Johnson invites Bibi and Chuck-get-Bibi-out Schumer responds, “Israel has no stronger ally than the United States, and our relationship transcends any one president or any one Prime Minister ... I will always welcome the opportunity for the Prime Minister of Israel to speak to Congress in a bipartisan way.”
While they have everyone in one chamber, let's bring Zelensky over for a two-for special. Or maybe while they are at it, also have our latest Venezuelan darling, Maria Corina Machado, address Congress as well. All three are shining examples of democracy in the age of the rules based order. Jared Kushner can set up in the hall outside the chamber to sell beach front properties. Trump can sell tennis shoes, and Biden can man the adult diaper table.
Dennis: The Lord god is going to come in his heavenly Airplane for all these Evangelicals before that --during the "Rapture" I'm sure all that'll be left on the ground that fine day will be their tickets & leaflets that they will be handing out for God..! :/ :o)
It's going to happen during the upcoming eclipse. The rapture. It's a certainty. Make sure you are outside so you don't hit your head on the ceiling when you are taken up. You could get killed. Do you have to buy a ticket? How much are they? Is ticket master selling them? Don't think I can afford it. I'll be "left behind" for sure. Is it one way? Buying a one way gets you put on the homeland security terrorist watch list. Hopefully they have round trip available and refunds just in case. I bet the pearly gates are the security checkpoint.
You definitely need to be outside looking up so I would assume "Yes". But make sure that you have proper eye protection per NPR while staring at the sun because you can go blind if you don't. Follow their advice. It's important. I'm sure you can find the broadcast they did. Some states are deploying the national guard for the event. I'm sure they can offer advice. And be sure to stock up on food! Hospitals may be overwhelmed. It's going to be dangerous!
"Many are called but few are chosen." Assuming there is a God and an afterlife, Dennis, I'm thinking a lot of people will be surprised when they don't make the cosmic cut.
Toma: I hope he comes to New Hampshire that is where I'll be with my Telescope, wife & kids for Totality! lol That's going to be one busy day!! I want a Penthouse that's the only type of dwelling I want there. What do you think we'll do there for Eternity??? Future Shock...
Are you from New Hampshire? I did the electrical/electronics design and installation for the Hampton fire departments rescue fireboat 20 years ago. It's still floating. They were a great bunch of guys. Seabrook nuclear was right next door so they had a lot to chew on.
Ask the Mormons about the penthouse. They all get mansions so you may have to settle for something Trumpian.
What do you think we'll do there for Eternity???
That I can't answer. It was one of the questions I got thrown out of vacation bible school for. Sorry.
No, Rhode Island Toma originally from Massachusetts. I'll be traveling up there into the Cone of Totality about 3:30 precious mins. & secs. of, staying @ an Inn. Personally I'm not sure if its a blessing, or a curse to live "Eternally" :/ :o)
Most definitely the US Givernment is an accessory to the genocide, ethic cleansing, and war crimes is Palestine. Prime Minister Netanyahu and his right-wing government know how to manipulate both President Biden and our right-wing politicians
Let's see what happens the next time a bill to send more money, weapons, and ammunition to Israel comes up for consideration, and see what Schumer or any other Democrat or Republican ~ Left, Right, or Muddled Middle ~ does.
The US government has become an organized crime ring. But this would not have happened if the billionaires had not captured the government and turned it into a tool to boost revenue streams. All of the wars are about revenue streams and propping up the economy. This is why the also-captured Corporate-Owned-News squeals all day long about evil Russia and evil China; to keep the public onboard with the death, destruction and waste. Don't forget evil Hamas and evil Iran and evil North Korea, etc. etc. We are surrounded by evil so don't ask why the country is falling apart, your tax dollars are just for killing and destroying, not for fixing anything here in the US.
There used to be a lot of business regulations that are now gone. Stock buybacks used to be illegal, we used to have Glass-Steagall, there used to be a fairness doctrine, and propaganda used to be illegal. Things were always bad, but they weren't this bad.
You must know that Obama "modified" the law. It was not enforced much at all, but it was at least on the books. This happened back in 2012 (Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012).
Yes, they say they will definitely invade Rafah, however they also said they first have to formulate a plan to evacuate all the civilians. Apparently that's an important part of the narrative, but evacuate them where?
Of course that's what they have to say. So, if it all depends on the civilians first being evacuated, by their own words, how can they invade Rafah, I ask you?
