What is quite depressing to me is how the donor-class sociopaths are perfectly happy to weaken the US in almost every way in order to bolster their revenue streams. Turning various groups against each other in the country (Blue vs. Red Team, citizens against immigrants, one race against the other, bosses vs. workers) just weakens the US and makes it dysfunctional. Then on top of that, the poor education system and constant propaganda keeps people ignorant and out of touch with reality. Then turning everyone into a mindless consumer on their electronic devices ends up wasting people's money while piling broken junk into landfills after things break. Then you have the fake elections where you whip everyone into a fearful frenzy that the other side is going to usher in fascism or DEI dystopia. All of these things contribute to making the US a dysfunctional country, but the folks running The Blob keep the pressure on, relentlessly. Until the people unite against those running The Blob, nothing is going to change. If you want to defang The Blob, you are gong to have to defund the billionaire class, literally. If they can bribe and buy their way into the government, while also owning the news, then they control our entire society.

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The only way that wealth pauses in its effort to increase its wealth is when it fears the people might dispossess it. This was true during the Great Depression. As has been said, power does not concede power willingly. In the US we are far from threatening wealth, but not far from threatening each other and we now have a president soon to take office who is a member of the 1% with a history of helping the 1%. These are dark times.

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The purpose of keeping Americans angry at each other is to deflect anger away from the wealthy. If you read Howard Zinn's book, "The People's History of the US", you will see that the entire history of the country has been a constant fight where the wealthy keep the workers overworked and in poverty. Many of the stories from the 1800s were horrifying, and there were many riots and uprisings. These were always put down by militia called in by the wealthy and their paid-for politicians. But now, the wealthy have far, far more money and power than they did back in the 1800s, so it is a much bigger problem. I don't see the people of the US getting together to fight this fight, so I am not sure if there is a clear path to fixing this dysfunctional system.

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You are exactly right, John, and it seems to me that all this hatred of government regulations by the little guy is really directed by the wealthy who only want to see their own wealth completely unregulated. I think the little guy is getting duped and as proof of it is Elon Musk being put in charge of "government efficiency". He is completely incompetent to judge the many programs and people in government service, but we can be sure he will be quite aware of any regulations that limit his wealth. The fox is being put in charge of the henhouse.

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Congress' deadline for a clean audit is like Biden's red lines for Israel.

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Financial audits of public or private institutions are routinely fraudulent. I am familiar with an educational institution that was given an impeccable clean bill of financial health by one of America’s top rated auditing firms. The following year it was bankrupt and had to be bailed out. It took about 15 years to get back on its feet. You don’t need any audit to know that the “blob“ is unhealthy (corrupt). Its failures are obvious to anyone who has lived and observed its activities since WW II. Its function is that of a cash cow for the financial elite who supply quite a number of its employees to the government as „servants“ to the American people. Those who did their duty as honorable officers are after retirement invited to occupy lucrative positions at the top of the economic establishment. The same happens with those who served in the civilian branch. WHO would want to stop such a lucrative enterprise? Bill, aren’t you getting tired of playing Sisyphus?

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Yes. Yes I am.

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But, I am glad you are doing it. I am with you. Maybe, with enough Sisypheans the rock can be thrown over the edge some day.

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As inefficient as bureaucracies are, I think we would do well to heed Michael Hudson on what are appropriate "public utilities." Outsourcing is a great cover for disguised profits. For a short time (a few decades ago), I worked as a network consult for an IT resource provider. I was paid $30 an hour for every hour billed (and I was working 60+hour weeks). They "outsourced" me to NCR/ATT for $60/hr, who then outsourced me to Texas Instruments Defense Segment for $120/hr. Now where was the "added value" in that supply chain!? That job almost led me to the White House complex for my next gig. Divine intervention saved me from that horror.

Americans think of themselves as the great efficiency experts of the world. It doesn't take much of an evaluative mind to see the Russian people are getting a lot more "bang for their buck" (literally) from their state owned defense industry. We can lay off a few thousand bureaucrats and not make a dent in the MICIMATT chain of greed.

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It seems like Ansarallah should be able to teach the Pentagon a few things about efficiency.

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The real US Military annual budget already exceeds a trillion bucks when you factor in funding for "black ops" and other stuff we peon taxpayers are not entitled to know the details of, plus the VA Health Care System. (And we should shudder to ponder its future under the Trump-Musk bromance--I hear they spent Thanksgiving together. How heartwarming!) For a recent presentation about the military to some young aspiring social activists at a local college, I did a little thought experiment that involved a calculator. Just how big a number is one trillion? If you somehow were so rich you could spend one million dollars DAILY (scrambling to buy the most expensive goods available on the planet), it would take you about (number rounded for convenience) 2, 740 YEARS to have spent a trillion!! That's two thousand-seven-hundred-forty years, folks. Feel free to check my math, but I went over this several times and believe I am correct. And all that wasted ANNUALLY by the USA in its insane quest to control the whole world. Expressed openly by "our" rulers as "full-spectrum global dominance." Business as Usual is literally killing our planet. But as Melania Trump once publicly expressed in a slogan on the back of her coat: "I really don't care."

