Jul 1Liked by Bill Astore

All Kabuki. Presidents don’t run anything anyway. The unelected Empire managers are fine with an addled brain at the helm. All the better for them to steal, kill and maim whatever or whomever they desire, unabated.

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Absolutely. As shown by the second terms of the administrations of Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan.

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Why ignore Wilson's first term, when the Corporatist Empire Managers at-that-time Wannabes got their Federal Reserve System and Income Tax?

Or Reagan's first term, when the Corporatist Empire Managers tried to give the USSR "its very own Vietnam" in Afghanistan? And eventually succeeded.

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Good points. I was basically thinking of the two women who were substituting for their Presidential husbands - Edith Wilson and Nancy Reagan (and her astrologist). And now Shrill Jill.

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Neither of those women were making Presidential, command decisions for their incapacitated husbands. That was solely in the hands of the Corporatist Empire Managers of the day.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 2

Well, if advisors and staff need to be fired, I would start with Jake Sullivan and Tony Blinken. They are rabid war mongers of the first order and are driving the game of nuclear chicken currently underway against Russia. The ironclad grip on the National Security State by the neocon cabal is dangerous and pernicious in the extreme. Whether Biden stays or goes will do little to break the grip. We continue to suffer under the illusion that the frontmen and women who are elected to high office run the show. If that were true, how is it that US foreign policy and endless Pentagon funding carry on seamlessly and without interruption no matter who is elected every four years?

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Well, I agree... that's where they should start. But those deep-state managers will be the very LAST to go. They, and a few others among their associated neocons, appear to me to have been given the keys to all foreign policy decisions not only in this but in many previous administrations. They literally drive all foreign policy; and on behalf of the profiting industries.

And, assuming that the DNC finally gives in to the obvious disability of Biden and puts forth a substitute Presidential candidate, and should that person win, you can expect more of the same. Even Trump, who hinted at foreign policy changes that were more accommodating of improvements in relations with Russia (tho motivated, in all likelihood, by pragmatism in his desire for further profit-making in real estate development), saw fit to hire hawks like Mike Pompeo. So I wouldn't expect any major turns with the Donald, either.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

A guy by the name of Dwight D. Eisenhower, a POTUS of all people, warned the world about this very thing some 60+ years ago. If he thought the military-industrial complex was a problem back then, today he would be speechless . The MIC has evolved over these past 60+ years into an all-consuming, pernicious behemoth that exerts total control over the entire National Security State apparatus. Another guy by the name of John F. Kennedy, who also happened to be the POTUS right after Eisenhower, dared to challenge the behemoth, and he was quickly disposed of. The message was sent loud and clear to everyone---think twice before you dare to get in our way.

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One could easily read that message - to all would-be reformers. While we lack what I consider conclusive PROOF that deep-staters terminated JFK, RFK, MLK et al, the evidence certainly suggests it.

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Let me ask You a question, Roger: Do You think that there is what You would consider as conclusive PROOF that Deep Staters organized, funded, facilitated, and, in fact, Let 9/11 happen?

And got their "Forever War" as a reward?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Bill Astore

Jeff, I can only say that I think it possible.. My first reaction to the earliest suggestions and claims that it was "an inside job" was admittedly somewhat dismissive. Just as there often are, attached to 'big events', there are those who will always see the evil hand of government conspirators behind the event or mystery. And I suppose, to some extent, the suggestion that there are people in or connected to our government who are so monstrous as to deliberately take down iconic skyscrapers and kill thousands of people, in the heart of New York City, was initially something beyond my ability to consider possible.

Coups and assassinations elsewhere; installations of murderous thugs and falsely-justified wars killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civilians and other horrors elsewhere across the globe? The needless horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Well, yes, there's no hiding that history (and it all comes out eventually). Assassinations of U.S. Presidents and other political figures? Ok, maybe. Likely, even. But the murderous domestic sacrifice of so many of their own citizens? They couldn't go that far, could they?