Sorry, Bill. We are way past the possibility of being proud to be an American. We should all hang our heads in shame for the crimes that have been and currently are being committed in our name in Gaza, Ukraine and elsewhere. Despite this track record of death and destruction, the US political class still tries to proclaim that the USA is the paragon of freedom and democracy and upholds the so-called "rule of law." This is all a delusional fabrication, the ultimate in disinformation and propaganda. In fact, the USA is an outlaw state, the quintessential rogue state. The US sanctions, invades and bombs any country that refuses to bow down and obey. Our imperial mindset is best summed up in one simple dictum: "Do as we say, not as we do." Sounds pretty fascistic to me. How about you?
We also should be aware that many Israeli settlements have American "Friends of X (settlement name)" that qualify as charitable groups under IRS rules so donations are not subject to taxation. This has been the case for decades.
The annual $3.8 billion "aid" that the US gives to Israel is not only the largest foreign aid given to any country by the US, it is unique in that Uncle Sam pays the entire amount up front at the beginning of the aid year so that Israel can invest the money and profit from it before it is spent. BTW, this "aid" money must be 75% spent on US weaponry. The percentage spent on US weaponry used to be lower but US arms makers complained that Israel was using our "aid" money on its own arms industry then competing with us on the world market.
There are so many ways in which the US is being milked by Israel and none of it is new. The difference now is that it is being openly discussed which, I hope, will result in disgust and demand for change.
Do You have any specific sources on the specifics of all that? Especially the part about Israel's being able to "invest and profit from all that aid money before spending it" in America's MICC? And that "75% of that money 'must' be spent on US weaponry"?
Yes, here is the text on it from the Congressional Research Service report on aid to Israel:
"Since FY1991 (P.L. 101-513), Congress has mandated that Israel receive its FMF aid in a lump
sum during the first month of the fiscal year.58 P.L. 117-328, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as “the FY2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act”) states, “That of the funds appropriated under this heading, not less than $3,300,000,000 shall be available for grants only for Israel which shall be disbursed within 30 days of enactment of this Act.” Once disbursed, Israel’s military aid is transferred to an interest bearing account with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank."
The Spanish, Portuguese, French, and British Empires were all also built on ethnic cleansing, genocide, and varying forms of apartheid.
That seems to be how White, Western, theoretically "Christian" Nations go about the business of becoming Empires. But it is also typical of what any and every Empire that has ever existed ~ White, Black, Brown, Yellow, or Red ~ has ever come into existence, survived, and thrived. Until another Empire or Empire-Wannabe takes their place.
You are absolutely right, "left-wing" politicians are also manipulated when it comes to supporting Israel and the US Support of Israel. I understand that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) plans to spend several millions of dollars in the upcoming U.S. elections A lot of this money will be used to target progressive lawmakers in supporting Israeli policies
At the risk of beating what some folks consider to be an Old, Dead Horse…:
If the Government of the United States is complicit in the Genocide going on in Palestine, then the Peoples of the United States are equally ~ if not more ~ complicit.
Just like the American Peoples are complicit in the Chaos and Carnage that is happening in Ukraine, and in Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and wherever else the United States is dropping bombs these days. Just like those Peoples were and are complicit in what they let their Government call “The Forever War,” and get away with it.
At some point, the American Peoples will be held accountable for all this. And when that happens, it is going to get ugly.
Jeff, if the American people truly had a say in their government, perhaps they'd be complicit. But the American people have no say. America is not a democracy. It's an oligarchy with features of kleptocracy and kakistocracy.
Those in charge, those sending the bombs and vetoing UN calls for an end to genocide and famine: it's these people who are complicit.
The American people do have a say in their government, but they choose not to exercise it. They don't have to vote for one of the two dominant political parties, there are at least 17 other parties that have qualified to be on the ballot in one or more states. The addiction to the two party system stems from the fear that the party they oppose will win if they choose an alternative party. They are not voting for what they want, they are voting against what they don't want. It is a stupid strategy based on fear that is encouraged by the two major parties in order to keep their dominant position in power.
The American people need only disavow their allegiance to the two party system and become truly independent, then they can elect a government that is responsive to their needs.
At the risk of asking too many questions, Bill: WHY do the American Peoples have no say in their government and what it does?
Has America ever been a "democracy"; whatever that is? Or has it always been an oligarchic, kleptocratic kakistocracy? Or is that a recent development?