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Matt Taibbi had written in 2009 about Goldman Sachs being a vampire squid that wrapped itself around any source of money. Now 15 years later, he'd have to rewrite that to include all of banking/finance, along with MICIMATT and Big Pharma,.

The US has a national debt that cannot and will never be repaid and will only grow with hyperinflation for us all. The global derivatives market dwarfs the GDPs of all the world's economies. It is all a house of cards that could collapse and quickly. The world still hasn't fully recovered its global logistics chain since the COVID thing. Imagine how much worse a banking systems collapse would be.

I take no comfort in this saying this, but an empire based on defense spending; big pharma commercials 24x7; and a finance system that's a casino for the elites - may be the only things keeping this fragile economy going.

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Earlier, John Rachel laid out in very simple and concrete terms what needs to begin to happen if “The Blob” is to be effectively confronted, combatted, defeated, and destroyed.

i strongly encourage all BVers to check out the multiple links in his post to get a very good overview and basic understanding of exactly What Mr Rachel wants to do, and the beginnings of How to get it done.

i particularly encourage You to explore his WAR IS MAKING US POOR! and PEACE DIVIDEND websites at https://warismakinguspoor.com/ and https://peacedividend.us/ , respectively.

And at https://peacedividend.us/this-is-war/ , You will find the perfect explanation of what that Blob ~ and everybody in it ~ does for a living. [WARNING: Graphic images.]

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It is repetitive and unproductive to keep talking amongst ourselves about the waste and fraud. This message must be taken to the 330 million people who are not subscribed to Mr. Astore's brilliant and informative writings.

It is also pointless to discuss any of this with those in power. These people benefit both directly and indirectly from our current corrupted system. It is configured to keep them in power as they facilitate and abet the strip mining of our economy to benefit the donor class.

I see only one possible path to disrupt this criminal enterprise, i.e. the servitude of our government elected officials to the .1%. Certainly, if there are more promising approaches, I'm definitely open to hearing them. But no more whining. WE NEED A SERIOUS PLAN!

1) The general public -- the voting public of 235+ million citizens -- must be enlisted to stop the fraud and theft of war and hyper-militarization. They must be educated what a con they are victims of, how they're being deliberately and systematically lied to . . .










2) We must organize at a local level to bypass the major political party machines and put on the ballot "people's candidates". This will create genuine choice at the polls. A rough outline is offered here . . . https://warismakinguspoor.com/a-nation-at-peace/. The entire rationale is explained here . . . https://peacedividend.us/what-is-the-peace-dividend-strategy/. A related campaign with the same underlying tools is presented here, though the election 2024 content needs to be updated . . . https://no-contract-no-vote.us/. It's about CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT and exercise of genuine democratic principles AT THE GRASSROOTS LEVEL.

This will not be easy. We will be facing the wrath and might of the current stakeholders, who are ruthless and arguably sociopathic. But if we're serious, we'll move beyond all this jabber and get to work. The survival of our democracy and the future of the nation are at existential risk and certainly worth whatever it takes.

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Thank You, John, for nailing it once again. i just offered my perspective on it in a new comment.

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"Here’s the rub: America must end the idea of full-spectrum dominance, end the GWOT, and dismiss notions of a new cold war. Forget about efficiency: make big cuts to the Pentagon budget and create a new vision of a military suited to keeping the peace rather than waging perpetual war." As True as unlikely of happening. Canada was known for its relatively small military but active role in peace-keeping. But America bullied us into their wars, demanded that our military forces grow stronger and our peace-keeping role was diminished to a joke. Now we have formally neutral nations joining NATO buying into the industrial military complex. But Bill you are correct our concept of efficiency leaves us deficient as human beings as we destroy nature and our human nature as cooperative peaceful beings. Trudeau has been wisely delaying that we reach the 3% of GDP that is demanded until 2035-Trump will shorten the delay-as will our mostly likely next Prime Minister-who is quite right wing and Trumpian.

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Your tax money will be assimilated.

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Had just finished reading about the elongated muskrat harassing federal employees whose job titles have the word "climate" in them via his imaginary dept of govt efficiency. But he holds numerous lucrative contracts granted by the most inefficient govt agency of all time, the Pentagon. Thanks for keeping your eye on that particular trillion-dollar blob, Bill.

