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America needs a “revolution,” not merely a “reformation.”
However, the biggest problem with having either of those significant changes to the established political and economic order is determining exactly Whose vision for the future is the one to be pursued.
Trumpatismo proposes a reformation/revolution of sorts; as do the Sandersista…
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America needs a “revolution,” not merely a “reformation.”
However, the biggest problem with having either of those significant changes to the established political and economic order is determining exactly Whose vision for the future is the one to be pursued.
Trumpatismo proposes a reformation/revolution of sorts; as do the Sandersistas, The Squad, and the rest of America’s “progressive” or “democratic socialist” wing. As does the Clinton/Obama/Biden brand of corporatist crony capitalism and perpetual war.
Whichever vision ends up getting pursued in America is almost guaranteed to alienate and even inflame a significant number of Americans, as demonstrated by the elections in 2020 and 2022.
In any event, if America does have an actual revolution, it will be America’s first.
What happened in 1776 was not a revolution, but a secession. The American Colonists did not attack London with the intent of overthrowing the King and replacing the British system with a new and different system. What they did was declare that the King and his Laws, Rules, Taxes, Troops, and Governors were no longer in force or welcome in the Colonies, and declared themselves independent of England and its Empire.
In a word, they seceded from that Empire; they didn’t overthrow and replace it in a revolution.
And that was merely the first secession in America’s history; 84 years later, the Confederacy seceded in the second.
The next revolution in America ~ when its system of government and governance will be replaced ~ will be its first.