We must understand that War is something best avoided altogether, and, rarely, if ever, to be undertaken preemptively..!

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Well we have the machinery (CIA, NSA, etc.) so, the thought is, we might as well do something with it. Wouldn't want those people to have to find other jobs. And what, the State Department would have to go back to just maintaining embassies and consulates and approving passports? Boring......

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At some point, someone will ask The Pentagon, "What have you got to show for all that money?" And they'll have to show them. "We hoped the day would never come, but ..."

That day just seems a whole lot closer than it used to.

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What the Pentagon has to show for all that money is 78 years without winning a war [unless one calls Grenada, Panama, and Kuwait "wars"].

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I was thinking more along the lines of a "preemptive strike" or a sudden ratcheting up (2 or 3 notches, at least) of what's going on with China & Russia/Ukraine. A "put up or shut up scenario" - like having a second nuclear device available in August '45: you've got this stuff, so why don't you use it?

"Well, if you insist ..."

I suppose we need to throw Iran into the mix now for what's happening in Syria this weekend.

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Heh. We may get that “put up or shut up scenario” being played out in real life any day now.:

GLOBAL CRISIS: NATO’s Plan to Deploy 300,000 Troops on Russia/Poland Border


And i would say that Iran has been in the mix since 1979. Remember the old War Ditty?

"Everybody wants to go to Baghdad; Real Men want to go to Tehran."

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We definitely won Grenada. They even made a movie out of it starring Clint Eastwood himself.

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I just read a title of an article that said " more army vets have killed themselves than died after 9/11 wars". War only destroys and desecrates. Blessed are the peace makers

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there was a funeral last Saturday in my church a young marine died by suicide.

I am Vietnam era veteran, something worse wrong now than in the day

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How sad. War is a plague on society.

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A Saudi oil minister once said that the Stone Age didn’t end because people ran out of stones. For this Age of Greed and Selfishness to end we need something bigger and better to replace it.

See any traces of that anywhere?

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Too bad that corporate America rules our lives and has an attention span that lasts only until the next quarterly report.

Everything's JAKE as long as the merchants of death have gobs of cash rolling in! Ask any politician.

Well, I'm exaggerating - probably only 95% of the politicians.

It feels like we are living in the United Corporations of America, who OWN the government outright.

This idiocy will eventually come to an end and it will likely not be pretty.

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Along those lines, here's an article I just read that proved to me that, as bad as I thought things were with corporate ownership of this country, it's actually worse.


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once again another scary realization.

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usa is not the usa of Truman. Ike’s warning applies

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