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With its promise to “save $2 Trillion,” it will be interesting to see if Elon Musk’s brainchild DOGE ~ the so-called “Department of Government Efficiency” ~ includes The Pentagon and the rest of the MICIMATT wing of The Deep State

Does anybody here at BRACING VIEWS actually, honestly, really, and sincerely think and believe that Deep State will let DOGE anywhere close to The Pentagon ~ which just failed its seventh consecutive Audit ~ or any of the rest of the MICIMATT?

And isn’t it noteworthy that the “E” in DOGE stands for “Efficiency,” and not “Effectiveness’?

As Management Guru Peter Drucker once put it: “Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.”

For The Pentagon and the rest of the MICIMATT to be “doing the right things,” what would be required is the end of The American Empire.

[Note: What is needed at The Pentagon is not another conventional Financial and Fiscal Audit, but a Criminal Audit that specifically targets illegal/immoral activity by DoD personnel and defense contractors; and the individuals perpetrating them.]

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Anything can be brought to "heel" by a stronger entity.

Let's see what Trump and DOGE can do. Don't get dis-couraged.

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'Merkel blows a hole in Washington’s Nord Stream narrative'

The former German chancellor has suggested a suspect and motive for the destruction of the pipeline, saying the not-so-quiet part out loud

Angela Merkel has just dropped a smoking gun into the pages of her new book. According to ‘Freedom: Memoirs 1954-2021’, published on November 26, Berlin was fully aware that Washington wanted to kill off Nord Stream. And that it was just using Russia as a scapegoat to steal a massive new energy market for itself.

“The United States argued that its security interests were affected by the building of the pipeline because its ally Germany would make itself too dependent on Russia. In truth, I felt that the United States was mobilizing its formidable economic and financial resources to prevent the business ventures of other countries, even their allies,” Merkel writes.

“The United States was chiefly interested in its own economic interests, as it wanted to export to Europe LNG obtained through fracking”............................................................................

Lest We Forget!

For all the US Propaganda painting Trump as Putin's Puppet, it was Trump who sold US lethal weapons to Ukraine 1st, and it was Trump who put Economic Sanctions on European Companies who worked on completing the last few miles of NordStream II in NATO waters that would have joined Russia and Germany in a win-win Economic Arrangement.

Now Germans are paying a much higher price with their Economy contracting so much!


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What is needed, Bill, is more True American Christians speaking up and taking the actions needed to prepare The Way for the Christ Spirit, speaking though all genuine believers, demanding this Vision of the Christ be implemented, "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plow shares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD! Isaiah 2:45

God changed the name of Jacob to Israel, but most Israelis don't have the Faith of Jacob TODAY.

That "idea" or notion is spelled out very clearly in Scripture some 300 years after Isaiah prophesied to Israel that disappeared from among the kingdoms of the Earth when the Prophet Zechariah prophesied this to Jews, "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, saying: 'Not by military force and not by physical strength, but by My spirit,' says the Lord of Hosts." Zechariah 4

Whether it be Jews, Christians or Muslims, the Resurrected Christ sees Human Nature hasn't change much in the intervening Years Since Jesus, Christ Alpha, said, "You hypocrites, well did Esaias/Isaiah prophesy of you, saying,

This people draws close to me with their mouth, and honours me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:7-9

That's not mystical language. It's plain language, not addressed to those who don't believe in God, but to those who think they do.

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Tweeted this comment to these people with the url to this article: amanpour, EylonALevy, JakeSullivan46, FareedZakaria, Morning_Joe, AriMelber, allinwithchris, AymanMSNBC, Jim_AcostaCNN jaketapper, wolfblitzer, andersoncooper, kaitlincollins, smerconish, AlexandraSSharp PnPCBC, aaronjmate, mehdirhasan.

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Every reader here recognizes who most of those MSM People are. I suspect most doesn't know who EylonALevy is?

Besides Netanyahu, he is Israel's Propagandist Spokesperson.

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Also sent via regular email to the Offices of Senators Kennedy, Merkley, Ossoff, Mike Rounds, Elizabeth Warren, Cotton, Durbin, Sanders, Hawley, Hirono, Cortez Masto, Klobuchar, Gillibrand, and Jack Beyrer, Press Secretary for the Senate Armed Services Committee, opening this way: "Greetings from CanaDa, Senators and Jack

As a Human, I was disappointed only Senator Gillebrand's Office acknowledged the Message sent to you Wednesday. As an Emissary of God Almighty, the Spirit of the letter is delivered to you all, each of you ultimately Responsible and Accountable for that Subject to God if not to your Constituents."

I certainly hope to see changed attitudes coming out of Washington.

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Surely there is a way to rid ourselves of the Blob. Maybe it will collapse of its own inefficiencies, corruption, bloat, and incompetence. Mike Whitney had an interesting piece today on Global Research that discussed aspects of the sad state of our military. https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-the-united-states-will-lose-a-war-with-russia/5873930

My problem with Whitney’s piece is that its underbelly consequence also serves as an argument for another arms race.

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