But the Real questions are: What can the American Peoples do to change all that? Or is it too late?
Yes i am, Dennis, And, OBTW, so are Your two Doctor Daughters.
And, given the fact that You were gainfully employed for, what was it, close to 40 years in the MICC [Military-Industrial-Contractor Complex], while You may not be complicit in the Wars America is doing today, You were definitely complicit in whatever Wars the US had going on then.
But, OTOH... : Isn't being on a "High" Horse better than being on some Old, Dead Horse?
What years did You work for the MICC, and what Wars was America waging at that time? And what percentage of that contract money came from the Department of Defense versus any other federal Department or Agency?
So that took You from the end of Vietnam, thru Ollie North's Crusades in Latin America, thru the "liberation of Kuwait," thru the destruction of Yugoslavia, and the first 13 years of The Forever War after 9/11.
And what percentage of all the money paying for the Projects You worked on came from the Department of Defense?
So “ISIS” claims to have pulled off the attack outside of Moscow that the US apparently warned Russia about. And Ukraine, of course, denies having anything to do with it.
So the first Questions to ask are: Cui Bono? Who has benefitted from this? And who is going to take advantage of it? And when will the copy-cat event happen, and where? And how soon will Iran get dragged into all this? Or even Israel?
And i can’t help but wonder: How many Americans were happy be able to read about another mass shooting that, for a marked change, didn’t happen here in the United States?
And how many other Americans ~ and Ukrainians ~ were glad to hear that a bunch of Russians got killed, whether in Ukraine, Moscow, or anyplace else?
At the risk of asking too many questions: WHY do the American Peoples have no say in their government and what it does, Bill?
Have they ever had a say? Has America ever been a "democracy"? Or has it always been an oligarchic, kleptocratic kakistocracy? Or is this a recent development?
But the real question is: What ~ if anything ~ do the American Peoples intend to do about that?
I think you already know the answers, Jeff. We have no say due to the corporate capture of government. When money = speech, those with money have say, those without do not.
America, of course, was never a democracy, though it was once a Constitutional republic. The rise of the national security state after World War II ensured the death of accountability to the people.
The American people, as Caitlin Johnstone notes, are perhaps the most heavily propagandized people in the world. Even as we have no say, we're told we have freedom and that the U.S. is the absolute best, the indispensable nation. The combination of propaganda with suppression and oppression (surveillance, police, etc.) is very difficult to overcome, Jeff.
Short of a collapse, only a revolution can chance America, restoring some measure of democracy and accountability. This isn't going to happen under Biden or Trump.
The fascinating thing about history is its unpredictability. While I think the odds are long for revolutionary change, I don't think they are impossible.
That depends entirely upon how long Bill or i live, Dennis [military retirees "feeding at the trough for life" that we are].
It certainly changed back in 1776 within the lifetimes of those living then.
And if a Critical Mass of Americans decide and determine that it IS going to change, it can and will change again. Maybe even within Your lifetime. Or at least Your Daughters'.
Yes, you have it wrong, Dennis. Dental care isn't covered. And I pay for Tricare, which includes the usual co-pay and deductibles. I will say that Tricare is far less expensive than purchasing insurance through Obamacare.
Overall, military health care for retirees is a good deal, but it's not free.
i'm curious, Dennis: Did You pay taxes to New Zealand while You spent 40 years living in the US and working for America's Military-Industrial-Contractor Complex? And did You at the same time also pay taxes to the US government while You worked for it?
And yes, Dennis, You are right about medical benefits available to active duty and retired American military personnel. What do active duty and military retirees in New Zealand get by way of health care?
And when specifically did i say that American military retirees deserve medical care because "they saw combat"? Can You cite any specific comments on that?
And finally: What are Your thoughts about giving free, lifetime medical care to people who DID see combat and were physically and/or psychologically maimed for life? Or are they just "feeding at the trough," as well?
Dennis, I doubt you're the only atheist here. And I don't see anyone attacking you as unholy or telling you to believe in God or gods.
But you are telling people not to believe in God(s); you're proselytizing for your own belief that there is no higher being or beings, based upon your knowledge and belief in science and the facts as you understand them.
You, it seems to me, are the most outspoken preacher here. And though you complain about having "to wade through too many long religious posts," your posts are long in their denial and disparagement of religion.
Dennis, I'm not aware of any philosophical arguments I've had for "God." But I do write about religious subjects occasionally.
