Very good take on Squadling spinelessness AND phonyness (if that's a word) by Glenn Greenwald in this video: at 17:17-25:52. Backs up your precise point and pushes back against "what people tell you" in making excuses for the Squad…
Very good take on Squadling spinelessness AND phonyness (if that's a word) by Glenn Greenwald in this video: at 17:17-25:52. Backs up your precise point and pushes back against "what people tell you" in making excuses for the Squad. They ain't where they're supposed to be (and where they were elected to be). Spineless phonies in short.
Very good take on Squadling spinelessness AND phonyness (if that's a word) by Glenn Greenwald in this video: at 17:17-25:52. Backs up your precise point and pushes back against "what people tell you" in making excuses for the Squad. They ain't where they're supposed to be (and where they were elected to be). Spineless phonies in short.