Its possible she could beat Trump this fall. Her strong suit is the law and as Attn Gen of CA know her way around the judicial system. She was progressive on climate issues and fighting big oil and a champion of helping folks get into the housing market by prodding the banks to be more user friendly to home owners. She may even champion unions and labor issues over big conglomerates. She may be more forceful than Biden putting Netanyahu and the aparthied state of Israel in its place. That said I'll still vote Jill Stein over her. If we had rank voting she'd be my second choice.
no party is popular in the red fly over states....that's been the case since both parties sold out the fly over states to big corporations Bth parties champion the multinationals going over seas for cheap labor. Are any repuglicans championing living wages for workers, respect for workers and strong laboor unions, universal health care for all, free public education, In desperation these rural areas have put their hopes in trump's rhetoric of MAGA. But in reaity he's make the oligarchs richer (into multi billionieres) on the back of cheap labor 9overseas labor) . In conclussion the Repuglicans are worse that the Dems in championing minimal taxes and maximum profits to their big donors not the little fly over guy. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
Jill may not win but if more folks gravitate toward her at the booths this Nov it could help future Greens do better in all the states that make it almost impossible for 3rd party candiates to be heard and get on the ballots. That's the win in my book and why I'm voting for this Nov. Vote Green and you vote for
1. People over profits that trickle up not down
2. A healther planet for us and our children
3. Peace over forever wars that feed what currently is the USA's ony growth industry: war constant war that feeds the war machine industries which than feed the politicians which in turn feed the perpetuation of the war machine. We are a nation built on continuous war. If that's what you want vote for either of the duopoly parties.
Its possible she could beat Trump this fall. Her strong suit is the law and as Attn Gen of CA know her way around the judicial system. She was progressive on climate issues and fighting big oil and a champion of helping folks get into the housing market by prodding the banks to be more user friendly to home owners. She may even champion unions and labor issues over big conglomerates. She may be more forceful than Biden putting Netanyahu and the aparthied state of Israel in its place. That said I'll still vote Jill Stein over her. If we had rank voting she'd be my second choice.
no party is popular in the red fly over states....that's been the case since both parties sold out the fly over states to big corporations Bth parties champion the multinationals going over seas for cheap labor. Are any repuglicans championing living wages for workers, respect for workers and strong laboor unions, universal health care for all, free public education, In desperation these rural areas have put their hopes in trump's rhetoric of MAGA. But in reaity he's make the oligarchs richer (into multi billionieres) on the back of cheap labor 9overseas labor) . In conclussion the Repuglicans are worse that the Dems in championing minimal taxes and maximum profits to their big donors not the little fly over guy. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
Jill may not win but if more folks gravitate toward her at the booths this Nov it could help future Greens do better in all the states that make it almost impossible for 3rd party candiates to be heard and get on the ballots. That's the win in my book and why I'm voting for this Nov. Vote Green and you vote for
1. People over profits that trickle up not down
2. A healther planet for us and our children
3. Peace over forever wars that feed what currently is the USA's ony growth industry: war constant war that feeds the war machine industries which than feed the politicians which in turn feed the perpetuation of the war machine. We are a nation built on continuous war. If that's what you want vote for either of the duopoly parties.