Writing about religious subjects is not the same as proselytizing. As I said, I'm personally agnostic. History shows us that humanity has believed in hundreds if not thousands of gods. I pass no judgment on which (if any) god or gods is or are "true."
Read the novel "American Gods." I'd think you'd really enjoy it. Neil Gaiman is the author.
I'm not sure what is polite about the charge of spouting "religious nonsense." I do occasionally choose to write about religion, which is what I did my master's and D.Phil. on, specifically relations between religion and science in the 19th century.
Choosing to write on "religious" subjects shouldn't lead to charges of "nonsense," at least in my view. Ideas about compassion, from a Christian perspective, strike me as an interesting subject worth pursuing.
With respect to Ray, yes, he does quote Scripture in support of his views. I'm not sure why you must always attack him for this. You could either ignore it or simply say that Scripture is a matter of faith without evidentiary value.
On several occasions, you've stated that religion is bunk, often quoting Hitchens in support. I have no objection to that. You've said you've seen no evidence of god or gods, and that's fine with me. But that certainly suggests to me that you're taking that position to persuade others that you're right and that someone like Ray is wrong. I don't see this as putting words in your mouth. Your position seems quite clear to me: there is no god, and religion is anathema, a curse on humanity. Again, I get it. I'm not sure why you feel you must repeat this so often, and then claim you're being attacked personally.
I'm don't think I've attacked you personally, but if I have, I apologize.
Not that Wars, or Evil doesn't exist outside of Religion, but to me anyway Wars over religion I believe never End, and so in the end I believe that will ultimately be the ruination of us all... Civilization, all of this so called progress-- nuclear annihilation...!
They all should especially the War Criminals like the Nuremberg Trials dance and swing by their necks at the end of a Rope! I have no sympathy for Hamas brutal slaughter of civi's. they think they have 100 Virgins waiting in heaven for them so why not. As well as I condemn the Israeli revenge killings of 30, 000 plus Palestinian civi's. as well... Two wrongs don't make a right. Only strength and power are respected nowadays. Fairness, empathy, compassion, tolerance forget about it signs of weakness. One thing is certain there is no merciful god and as Dylan sang "The Times they are a changin"
Mussolini was deposed only after Italy got its ass kicked in North Africa and Russia, it was being bombed into oblivion by Allied airpower, and the Italian People had no food or fuel.. For details, see:
Claims "without evidence" -- yes. Scripture is based on faith, though believers do claim they have evidentiary support, which is always open to challenge.
"Unreasonable" and "irrational": those are pejoratives. Judgmental. What you see as unreasonable and irrational may be seen quite differently by others. You are basically claiming you are the rational and reasonable one here; not only that, but you are the judge of who is irrational and who is unreasonable.
"You and your ilk" is pejorative. And I don't see anyone at this site demanding "that criticism of religion be off-limits." In fact, articles at this site, and readers here, often criticize religion, especially organized Christianity. Indeed, Ray himself criticizes the hyprocrisy exhibited by many Christians.
I think I have dealt with the "nonsense" as best I can. My basic position is agnostic. That said, religion still fascinates me--and not just Catholicism.
Johnson invites Bibi and Chuck-get-Bibi-out Schumer responds, “Israel has no stronger ally than the United States, and our relationship transcends any one president or any one Prime Minister ... I will always welcome the opportunity for the Prime Minister of Israel to speak to Congress in a bipartisan way.”
While they have everyone in one chamber, let's bring Zelensky over for a two-for special. Or maybe while they are at it, also have our latest Venezuelan darling, Maria Corina Machado, address Congress as well. All three are shining examples of democracy in the age of the rules based order. Jared Kushner can set up in the hall outside the chamber to sell beach front properties. Trump can sell tennis shoes, and Biden can man the adult diaper table.
Heh. Well done!
Love the beach front properties, tennis shoes, and adult diapers. And these guys want to sleep in the White House?
Dennis: The Lord god is going to come in his heavenly Airplane for all these Evangelicals before that --during the "Rapture" I'm sure all that'll be left on the ground that fine day will be their tickets & leaflets that they will be handing out for God..! :/ :o)
It's going to happen during the upcoming eclipse. The rapture. It's a certainty. Make sure you are outside so you don't hit your head on the ceiling when you are taken up. You could get killed. Do you have to buy a ticket? How much are they? Is ticket master selling them? Don't think I can afford it. I'll be "left behind" for sure. Is it one way? Buying a one way gets you put on the homeland security terrorist watch list. Hopefully they have round trip available and refunds just in case. I bet the pearly gates are the security checkpoint.
