What actually is “cognitive memory”? Is that like…memory?

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I just saw an article at The American Prospect that lauded Biden for "strategic shouting."

He shouts! He has energy! He's not old!


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Don't believe everything you hear... Real eyes, Realize, Real Lies...---Tupac Shakur

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Who is that guy in the video. Denigrating the Britt speech?

He is a beautiful demonstration, example, of ALL that is wrong with America today and for a long time now.

It lives in a fantasy world. It lives in the world of Hollywood of entertainment of razzmatazz, of bullcrap deceit and trickery.

He had no real interest in anything serious at all and nor did any of the many examples he pointed to of people denigrating the speech.

It was all about the ACTING.

She and her speech is to reviled because of the acting.

And apparently ALL are of the same mind: democrats and republicans.


It's universal.

America reveres ACTORS. Pretenders. Imitations. Myths. Fantasies.

Has no interest in objective truth.

He's a clown.

His channel is ludicrous frippery. The whole American nation is.

And I suspect the joke may be on him.

Because Britt may have it right. Deliberate slow simple over acting may be exactly what the dullard population needs.

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I have no doubt drug prices are lower in Moscow, something he actually got right. Evil despicable Putin.

I was hoping that Bidi would blue screen and have to be wheeled off stage like Mitch. They probably pumped him up with meth for the delivery. We can however look forward to a new pier being built for Israel for the upcoming support of drilling rigs being built offshore Gaza. It'll also be a big help for us when supplying material to rebuild Gaza for Bibi. Hate to let shore front property go to waste.

And thanks for the picture of Katie. At least you wouldn't have to put a bag over her head. Duck tape over the mouth for certain though.

I know this is poor taste but so was the SOTU address and rebuttal.

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It’s a shame the Republicans wasted their reply to President Biden’s State of The Union speech on some neophyte Senator from her kitchen in Alabama.

It would have been much more interesting, entertaining, informing, and possibly even enlightening to have had Donald Trump deliver the GOP's reaction, response, rebuttal, and rebuke. And he could have done that from the front porch of his Club in Mar-A-Lago.

Mr Trump had numerous spontaneous reactions during Biden’s speech on his social media platform “TRUTH Social – The Real Voice of America,” and an interview or two with his media afterwards.

But it would have been a much better show ~ and a Grand Way to kick off Election2024 ~ if POTUS MAXXIMMUSS XLV [earnestly seeking to become PMXLVII] had delivered his own assessment of the State of The Union. And how Great it was when he was President, how shitty it has become under Comatose Joe, and how Great it will be ~ Again ~ when he is President again.

And then let all the Fact Checkers have as much fun with his rant as they are with Biden’s.

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Hey, hey, hey, there! What's with slamming the Shat???!!! ; )

One commenter I read said it was truly indicative of the GOP's view of women to have Britt give what might turn out to be the speech of her career from....a kitchen. Optics, kids, optics!

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A sobering, thought-provoking read… :

WHO WILL PREVAIL IN WORLD WAR 3? Exploring the 7 Key Battlefields by Nick Giambruno / International Man-Financial Underground 5 Mar 24 [Extract]

Total war between the world’s largest powers that reshuffled the international order defined the previous world wars.

Total war between the largest powers today—Russia, China, and the US—means a nuclear Armageddon where there are no winners and only losers.

That could still happen despite nobody wanting it, but it’s not the most likely outcome.

World War 3 is unlikely to be a direct kinetic war between the US, Russia, and China.

Instead, the conflict will play out on different levels or Domains: Proxy Wars, Economic Wars, Financial Wars, Cyber Wars, Biological Wars, Deniable Sabotage, and Information Wars.

In that sense, World War 3 is already well underway, even though most don’t recognize it.

Below is a quick overview of the seven Domains World War 3 is being played out on.

The full article contains recent examples of conflict in each of the Domains, and analysis of which side ~ the US and its Allies [“NATO and Friends,” including Israel] or BRICS+ [Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates] ~ has an advantage in that Domain.