Well, while admitting that I haven't dug deep into all the facts, I'm now of the opinion that just because it's too horrific a thought to contemplate, I can't ignore the possibility that it was an inside job. There are certainly too many odd and unexplained facets of the story. Not only the technical details related to the buildings' swift, nearly perfect collapse. But the swift exits of Saudi nationals apparently with government assistance. The weird behavior of figures known to be connected to Mossad. The apparent ignoring of warnings about some of the people connected; and money movement.

Again, I haven't spent any time really digging into any of this. But given the resulting, permanent WOT with its legislative & administrative reactions and erosion of various long-defended constitutional liberties, I've suspended any disbelief that it could have been a domestic conspiracy.

I personally haven't seen what I consider conclusive proof... so it remains, like the aforementioned assassinations, a case where I can only hope / trust that the full truth is disclosed over time. In the meantime I'd rather spend my time trying to wake up people to the more easily known truths about the current and planned wars and the actions of by now well-identified mass murderers who sit in power.

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Well put, Roger.

I like to say that the real crimes began after 9/11, and that 9/11 itself (the attacks and failing to prevent them) shows the criminal incompetence of the Bush/Cheney regime, not their conspiratorial brilliance in allegedly planning said attacks.

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Thank You, Roger, for sharing Your thoughts on that. And i agree that a higher item on the Agenda is trying to wake people up to the realities of an America at War [Hot and/or Cold] with much of the rest of the Planet.

But the important thing to remember here is that the Only reason “The Forever War” could have possibly ever happened ~ and continue in slightly modified form today ~ was because there was a 9/11 that was successfully blamed ~ that very afternoon, in fact ~ on some Raghead living in a cave in Afghanistan.

In any event, permit me to recommend the closest thing i’ve come to conclusive proof that 9/11 was indeed an “inside job.” And it relates directly to those “technical details related to the buildings' swift, nearly perfect collapse”: Architects & Engineers for 9/11 TRUTH at https://www.ae911truth.org/ .

AE9/11T focuses particularly on the collapse of the third building, WTC-7, and its destruction by what gives every indication of being a planned demolition.

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"a good man’s got to know his limitations."

There is NOTHING good about that corrupt, pathologically lying, ZioGenocidal maniac!

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This comment by Paul Street is more relevant than ever;

Whether it's Biden or Trump at the top of the ticket, "A system that produces something as horrific as that is long past its overthrow date."

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The simple truth is Democrats will oppose ANYTHING suggested by Trump.

If Trump said let's NOT deport illegals ~ then Democrats would be all about deporting illegals.

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Trump is a SERIAL LIAR, the most Egocentric Megalomaniac whiner ever in Public life preaching Nihilism to boot.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

I disagree with you Ray.

What is it that Trump has ever done to you as a Canadian?

And doesn't Matthew 7:1 say "Judge not lest yea be judged"*

I don't think Donald Trump rejects of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless. Far from it. Isn't that the definition of nihilism?

Donald Trump is going to do his damnedest to stop the killing in the Ukraine war, and I hope he can do the same with the religious war in the Middle East.

Name me another Western politician who is going to that.

I didn't see any megalomaniac behavior in his first term as POTUS. Like what?

Egocentric~ yes. Again, name me a politician who isn't!

Yes, he tells untruths. As all American Presidents have. But none as bad as Bidens demented LIE he stated in the debate: that Putin is going to occupy the Ukraine and then invade Europe. A SERIAL LIE that is going to start WW3 and be the end of all mankind as we know it.

Why it is so important the Biden is not re-elected. Trump's goal has always been that the US should have a friendly relationship with Putin and Russia.

Take care my man.

Matthew 7:1-5 (KJV): "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

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i'm curious, Dennis: Since when did You get enough "religion" enough to extensively quote the Bible to justify Your latest opinion?

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Since I was old enough to use my brain Jeff.

And there you go again with your pejoratives...My "latest opinion".

Implying I change my opinion every 5-minutes.

You are a piece of work my friend.

Nothing that a good Dale Carnegie course could improve you on.

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It is your latest opinion, Dennis! You badmouth Scripture and religion every chance I give you and now citing Scripture to make your point is as opportunistic as Trump shows himself to be.

