muslims, or anybody else in the world. The real question is, 'When will America be Great Again?'

"Because, mark my podium-pounding words: It Will Be. And that's so easy to answer that even you folks might understand it.

"America will be Great Again when I am President. When I am President, America will be Great Again because I, its President, am Great. Is that clear? Now, you may ask: 'How do I know that?'

"I know that because I always have been, am now, and will always be Great. And further, because everything I have ever done, am doing, and always will do has always been, is now, and always will be Great. And finally, because anything and everybody, and anybody and everything that has ever had, now has, or ever will ever have anything to do with me has always been, now is, and always will be Great, as well.

"For example, my empire of skyscrapers, golf courses, super-malls and condos, strip malls and slum flats; my casinos, University, and donations to veterans; my trophy wives; and, of course, my reality-tv shows [in one of which You are a role-playing, bit-extra right now, even as we speak]. Hell... come to think of it, even my bankruptcies have been, are, and will be great; especially for the stiffs.... heh.....

"All Great. All Great, just like me. And do you want to know Why they were, are, and will be Great? Because they are mine. All mine. I made them; I created them. All of them. All in my own image. And That's exactly why they're Great.

"And when I move my corporate headquarters from the Trump Towers down to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ['and the White House up to New York~ or over to Mar-a-Lago - for the weekends,' he added, parenthetically], America will be Great Again. Because it will be mine. To create, or in this case, re-create in my own image.

"Does that answer your question?"

al-Jazeera: "Almost. Can you give us at least some examples of what America will be like when it is 'Great Again"'?

TRUMP: "Sure. When America is Great Again, anybody that I, The President, don't like or don't want in my country will either be thrown out, or won't be allowed to get in here in the first place. Sort of like Obama killing anybody he doesn't like with drones; or Bush torturing anybody who crossed him. Only better because truly preemptive, and much less costly, in both blood or treasure.

"When America is Great Again, all our financial, fiscal, monetary, and budgetary problems will be over after I screw all those losers who have bought, paid for, and invested in our nation's public debts at all levels: federal, state, and local. I have lots of real-world ~ and not just some Harvard Business School jerk-..., classroom~ experience with that sort of thing, and know how to 'Get 'er Done,' as they say in the parlance.

"When America is Great Again, all them punks in Beijing, Bonn, Brussels, and Basel, and Elsewhere, and all them prevert Muslim jihadist terrorists and their mullahs, ayatollahs, and sheikhs of Arabi, and anybody else with an attitude, will come face-to-face with the reality that you don't fu~..., mess with The Donald. Or His country. Or his embassies or flag. Anywhere. Anytime. For any reason.

"When America is Great Again, we will put Ourselves, the US of A, Number One again, and get rid of all those bull- ..., bullshit rules and regulations that say that and what we can and can't do to whatever we want to do to the land, the water, and the air, anywhere, anytime. Or for that matter, to people, too.

We may only be, what is it, 4 percent of the world's population; but, as Great Again Americans, we need, want, demand, and, by God, have and will take our God-given Right to consume more than just our fair share of, what is it, 20 percent of the world's resources, or to create 25 or 30 percent of its garbage and pollution.

"You'll know that America is Great Again when I build a 3-hole golf course on the White House grounds, and open it up to the public, for a modest greens fee, of course. The plan is to have it ready to go in time for spring, when the weather breaks. I'm also exploring putting in an 18-hole PGA Championship course and lodge out at Camp David.

"Does that help you any?"

al-Jazeera; "It certainly does, Mr Trump. One other follow-up question before moving on to our other subjects: How soon do you think it will be before you're on Mount Rushmore?"

Trump: "How'd you know about that? ... Well, the plan is to unveil it just in time for my re-election Inaugural Ball in 2021."

al-Jazeera: Ahhhh. Thank you, Mr Trump. Now..., what about Russia?"


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Dec 29, 2023
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Heh. Good question, Ray. i'm not sure if it is satire, or just me channeling Trump if he was actually asked those questions.

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50 Years of Joe Biden RACIST Comments


"If you have a problem figuring out if your for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

Oh dear!

If President Trump said any of this stuff we would be hearing about it...FOREVER!

TRUMP 2024 - who else is there? A corpse? Gavin Newsom? Cornel West? Hillary? LOL

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The best thing that could happen to this nation and the Planet would be for both Trump and Biden to drop dead and become corpses.

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"A Trump/Haley ticket, perhaps?"

Another backhanded bashing of Trump, eh?

Trump would not go near this woman with 40-meter pole Bill.

DJT might be a lot of things - but he is not dumb!

TRUMP 2024

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Did Trump tell you this, Dennis?

It wouldn't surprise me if Haley was his VP.