Do you have to be outside looking at the eclipse to be raptured? Asking for a friend.
You definitely need to be outside looking up so I would assume "Yes". But make sure that you have proper eye protection per NPR while staring at the sun because you can go blind if you don't. Follow their advice. It's important. I'm sure you can find the broadcast they did. Some states are deploying the national guard for the event. I'm sure they can offer advice. And be sure to stock up on food! Hospitals may be overwhelmed. It's going to be dangerous!
"Many are called but few are chosen." Assuming there is a God and an afterlife, Dennis, I'm thinking a lot of people will be surprised when they don't make the cosmic cut.
And a few may be surprised when they do.
I always quote the Bible and say the "Last shall be first." and I'll be greeting them at the pearly gates. It's a great way to end the conversation.
Toma: I hope he comes to New Hampshire that is where I'll be with my Telescope, wife & kids for Totality! lol That's going to be one busy day!! I want a Penthouse that's the only type of dwelling I want there. What do you think we'll do there for Eternity??? Future Shock...
Are you from New Hampshire? I did the electrical/electronics design and installation for the Hampton fire departments rescue fireboat 20 years ago. It's still floating. They were a great bunch of guys. Seabrook nuclear was right next door so they had a lot to chew on.
Ask the Mormons about the penthouse. They all get mansions so you may have to settle for something Trumpian.
What do you think we'll do there for Eternity???
That I can't answer. It was one of the questions I got thrown out of vacation bible school for. Sorry.
No, Rhode Island Toma originally from Massachusetts. I'll be traveling up there into the Cone of Totality about 3:30 precious mins. & secs. of, staying @ an Inn. Personally I'm not sure if its a blessing, or a curse to live "Eternally" :/ :o)
Living in Texas for many years, I've been all too aware of Hagee. May he drop dead and may it be soon....
Most definitely the US Givernment is an accessory to the genocide, ethic cleansing, and war crimes is Palestine. Prime Minister Netanyahu and his right-wing government know how to manipulate both President Biden and our right-wing politicians
How many "left-wing" politicians are similarly manipulated, and wholeheartedly support Israel and US support of Israel?
Let's see what happens the next time a bill to send more money, weapons, and ammunition to Israel comes up for consideration, and see what Schumer or any other Democrat or Republican ~ Left, Right, or Muddled Middle ~ does.
And when did anybody "stop listening" to Schumer?
The US government has become an organized crime ring. But this would not have happened if the billionaires had not captured the government and turned it into a tool to boost revenue streams. All of the wars are about revenue streams and propping up the economy. This is why the also-captured Corporate-Owned-News squeals all day long about evil Russia and evil China; to keep the public onboard with the death, destruction and waste. Don't forget evil Hamas and evil Iran and evil North Korea, etc. etc. We are surrounded by evil so don't ask why the country is falling apart, your tax dollars are just for killing and destroying, not for fixing anything here in the US.
"... has BECOME an organized crime ring" ??? [EMPHASIS added]
Since when has it NOT been an organized crime ring?
There used to be a lot of business regulations that are now gone. Stock buybacks used to be illegal, we used to have Glass-Steagall, there used to be a fairness doctrine, and propaganda used to be illegal. Things were always bad, but they weren't this bad.
When was propaganda "illegal" in the United States, John? And when did it "stop" being illegal?
i guess i must have missed that.
You must know that Obama "modified" the law. It was not enforced much at all, but it was at least on the books. This happened back in 2012 (Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012).
Thank You, John. i did NOT know that. i will definitely check it out. i definitely missed that. Have a Great day. ~ jeff
Yes, they say they will definitely invade Rafah, however they also said they first have to formulate a plan to evacuate all the civilians. Apparently that's an important part of the narrative, but evacuate them where?
Of course that's what they have to say. So, if it all depends on the civilians first being evacuated, by their own words, how can they invade Rafah, I ask you?
Sorry, Bill. We are way past the possibility of being proud to be an American. We should all hang our heads in shame for the crimes that have been and currently are being committed in our name in Gaza, Ukraine and elsewhere. Despite this track record of death and destruction, the US political class still tries to proclaim that the USA is the paragon of freedom and democracy and upholds the so-called "rule of law." This is all a delusional fabrication, the ultimate in disinformation and propaganda. In fact, the USA is an outlaw state, the quintessential rogue state. The US sanctions, invades and bombs any country that refuses to bow down and obey. Our imperial mindset is best summed up in one simple dictum: "Do as we say, not as we do." Sounds pretty fascistic to me. How about you?