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Implying nothing of the sort, Dennis. Rather, it was addressing the fact that You offer a new opinion about different things quite regularly. Hence, Your "latest" [in terms of time presented] opinion.

You starting to get paranoid along with getting old?

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1a: a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless

1b: a doctrine that denies any objective ground of truth and especially of moral truths

2a: a doctrine or belief that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility

Also in Matthew 7!

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.

Not every one that says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works?

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

Matthew 7: 15-23

Don't forget, Dennis, it was Trump that was the 1st to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons. It was Trump that put Economic Sanctions on European Contractors working on completing the few remaining miles in NATO waters joining Nord Stream II with Russia and Germany in a Win-Win Economic enterprise.

Your blind faith in Trump is blind!

Again, I cite Paul Street re Trump or Biden as President, "A system that produces something as horrific as that is long past its overthrow date."

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

You just don't read my posts carefully, Ray. Or like my friend Jeff Moebus, insist on putting words in my mouth. It gets very old my man.

How many times do I have to tell you that I don't have "blind faith" in Trump. I am aware he gets a lot wrong. And I disagree with him on many things.

But I am pragmatic. I deal with things rationally in a way that has a realistic possibility of a good outcome. Rather than on religious superstitions and prophecies, theoretical considerations and wishful thinking.

I believe it is unarguable that President Trump is going to result in a better future for you and me, and the World, than a senile President with cheese for brains with his finger on the nuclear button.

And President Trump does not have the blood of 30,000+ innocent Palestinian women and children on his hands. For me it's like the difference between a Pol Pot and a John F. Kennedy.

Who do you believe is going to result in a better last few year for you Ray?

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I am not jg and I don't put words in your mouth. My observation, "Your blind faith in Trump is blind!" you confirm in your reply.

The United Nations Secretary-General expressed the simple Truth and Reality saying "October 7 didn't happen in a vacuum." It was Trump who moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem in violation of International Law. He said in the debate Israel should finish the job with Hamas.

If Trump was President on October 7, most probably there would be the blood of more than 30,000 innocent Palestinian women and children on his hands. You accept without question or reservation his boast during the debate if elected, he would end the Ukraine War and the Gaza genocide before he's sworn in as President. Believing such a boastful claim is neither pragmatic or rational. It's BLIND FAITH!

It is definitely arguable the election of Trump will result in a better Future for anybody, except for right wing Christian Nationalists. That's your blind faith talking!

I watched Biden last night and it did not dispel any concerns he raised with his lack of performance at the debate. As President, nobody talked to him like Trump did and his aides did not prepare him to deal with Trump's bullying personal attacks.

It's easy to read off a teleprompter and slowly shuffle away without answering any reporter's questions. That is not transparency in a Democracy. It's revealing for all the European fear about Trump, not 1 NATO Leader came out to defend Biden's mental agility. I hope the Democrats have an open Convention and select a younger candidate that would demolish Trump.

Who do you believe is going to result in a better last few year for you Ray?

Not Trump or Biden! I am secure in God through my Faith in Christ Jesus the last 50 years, that has shown me is reliable and dependable!

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True, that. But deporting immigrants seems to be Trump's greatest desire at present. "Illegals" make great scapegoats for what is wrong in 'Merka.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Roger, Trump has never scapegoated LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Like me. America was always great to me. I was never threatened with being deported! And paid the same taxes as all native Americans.

And with the incredible struggles I had to get my Green Card, already married to an American wife, I am 100% in agreement with deporting every single ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. They have broken the Law for starters. And pay less than their share of tax and too many show up at our hospital ER's for their "free" healthcare. It is unarguable that Illegal immigrants are a huge destructive drain on ANY nation. 30-million in the US. The recent number under Biden ~ a modern tragedy. The UK is facing the same threat to their way of life. Also Italy where I am now.

Their presence in America is extremely insulting to me. Fuck them! They are criminals. What happened to ~ "No one is above the Law"?

If they want to live in America, let them go through the same legal challenges I had to! Immediately bus them back to the nearest border, and have them apply for their citizenship through their Embassy in their country of birth by jumping through all the hoops, and passing all the tests, like had to.

Ronald Reagan — ‘A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.’