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Oh dear, Bill!

That would be disqualifying for me!

That woman is a crazy warmonger eh!

Guess its Cornel West for me! LOL


Can you imagine this goofy guy as POTUS? LOL

Hope you and your wife survived Xmas, Bill.

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“I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. MY PARAMOUNT OBJECT IN THIS STRUGGLE IS TO SAVE THE UNION, AND IS NOT EITHER TO SAVE OR TO DESTROY SLAVERY. IF I COULD SAVE THE UNION WITHOUT FREEING ANY SLAVE I WOULD DO IT, AND IF I COULD SAVE IT BY FREEING ALL THE SLAVES I WOULD DO IT; AND IF I COULD SAVE IT BY FREEING SOME AND LEAVING OTHERS ALONE I WOULD ALSO DO THAT. WHAT I DO ABOUT SLAVERY, AND THE COLORED RACE, I DO BECAUSE I BELIEVE IT HELPS TO SAVE THE UNION; AND WHAT I FORBEAR, I FORBEAR BECAUSE I DO NOT BELIEVE IT WOULD HELP TO SAVE THE UNION. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views."

Lincoln letter to Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, 22 August 1862

Source: https://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/greeley.htm; EMPHASIS added.

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I updated my article with this note:

In the comments section, two readers cited Lincoln’s letter to Horace Greeley in 1862, saying that his principal aim was preserving the Union irrespective of the status of slavery in America. The suggestion here is that slavery wasn’t central to the Civil War because it wasn’t central to Lincoln.

This is a misreading of the evidence, according to James McPherson, perhaps America’s foremost historian of the war. I had the pleasure of attending a lecture by McPherson on April 23, 1991, on “Lincoln and the Second American Revolution.” In that lecture, McPherson explained that Lincoln’s views on slavery evolved over time. In 1861, Lincoln first and foremost sought to preserve the union. In July 1862, Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, waiting until after the victory at Antietam to make the announcement. By this point, Lincoln had decided “A broken egg [of slavery in America] cannot be mended.” Lincoln, McPherson argued, became a revolutionary by 1863—he had decided the war would end with the elimination of slavery—recognizing that slavery, if it persisted, would prevent efforts to restore the union.

Put succinctly, McPherson called Lincoln a “conservative revolutionary”: he was conservative in that his ultimate goal was to save the union, but his means were revolutionary in that he presided over a fundamental change in America: the elimination of slavery for the pragmatic reason that the persistence of that “peculiar institution” would doom efforts to restore America as a single united country.

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The first question that comes to mind is: If Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation in July 1862, then why did he send that letter to Greeley in August?

And what effect did the Emancipation Proclamation actually have on Slaves, in the Slave States of the Confederacy and on States in the Union where Slavery was still legal? Did the Emancipation Proclamation actually free any Slaves?

To me, the most important question is "Could what now was merely the First American Civil War been avoided? Could the deaths of 600,000-750,000 Union and Confederate Soldiers and an unknown number of civilians been avoided? And how?"

What would have happened if the South was not prevented from seceding? Could the Confederacy have survived as an independent nation? Could the Union have survived without the Confederacy?

It is important to remember that the seeds of the Civil War were planted when Slavery was written into the Constitution with the so-called "3/5 Rule" [Article I, Section 2] and what amounted to a de facto and de jure Fugitive Slave Law, guaranteeing that escaped Slaves would be returned to their rightful owners [Article IV, Section 2, Clause 3].

Had those two declarations not been in the Constitution, it would have never been ratified, and the United States of America would not have come into existence, at least at that time.

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How would you rate the tariff as a cause of the war?

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I think you're referring to the Morrill Tariff of 1861?

When we talk about wars, we often identify long-term versus short-term causes. Anything that aggravates regional tensions can be a "cause," but the tariff doesn't appear to have been a great rallying cause for the South to secede. See this article, for example: https://imperialglobalexeter.com/2015/03/02/debunking-the-civil-war-tariff-myth/

Secession was driven primarily by Southern fears that Lincoln and his party sought to end slavery, a concern far more fundamental to the South than tariffs.

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I think we can disagree.

The nullification crisis was about the tariff and the tariff had always been the big sticking point for a long time.

The Emancipation Proclamation did not free slave states if they returned.

Since I have been aware, the government has lied about causes from Tonkin on. Just because you found this Imperial & Global Forum don't make it necessarily so.

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Sure, we can agree to disagree.

My main point is that slavery was the leading cause of the Civil War, but hardly the only cause.

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Yup, we disagree, just as long as we are, in the words of the late Boston overnight DJ, Larry Glick, working to "get the story behind the story."

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"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it. And if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it. And if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

Honest Abe

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