Domain #1 Financial Warfare: Financial warfare refers to the use of financial methods as a strategy to achieve military or political objectives. One common tool of financial warfare is the imposition of sanctions or embargoes. This can involve freezing assets, restricting trade, or limiting access to international financial systems. The goal is to damage the target’s economy, weakening its ability to pursue certain policies or actions.

Imposing controls on the movement of capital and investments can also serve as a weapon in financial warfare. This could involve restricting foreign investments in specific sectors or limiting the ability of foreign investors to withdraw their funds.

Domain #2 Economic Warfare: Countries can engage in economic warfare by controlling access to strategic commodities like oil, gas, rare earth elements (REEs), and major trade routes. A country can exert economic pressure on others by limiting access to these resources or influencing their prices.

Domain #3 Cyber Warfare: Cyber warfare refers to the use of digital attacks by one nation to disrupt the computer systems of another, often aiming to cause damage, disruption, or fear.

These attacks can target various sectors, including government networks, financial systems, and utility services like electricity and water supply. For example, a successful cyber-attack on a power grid could leave millions without electricity or clean water. Attacking a nation’s financial infrastructure, like banks or stock exchanges, through cyber means is another form of cyber warfare. Such attacks can disrupt economic stability, create uncertainty, and potentially lead to significant financial losses.

Domain #4 Information Warfare: Information warfare encompasses a range of tactics aimed at influencing, disrupting, or corrupting the information landscape to affect an adversary’s decision-making process, undermine trust in institutions, or sway public opinion. It aims to influence outcomes both on the battlefield and in public opinion.

This type of warfare leverages the spread of false and misleading narratives, propaganda, and psychological operations tocreate confusion, sow discord, and manipulate perceptions.

Domain #5 Deniable Sabotage: Sabotage refers to deliberately damaging, destroying, or hindering vital property. Deniable sabotage is a hostile action carried out so that the perpetrator cannot be conclusively identified or linked to the attack. The identity of the aggressor remains hidden, or there is plausible deniability. It means that although there might be suspicions or even circumstantial evidence about who is responsible for an attack, there is no concrete proof. As a result, the alleged perpetrator can credibly deny involvement.

Typical targets for sabotage include infrastructure like bridges and railways, communication systems, supply depots, ammunition stores, and essential utilities like power and water supply systems.

Domain #6 Biological Warfare: Biological warfare is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi to incapacitate or kill humans, animals, or plants. The disease-causing agents can be spread through air, water, or food sources and are often difficult to trace. For example, The COVID Event could have been due to an act of biological warfare.

Domain #7 Proxy Warfare: Proxy wars are a method by which major powers fight their battles indirectly, using smaller nations or groups as stand-ins rather than confronting each other directly.

Major powers support, equip, and finance smaller groups or nations in a proxy war to fight against a common adversary. This support can include military training, weapons, funding, and other resources. THE CRITICAL POINT IS THAT THE MAJOR POWERS DO NOT ENGAGE DIRECTLY IN COMBAT. [EMPHASIS added.]

I expect proxy wars will be a decisive factor in who will win World War 3.

There are numerous ongoing proxy wars. However, there are three that I believe will be key in determining which side has the overall advantage: Ukraine, the Middle East, and Taiwan [details on each proxy war in full article].

Full article is at https://internationalman.com/articles/who-will-prevail-in-world-war-3-exploring-the-7-key-battlefields/ .

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With the GOP response you heard the uni-party response.

I do not listen to Biden, the few excerpts I endured on traffic radio were sad!

Screeching old man justifying tripping toward nuclear war, enriching the pentagon, trashing the US dollar while supplying genocide.

Why would the GOP criticize that?

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Recognizing that David Doel's (the Rational National) previous broadcast was entitled "Sydney Sweeny's Breasts Set Off Rightwing Paranoia In Major Newspaper" (Canada's National Post). This is the full text of Katie Britt's remarks: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/read-sen-katie-britts-full-response-to-the-state-of-the-union

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

This is the President on drugs. https://babylonbee.com/news/dc-area-pharmacies-all-out-of-stimulants

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