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A nation that cannot control its War Mongering Ruling Political Class is even less of a nation.

Why worry about national borders when there is an entire Planet to control and "Make Great"?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

So, what are you going to do about it, Jeff, other that whine and moan about EVERYTHING.

Oh, I remember! Vote NOTC. Yeah right! What a cop out! A way of shirking your duty to do something difficult or unpleasant that you should do, and the excuse that you use to do this.

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What i'm attempting to do about it, Dennis, is as follows:

Make "None Of These Candidates" an official available choice on every ballot in ELECTION2024 for President and US Senator and Congressional Representative.

And are You saying that it is my "duty" to vote for somebody ~ anybody ~ who i do not want to see in public office because somebody like You tells me that that is my "duty"?

If that is indeed the case, then with all due ~ and i Do mean Due ~ respect, Dennis: [Obscenity deleted].

Have a great day.

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In the ancient Charlton Heston movie, El Cid, he has been killed in battle. To terrify the Moors (the Arabs in Spain) Heston is propped up, dead, in the saddle and his horse is spurred into battle. The Moors, terrified at seeing a man they were sure they had killed still in action, panic and are defeated. Now it is true that Biden is alive, but it appears some Democrats believe something similar, an apparent miracle, can be done with Biden. Democrats now fall into two categories - those who will hold the fort for the party even when there is no commander, and those who are rational.

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The Dems should just run Jill Biden. She's only 73 and she's probably been acting President anyway. Besides, she wants another term: https://babylonbee.com/news/jill-biden-refuses-to-drop-out-of-presidential-race

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

It's as predictable as the sun coming up every day.

The LIBTARDS will be squawking 24/7 on every outlet that Donald Trump is a felon who lies about having consensual sex with an adult entertainer. Lock him up!

And never once mentioning that their man, senile demented Genocide Joe, ("I am a Zionist.") is complicit in the slaughter of 30,000+ innocent Palestinian women and children. With money stolen from the American taxpayers and against American Laws. And takes bribes from corrupt Ukrainians. And wants to pardon his son for God only knows what! And wants to start WW3. And we need to help him get a second term.

Only in America. What a country eh!

EDIT: Imagine that the French want France to stay French. MFGA!

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La France pour les Français. Qui savait?

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How is the Genocide in Palestine being paid for by "money stolen from American taxpayers"?

Was the Genocide of America's "Forever War" after 9/11 similarly paid for with stolen money? How about Iraq I and the search for Saddam's "WMDs"? Or Vietnam and Korea? Were those Wars similarly paid for with "stolen money"?

And specifically which "American laws" is perpetrating and perpetuating Genocide against?

And finally, the issue wasn't, still isn't, and never will be whether or not Trump had "consensual sex" with a porn star. It was whether or not he paid her to keep quiet about it, and had his tax attorneys and accountants manipulate the books so as to keep his bribe money to her a secret.

If Trump did nothing wrong having a Quicky with Stormy, then why did he attempt to cover it up with cash from the Trump fortune? And then attempt to cover that up, as well?

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Trump had "consensual sex" with a porn star and he paid her to keep quiet about it and had his tax attorneys and accountants manipulate the books so as to keep his bribe money to her a secret....pfffft! Another one of orange man's heinous victimless crimes! Along with the "crime" of borrowing money on mutually agreeable terms from a big bank and "defrauding" them by promptly paying it all back. You can't make this stuff up folks.

As opposed to providing 2,000lb bombs to a maniac knowing full well that he was going to use US F-35I's to drop them on starving women and kids in refugee camps! Violating The US Leahy Laws. Human rights laws that prohibit the US Department of Defense from providing military assistance to foreign security forces that violate human rights with impunity.

BTW Jeff, you reckon the Biden Crime Family had their tax attorneys and accountants manipulate their books so as to keep bribe money received from Ukranian and Russian oligarchs a secret? Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina wired $3.5 million to a shell company account controlled by him and Hunter Biden. Devon Archer, Hunter's business buddy testified the wire was a commission payment for a Brooklyn real estate transaction he had brokered for Baturina that "accidentally went into a wrong account" for a company Hunter Biden had an ownership stake in, and that Joe Biden had no role in the real estate deal! Yeah right! If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you Jeff. As Jill Biden said - HE LIED.

