Glad to see the NYT willing to document the horrors of war in the Ukraine, but will be even better if they could spare a glance at the horrors done in Gaza and document as fully what has happened there. Will wait....without much hope. And yes to your comments Bill about the war continuing since so much has been lost and therefore it must continue. The words from the Irish ballad "The wind that shakes the barley" come to mind at this point: ....."and blood for blood without remorse". Once blood is shed, so damn difficult for the words of peace to be heard once more. Thank you for the post!

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Jun 5Liked by Bill Astore

What you are describing is the sunk cost fallacy. That one has to continue investing in something, particularly something destructive, because one has already sacrificed so much. There's only one way out of the hole and that's, first, to stop digging.

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Yes, but it's far worse in war, where we "honor" the dead by creating even more dead.

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Jun 8Liked by Bill Astore

The Onion had a roundtable on the grand tradition of throwing money in the Money Hole. There were other holes, too. https://youtu.be/JnX-D4kkPOQ?si=qKB7stZATwYpsR9Q

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Freakin' awesome. So much truth in satire.

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Jun 4Liked by Bill Astore

Ukraine is a good example of the disconnect between the people of the country and the leadership. The war is in the interest of the Zelensky government but obviously bad for the people. Zelensky was elected on a peace platform but rules in sync with Collective West war goals. His term ran out on May 21 and he cancelled elections so now he's a dictator. Welcome to the club of dictators supported by The Blob.

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deletedJun 4·edited Jun 4
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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

I certainly didn't have a say in it. Any more than I had a say in the war in Vietnam that was raging when I turned 19. That's democracy for you.

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US is not truce eligible, they reneged on 2 Minsk agreements and slow leaked annual Normandy conferences.

I have concluded that U.S. is not running down “sunk costs” fallacy.

Its master are going after MAX-MAX goals.

Grabbing Russia is such a “win” US is all in even to destroying civilization which iis already abyssmal.

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How can a democracy exist and function when everything is shrouded in secrecy and the public are fed lies and disinformation?

It can't.

From Ukraine to Gaza to climate change, the economy to homelessness, virtually everything we are fed by the MSM is disinformation or lies.

Assange reports the truth and is jailed. How much harm did his reporting cause the US? Same with Snowden. Students protesting against Zionists genocide. Now Ritter?

It's why freedom of the press was such an important part of the bill of rights. Citizens can no longer make sound logical decisions with the MSM controlled by the same people who are in control. Lies, no matter how blatant are now considered acceptable and liers are not held accountable when sworn to uphold the constitution. This is our new government.

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End this war

Agree to Minsk negotiated settlement.

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And to think at the beginning there was an opportunity to negotiate but the US insisted that course not be followed.

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... was 9yo when Korean War ended, so don't remember much of it until high-school when studied how it concluded w-Demarcation-line established between north-south

... so when someone recently asked how this war in Ukraine might end, thought again of that Demarcation-line ... better than unending-destruction-killing, lasting well-long-enough

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deletedJun 4·edited Jun 4
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Each side, blue and red, accuses the other of being "fascist." It's a term that now means "I don't like you."

Trump is a Trumpist. The world revolves around him. In a world full of egotists, he may take the trophy.

Put differently, he's the very opposite of the Taoist qualities you listed, Dennis, especially when it comes to humility.

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deletedJun 4
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Sure. I know you hold a higher opinion of Trump than I do.

I wish Trump was truly sincere about draining the swamp etc. His first term showed he either couldn't or wouldn't do it. He is too undisciplined and scattershot in his approach, and he lacks resolve.

He may have acumen in real estate, business deals, and selling himself, but he lacks steadfastness and his ethics are always suspect because what matters to Trump is ultimately Trump.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Did you see he is now denying that he ever said "lock her up" about Hillary? His reasoning (not his forte) is that it was his audience that called for that and not him.

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Next thing you know, he'll deny calling her "crooked" Hillary.

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