We also should be aware that many Israeli settlements have American "Friends of X (settlement name)" that qualify as charitable groups under IRS rules so donations are not subject to taxation. This has been the case for decades.
The annual $3.8 billion "aid" that the US gives to Israel is not only the largest foreign aid given to any country by the US, it is unique in that Uncle Sam pays the entire amount up front at the beginning of the aid year so that Israel can invest the money and profit from it before it is spent. BTW, this "aid" money must be 75% spent on US weaponry. The percentage spent on US weaponry used to be lower but US arms makers complained that Israel was using our "aid" money on its own arms industry then competing with us on the world market.
There are so many ways in which the US is being milked by Israel and none of it is new. The difference now is that it is being openly discussed which, I hope, will result in disgust and demand for change.
Do You have any specific sources on the specifics of all that? Especially the part about Israel's being able to "invest and profit from all that aid money before spending it" in America's MICC? And that "75% of that money 'must' be spent on US weaponry"?
Yes, here is the text on it from the Congressional Research Service report on aid to Israel:
"Since FY1991 (P.L. 101-513), Congress has mandated that Israel receive its FMF aid in a lump
sum during the first month of the fiscal year.58 P.L. 117-328, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as “the FY2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act”) states, “That of the funds appropriated under this heading, not less than $3,300,000,000 shall be available for grants only for Israel which shall be disbursed within 30 days of enactment of this Act.” Once disbursed, Israel’s military aid is transferred to an interest bearing account with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank."
The report also shows the % that must be spent on US weaponry. The report is a PDF and the link is
Thank You, Clif. Exactly what i was looking for. Have a Great day. ~ jeff
This is nothing new. The U.S. was built on ethnic cleansing, genocide and apartheid. Just ask any of the few remaining indigenous Americans.
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9
We will never learn - and that failure will spell our doom.
The Spanish, Portuguese, French, and British Empires were all also built on ethnic cleansing, genocide, and varying forms of apartheid.
That seems to be how White, Western, theoretically "Christian" Nations go about the business of becoming Empires. But it is also typical of what any and every Empire that has ever existed ~ White, Black, Brown, Yellow, or Red ~ has ever come into existence, survived, and thrived. Until another Empire or Empire-Wannabe takes their place.
They say its a religious war. They're right. It is a war against innocent human beings, waged by the Sons and minions of Lucifer.
You are absolutely right, "left-wing" politicians are also manipulated when it comes to supporting Israel and the US Support of Israel. I understand that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) plans to spend several millions of dollars in the upcoming U.S. elections A lot of this money will be used to target progressive lawmakers in supporting Israeli policies
At the risk of beating what some folks consider to be an Old, Dead Horse…:
If the Government of the United States is complicit in the Genocide going on in Palestine, then the Peoples of the United States are equally ~ if not more ~ complicit.
Just like the American Peoples are complicit in the Chaos and Carnage that is happening in Ukraine, and in Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and wherever else the United States is dropping bombs these days. Just like those Peoples were and are complicit in what they let their Government call “The Forever War,” and get away with it.
At some point, the American Peoples will be held accountable for all this. And when that happens, it is going to get ugly.
Jeff, if the American people truly had a say in their government, perhaps they'd be complicit. But the American people have no say. America is not a democracy. It's an oligarchy with features of kleptocracy and kakistocracy.
Those in charge, those sending the bombs and vetoing UN calls for an end to genocide and famine: it's these people who are complicit.
The American people do have a say in their government, but they choose not to exercise it. They don't have to vote for one of the two dominant political parties, there are at least 17 other parties that have qualified to be on the ballot in one or more states. The addiction to the two party system stems from the fear that the party they oppose will win if they choose an alternative party. They are not voting for what they want, they are voting against what they don't want. It is a stupid strategy based on fear that is encouraged by the two major parties in order to keep their dominant position in power.
The American people need only disavow their allegiance to the two party system and become truly independent, then they can elect a government that is responsive to their needs.
At the risk of asking too many questions, Bill: WHY do the American Peoples have no say in their government and what it does?