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To be perfectly, bluntly honest, Dennis: i care as much about the "Biden Crime Family" as i do about the Trump, Obama, Cheney, Bush, and Clinton Crime Families. Or the Crime Families of any other politician ~ past and present ~ comfortably entrenched in Swampland.

They are all poured from the same mold and exist ~ and are capable ONLY of existing ~ because of America's system of Government and Governance.

A system that lets individual, organizational, and institutional Vested Special Interests openly bid for free, open, and ready access to that Government's legal power, administrative authority, and, above all, its spending capability and capacity, so as to advance the agendas of the highest bidding VSIs via their complete and total command and control of this nation's elected politicians, entrenched civilian and military bureaucrats, and anointed political appointees [particularly Judges at all levels, from District, to Appeal, to the Supreme Court].

And just curious: Do You have a source on all Your dirt on the Biden Crime family? Or is that just something we are all just to take Your word on?

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Which International Court of Law has formally and officially determined that Israel is "violating human rights with impunity," and declared that formally?

Given that no International Court of Law has come to that conclusion, on what basis do You charge that the US is thus violating the Leahy Laws by providing military assistance to Israel for its Genocide in Palestine?

Or is it only the American and Israeli governments whose opinion on this matter is of any actual significance or practical consequence in the real world?

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

“All States must ‘ensure respect’ for international humanitarian law by parties to an armed conflict, as required by 1949 Geneva Conventions and customary international law,” the experts said. “States must accordingly refrain from transferring any weapon or ammunition – or parts for them – if it is expected, given the facts or past patterns of behaviour, that they would be used to violate international law.”


“The Israelis too often seem to act as though international law does not apply to them. And our government has acted as though the Leahy Law doesn’t apply to [the Israelis],” said Tim Rieser, a longtime senior adviser to former Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) who was a key architect of the law. “As a result, there is a kind of culture of impunity — they can do almost anything to the Palestinians without being accountable.”


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What does any of that have to do with "money being stolen from American taxpayers"?

And which American War since 9/11 and the start of "The Forever War" has NOT been in non-compliance with the Leahy Law? Can You name even one?

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Until the Election, the WAR monger Biden is still calling the shots on Ukraine.

'Ukraine War Will End in Surrender'

There will not be negotiations with Zelensky

The Ukraine war will end in a surrender, not in a negotiated deal. That is my sense of where the war is headed and why the parties cannot negotiate a settlement.

The latest wrinkle in the missing negotiating saga is a declaration, in the form of an interview given by Volodymyr Zelensky to the Philadelphia Inquirer. Zelensky says there can't be direct negotiations between Ukraine and Russia but there could be indirect negotiations through a third party where Ukraine and Russia will not only have the third party as an intermediary, but any deal will only be with the intermediary, not Russia or Ukraine. Zelensky suggested maybe the UN could act in this role.

The Zelensky proposal is a non-starter for many reasons, but the biggest one is that warring states need to directly agree on ending a conflict. There is no hope of a third party implementing any deal, as the Minsk agreements (2014, 2015) prove. Minsk was a hybrid case, where the deal was signed by Russia, Ukraine and by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Ukraine refused to implement the deal, and the OSCE proved toothless and unwilling to try and enforce the Minsk accords. The deal was given political backing by Germany and France, although neither was a signatory and Germany and France were not legally obliged in any manner to support the resulting deal.

Zelensky's "proposal" really is just another smokescreen to deflect criticism of Ukraine for not wanting a settlement with Russia. There are three strong forces keeping Zelensky from the negotiating table. The most important is that the main Anglo-Saxon players in NATO, namely the US and the UK, strongly oppose any negotiations with Russia. The US has done everything it can, using sanctions and diplomatic measures, to prevent any dialog with Russia on any subject (other than prisoner exchanges).

