There will be no consequences for Israel, which is why they will continue to ignore international law and all human morality. Until they get massive international sanctions that cripple their economy, they will continue to kill innocent people with impunity.

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As outrage piles upon outrage, it's clear there is no moral core to this country.

Of the millions who piously celebrated Easter services in all their finery, did any stop and question where are the religious figures who have called out the genocide? Did the saintly Joe Biden, attending Mass, even consider the cynical positions of his administration - motivated only by election year calculations - is resulting in the looming deaths of hundreds of thousands, and millions if Israel is successful in starting a war in Lebanon that draws in the US?

All this, while all political 'leaders' cheer on Israel's "right to defend itself".

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Alas, what we need and what is on offer are diametrically opposed. We are staring into the abyss.

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Well said, Bill!

The fundamental Reality IS;

Biden presides over BOTH the Ukraine WAR and the Gaza MASSACRE/GENOCIDE.

Under his Leadership, the US Military-Industrial Complex is making a KILLING off BOTH VIOLENT CONFLICTS when it's WITHIN US POWER to stop both.

My Personal Faith is being sorely tried and tested with these unfolding World developments leading to ARMAGEDDON/WWIII.

BLESSED are the Peace Makers, for THEY shall be called the CHILDREN of God.

They seem to be AWOL as HATRED is being magnified in THIS Material World, not having come together yet!

Beatles Come Together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gezWgqFXkPA

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I am ashamed of my country.

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"Lost In A Lost World" The Moody Blues!-- Mike Pinder, Writer & on Pindertron..!

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The Israeli army carried out a massive, shockingly horrific military operation in Al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City over the course of the past two weeks, indiscriminately targeting and attacking Palestinians regardless of their civilian status, professional standing, gender, age, or health condition.

Though the exact number of casualties from the atrocity is still unknown, preliminary reports suggest that over 1,500 Palestinians have been killed, injured, or are reported missing as a result of the massacre at Al-Shifa, with women and children making up half of the casualties. Euro-Med Monitor is able to confirm from its initial investigation and testimonies that hundreds of dead bodies, including some burned, and others with their heads and limbs severed, have been discovered both inside Al-Shifa Medical Complex and in the hospital’s surrounding area.

The massacre claimed the lives of at least 22 patients who were killed in their hospital beds during the Israeli siege of the Medical Complex, amid the willful deprivation of their access to food, medical care, and supplies. Israel’s army also purposefully prevented relief teams and representatives of international organisations from entering Al-Shifa to carry out humanitarian missions or evacuations, plus purposefully cleared the Complex of all working personnel—particularly medical personnel—either by summary execution or forced displacement or arrest. The whereabouts of some of these individuals are still unknown.

Al-Shifa Medical Complex is currently out of service due to the Israeli army bombing and setting fire to every one of its buildings, including the mortuary and all internal and external courtyards and corridors.

The attack on Al-Shifa Medical Complex is the most visible aspect yet of Israel’s systematic and carefully-crafted plan to destroy and besiege the Gaza Strip’s health sector, bring it to the brink of collapse, and deny the Palestinian population any chance at survival or medical care, or shelter.


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The words from our government are now so removed from the reality that I think we have arrived at the point of "war is peace" though we are long past 1984.

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100%, Bill. Washington, DC is totally corrupt. The government operates to the benefit of an elite invisible state. The fabled democracy is in reality a oligarchy.

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i suggest a concerted and collective effort to launch a tax revolt, as americans successfully did against their british overlords in the late 1700s. i would be willing to go to prison if necessary, but our combined income earned from USAID projects is too low to be required to pay taxes to the US govt, despite having our taxes removed at source by USAID, which we have never retrieved. we do pay taxes to the canadian govt, however, but an exiguous amt. as octogenarians on scant pensions, my husband and i would be unable to survive in either canada or the US as salubriously and comfortably as we do here in the philippines. your claim that none [N.B. 'none' is singular, a contraction of 'not one'] of US taxpayers' lucre is siphoned off for the US war machine, the MIC, and the concomitant spy apparatus, domestic or foreign, is donkey-dung. even if the US treasury simply prints more denaro, the consumer remains compromised by the commensurate costs of inflation, both for comestibles and luxury items. your forthcoming evidence would be much appreciated.

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why don't YOU offer some viable or at least reasonable suggestions, jg moebus? your relentless and ineluctable litany of interrogatives is as futile as astore's and his commenters' declaratives. give us some proactive guidance here. we await your cynosureship.

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Very bad, but not at the levels of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, deaths: about H-140,000 & N-73,884 by Dec. 31,1945. I have more to say but I would need an email to deliver it (12 pages).

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Was Woody Hayes* moral, ethical, compassionate, and humane? Did he MOSGA? You betcha!

Was Billy Martin** moral, ethical, compassionate, and humane? Did he MNYYGA? You betcha!

Was Bobby Knight*** moral, ethical, compassionate, and humane? Did he MIHGA? You betcha!

Is Donald Trump moral, ethical, compassionate, and humane? Can he MAGA? You betcha!

TRUMP 2024

*In a game against Michigan, Hayes launched a profanity-laced tirade at the referee, and tore up the sideline markers, receiving a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. He then threw the penalty flag into the crowd, began destroying the yard markers, and threw the first-down marker into the ground like a javelin before being restrained by Buckeyes team officials,

**He was forced to resign midway through the 1978 season after saying on TV of slugger Reggie Jackson and owner George Steinbrenner, "one's a born liar, and the other's convicted".

***Former Indiana Hoosier player Todd Jadlow alleged that Bobby Knight punched him in the face, broke a clipboard over the top of his head, and squeezed his testicles and the testicles of other Hoosiers, among other abuses.

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I have noticed since the US-Israeli Massacre of the People of Gaza started, Israel has systematically destroyed the Hospitals and Health Care in Gaza. The Israelis always tell us Gaza’s Hospitals have Hamas terrorists operating in there, not Doctors, and so far it’s just accepted without question because Israeli says it in WAR Propaganda. TRUTH is still the 1st casualty of WAR in demonizing ‘the enemy’ or covering up WAR CRIMES

Israeli spokespeople always assure us, Israel takes extreme care to avoid civilian Causalities. They can say it 1000 times, but my eyes aren’t lying from what I see on TV, the Israelis are.

The reasoning is very simple! If the 30,000 + US bombs Israel dropped on Gaza since October 8, an area NO BIGGER that Greater Philadelphia, don’t KILL INSTANTLY, not including those buried under the rubble from those US-Israeli bombs, then without any functioning Hospitals or Health Care, many, many, many more Palestinians will die of their untreated wounds over a longer period of time living in the rubble with No Escape but for our COMMON HUMANITY.

That is ON TRIAL these Days seeing the EVIL brutality in Gaza which is not SELF-Defence, but the brutal Massacre of defenceless WOMEN and CHILDREN..................................


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Definitely a bummer.

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