Has America ever been a "democracy"; whatever that is? Or has it always been an oligarchic, kleptocratic kakistocracy? Or is that a recent development?
But the Real questions are: What can the American Peoples do to change all that? Or is it too late?
Yes i am, Dennis, And, OBTW, so are Your two Doctor Daughters.
And, given the fact that You were gainfully employed for, what was it, close to 40 years in the MICC [Military-Industrial-Contractor Complex], while You may not be complicit in the Wars America is doing today, You were definitely complicit in whatever Wars the US had going on then.
But, OTOH... : Isn't being on a "High" Horse better than being on some Old, Dead Horse?
What years did You work for the MICC, and what Wars was America waging at that time? And what percentage of that contract money came from the Department of Defense versus any other federal Department or Agency?
So that took You from the end of Vietnam, thru Ollie North's Crusades in Latin America, thru the "liberation of Kuwait," thru the destruction of Yugoslavia, and the first 13 years of The Forever War after 9/11.
And what percentage of all the money paying for the Projects You worked on came from the Department of Defense?
So “ISIS” claims to have pulled off the attack outside of Moscow that the US apparently warned Russia about. And Ukraine, of course, denies having anything to do with it.
So the first Questions to ask are: Cui Bono? Who has benefitted from this? And who is going to take advantage of it? And when will the copy-cat event happen, and where? And how soon will Iran get dragged into all this? Or even Israel?
And i can’t help but wonder: How many Americans were happy be able to read about another mass shooting that, for a marked change, didn’t happen here in the United States?
And how many other Americans ~ and Ukrainians ~ were glad to hear that a bunch of Russians got killed, whether in Ukraine, Moscow, or anyplace else?
At the risk of asking too many questions: WHY do the American Peoples have no say in their government and what it does, Bill?
Have they ever had a say? Has America ever been a "democracy"? Or has it always been an oligarchic, kleptocratic kakistocracy? Or is this a recent development?
But the real question is: What ~ if anything ~ do the American Peoples intend to do about that?
I think you already know the answers, Jeff. We have no say due to the corporate capture of government. When money = speech, those with money have say, those without do not.
America, of course, was never a democracy, though it was once a Constitutional republic. The rise of the national security state after World War II ensured the death of accountability to the people.
The American people, as Caitlin Johnstone notes, are perhaps the most heavily propagandized people in the world. Even as we have no say, we're told we have freedom and that the U.S. is the absolute best, the indispensable nation. The combination of propaganda with suppression and oppression (surveillance, police, etc.) is very difficult to overcome, Jeff.
Short of a collapse, only a revolution can chance America, restoring some measure of democracy and accountability. This isn't going to happen under Biden or Trump.
The fascinating thing about history is its unpredictability. While I think the odds are long for revolutionary change, I don't think they are impossible.
The biggest question about any revolutionary change is: What sort of new and different system of government and governance will that change bring?
That depends entirely upon how long Bill or i live, Dennis [military retirees "feeding at the trough for life" that we are].
It certainly changed back in 1776 within the lifetimes of those living then.
And if a Critical Mass of Americans decide and determine that it IS going to change, it can and will change again. Maybe even within Your lifetime. Or at least Your Daughters'.
Yes, you have it wrong, Dennis. Dental care isn't covered. And I pay for Tricare, which includes the usual co-pay and deductibles. I will say that Tricare is far less expensive than purchasing insurance through Obamacare.
Overall, military health care for retirees is a good deal, but it's not free.
Thank You, Bill, for saving me from having to answer Dennis myself.
It will be interesting to see if he responds to Your clarification on "lifetime free medical care for military Retirees,"
i'm curious, Dennis: Did You pay taxes to New Zealand while You spent 40 years living in the US and working for America's Military-Industrial-Contractor Complex? And did You at the same time also pay taxes to the US government while You worked for it?
And yes, Dennis, You are right about medical benefits available to active duty and retired American military personnel. What do active duty and military retirees in New Zealand get by way of health care?
And when specifically did i say that American military retirees deserve medical care because "they saw combat"? Can You cite any specific comments on that?
And finally: What are Your thoughts about giving free, lifetime medical care to people who DID see combat and were physically and/or psychologically maimed for life? Or are they just "feeding at the trough," as well?
Dennis, I doubt you're the only atheist here. And I don't see anyone attacking you as unholy or telling you to believe in God or gods.