The second reason is Ukrainian legislation, sponsored by Zelensky, prohibiting negotiations with Russia. The Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's parliament) could rescind that legislation in a nanosecond if Zelensky asked them to do so, but he won't. Zelensky completely controls the Ukrainian parliament, has arrested or exiled opposition politicians, and he controls the press and other media. Zelensky's iron fist means that he won't personally allow direct negotiations.

Zelensky also has signed a decree prohibiting any negotiations with Russia's president, Vladimir Putin.


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Sorry Ray: But Biden is calling NO shots in Ukraine. Or Gaza, or anyplace else. His Corporatist Deep State owners, operators, commanders, and controllers are.

Just like every President and virtually every member of Congress has been; for a very, Very long time.

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I don't disagree jg, but he is the mouthpiece and front for the mysterious Deep State just as Trump will be if he's elected President.

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Jeff you keep repeating ad nauseum that Biden's Corporatist Deep State owners, operators, commanders, and controllers are calling the shots.

Incredible claims require incredible evidence eh?

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How is declaring that Biden's [or Trump's, or Obama's, or Cheney/Bush II's, or Clinton's, or Bush I/Reagan's, or Carter's] Corporatist Deep State owners, operators, commanders, and controllers are calling the shots "an incredible claim"?

And if You find Yourself getting nauseated every time You read that claim, i hear that Dramamine is a very effective antiemetic. Alternatively, i have found that Bonine is very effective for many folks ~ including me ~ especially when it comes to preventing sea sickness while sailing.

And if it isn't America's Ruling Political Class/Deep State that is calling the shots in the Oval Office and up on Capital Hill, then who or what is? The American Voter?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Trump was trying to call the shots in his first term. He wanted to drop the charges against Assange, and get out of Afghanistan. That's why America's Ruling Political Class/Deep State and the DNC rigged the vote to cheat Trump out of a second term. He was a danger to their "Democracy". And is a whiner you know!

He is not a stupid man. He learned how it's done in the Swamp. This time around its going to be different. Back stabbers like Mike Pompeo need not apply!

And he actually listens to the American Voter. Go ahead and laugh Jeff. But the last laugh is going to be on you! He's going to win in the biggest landslide in US history. NOTC is going to be a mere footnote for obsessive political anoraks.

Stock up on your Dramamine and Bonine old man!

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If Trump wanted to drop the charges against Assange or get out of Afghanistan, then why didn't he do exactly that in the four years he had to do it? What's his ~ and thus Your ~ excuse for doing absolutely NOTHING in either case? [Except primarily, of course, to keep "Forever War" budgets at record levels.]

More importantly, when did he or anybody on Team Trump even mention anything about either issue; let alone actually DO something/anything about either of them?

Trump had 4 years to free Assange, and did absolutely NOTHING.

He had 4 years to end America's Forever War, not only in Afghanistan, but in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and everywhere else it was raging; and again, did absolutely NOTHING except to sign off on record high national defense/security/intelligence, surveillance, censorship, and propaganda budgets. And push America's national, sovereign Debt higher and higher and higher.

My guess is that the reason he did absolutely nothing in these areas is that he wanted to survive long enough to complete a full 4 years in office. And get chosen by his owners, operators, commanders, controllers, and masters for another 4.

And maybe even get those 4 more if the American people were ignorant enough to buy into all his Bullshit about how "Great" America had become ["Again"] under his brilliant leadership.

Which leads one to ask: If Trump's plan was to "Make America Great Again," that implies that America was once "Great" ~ whatever that means ~ and no longer is.

As a registered MAGAt, perhaps You can answer some Questions Trump has never answered because nobody ever directly challenged him with them:

1. When, exactly, did America become "Great," and How and Why did that happen?

2. When, exactly, did America stop being "Great," and again, How and Why did THAT happen?

3. How will Americans and the rest of the Planet know that America is, indeed, "Great Again"?

Do You or any other Trumpatistas have answers to those questions that make any sense? If so, the world is waiting with baited breath to be enlightened so that it can claim MAGAtization, as well.

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This happened under Trump.

May 2019: The U.S. government indicts Assange on 18 charges over WikiLeaks’ publication of classified documents. Prosecutors say he conspired with U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to hack into a Pentagon computer and release secret diplomatic cables and military files on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Listening to Trump's stump speeches, he is stupid appealing to stupid people like you believing the Trump LIE the 2020 election was stolen. Biden won, and I am not a Biden supporter!

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The picture wants us to see something that is not the REALIY. Obviously Joe has a firm grip on Jill's hand. That's what the picture shows.

Naturally I'm disappointed only 2 People in this whole world looked at my latest post, https://rayjc.com/2024/06/21/speak-truth-to-power-2/

Other than the 2 of the 150 people following my Blog, no one from here looked at it, nor did any of my 89 Twitter followers or any of my 1367 friends or the 257 followers on FaceBook.

In any case, this Edit was just added to SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER.

Fareed Zacharia’s GPS showed this image on CNN June 30. It’s really quite the amazing departure from past practice of hiding unpleasant Truths about Israel and portends to an approaching Day of Reckoning.

It’s the result of surveying 24,000 people in 31 countries on the debate over Autocracy vs Democracy.

I’d like to know where the Democratic FREE WORLD is, our Leaders - Policical, MSM and Business, tell us we LIVE IN, when the Financial, Emotional, and Psychological COSTS keep rising.

If there was any respect for TRUTH & REALITY, the people would at least admit this World is an Oligarchic Plutocratic PYRAMID SYSTEM with the rich and powerful at the top like the INVERSE PYRAMID in the Israeli Star of David ready to topple over.

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Today, the MSM will likely broadcast the White House 'press corps' questioning the Little Orphan Annie impersonator, who will tell them Biden just had a 'bad night' and then the usual nonsense about coming back strong.

My question to her would be, who's in charge the next time he has a bad night at the same time the world is having one - e.g., the Mideast, Taiwan, Ukraine?

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Huge disdain for humanity!

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US is inhabited with at least two realities, neither overlap.

The 28% reality would have a wooden puppet whose nose does not grow as president to deny the reality of Trump.

Lost down the rabbit hole.

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Latest news!

On the advice of his son, Hunter, Joe Biden has decided he is staying in the race!

Taking the advice of the smartest man he knows he says! Oh dear!

You can't make this up folks.

Where is John Belushi, Steve Martin, Dan Akroyd and Bill Murray when we need them most?

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While much is made of Democrats' current calls for Biden to step down, it should be remembered that even 2 years ago, only 35% of Dems and Dem-leaning unaffiliated voters thought Biden should run for reelection. https://www.langerresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/1226a1MidtermPolitics.pdf Did the DNC and Dem establishment listen? Obviously not. Maybe they will now, since there's a nearly uniform chorus among the Dems' defenders to replace Joe. But as you say here, it may be too late. I guess we'll all see soon enough.

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Roger, you reckon this is true?

All the zillions of dollars raised for funding Genocide Joe's campaign CANNOT legally be transferred to Kamala or Newsome? Or any other candidate?

Wadda yuh think?

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This is not an area of my expertise or knowledge. However, I was able to find that a knowledgeable source says that Joe's campaign funds COULD be accessed by Harris if she became the nominee for President; but not if she were underling to a different Presidential nominee. Also, it appears the cash could also be transferred to the Party. Otherwise, it can be given to a Charity or SuperPAC (but the latter only in small amounts per election cycle.). But again, I haven't confirmed this with a personal reading of the Federal elections law.

In any case, I hope KH is also retired from public office. She makes me gag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLhsJYQ8jdk

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The simple fact is that it doesn’t really matter who occupies the White House. American domestic and foreign policies are determined by others who control the system. Woodrow Wilson acknowledged this in 1913 when he said “The masters of the United States are the combined capitalists and manufacturers of the United States.” 110 years has not changed that obvious fact. The Biden family’s interests in this unfortunate situation I prefer not to speculate about, though I can think of one particular reason.

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Wilson would know.

1913 was the year the CORPORATIST Bankers and Financiers got their Federal Reserve System. And it wasn't but a couple of years later that the CORPORATIST Manufacturers got their War... the one to "end all Wars" [sic] and to "make the world safe for democracy" [sic sic]. [EMPHASES added.]

And thus was the launch of so-called "Progressivism" in America.

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