But you are telling people not to believe in God(s); you're proselytizing for your own belief that there is no higher being or beings, based upon your knowledge and belief in science and the facts as you understand them.
You, it seems to me, are the most outspoken preacher here. And though you complain about having "to wade through too many long religious posts," your posts are long in their denial and disparagement of religion.
Dennis, I'm not aware of any philosophical arguments I've had for "God." But I do write about religious subjects occasionally.
Writing about religious subjects is not the same as proselytizing. As I said, I'm personally agnostic. History shows us that humanity has believed in hundreds if not thousands of gods. I pass no judgment on which (if any) god or gods is or are "true."
Read the novel "American Gods." I'd think you'd really enjoy it. Neil Gaiman is the author.
I'm not sure what is polite about the charge of spouting "religious nonsense." I do occasionally choose to write about religion, which is what I did my master's and D.Phil. on, specifically relations between religion and science in the 19th century.
Choosing to write on "religious" subjects shouldn't lead to charges of "nonsense," at least in my view. Ideas about compassion, from a Christian perspective, strike me as an interesting subject worth pursuing.
With respect to Ray, yes, he does quote Scripture in support of his views. I'm not sure why you must always attack him for this. You could either ignore it or simply say that Scripture is a matter of faith without evidentiary value.
On several occasions, you've stated that religion is bunk, often quoting Hitchens in support. I have no objection to that. You've said you've seen no evidence of god or gods, and that's fine with me. But that certainly suggests to me that you're taking that position to persuade others that you're right and that someone like Ray is wrong. I don't see this as putting words in your mouth. Your position seems quite clear to me: there is no god, and religion is anathema, a curse on humanity. Again, I get it. I'm not sure why you feel you must repeat this so often, and then claim you're being attacked personally.
I'm don't think I've attacked you personally, but if I have, I apologize.
So long, Dennis. Enjoy life down under!
Well, maybe not hell. Purgatory? :-)
When You go to Hell, Dennis, don't bother looking for Hitch. Because he ain't there.
There is altogether too much evil driven by Religion imho I for one will no longer have any of it. It doesn't exist outside of Religion..!
What "doesn't exist outside of Religion," Fireman1110? Evil?
Not that Wars, or Evil doesn't exist outside of Religion, but to me anyway Wars over religion I believe never End, and so in the end I believe that will ultimately be the ruination of us all... Civilization, all of this so called progress-- nuclear annihilation...!
Better yet, why don't they follow the teachings of their imaginary gods?
Like Christians following the teachings of Christ? Like Muslims following the teachings of Mohamed? Like Jews following the teachings of the Torah?
They say they believe, but they don't obey. A bunch of damned hypocrites - all of them.
They all should especially the War Criminals like the Nuremberg Trials dance and swing by their necks at the end of a Rope! I have no sympathy for Hamas brutal slaughter of civi's. they think they have 100 Virgins waiting in heaven for them so why not. As well as I condemn the Israeli revenge killings of 30, 000 plus Palestinian civi's. as well... Two wrongs don't make a right. Only strength and power are respected nowadays. Fairness, empathy, compassion, tolerance forget about it signs of weakness. One thing is certain there is no merciful god and as Dylan sang "The Times they are a changin"
Mussolini was deposed only after Italy got its ass kicked in North Africa and Russia, it was being bombed into oblivion by Allied airpower, and the Italian People had no food or fuel.. For details, see: .
What are the chances of something even close to that happening in Israel?
How about "Slim to None"?
Claims "without evidence" -- yes. Scripture is based on faith, though believers do claim they have evidentiary support, which is always open to challenge.
"Unreasonable" and "irrational": those are pejoratives. Judgmental. What you see as unreasonable and irrational may be seen quite differently by others. You are basically claiming you are the rational and reasonable one here; not only that, but you are the judge of who is irrational and who is unreasonable.
"You and your ilk" is pejorative. And I don't see anyone at this site demanding "that criticism of religion be off-limits." In fact, articles at this site, and readers here, often criticize religion, especially organized Christianity. Indeed, Ray himself criticizes the hyprocrisy exhibited by many Christians.
If you say so, Dennis.
I think I have dealt with the "nonsense" as best I can. My basic position is agnostic. That said, religion still fascinates me--and not just Catholicism.
So Bill's "challenge" is "dealing with all that nonsense engrained in him as a young lad at Catholic school, and Church," is it?
What's Your challenge?
Where is your evidence? Do you know every theist?